.. -*- Mode: rst -*- .. role:: raw-html(raw) :format: html .. URLs that changes between the various backends. .. For HTML backend .. Stand-alone images. .. |RDS_VW| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/RDS_VW.png" alt="RDS Variable Width Rule"></center>` .. |RDS_LCW| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/RDS_LCW.png" alt="RDS Left Constant Width Rule"></center>` .. |SegmentOrientation| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/SegmentOrientation.png" alt="Symbolic Segment Orientations"></center>` .. |BIGVIA_1| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/bigvia-1.png" alt="BIGVIA holes"></center>` .. |BIGVIA_2| replace:: :raw-html:`<center><img src="./images/bigvia-2.png" alt="BIGVIA holes overlap"></center>` .. Direct LaTeX commands encapsulation. .. |dotfill| replace:: :raw-html:` ` .. |noindent| replace:: :raw-html:`<p class="empty"></p>` .. |medskip| replace:: :raw-html:`<br>` .. |newpage| replace:: :raw-html:`<br>`