// -*- C++ -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) UPMC 2008-2014, All Rights Reserved // // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | C O R I O L I S | // | I s o b a r - Hurricane / Python Interface | // | | // | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT | // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./PyBox.cpp" | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #include "hurricane/isobar/PyPoint.h" #include "hurricane/isobar/PyBox.h" namespace Isobar { using namespace Hurricane; extern "C" { #define METHOD_HEAD(function) GENERIC_METHOD_HEAD(Box,box,function) // +=================================================================+ // | "PyBox" Python Module Code Part | // +=================================================================+ #if defined(__PYTHON_MODULE__) // Standart Accessors (Attributes). DirectGetLongAttribute(PyBox_getXMin ,getXMin ,PyBox,Box) DirectGetLongAttribute(PyBox_getYMin ,getYMin ,PyBox,Box) DirectGetLongAttribute(PyBox_getXMax ,getXMax ,PyBox,Box) DirectGetLongAttribute(PyBox_getYMax ,getYMax ,PyBox,Box) DirectGetLongAttribute(PyBox_getXCenter ,getXCenter ,PyBox,Box) DirectGetLongAttribute(PyBox_getYCenter ,getYCenter ,PyBox,Box) DirectGetLongAttribute(PyBox_getWidth ,getWidth ,PyBox,Box) DirectGetLongAttribute(PyBox_getHalfWidth ,getHalfWidth ,PyBox,Box) DirectGetLongAttribute(PyBox_getHeight ,getHeight ,PyBox,Box) DirectGetLongAttribute(PyBox_getHalfHeight,getHalfHeight,PyBox,Box) // Standart Predicates (Attributes). DirectGetBoolAttribute(PyBox_isEmpty ,isEmpty ,PyBox,Box) DirectGetBoolAttribute(PyBox_isFlat ,isFlat ,PyBox,Box) DirectGetBoolAttribute(PyBox_isPonctual,isPonctual,PyBox,Box) // Standart Destroy (Attribute). DirectDestroyAttribute(PyBox_destroy, PyBox) // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Class Method : "PyBox_NEW ()" static PyObject* PyBox_NEW (PyObject *module, PyObject *args) { trace << "PyBox_NEW()" << endl; Box* box = NULL; PyBox* pyBox = NULL; HTRY PyObject* arg0; PyObject* arg1; PyObject* arg2; PyObject* arg3; __cs.init ("Box.Box"); if (! PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"|O&O&O&O&:Box.Box", Converter, &arg0, Converter, &arg1, Converter, &arg2, Converter, &arg3)) { return NULL; } if (__cs.getObjectIds() == NO_ARG) { box = new Box (); } else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == POINT_ARG ) { box = new Box ( *PYPOINT_O(arg0) ); } else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == BOX_ARG ) { box = new Box ( *PYBOX_O(arg0) ); } else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == POINTS2_ARG ) { box = new Box ( *PYPOINT_O(arg0) , *PYPOINT_O(arg1) ); } else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == INTS2_ARG ) { box = new Box ( PyAny_AsLong(arg0) , PyAny_AsLong(arg1) ); } else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == INTS4_ARG ) { box = new Box ( PyAny_AsLong(arg0), PyAny_AsLong(arg1), PyAny_AsLong(arg2) , PyAny_AsLong(arg3) ); } else { PyErr_SetString(ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Box constructor." ); return NULL; } pyBox = PyObject_NEW(PyBox, &PyTypeBox); if (pyBox == NULL) return NULL; pyBox->_object = box; HCATCH return ( (PyObject*)pyBox ); } static int PyBox_Init ( PyBox* self, PyObject* args, PyObject* kwargs ) { trace << "PyBox_Init(): " << (void*)self << endl; return 0; } static PyObject* PyBox_getCenter ( PyBox *self ) { trace << "PyBox_getCenter()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD ( "Box.Center()" ) PyPoint* pyPoint = PyObject_NEW ( PyPoint, &PyTypePoint ); if (pyPoint == NULL) { return NULL; } HTRY pyPoint->_object = new Point ( box->getCenter() ); HCATCH return (PyObject*)pyPoint; } static PyObject* PyBox_getUnion ( PyBox *self, PyObject* args ) { trace << "PyBox_getUnion()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD ( "Box.getUnion()" ) PyBox* otherPyBox; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O!:Box.getUnion", &PyTypeBox, &otherPyBox)) { PyBox* unionPyBox = PyObject_NEW ( PyBox, &PyTypeBox ); if (unionPyBox == NULL) { return NULL; } HTRY unionPyBox->_object = new Box ( box->getUnion(*PYBOX_O(otherPyBox))); HCATCH return (PyObject*)unionPyBox; } else { PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Box.getUnion."); } return NULL; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyBox_getIntersection ()" static PyObject* PyBox_getIntersection ( PyBox *self, PyObject* args ) { trace << "PyBox_getIntersection()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD ( "Box.getIntersection()" ) PyBox* otherPyBox; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O!:Box.getIntersection", &PyTypeBox, &otherPyBox)) { PyBox* intersectionPyBox = PyObject_NEW ( PyBox, &PyTypeBox ); if (intersectionPyBox == NULL) { return NULL; } HTRY intersectionPyBox->_object = new Box(box->getIntersection(*PYBOX_O(otherPyBox))); HCATCH return (PyObject*)intersectionPyBox; } else { PyErr_SetString(ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Box.getIntersection."); } return NULL; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyBox_contains ()" static PyObject* PyBox_contains ( PyBox *self, PyObject* args ) { trace << "PyBox_contains ()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD ( "Box.contains()" ) PyObject* arg0; PyObject* arg1; bool result = false; HTRY __cs.init ("Box.contains"); if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"|O&O&:Box.contains",Converter,&arg0,Converter,&arg1) ) return NULL; if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == BOX_ARG ) { result = box->contains ( *PYBOX_O(arg0) ); } else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == POINT_ARG ) { result = box->contains ( *PYPOINT_O(arg0) ); } else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == INTS2_ARG ) { result = box->contains ( PyAny_AsLong(arg0) , PyAny_AsLong(arg1) ); } else { PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Box.contains constructor." ); return NULL; } HCATCH if (result) { Py_RETURN_TRUE; } else { Py_RETURN_FALSE; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyBox_intersect ()" static PyObject* PyBox_intersect ( PyBox *self, PyObject* args ) { trace << "PyBox_intersect ()" << endl; bool result = false; HTRY PyBox* pyBox = NULL; METHOD_HEAD ( "Box.intersect()" ) if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O!:Box.intersects", &PyTypeBox, &pyBox)) { result = box->intersect(*PYBOX_O(pyBox)); } else { PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Box.intersect." ); return NULL; } HCATCH if (result) { Py_RETURN_TRUE; } else { Py_RETURN_FALSE; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyBox_isConstrainedBy ()" static PyObject* PyBox_isConstrainedBy ( PyBox *self, PyObject* args ) { trace << "PyBox_isConstrainedBy ()" << endl; bool result = false; HTRY PyBox* pyBox = NULL; METHOD_HEAD("Box.isConstrainedBy()") if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"O!:Box.isConstrainedBy", &PyTypeBox, &pyBox)) { result = box->isConstrainedBy(*PYBOX_O(pyBox)); } else { PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Box.isConstrainedBy."); return NULL; } HCATCH if (result) { Py_RETURN_TRUE; } else { Py_RETURN_FALSE; } } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyBox_makeEmpty ()" static PyObject* PyBox_makeEmpty ( PyBox *self, PyObject* args ) { trace << "PyBox_makeEmpty ()" << endl; HTRY METHOD_HEAD ( "Box.makeEmpty()" ) box->makeEmpty (); HCATCH Py_INCREF ( self ); //FIXME ?? return (PyObject*)self; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyBox_inflate ()" static PyObject* PyBox_inflate ( PyBox *self, PyObject* args ) { trace << "PyBox_inflate ()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD ( "Box.inflate()" ) PyObject* arg0; PyObject* arg1; PyObject* arg2; PyObject* arg3; HTRY __cs.init ("Box.inflate"); if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"|O&O&O&O&:Box.inflate",Converter,&arg0,Converter,&arg1,Converter,&arg2,Converter,&arg3) ) return ( NULL ); if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == INT_ARG ) { box->inflate ( PyAny_AsLong(arg0) ); } else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == INTS2_ARG ) { box->inflate ( PyAny_AsLong(arg0) , PyAny_AsLong(arg1) ); } else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == INTS4_ARG ) { box->inflate ( PyAny_AsLong(arg0) , PyAny_AsLong(arg1) , PyAny_AsLong(arg2) , PyAny_AsLong(arg3) ); } else { PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Box.inflate()" ); return ( NULL ); } HCATCH Py_INCREF ( self ); return ( (PyObject*)self ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyBox_merge ()" static PyObject* PyBox_merge ( PyBox *self, PyObject* args ) { trace << "Box_merge()" << endl; METHOD_HEAD ( "Box.merge()" ) PyObject* arg0; PyObject* arg1; PyObject* arg2; PyObject* arg3; HTRY __cs.init ("Box.merge"); if ( ! PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"|O&O&O&O&:Box.merge",Converter,&arg0,Converter,&arg1,Converter,&arg2,Converter,&arg3) ) return ( NULL ); if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == POINT_ARG ) { box->merge ( *PYPOINT_O(arg0) ); } else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == BOX_ARG ) { box->merge ( *PYBOX_O(arg0) ); } else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == INTS2_ARG ) { box->merge ( PyAny_AsLong(arg0) , PyAny_AsLong(arg1) ); } else if ( __cs.getObjectIds() == INTS4_ARG ) { box->merge ( PyAny_AsLong(arg0) , PyAny_AsLong(arg1) , PyAny_AsLong(arg2) , PyAny_AsLong(arg3) ); } else { PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Box.merge()" ); return ( NULL ); } HCATCH Py_INCREF ( self ); return ( (PyObject*)self ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Attribute Method : "PyBox_translate ()" static PyObject* PyBox_translate ( PyBox *self, PyObject* args ) { trace << "PyBox_translate ()" << endl; HTRY METHOD_HEAD ( "Box.translate()" ) DbU::Unit dx=0, dy=0; if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args,"ll:Box.translate", &dx, &dy)) { box->translate(dx, dy); } else { PyErr_SetString ( ConstructorError, "invalid number of parameters for Box.translate()" ); return NULL; } HCATCH Py_RETURN_NONE; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // PyBox Attribute Method table. PyMethodDef PyBox_Methods[] = { { "getXMin" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_getXMin , METH_NOARGS , "Return the XMin value." } , { "getYMin" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_getYMin , METH_NOARGS , "Return the YMin value." } , { "getXMax" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_getXMax , METH_NOARGS , "Return the XMax value." } , { "getYMax" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_getYMax , METH_NOARGS , "Return the YMax value." } , { "getXCenter" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_getXCenter , METH_NOARGS , "Return the X box center value." } , { "getYCenter" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_getYCenter , METH_NOARGS , "Return the Y box center value." } , { "getCenter" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_getCenter , METH_NOARGS , "Return the box center Point." } , { "getWidth" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_getWidth , METH_NOARGS , "Return the box width." } , { "getHalfWidth" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_getHalfWidth , METH_NOARGS , "Return the box half width." } , { "getHeight" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_getHeight , METH_NOARGS , "Return the box height." } , { "getHalfHeight" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_getHalfHeight , METH_NOARGS , "Return the box half height." } , { "getUnion" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_getUnion , METH_VARARGS, "Return the smallest enclosing box." } , { "getIntersection", (PyCFunction)PyBox_getIntersection, METH_VARARGS, "Return the overlapping area." } , { "isEmpty" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_isEmpty , METH_NOARGS , "Return true if the box is empty." } , { "isFlat" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_isFlat , METH_NOARGS , "Return true if the box is flat." } , { "isPonctual" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_isPonctual , METH_NOARGS , "Return true if the box reduced to a point." } , { "contains" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_contains , METH_VARARGS, "Return true if the box contains the argument." } , { "intersect" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_intersect , METH_VARARGS, "Return true if two boxes overlap." } , { "isConstrainedBy", (PyCFunction)PyBox_isConstrainedBy, METH_VARARGS, "Return true if the argment box is included and share at least a side." } , { "makeEmpty" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_makeEmpty , METH_NOARGS , "Transform the box in an empty one." } , { "inflate" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_inflate , METH_VARARGS, "Expand the box to contains the arguments." } , { "merge" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_merge , METH_VARARGS, "Expand or contract the box to contains the arguments." } , { "translate" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_translate , METH_VARARGS, "translate the box od dx ans dy." } , { "destroy" , (PyCFunction)PyBox_destroy , METH_NOARGS , "Destroy associated hurricane object, the python object remains." } , {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; // x-------------------------------------------------------------x // | "PyBox" Object Methods | // x-------------------------------------------------------------x DirectDeleteMethod(PyBox_DeAlloc,PyBox) PyTypeObjectLinkPyTypeNewInit(Box) //PyTypeObjectLinkPyType(Box) #else // End of Python Module Code Part. // x=================================================================x // | "PyBox" Shared Library Code Part | // x=================================================================x // --------------------------------------------------------------- // PyBox Object Definitions. PyTypeObjectDefinitions(Box) # endif // End of Shared Library Code Part. } // End of extern "C". } // End of Isobar namespace.