import os from pathlib import Path from doit.exceptions import TaskFailed class BadDependency ( Exception ): pass class DuplicatedRule ( Exception ): pass class UnsupportedFileType ( Exception ): pass class ShellEnv ( object ): """ Manage and export to the sub-processes the legacy Alliance variables. Environment variables stored at class level, should be set once and for all at startup: * ``ALLIANCE_TOP``, usually identical to ``CORIOLIS_TOP``. * ``RDS_TECHNO_NAME``. * ``CHECK_TOOLKIT``, where the ``alliance-check-toolkit`` is installed. Mutable environment variables, could be changed in each instance. Their initial values are extracted from the Coriolis Alliance Framework. * ``MBK_CATA_LIB``. * ``MBK_TARGET_LIB``. * ``MBK_SCALE_X``. * ``MBK_IN_LO``. * ``MBK_OUT_LO``. * ``MBK_IN_PH``. * ``MBK_OUT_PH``. * ``MBK_CATAL_NAME``. * ``RDS_IN``. * ``RDS_OUT``. """ ALLIANCE_TOP = None RDS_TECHNO_NAME = None CHECK_TOOLKIT = None def __init__ ( self ): self.shellEnv = {} self.capture() def __getitem__ ( self, key ): return self.shellEnv[ key ] def __setitem__ ( self, key, value ): self.shellEnv[ key ] = str( value ) def capture ( self ): """ Get the default values of the environment variables from the Coriolis configuration. """ from .. import CRL af = CRL.AllianceFramework.get() env = af.getEnvironment() if len(af.getAllianceLibraries()) > 1: cataLib = [ lib.getPath() for lib in af.getAllianceLibraries()[1:] ] self.shellEnv[ 'MBK_CATA_LIB' ] = ':'.join( cataLib ) self.shellEnv[ 'MBK_TARGET_LIB' ] = cataLib[0] self.shellEnv[ 'MBK_SCALE_X' ] = str( env.getSCALE_X() ) self.shellEnv[ 'MBK_IN_LO' ] = env.getIN_LO() self.shellEnv[ 'MBK_OUT_LO' ] = env.getOUT_LO() self.shellEnv[ 'MBK_IN_PH' ] = env.getIN_PH() self.shellEnv[ 'MBK_OUT_PH' ] = env.getOUT_PH() self.shellEnv[ 'MBK_CATAL_NAME' ] = env.getCATALOG() self.shellEnv[ 'RDS_IN' ] = 'gds' self.shellEnv[ 'RDS_OUT' ] = 'gds' self.shellEnv[ 'ALLIANCE_TOP' ] = ShellEnv.ALLIANCE_TOP def export ( self ): """ Write back the variables into the environement for usage by the sub-processes. """ for variable, value in self.shellEnv.items(): if value is None: continue os.environ[ variable ] = value if ShellEnv.RDS_TECHNO_NAME is not None: os.environ[ 'RDS_TECHNO_NAME' ] = ShellEnv.RDS_TECHNO_NAME if ShellEnv.CHECK_TOOLKIT is not None: os.environ[ 'CHECK_TOOLKIT' ] = ShellEnv.CHECK_TOOLKIT class FlowTask ( object ): """ Add extra features over a doit task. This class *do not* provides the ``create_doit_tasks()`` method. It alows task to be chained directly between them instead of only through dependency/target files. 1. Targets management: targets can be passed as plain files (string) or pathlib.Path, but are all internally converted into Path. 2. Dependencies management: they can be plain files, pathlib.Path objects or other tasks. In the later case, the dependencies are the *targets* of said task, which sould be pathlib.Path, as stated on 1. plain files are converted into pathlib.Path. 3. Perform an early check for homonymous tasks. 4. Keep track of all the targets of all the tasks to provide them for the special ``clean_flow`` task. """ rules = {} cleanTargets = [] @staticmethod def _normFile ( depend ): if isinstance(depend,FlowTask) or isinstance(depend,Path): return depend if isinstance(depend,str): return Path(depend) raise UnsupportedFileType( 'FlowTask._normFile(): Unsupported type for "{}"'.format(depend) ) @staticmethod def _normFileList ( depends ): if not depends: return []; if isinstance(depends,list): return [ FlowTask._normFile(d) for d in depends ] return [ FlowTask._normFile(depends) ] def __init__ ( self, basename, targets, depends ): """ Promote ``targets`` and ``depends`` arguments to list if needed. Check for duplicated rules, then register the rule name at class level. """ if FlowTask.hasRule(basename): raise DuplicatedRule( 'FlowTask.__init__(): Duplicated rule "{}"'.format(basename) ) self.basename = basename self.depends = FlowTask._normFileList( depends ) self.targets = FlowTask._normFileList( targets ) FlowTask.rules[ self.basename ] = self @staticmethod def hasRule ( name ): if name in FlowTask.rules: return True return False @property def file_dep ( self ): """ Build the list of dependencies to be passed on to doit (file_dep task dict). If the dependency is another FlowTask, pass on it's own targets. All files are pathlib.Path. """ files = [] for depend in self.depends: if isinstance(depend,FlowTask): files += depend.targets else: files += [ depend ] return files def file_target ( self, tindex=0 ): """ Access a target, by default, the first one. """ if len(self.targets) > tindex: return self.targets[ tindex ] return None def file_depend ( self, dindex=0, tindex=0 ): """ Access a dependency, by default the first one. It can be either a string or a pathlib.Path object. If the dependency itself is a FlowTask, then it's first *target* is returned. The dependency can be selected by a ``dindex``, and a ``tindex`` in case of a FlowTask. """ if len(self.depends) > dindex: if isinstance(self.depends[dindex],FlowTask): return self.depends[ dindex ].file_target( tindex ) return self.depends[ dindex ] return None def checkTargets ( self, methodName ): """ Checks that all the the target files have been generated, stop on error. This is a helper for derived classes. """ from import ErrorMessage for target in self.targets: if not target.is_file(): e = ErrorMessage( 1, '{}(): The rule "{}" did *not* generate target "{}".' \ .format( methodName, self.basename, target )) return TaskFailed( e ) return True def addClean ( self, targets ): """ Add the targets list to the global list. This is a helper method that has to be explicitely called in derived classes. """ FlowTask.cleanTargets += FlowTask._normFileList( targets )