.. -*- Mode: rst -*- .. URLs that changes between the various backends. .. _Stratus Documentation: file:///usr/share/doc/coriolis2/en/html/stratus/index.html .. .. |ChipStructure-1| image:: ./images/chip-structure-1.png .. :alt: Chip Top Structure .. :align: middle .. :width: 90% .. _Python Interface to Coriolis: |newpage| Python Interface for |Hurricane| / |Coriolis| ============================================= The (almost) complete interface of |Hurricane| is exported as a |Python| module and some part of the other components of |Coriolis| (each one in a separate module). The interface has been made to mirror as closely as possible the C++ one, so the C++ doxygen documentation could be used to write code with either languages. `Summary of the C++ Documentation <file:../../../index.html>`_ A script could be run directly in text mode from the command line or through the graphical interface (see `Python Scripts in Cgt`). Aside for this requirement, the python script can contain anything valid in |Python|, so don't hesitate to use any package or extention. Small example of Python/Stratus script: .. code-block:: python from Hurricane import * from Stratus import * def doSomething (): # ... return def scriptMain ( **kw ): editor = None if kw.has_key('editor') and kw['editor']: editor = kw['editor'] stratus.setEditor( editor ) doSomething() return if __name__ == "__main__" : kw = {} success = scriptMain( **kw ) shellSuccess = 0 if not success: shellSuccess = 1 sys.exit( shellSuccess ) scriptMain () This typical script can be executed in two ways: #. Run directly as a |Python| script, thanks to the .. code-block:: python if __name__ == "__main__" : part (this is standart |Python|). It is a simple adapter that will calls :cb:`scriptMain()`. #. Through |cgt|, either in text or graphical mode. In that case, the :cb:`scriptMain()` is directly called trough a sub-interpreter. The arguments of the script are passed through the ``**kw`` dictionnary. +----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | \*\*kw Dictionnary | +----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | Parameter Key/Name | Contents type | +======================+===============================================+ | ``'cell'`` | A Hurricane cell on which to work. Depending | | | on the context, it may be ``None``. | | | For example, when run from |cgt|, it the cell | | | currently loaded in the viewer, if any. | +----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ``'editor'`` | The viewer from which the script is run, when | | | lauched through |cgt|. | +----------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ Plugins ^^^^^^^ Plugins are |Python| scripts specially crafted to integrate with |cgt|. Their entry point is a :cb:`scriptMain()` method as described in `Python Interface to Coriolis`_. They can be called by user scripts through this method. Chip Placement -------------- Automatically perform the placement of a complete chip. This plugin, as well as the other P&R tools expect a specific top-level hierarchy for the design. The top-level hierarchy must contains the instances of all the I/O pads and **exactly one** instance named ``corona`` of an eponym cell ``corona``. The ``corona`` cell in turn containing the instance of the chip's core model. The intermediate ``corona`` hierarchical level has been introduced to handle the possible discoupling between real I/O pads supplied by a foundry and a symbolic core. So the *chip* level contains only real layout and the corona and below only symbolic layer. .. note:: This do not prevent having a design either fully symbolic (pads and core) or fully real. .. note:: The ``corona`` also avoid the router to actually have to manage directly the pads which simplificate it's configuration and accessorily avoid to have the pads stuffed with blockages. |bcenter| |ChipStructure-1| |ecenter| The designer must provide a configuration file that defines the rules for the placement of the top-level hierarchy (that is, the pads and the core). This file must be named after the chip's name, by appending ``_ioring.py`` (obviously, it is a |Python| file). For instance if the chip netlist file is called ``amd2901.vst``, then the configuration file must be named ``amd2901_ioring.vst``. Example of chip placement configuration file (for ``AM2901``): .. code-block:: python from helpers import l, u, n chip = \ { 'pads.ioPadGauge' : 'pxlib' , 'pads.south' : [ 'p_a3' , 'p_a2' , 'p_a1' , 'p_r0' , 'p_vddick0', 'p_vssick0', 'p_a0' , 'p_i6' , 'p_i8' , 'p_i7' , 'p_r3' ] , 'pads.east' : [ 'p_zero' , 'p_i0' , 'p_i1' , 'p_i2' , 'p_vddeck0', 'p_vsseck0', 'p_q3' , 'p_b0' , 'p_b1' , 'p_b2' , 'p_b3' ] , 'pads.north' : [ 'p_noe' , 'p_y3' , 'p_y2' , 'p_y1' , 'p_y0' , 'p_vddeck1', 'p_vsseck1', 'p_np' , 'p_ovr' , 'p_cout' , 'p_ng' ] , 'pads.west' : [ 'p_cin' , 'p_i4' , 'p_i5' , 'p_i3' , 'p_ck' , 'p_d0' , 'p_d1' , 'p_d2' , 'p_d3' , 'p_q0' , 'p_f3' ] , 'core.size' : ( l(1500), l(1500) ) , 'chip.size' : ( l(3000), l(3000) ) , 'chip.clockTree' : True } The file must contain *one dictionnary* named ``chip``. +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | Chip Dictionnary | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | Parameter Key/Name | Value/Contents type | +======================+=======================================================+ | ``'pad.ioPadGauge'`` | The routing gauge to use for the pad. Must be given | | | as it differs from the one used to route standard | | | inside the core | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | ``'pad.south'`` | Ordered list (left to right) of pad instances names | | | to put on the south side of the chip | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | ``'pad.east'`` | Ordered list (down to up) of pad instances names | | | to put on the east side of the chip | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | ``'pad.north'`` | Ordered list (left to right) of pad instances names | | | to put on the north side of the chip | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | ``'pad.west'`` | Ordered list (down to up) of pad instances names | | | to put on the west side of the chip | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | ``'core.size'`` | The size of the core (to be used by the placer) | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | ``'chip.size'`` | The size of the whole chip. The sides must be great | | | enough to accomodate all the pads | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ | ``'chip.clockTree'`` | Whether to generate a clock tree or not. This calls | | | the ClockTree plugin | +----------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+ Configuration parameters, defaults are defined in ``etc/coriolis2/<STECHNO>/plugins.conf``. +-----------------------------------+------------------+----------------------------+ | Parameter Identifier | Type | Default | +===================================+==================+============================+ | **Chip Plugin Parameters** | +-----------------------------------+------------------+----------------------------+ |``chip.block.rails.count`` | TypeInt | :cb:`5` | | +------------------+----------------------------+ | | The minimum number of rails around the core | | | block. Must be odd and suppérior to 5. | | | One rail for the clock and at least two pairs | | | of power/grounds | +-----------------------------------+------------------+----------------------------+ |``chip.block.rails.hWidth`` | TypeInt | :cb:`12` |lambda| | | +------------------+----------------------------+ | | The horizontal with of the rails | +-----------------------------------+------------------+----------------------------+ |``chip.block.rails.vWidth`` | TypeInt | :cb:`12` |lambda| | | +------------------+----------------------------+ | | The vertical with of the rails | +-----------------------------------+------------------+----------------------------+ |``chip.block.rails.hSpacing`` | TypeInt | :cb:`6` |lambda| | | +------------------+----------------------------+ | | The spacing, *edge to edge* of two adjacent | | | horizontal rails | +-----------------------------------+------------------+----------------------------+ |``chip.block.rails.vSpacing`` | TypeInt | :cb:`6` |lambda| | | +------------------+----------------------------+ | | The spacing, *edge to edge* of two adjacent | | | vertical rails | +-----------------------------------+------------------+----------------------------+ .. note:: If no clock tree is generated, then the clock rail is *not* created. So even if the requested number of rails ``chip.block.rails.count`` is, say 5, only four rails (2* ``power``, 2* ``ground``) will be generateds. Clock Tree ---------- Inserts a clock tree into a block. The clock tree uses the H strategy. The clock net is splitted into sub-nets, one for each branch of the tree. * On **chip** design, the sub-nets are created in the model of the core block (then trans-hierarchically flattened to be shown at chip level). * On **blocks**, the sub nets are created directly in the top block. * The sub-nets are named according to a simple geometrical scheme. A common prefix ``ck_htree``, then one postfix by level telling on which quarter of plane the sub-clock is located: #. ``_bl``: bottom left plane quarter. #. ``_br``: bottom right plane quarter. #. ``_tl``: top left plane quarter. #. ``_tr``: top right plane quarter. We can have ``ck_htree_bl``, ``ck_htree_bl_bl``, ``ch_htree_bl_tl`` and so on. The clock tree plugin works in four steps: #. Builds the clock tree: creates the top-block abutment box, compute the required levels of H tree and places the clock buffers. #. Once the clock buffers are placed, calls the placer (|etesian|) to place the ordinary standard cells, whithout disturbing clock H-tree buffers. #. At this point we know the exact positions of all the DFFs, so we can connect them to the nearest H-tree leaf clock signal. #. Leaf clock signals that are not connected to any DFFs are removed. Netlist reorganisation: * Obviously the top block or chip core model netlist is modified to contain all the clock sub-nets. The interface is *not* changed. * If the top block contains instances of other models *and* those models contain DFFs that get re-connected to the clock sub-nets (from the top level). Changes both the model netlist and interface to propagate the relevant clock sub-nets to the instanciated model. The new model with the added clock signal is renamed with a ``_cts`` suffix. For example, the sub-block model ``ram.vst`` will become ``ram_cts.vst``. .. note:: If you are to re-run the clock tree plugin on a netlist, be careful to erase any previously generated ``_cts`` file (both netlist and layout: ``rm *_cts.{ap,vst}``). And restart |cgt| to clear its memory cache. Configuration parameters, defaults are defined in ``etc/coriolis2/<STECHNO>/plugins.conf``. +-----------------------------------+------------------+----------------------------+ | Parameter Identifier | Type | Default | +===================================+==================+============================+ | **ClockTree Plugin Parameters** | +-----------------------------------+------------------+----------------------------+ |``clockTree.minimumSide`` | TypeInt | :cb:`300` |lambda| | | +------------------+----------------------------+ | | The minimum size below which the clock tree | | | will stop to perform quadri-partitions | +-----------------------------------+------------------+----------------------------+ |``clockTree.buffer`` | TypeString | :cb:`buf_x2` | | +------------------+----------------------------+ | | The buffer model to use to drive sub-nets | +-----------------------------------+------------------+----------------------------+ Recursive-Save (RSave) ---------------------- Performs a recursive top down save of all the models from the top cell loaded in |cgt|. Forces a write of any non-terminal model. This plugin is used by the clock tree plugin after the netlist clock sub-nets creation. A Simple Example: AM2901 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To illustrate the capabilities of |Coriolis| tools and |Python| scripting, a small example, derived from the |Alliance| :cb:`AM2901` is supplied. This example contains only the synthetized netlists and the :cb:`doChip.py` script which perform the whole P&R of the design. You can generate the chip using one of the following method: #. **Command line mode:** directly run the script: .. code-block:: sh dummy@lepka:AM2901> ./doChip -V --cell=amd2901 #. **Graphic mode:** launch |cgt|, load chip netlist ``amd2901`` (the top cell) then run the |Python| script :cb:`doChip.py`. .. note:: Between two consecutive run, be sure to erase the netlist/layout generateds: .. code-block:: sh dummy@lepka:AM2901> rm *_cts*.vst *.ap