# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from ..Hurricane import Breakpoint, DataBase, UpdateSession, DbU, Box, Net from ..Analog import Device from ..helpers.io import catch from ..helpers import setTraceLevel, trace #setTraceLevel( 100 ) from . import getRules, paramsmatrix from .capacitorunit import CapacitorUnit from .capacitormatrix import CapacitorStack from .capacitorvrtracks import VerticalRoutingTracks from .capacitorrouted import RoutMatchedCapacitor from .capacitorroutedsingle import RouteCapacitorSingle def toMatrixArgs ( matrix ): valid = True rows = matrix.getRows () columns = matrix.getColumns() lol = [] for row in range(rows): lol.append( [] ) for column in range(columns): lol[-1].append( matrix.getValue(row,column) ) return [rows,columns], lol def checkCoherency ( device, bbMode ): message = 'CapacitorMatrix.checkCoherency(): device "%s".\n' % device.getName() techno = DataBase.getDB().getTechnology() rules = getRules() capacities = device.getParameter( 'capacities' ) if capacities is None: message += ' Missing "capacities" parameter on %s' % str(device) return (False, message) pmatrix = device.getParameter( 'matrix' ) if pmatrix is None: message += ' Missing "matrix" parameter on %s' % str(device) return (False, message) valid = True if pmatrix: rows = pmatrix.getRows () columns = pmatrix.getColumns() for row in range(rows): #print ' [', for column in range(columns): capaIndex = pmatrix.getValue(row,column) #print '%2d' % capaIndex, if capaIndex >= capacities.getCount(): valid = False message += ' element [%d,%d] == %d is out of range, must be in [0..%d]\n' \ % (row,column,capaIndex,capacities.getCount()-1) #print ']' if not valid: return (False, message) return (True, "") def addDummyNets ( device ): if not device.hasDummy(): return i = device.getParameter( 'capacities' ).getCount() topName = 't%d'%i botName = 'b%d'%i topNet = device.getNet( topName ) if not topNet: topNet = Net.create( device, topName ) topNet.setExternal( True ) botNet = device.getNet( botName ) if not botNet: botNet = Net.create( device, botName ) botNet.setExternal( True ) return def layout ( device, bbMode ): trace( 100, ',+', '\tMultiCapacitor.layout() called for "%s".\n' % device.getName()) paramsMatrix = paramsmatrix.ParamsMatrix() try: capacities = device.getParameter( 'capacities' ) dummyArg = device.hasDummy() capaValuesArg = [] vTrackNetsArg = [] addDummyNets( device ) for i in range(capacities.getCount()): capaValuesArg.append( capacities.getValue(i)*1000.0 ) vTrackNetsArg.append( [ device.getNet('t%d'%i), device.getNet("b%d"%i) ] ) if dummyArg: i = device.getParameter( 'capacities' ).getCount() vTrackNetsArg.append( [ device.getNet('t%d'%i), device.getNet("b%d"%i) ] ) matrixSizeArg, matchingSchemeArg = toMatrixArgs( device.getParameter('matrix') ) typeArg = 'UnknownType' if device.isPIP(): typeArg = 'PIPCap' if device.isMIM(): typeArg = 'MIMCap' if device.isMOM(): typeArg = 'MOMCap' if len(capaValuesArg) == 1: # One capa, multiple units. capaGenerator = CapacitorStack( device , capaValuesArg # (fF). , typeArg , [0,0] # AB position. , vTrackNetsArg , matrixDim =matrixSizeArg , dummyRing =dummyArg ) capaMatrix = capaGenerator.create() capaSingle = RouteCapacitorSingle( capaGenerator , capaMatrix , topPlateWSpec=[1,0] , bottomPlateWSpec=[0,1] ) capaSingle.route() else: # Two capa, multiple units. Breakpoint.setStopLevel( 200 ) capaGenerator = CapacitorStack( device , capaValuesArg # [ 240, 720 ] # capaValuesArg (fF). , typeArg , [0,0] # AB position. , vTrackNetsArg , matrixDim =matrixSizeArg , matchingMode =True , matchingScheme=matchingSchemeArg , dummyRing =dummyArg ) capaMatrix = capaGenerator.create() capaTracks = VerticalRoutingTracks( capaGenerator, capaMatrix, True ) capaTracks.create() capaRouted = RoutMatchedCapacitor( capaTracks ) capaRouted.route() for pair in vTrackNetsArg: for net in pair: device.setRestrictions( net, Device.NorthBlocked|Device.SouthBlocked ) paramsMatrix.setGlobalCapacitorParams( device.getAbutmentBox() ) trace( 100, '++' ) #paramsMatrix.trace() except Exception as e: catch( e ) trace( 100, '---' ) return paramsMatrix.getMatrix()