venv = source .venv/bin/activate localpath = export PATH=${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}; NIGHTLY_DIR = ifneq ($(findstring nightly,$(shell pwd)),) NIGHTLY_DIR = /nightly endif SMP_FLAGS = ifneq ($(shell which nproc 2> /dev/null),) SMP_FLAGS = -j$(shell nproc) endif SRC_DIR = ${HOME}$(NIGHTLY_DIR)/coriolis-2.x/src CORIOLIS_SRC = ${SRC_DIR}/coriolis ALLIANCE_SRC = ${SRC_DIR}/alliance/alliance/src BUILDTYPE = release BUILDDIR = ${HOME}$(NIGHTLY_DIR)/coriolis-2.x/$(BUILDTYPE)/build PREFIX = ${HOME}$(NIGHTLY_DIR)/coriolis-2.x/$(BUILDTYPE)/install help: @echo "============================================================================"; \ echo "Coriolis build & install top Makefile"; \ echo ""; \ echo "This Makefile is intended *only* for LIP6 users"; \ echo ""; \ echo "To build it, simply type (in coriolis/, at the shell prompt):"; \ echo " ego@home:coriolis> make install"; \ echo "To remove the build directory (and keep the software installed):"; \ echo " ego@home:coriolis> make clean_build"; \ echo "To fully remove build & install:"; \ echo " ego@home:coriolis> make uninstall"; \ echo "============================================================================"; \ echo "SMP_FLAGS = $(SMP_FLAGS)" ; \ echo "CORIOLIS_SRC = $(CORIOLIS_SRC)" ; \ echo "BUILDDIR = $(BUILDDIR)" ; \ echo "PREFIX = $(PREFIX)" ; \ echo "============================================================================"; check_dir: @if [ "`pwd`" != "${CORIOLIS_SRC}" ]; then \ echo "Coriolis uses a fixed directory from the user's root."; \ echo "You must put in:"; \ echo " <${CORIOLIS_SRC}>"; \ echo "Instead of:"; \ echo " <`pwd`>"; \ echo "Stopping build."; \ exit 1; \ fi $(HOME)/.local/bin/pdm: @pip install pdm $(CORIOLIS_SRC)/.pdm-plugins/bin/pdm: $(HOME)/.local/bin/pdm @$(localpath) pdm install --no-self -d --plugins install: check_dir $(CORIOLIS_SRC)/.pdm-plugins/bin/pdm @$(localpath) pdm run meson setup ${BUILDDIR} --prefix=$(PREFIX) -Dpython.install_env=prefix @$(localpath) pdm run ninja -C $(BUILDDIR) install @echo ""; \ echo "============================================================================"; \ echo "Coriolis has been successfully built"; \ echo "============================================================================"; \ echo "It has been installed under the directory:"; \ echo " $(PREFIX)/{bin,lib,lib64,include,share,...}"; \ echo "============================================================================"; install_alliance: export ALLIANCE_TOP=$(PREFIX); \ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(PREFIX)/lib:$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH); \ cd $(ALLIANCE_SRC); \ sed -i 's,dirs="\\$$newdirs documentation",dirs="$$newdirs",' ./autostuff; \ ./autostuff clean; \ ./autostuff; \ mkdir -p $(BUILDDIR); \ cd $(BUILDDIR); \ $(ALLIANCE_SRC)/configure --prefix=$(PREFIX) --enable-alc-shared; \ make -j1 install clean_build: check_dir @echo "Removing the build tree only."; \ echo " $(BUILDDIR)"; \ rm -rf $(BUILDDIR) clean_pdm: @echo "Removing all pip, pdm & venv installed files." rm -rf ${HOME}/.local rm -rf ${CORIOLIS_SRC}/.venv rm -f ${CORIOLIS_SRC}/.pdm_python rm -rf ${CORIOLIS_SRC}/.pdm_plugins uninstall: check_dir @echo "Removing the whole build & install tree..."; \ @$(localpath) pdm run ninja -C $(BUILDDIR) uninstall