// -*- C++ -*-

 namespace Kite {

 /*! \class        TrackMarker
  *  \brief        Tag part of Track with a weight
  *                TrackMarkers are used to assign a cost on a span of Track
  *                telling how strongly a terminal is dependant on that Track
  *                to be accessed. The more Track a terminal crosses, the less
  *                the weight is.
  *                The weight is expressed in hundreth (can also be understood as
  *                percentage) of dependency over the Track. As example, if a
  *                terminal can only be accessed trough one Track is weight on
  *                it will be \c 100.

 //! \function     TrackMarker::create ( RoutingPad* rp, size_t depth );
 //! \param        rp     The RoutingPad to be accessed.
 //! \param        depth  Select the layer depth by which we want to access
 //!                      the RoutingPad.
 //! \return       The newly created TrackMarker.
 //!               This constructor automatically take care of inserting the
 //!               TrackMarker in the relevant Tracks, so it must be called
 //!               during a Session.

 //! \function     Net* TrackMarker::getNet () const;
 //! \sreturn      The net of the RoutingPad.

 //! \function     DbU::Unit  TrackMarker::getSourceU () const;
 //! \sreturn      The span minimum bound.

 //! \function     DbU::Unit  TrackMarker::getTargetU () const;
 //! \sreturn      The span maximum bound.

 //! \function     Track* TrackMarker::getTrack () const;
 //! \sreturn      The Track into which the marker is inserted.

 //! \function     unsigned int  TrackMarker::getWeight ( const Track* ) const;
 //! \sreturn      The associated weight, for now the Track argument is ignored.

 //! \function     void  TrackMarker::setTrack ( Track* track );
 //!               Sets the owning Track.
