
PlaceBottom -- Places an instance below the "reference instance"


PlaceBottom ( ins, sym, offset )


Placement of an instance.\\
\indent The instance has to be instantiated in the method \verb-Netlist- in order to use the \verb-PlaceTop- function.\\
\indent The top left corner of the abutment box of the instance is placed, after beeing symetrized and/or rotated, toward the bottom left corner of the abutment box of the "reference instance". The newly placed instance becomes the "reference instance".


    \item \verb-ins- : Instance to place.
    \item \verb-sym- : Geometrical operation to be performed on the instance before beeing placed.\\The \verb-sym- argument can take eight legal values :
        \item \verb-NOSYM- : no geometrical operation is performed
        \item \verb-SYM_Y- : Y becomes -Y, that means toward X axe symetry
        \item \verb-SYM_X- : X becomes -X, that means toward Y axe symetry
        \item \verb-SYMXY- : X becomes -X, Y becomes -Y
        \item \verb-ROT_P- : a positive 90 degrees rotation takes place
        \item \verb-ROT_M- : a negative 90 degrees rotation takes place
        \item \verb-SY_RP- : Y becomes -Y, and then a positive 90 degrees rotation takes place
        \item \verb-SY_RM- : Y becomes -Y, and then a negative 90 degrees rotation takes place
    \item \verb-offset- (optionnal) : An offset is put between this instance and the reference instance. The value given as argument must be a multiple of PITCH and represents the lenght of the hole between the instances


Place       ( myInst1, NOSYM, 0, 0 )
PlaceBottom ( myInst2, SYM_Y       )

Some errors may occur :    
    \item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the instance doesn't exist.-\\The instance must be instanciated in order to be placed.
    \item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the first argument is not an instance.-
    \item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] Placement : the instance is already placed.-\\One can not place an instance twice    
    \item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] PlaceBottom : no previous instance.-\\One can use \verb-PlaceTop- only if a reference instance exist. Use a \verb-Place- call before. 
    \item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] PlaceBottom : wrong argument for placement type.-\\The symetry given as argument is not correct.

\subsubsection{See Also}
