.TH "GCellDensitySet" 3 "Sun Nov 21 2021" "Version 1.0" "Katabatic - Routing Toolbox" \" -*- nroff -*- .ad l .nh .SH NAME GCellDensitySet \- \fBGCell\fP Set, sorted by density\&. .SH SYNOPSIS .br .PP .SS "Public Member Functions" .in +1c .ti -1c .RI "\fBGCellDensitySet\fP (unsigned int depth)" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fBGCellDensitySet\fP (unsigned int depth, const std::vector< \fBGCell\fP *> &)" .br .ti -1c .RI "\fB~GCellDensitySet\fP ()" .br .ti -1c .RI "bool \fBempty\fP () const" .br .ti -1c .RI "size_t \fBsize\fP () const" .br .ti -1c .RI "const std::set< \fBGCell\fP *, GCell::CompareByKey > & \fBgetGCells\fP () const" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBinsert\fP (\fBGCell\fP *)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBerase\fP (\fBGCell\fP *)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBunqueue\fP (\fBGCell\fP *)" .br .ti -1c .RI "void \fBrequeue\fP ()" .br .in -1c .SH "Detailed Description" .PP \fBGCell\fP Set, sorted by density\&. A small container helper to manage a set of \fBGCell\fP sorted by density on a specific layer \fCdepth\fP\&. .PP The helper is implemented in term of a set\&. Once inserted in a set an element must not have is sorting key changed\&. But \fBGCell\fP density may change due to \fBAutoSegment\fP modifications during the lifetime of the set\&. To circumvent this problem, the \fBGCell\fP provide a key attribute to be used specifically with \fBGCellDensitySet\fP\&. This key act as a cached copy of the \fBGCell\fP density which is updated \fIonly\fP by a call to \fBGCell::updateKey()\fP (and \fInot\fP \fBGCell::updateDensity()\fP)\&. \fBGCell\fP which density have changed and key has to be updated must be signaled to set with the GCellDensityQueue::unqueue() method\&. When we want to update the sorting of the set on the new densities, we call \fBGCellDensitySet::requeue()\fP which, for each invalidated \fBGCell\fP do: .IP "\(bu" 2 Remove the \fBGCell\fP from the set\&. .IP "\(bu" 2 Update the key (call \fBGCell::updateKey()\fP)\&. .IP "\(bu" 2 Reinsert the \fBGCell\fP in the set (thus with the updated key)\&. .PP .PP Typical usage: .PP .nf GCellDensitySet gcells ( 2, *(getGCellGrid()->getGCellVector()) ); while ( true ) { bool optimized = false; std::set<GCell*,GCell::CompareByKey>::const_iterator igcell = gcells\&.getGCells()\&.begin(); for ( ; igcell != gcells\&.getGCells()\&.end() ; ++igcell ) { if ( doSomeOptimization(*igcell) ) { optimized = true; gcells\&.unqueue( *igcell ); } } if (not optimized) break; gcells\&.requeue(); } .fi .PP .SH "Constructor & Destructor Documentation" .PP .SS "\fBGCellDensitySet\fP (unsigned int depth)" Create a new empty \fBGCellDensitySet\fP, sorting on density of layer \fCdepth\fP\&. .SS "\fBGCellDensitySet\fP (unsigned int depth, const std::vector< \fBGCell\fP *> & gcells)" Create a new empty \fBGCellDensitySet\fP, sorting on density of layer \fCdepth\fP\&. Load the queue with the GCells supplied in the \fCgcells\fP vector\&. .PP References GCellDensitySet::requeue()\&. .SS "~\fBGCellDensitySet\fP ()" Delete a \fBGCellDensitySet\fP, if the queue is not empty, issue a warning\&. .SH "Member Function Documentation" .PP .SS "bool empty () const\fC [inline]\fP" \fBReturns:\fP \fBtrue\fP if the queue is empty\&. .SS "size_t size () const\fC [inline]\fP" \fBReturns:\fP the numbers of elements in the queue\&. .SS "const std::set< \fBGCell\fP *, GCell::CompareByKey > & getGCells () const\fC [inline]\fP" \fBReturns:\fP the list of GCells currently in the queue\&. .SS "size_t insert (\fBGCell\fP * gcell)\fC [inline]\fP" Insert \fCgcell\fP into the set\&. .SS "size_t erase (\fBGCell\fP * gcell)\fC [inline]\fP" Remove \fCgcell\fP from the set\&. .SS "void unqueue (\fBGCell\fP * gcell)\fC [inline]\fP" Invalidate \fCgcell\fP\&. The density of \fCgcell\fP may have changed and needs to be reinserted into the queue\&. It is temporarily set asides until the next call to \fBGCellDensitySet::requeue()\fP\&. .SS "void requeue ()" Reinsert in the queue all the GCells that have been previously invalidated by a call to \fBGCellDensitySet::unqueue()\fP\&. This function calls \fBGCell::updateKey()\fP before reinserting the \fBGCell\fP\&. .PP Referenced by GCellDensitySet::GCellDensitySet()\&. .SH "Author" .PP Generated automatically by Doxygen for Katabatic - Routing Toolbox from the source code\&.