# # Setup CMake policies. # macro(set_cmake_policies) if(COMMAND CMAKE_POLICY) cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0005 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0079 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0022 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0060 NEW) cmake_policy(SET CMP0095 NEW) #if(NOT (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.8.0)) # cmake_policy(SET CMP0014 OLD) #endif() #if(NOT (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.8.12)) # cmake_policy(SET CMP0022 OLD) #endif() endif(COMMAND CMAKE_POLICY) endmacro(set_cmake_policies) # # Check for the Distribution: RedHat/Scientific/Ubuntu/OSX. # Currently OSX is assimilated to RedHat. # macro(check_distribution) if(NOT APPLE) execute_process(COMMAND "lsb_release" "-d" OUTPUT_VARIABLE LSB_RELEASE) if(LSB_RELEASE MATCHES "[Uu]buntu|[Dd]ebian") set(DISTRIBUTION "Debian" CACHE STRING "Distribution Type/Vendor" FORCE) add_definitions(-DDEBIAN) endif(LSB_RELEASE MATCHES "[Uu]buntu|[Dd]ebian") if(LSB_RELEASE MATCHES "Scientific|RedHat") set(DISTRIBUTION "RedHat" CACHE STRING "Distribution Type/Vendor" FORCE) add_definitions(-DREDHAT) endif(LSB_RELEASE MATCHES "Scientific|RedHat") else(NOT APPLE) set(DISTRIBUTION "RedHat" CACHE STRING "Distribution Type/Vendor" FORCE) add_definitions(-DREDHAT) endif(NOT APPLE) message("-- Distribution is ${DISTRIBUTION}") endmacro(check_distribution) # # Get the svn revision version and configure a svn.h.in file based on this version # The include directory name is passed as argument # macro(SETUP_SVNH includedir) find_package(Subversion REQUIRED) Subversion_WC_INFO(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} SVNREV) set(SUBVERSION_REVISION ${SVNREV_WC_REVISION}) configure_file(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/svn.h.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${includedir}/svn.h) endmacro(SETUP_SVNH) # # Specific Apple OSX setup # # This is no more needed since QT 4.6 is available for Mac OSX 10.6 # macro(setup_apple) # if(APPLE) # execute_process( # COMMAND sw_vers -productVersion # OUTPUT_VARIABLE OSX_VERSION # OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) # message(STATUS "OSX_VERSION='${OSX_VERSION}'") # if(${OSX_VERSION} MATCHES "^10\\.[012345]\\.?") # message(STATUS "OSX < 10.6") # else(${OSX_VERSION} MATCHES "^10\\.[012345]\\.?") # set(CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES "i386;ppc") # for QT4.5 32bits on snow leopard # endif(${OSX_VERSION} MATCHES "^10\\.[012345]\\.?") # endif(APPLE) # endmacro(setup_apple) # # Adds -Wall to the C/C++ flags. # set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS "ON") #set(DEBUG_FLAGS "-g -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_PEDANTIC") set(DEBUG_FLAGS "-g") if(CYGWIN) set(ADDTIONAL_FLAGS "-D_GLIBCXX_USE_C99") set(CXX_STANDARD "gnu++11") else() set(ADDTIONAL_FLAGS "") set(CXX_STANDARD "c++11") endif() #set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG " -Wall -fsanitize=address ${ADDTIONAL_FLAGS} ${DEBUG_FLAGS}" CACHE STRING "C Compiler Debug options." FORCE) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG " -Wall ${ADDTIONAL_FLAGS} ${DEBUG_FLAGS}" CACHE STRING "C Compiler Debug options." FORCE) set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE " -Wall -O2 ${ADDTIONAL_FLAGS} -DNDEBUG" CACHE STRING "C Compiler Release options." FORCE) #set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE " -Wall -fsanitize=address ${ADDTIONAL_FLAGS} -DNDEBUG" CACHE STRING "C Compiler Release options." FORCE) #set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-std=${CXX_STANDARD} -Wall -fsanitize=address ${ADDTIONAL_FLAGS} ${DEBUG_FLAGS}" CACHE STRING "C++ Compiler Debug options." FORCE) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "-std=${CXX_STANDARD} -Wall ${ADDTIONAL_FLAGS} ${DEBUG_FLAGS}" CACHE STRING "C++ Compiler Debug options." FORCE) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "-std=${CXX_STANDARD} -Wall -O2 ${ADDTIONAL_FLAGS} -DNDEBUG" CACHE STRING "C++ Compiler Release options." FORCE) #set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "-std=${CXX_STANDARD} -Wall -fsanitize=address ${ADDTIONAL_FLAGS} -DNDEBUG" CACHE STRING "C++ Compiler Release options." FORCE) # # Adds to the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH directories guesseds from project # environment variables _USER_TOP and _TOP. # macro(setup_project_paths project) if( NOT("$ENV{${project}_TOP}" STREQUAL "") ) message("-- ${project}_TOP is set to $ENV{${project}_TOP}") set(PROJECT_MODULE_PATH "${DESTDIR}$ENV{${project}_TOP}/share/cmake/Modules/") list(INSERT CMAKE_MODULE_PATH 0 "${PROJECT_MODULE_PATH}") endif( NOT("$ENV{${project}_TOP}" STREQUAL "") ) if( NOT("$ENV{${project}_USER_TOP}" STREQUAL "") ) message("-- ${project}_USER_TOP is set to $ENV{${project}_USER_TOP}") set(PROJECT_MODULE_PATH "${DESTDIR}$ENV{${project}_USER_TOP}/share/cmake/Modules/") list(INSERT CMAKE_MODULE_PATH 0 "${PROJECT_MODULE_PATH}") endif( NOT("$ENV{${project}_USER_TOP}" STREQUAL "") ) list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES CMAKE_MODULE_PATH) endmacro(setup_project_paths project) # # Displays the contents of CMAKE_MODULE_PATH. # macro(print_cmake_module_path) message("-- Components of CMAKE_MODULE_PATH:") foreach(PATH ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}) message("-- ${PATH}") endforeach(PATH) endmacro(print_cmake_module_path) # # Build _INCLUDE_DIR & _LIBRARIES and sets up _FOUND # Usage: set_library_path( ) # # May be used any number of time on the same to create a list of # . # macro(set_libraries_path configname library) set(${configname}_FOUND "NOTFOUND") if(${library}_LIBRARY_PATH) set(${configname}_FOUND "YES") set(${configname}_INCLUDE_DIR ${${library}_INCLUDE_PATH}) set(${configname}_LIBRARIES ${${library}_LIBRARY_PATH} ${${configname}_LIBRARIES}) mark_as_advanced(${configname}_INCLUDE_DIR ${configname}_LIBRARIES) endif(${library}_LIBRARY_PATH) if(NOT ${library}_INCLUDE_PATH) set(${configname}_FOUND "NOTFOUND") endif() endmacro() # # Checks if a set of libraries has been found, could be blocking or not. # Usage: hurricane_check_libraries( ) # # If is ommitted, it is guessed from _FIND_REQUIRED. # macro(hurricane_check_libraries) if(ARGC LESS 2) set(REQUIRED ${ARGV0}_FIND_REQUIRED) else(ARGC LESS 2) set(REQUIRED ${ARGV1}) endif(ARGC LESS 2) if(${ARGV0}_FOUND) if(NOT ${ARGV0}_FIND_QUIETLY) if(${ARGV0}_FOUND) message(STATUS "Found ${ARGV0}:") foreach(library ${${ARGV0}_LIBRARIES}) message(STATUS " ${library}") endforeach(library) endif(${ARGV0}_FOUND) endif(NOT ${ARGV0}_FIND_QUIETLY) else(${ARGV0}_FOUND) if(REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "${ARGV0} was not found. ${${ARGV0}_DIR_MESSAGE}") endif(REQUIRED) endif(${ARGV0}_FOUND) endmacro(hurricane_check_libraries) macro(setup_boost) #set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON) #message(STATUS "Always uses Boost static libraries.") if(ARGC LESS 1) find_package(Boost 1.35.0 REQUIRED) else(ARGC LESS 1) foreach(component ${ARGV}) if(${component} STREQUAL "python") set(components ${components} ${component}39) else() set(components ${components} ${component}) endif() endforeach() find_package(Boost 1.35.0 COMPONENTS ${components} system) if(NOT Boost_FOUND) find_package(Boost 1.35.0 COMPONENTS ${components} REQUIRED) endif(NOT Boost_FOUND) endif(ARGC LESS 1) message(STATUS "Found Boost includes ${Boost_LIB_VERSION} in ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}") message(STATUS "Found Boost libraries ${Boost_LIB_VERSION} in ${Boost_LIBRARY_DIRS}") foreach(LIBRARY ${Boost_LIBRARIES}) message(STATUS " ${LIBRARY}") endforeach(LIBRARY) add_definitions(-DBOOST_FILESYSTEM_VERSION=2) # for boost 1.46 and more we need to specify to use filesystem v2 and not v3 endmacro(setup_boost) # # Find Qt, the union of all the modules we need for the whole project. # macro(setup_qt) if(WITH_QT5) message(STATUS "Attempt to find Qt 5...") # For Qt5 find_package(Qt5Core REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5Gui REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5Widgets REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5Svg REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5PrintSupport REQUIRED) set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set(QtX_INCLUDE_DIRS ${Qt5PrintSupport_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${Qt5Widgets_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${Qt5Svg_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${Qt5Gui_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${Qt5Core_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) set(QtX_LIBRARIES ${Qt5PrintSupport_LIBRARIES} ${Qt5Widgets_LIBRARIES} ${Qt5Gui_LIBRARIES} ${Qt5Core_LIBRARIES} ) #message(STATUS "QtX_INCLUDE_DIRS: ${QtX_INCLUDE_DIRS}") #message(STATUS "QtX_LIBRARIES: ${QtX_LIBRARIES}") else() message(STATUS "Attempt to find Qt 4...") # For Qt4. #set(QT_USE_QTXML "true") set(QT_USE_QTSVG "true") find_package(Qt4 REQUIRED) include(${QT_USE_FILE}) # ${QT_QTSVG_LIBRARY} set(QtX_INCLUDE_DIRS ${QT_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(QtX_LIBRARIES ${QT_LIBRARIES}) endif() endmacro() macro(qtX_wrap_cpp variable) if (WITH_QT5) qt5_wrap_cpp(${variable} ${ARGN}) else() qt4_wrap_cpp(${variable} ${ARGN}) endif() endmacro() macro(qtX_add_resources variable) if (WITH_QT5) qt5_add_resources(${variable} ${ARGN}) else() qt4_add_resources(${variable} ${ARGN}) endif() endmacro() # # Find Qwt, correlated to the Qt version. # macro(setup_qwt) if(WITH_QT5) find_path(QWT_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES qwt.h PATHS /usr/include/qt5 /usr/include PATH_SUFFIXES qwt ) find_library(QWT_LIBRARY NAMES qwt-qt5 qwt PATHS /usr/lib64 /usr/lib ) else() find_path(QWT_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES qwt.h PATHS /usr/include/qwt-qt4 /opt/local/libexec/qt4/include /usr/include/qt4 /usr/include PATH_SUFFIXES qwt ) find_library(QWT_LIBRARY NAMES qwt-qt4 qwt PATHS /opt/local/libexec/qt4/lib /usr/lib64 /usr/lib ) endif() if( QWT_INCLUDE_DIR AND QWT_LIBRARY) set(QWT_FOUND TRUE) endif() if(QWT_FOUND) if(NOT QWT_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS "-- Found Qwt: ${QWT_LIBRARY}") endif() else() if(QWT_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR "-- Could not find Qwt") endif() endif() endmacro() # # Guess the value of SYS_CONF_DIR according to INSTALLDIR. # if INSTALLDIR is either /usr or /opt, we uses the system-wide /etc, # otherwise we install under the tool INSTALLDIR/etc. # macro(setup_sysconfdir INSTALLDIR) message("-- Checking installation directory <${INSTALLDIR}>") string(REGEX MATCH "^/opt/rh/devtoolset-[0-9]+/root" IS_OPT_RH ${INSTALLDIR}) if(IS_OPT_RH) message("-- Using devtoolset-X install tree ${IS_OPT_RH}/etc.") set(SYS_CONF_DIR ${IS_OPT_RH} CACHE STRING "System configuration directory (/etc)" FORCE) else() string(REGEX MATCH "^/usr$" IS_USR ${INSTALLDIR}) string(REGEX MATCH "^/opt$" IS_OPT ${INSTALLDIR}) if(IS_USR OR IS_OPT) message("-- Using system-wide /etc.") set(SYS_CONF_DIR "/etc" CACHE STRING "System configuration directory (/etc)" FORCE) endif() endif() if(NOT IS_OPT_RH AND NOT IS_USR AND NOT IS_OPT) message("-- Using install tree /etc.") set(SYS_CONF_DIR "etc" CACHE STRING "System configuration directory (/etc)" FORCE) endif() endmacro() # # Setup the _SEARCH_PATH. # Where to find includes & libraries. # macro(setup_search_dir project) if( NOT("$ENV{${project}_TOP}" STREQUAL "") ) message("-- ${project}_TOP is set to $ENV{${project}_TOP}") list(INSERT ${project}_DIR_SEARCH 0 "${DESTDIR}$ENV{${project}_TOP}") endif( NOT("$ENV{${project}_TOP}" STREQUAL "") ) if( NOT("$ENV{${project}_USER_TOP}" STREQUAL "") ) message("-- ${project}_USER_TOP is set to $ENV{${project}_USER_TOP}") list(INSERT ${project}_DIR_SEARCH 0 "${DESTDIR}$ENV{${project}_USER_TOP}") endif( NOT("$ENV{${project}_USER_TOP}" STREQUAL "") ) LIST(REMOVE_DUPLICATES ${project}_DIR_SEARCH) message("-- Components of ${project}_DIR_SEARCH:") foreach(PATH ${${project}_DIR_SEARCH}) message("-- ${PATH}") endforeach(PATH) endmacro(setup_search_dir project) # # Setup the _FOUND. # Set to TRUE if both includes & libraries have been found. # macro(set_found project) if(${project}_INCLUDE_DIR AND ${project}_LIBRARY) set(${project}_FOUND TRUE) else(${project}_INCLUDE_DIR AND ${project}_LIBRARY) set(${project}_FOUND FALSE) endif(${project}_INCLUDE_DIR AND ${project}_LIBRARY) endmacro(set_found project) # # Build a Python extention module. # Usage: # * clibSpec: The C/C++ shared part of the Python module. # A four three list CLIB_NAME;version;soversion; # - CLIB_NAME: the name of the C/C++ shared library # - version: the full version number (ex: 1.0). # - soversion: the shared version major (ex: 1). # If the C library must not be generated because it is # already included in another one, set to IGNORE. # * pymodule: The name of the Python module (for "import PYMODULE"). # * deplibs: The list of dependencies. # macro( add_python_module pyCpps pyIncludes argClibSpec pymodule deplibs inc_install_dir ) set( pyDeplibs ${deplibs} ) # Force the argument to be parsed as a list. set( clibSpec ${argClibSpec} ) list( GET clibSpec 0 clib ) message( STATUS ${clib} ) if( NOT (${clib} STREQUAL "Do_not_generate_C_library") ) list( LENGTH clibSpec clibLen ) if( NOT (clibLen EQUAL 3) ) message( FATAL_ERROR "python_module(): clibSpec doesnt't have exactly 3 elements (${clibSpec})." ) endif() list( GET clibSpec 1 version ) list( GET clibSpec 2 soversion ) set( pyDeplibs ${clib} ${deplibs} ) add_library( ${clib} ${pyCpps} ) set_target_properties( ${clib} PROPERTIES VERSION ${version} SOVERSION ${soversion} ) target_link_libraries( ${clib} ${deplibs} ) install( TARGETS ${clib} DESTINATION lib${LIB_SUFFIX} ) endif() set( pytarget "${pymodule}_target" ) add_library( ${pytarget} MODULE ${pyCpps} ) set_target_properties( ${pytarget} PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "${COMPILE_FLAGS} -D__PYTHON_MODULE__=1" PREFIX "" OUTPUT_NAME ${pymodule} ) target_link_libraries( ${pytarget} ${pyDeplibs} ) install( TARGETS ${pytarget} DESTINATION ${Python_CORIOLISARCH} ) if( NOT ("${pyIncludes}" STREQUAL "None") ) install( FILES ${pyIncludes} DESTINATION ${inc_install_dir} ) endif() endmacro( add_python_module ) # # Build a Python extention module (3rd version). # Usage: # * pyCpps: The list of C/C++ module files. # * pyIncludes: The list of C/C++ header files (will be installed in # "inc_install_dir"). # * pymodule: The name of the Python module (for "import PYMODULE"). # * deplibs: The list of dependencies. # * inc_install_dir: The directory into which install the includes. # macro( add_python_module3 pyCpps pyIncludes pymodule deplibs inc_install_dir ) add_library( ${pymodule} MODULE ${pyCpps} ) set_target_properties( ${pymodule} PROPERTIES PREFIX "" ) target_link_libraries( ${pymodule} ${deplibs} ) install( TARGETS ${pymodule} DESTINATION ${Python_CORIOLISARCH} ) if( NOT ("${pyIncludes}" STREQUAL "None") ) install( FILES ${pyIncludes} DESTINATION ${inc_install_dir} ) endif() endmacro( add_python_module3 )