Coriolis Configuration & Initialisation

General Software Architecture

Coriolis has been built with respect of the classical paradigm that the computational intensive parts have been written in C++, and almost everything else in Python. To build the Python interface we used two methods:

  • For self-contained modules boost::python (mainly in vlsisapd).
  • For all modules based on Hurricane, we created our own wrappers due to very specific requirements such as shared functions between modules or C++/Python secure bi-directional object deletion.


Python Documentation: Most of the documentation is related to the C++ API and implemetation of the tools. However, the Python bindings have been created so they mimic as closely as possible the C++ interface, so the documentation applies to both languages with only minor syntactic changes.

Coriolis Software Schematic

Configuration & User’s Settings

All configurations files are shipped under the form of Python modules. They are to be loaded through import statements. The user’s configuration files must be put in a ./coriolis2/ directory under the working directory. It must be made a Python module so it must contains a file (kept empty most of the time). And as they are true Python files, you may use in them any valid code you see fit.

If no user configuration files are present, Coriolis will use the default symbolic.cmos technology which matches the Alliance symbolic default one.

Contents of the user’s configuration directory ./coriolis2/:

File Contents/Meaning
./coriolis2/ Mandatory. Tells Python this directory is a module. Can be left empty
./coriolis2/ Mandatory. The user’s settings, it must setup the technology intended for use and perform any configuration variable settings
./coriolis2/ Optional. Define how the I/O pads are to be placed on the periphery of the chip along the chip and core sizes
./coriolis2/ Optional. Hook file for Katana, run just after the tool has been created for a Cell. Mostly to setup Nets to be traced

For example, to use mosis 180nm, you can put in your ./coriolis2/

# -*- Mode:Python -*-

import node180.scn6m_deep_09

A Comprehensive Example of ./coriolis2/

import os
import Cfg
import Viewer
import CRL
import node180.scn6m_deep_09
from   helpers       import l, u, n

allianceTop = None
if os.environ.has_key('ALLIANCE_TOP'):
  allianceTop = os.environ['ALLIANCE_TOP']
  if not os.path.isdir(allianceTop):
    allianceTop = None

if not allianceTop: allianceTop = '/soc/alliance'

Cfg.Configuration.pushDefaultPriority( Cfg.Parameter.Priority.UserFile )

Viewer.Graphics.setStyle( 'Alliance.Classic [black]' )

cellsTop = allianceTop+'/cells'

# Alliance related settings.
af  = CRL.AllianceFramework.get()
env = af.getEnvironment()

env.setSCALE_X        ( 100 )
env.setCATALOG        ( 'CATAL' )
env.setIN_LO          ( 'vst'   )
env.setIN_PH          ( 'ap'    )
env.setOUT_LO         ( 'vst'   )
env.setOUT_PH         ( 'ap'    )
env.setPOWER          ( 'vdd'   )
env.setGROUND         ( 'vss'   )
env.setCLOCK          ( '.*ck.*|.*nck.*'   )
env.setBLOCKAGE       ( 'blockage[Nn]et.*' )
env.setPad            ( '.*_mpx$'          )

env.setWORKING_LIBRARY( '.' )
env.addSYSTEM_LIBRARY ( library=cellsTop+'/nsxlib', mode=CRL.Environment.Append )
env.addSYSTEM_LIBRARY ( library=cellsTop+'/mpxlib', mode=CRL.Environment.Append )

# Misc. setting parameters.
Cfg.getParamBool      ( 'misc.logMode'                ).setBool      ( False     )
Cfg.getParamBool      ( 'misc.verboseLevel1'          ).setBool      ( True      )
Cfg.getParamBool      ( 'misc.verboseLevel2'          ).setBool      ( True      )

# P&R related parameters.
Cfg.getParamString    ( 'anabatic.routingGauge'       ).setString    ( 'msxlib4' )
Cfg.getParamString    ( 'anabatic.topRoutingLayer'    ).setString    ( 'METAL4'  )
Cfg.getParamInt       ( 'katana.hTracksReservedLocal' ).setInt       ( 6         )
Cfg.getParamInt       ( 'katana.vTracksReservedLocal' ).setInt       ( 3         )


The example above shows the user’s configuration file, with all the available settings for Alliance and a small subset for other tools. Some remarks about this file:

  • The Cfg.Configuration.pushDefaultPriority() and Cfg.Configuration.popDefaultPriority() statements are there so the value sets by the user will not be overriden by system ones event if they are setup afterwards. This priority system is introduced so the various configuration files could be loaded in out of order.

  • The Viewer.Graphics.setStyle() allows you to choose the look of your liking from the start.

  • For Alliance, the user does not need to redefine all the settings, just the one he wants to change. In most of the cases, the addSYSTEM_LIBRARY(), the setWORKING_LIBRARY() and the special net names (at this point there is not much alternatives for the others settings).

  • addSYSTEM_LIBRARY() adds a directory to the library search path. Each library entry will be added to the search path according to the second parameter:

    • CRL.Environment::Append: append to the search path.
    • CRL.Environment::Prepend: insert in head of the search path.
    • CRL.Environment::Replace: look for a library of the same name and replace it, whithout changing the search path order. If no library of that name already exists, it is appended.

    A library is identified by its name, this name is the last component of the path name. For instance: /soc/alliance/sxlib will be named sxlib. Implementing the Alliance specification, when looking for a Cell name, the system will browse sequentially through the library list and returns the first Cell whose name match.

  • For setPOWER(), setGROUND(), setCLOCK() and setBLOCKAGE() net names, a regular expression (gnu regexp) is expected.

  • For other tools parameters, just use getter and setter according to their types:

    Type Getter/Setter
    Bool Cgt.getParamBool('name').setBool( True )
    Int Cgt.getParamInt('name').setBool( 12 )
    Enumerate Cgt.getParamEnumerate('name').setBool( 12 )
    Double Cgt.getParamDouble('name').setDouble( 254.5 )
    Percentage Cgt.getParamPercentage('name').setPercentage( 75.0 )
    String Cgt.getParamString('name').setString( 'machin' )

    Lists of the configurable parameters of most interest to the user are given in Viewer & Tools.