// -*- C++ -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) UPMC 2015-2018, All Rights Reserved // // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | C O R I O L I S | // | B o r a - A n a l o g S l i c i n g T r e e | // | | // | Authors : Eric LAO | // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./Pareto.cpp" | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #include <cstdio> #include <iostream> #include "bora/Pareto.h" namespace Bora { using namespace std; Pareto::Pareto () : _capacity(0) , _size (0) , _xs (NULL) , _ys (NULL) { } Pareto::~Pareto () { clear(); } void Pareto::_resize ( int capacity ) { if (capacity <= _capacity) return; int newcapacity = (_capacity) ? _capacity*2 : 4; while ( newcapacity < capacity ) newcapacity <<= 1; double* xs = new double [newcapacity]; double* ys = new double [newcapacity]; for ( int i=0 ; i<_capacity ; ++i ) { xs[i] = _xs[i]; ys[i] = _ys[i]; } delete [] _xs; delete [] _ys; _capacity = newcapacity; _xs = xs; _ys = ys; } void Pareto::_insert ( int index, double x, double y ) { if (_size == _capacity) _resize( _capacity+1 ); if (index < _size) { for ( int i=_size ; i>index ; --i ) { _xs[i] = _xs[i-1]; _ys[i] = _ys[i-1]; } } _xs[index] = x; _ys[index] = y; _size++; } void Pareto::_remove ( int index ) { if (index >= _size) return; for ( int i=index ; i<_size-1 ; ++i ) { _xs[i] = _xs[i+1]; _ys[i] = _ys[i+1]; } --_size; } void Pareto::_restoreMonotonic () { for ( int i=0 ; i<_size-1 ; ) { if (_ys[i] >= _ys[i+1]) { ++i; continue; } _remove( i+1 ); } } void Pareto::mergePoint ( double x, double y ) { //cerr << "Merge: [" << x << " " << y << "] " << _size << endl; if (_size == 0) { _insert( 0, x, y ); return; } if (x < _xs[0]) { _insert( 0, x, y ); //cerr << " insert at 0" << endl; } else { int i = 1; for ( ; i<_size ; ++i ) { if ( (x == _xs[i-1]) and (y < _ys[i-1]) ) { _ys[i-1] = y; break; } if ( (x == _xs[i ]) and (y < _ys[i ]) ) { _ys[i ] = y; break; } //cerr << " check between x[" << i-1 << "]: " << _xs[i-1] // << " and x[" << i << "]: " << _xs[i] << endl; if (x < _xs[i]) { // double ypareto = _ys[i-1]; // ypareto += (_ys[i]-_ys[i-1]) / ((double)_xs[i] - (double)_xs[i-1]) * (x - _xs[i-1]); // if (y < ypareto) // _insert( i, x, y ); _insert( i, x, y ); break; } } if (i == _size) { //cerr << " insert at " << _size << " (end)" << endl; _insert( _size, x, y ); } } _restoreMonotonic(); } void Pareto::dump () { for ( int i=0 ; i<_size ; ++i ) { cerr << " point[" << i << "]: [" << _xs[i] << " " << _ys[i] << "]" << endl; } } void Pareto::clear () { if (_xs) delete [] _xs; if (_ys) delete [] _ys; _capacity = 0; _size = 0; } } // Bora namespace.