// -*- mode: C++; explicit-buffer-name: "Configuration.cpp<katana>" -*-
// This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
// Copyright (c) UPMC 2008-2018, All Rights Reserved
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                   C O R I O L I S                               |
// |      K i t e  -  D e t a i l e d   R o u t e r                  |
// |                                                                 |
// |  Author      :                    Jean-Paul CHAPUT              |
// |  E-mail      :       Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr              |
// | =============================================================== |
// |  C++ Module  :       "./Configuration.cpp"                      |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------+

#include <string>
#include "hurricane/configuration/Configuration.h"
#include "hurricane/Cell.h"
#include "crlcore/Utilities.h"
#include "katana/Configuration.h"
#include "katana/KatanaEngine.h"

namespace Katana {

  using std::cout;
  using std::cerr;
  using std::endl;
  using std::ostringstream;
  using Hurricane::tab;
  using Hurricane::Error;
  using Hurricane::Technology;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class  :  "Katana::Configuration".

  Configuration::Configuration ()
    : Anabatic::Configuration()
    , _postEventCb         ()
    , _searchHalo          (Cfg::getParamInt ("katana.searchHalo"          ,      1)->asInt())
    , _hTracksReservedLocal(Cfg::getParamInt ("katana.hTracksReservedLocal",      3)->asInt())
    , _vTracksReservedLocal(Cfg::getParamInt ("katana.vTracksReservedLocal",      3)->asInt())
    , _termSatReservedLocal(Cfg::getParamInt ("katana.termSatReservedLocal",      9)->asInt())
    , _hTracksReservedMin  (Cfg::getParamInt ("katana.hTracksReservedMin"  ,      1)->asInt())
    , _vTracksReservedMin  (Cfg::getParamInt ("katana.vTracksReservedMin"  ,      1)->asInt())
    , _termSatThreshold    (Cfg::getParamInt ("katana.termSatThreshold"    ,      8)->asInt())
    , _ripupLimits         ()
    , _ripupCost           (Cfg::getParamInt ("katana.ripupCost"           ,      3)->asInt())
    , _eventsLimit         (Cfg::getParamInt ("katana.eventsLimit"         ,4000000)->asInt())
    , _bloatOverloadAdd    (Cfg::getParamInt ("katana.bloatOverloadAdd"    ,      4)->asInt())
    , _trackFill           (Cfg::getParamInt ("katana.trackFill"           ,      0)->asInt())
    , _flags               (0)
    , _profileEventCosts   (Cfg::getParamBool("katana.profileEventCosts"   ,false  )->asBool())
    , _runRealignStage     (Cfg::getParamBool("katana.runRealignStage"     ,true   )->asBool())
    _ripupLimits[StrapRipupLimit]      = Cfg::getParamInt("katana.strapRipupLimit"      ,16)->asInt();
    _ripupLimits[LocalRipupLimit]      = Cfg::getParamInt("katana.localRipupLimit"      , 7)->asInt();
    _ripupLimits[GlobalRipupLimit]     = Cfg::getParamInt("katana.globalRipupLimit"     , 5)->asInt();
    _ripupLimits[LongGlobalRipupLimit] = Cfg::getParamInt("katana.longGlobalRipupLimit" , 5)->asInt();
    _ripupLimits[ShortNetRipupLimit]   = Cfg::getParamInt("katana.shortNetRipupLimit"   ,16)->asInt();

    if (Cfg::getParamBool("katana.useGlobalEstimate"    ,false)->asBool()) _flags |= UseGlobalEstimate;
    if (Cfg::getParamBool("katana.useStaticBloatProfile",true )->asBool()) _flags |= UseStaticBloatProfile;

    // for ( size_t i=0 ; i<MaxMetalDepth ; ++i ) {
    //   ostringstream paramName;
    //   paramName << "katana.metal" << (i+1) << "MinBreak";

    //   int threshold = 29*50;
    //   switch ( i ) {
    //     case 0:
    //     case 1:
    //       threshold = 2*50;
    //       break;
    //     default:
    //       threshold = 30*50;
    //       break;
    //   }

    //   Cfg::getParamDouble(paramName.str())->setDouble(threshold);
    //   _globalMinBreaks[i] = DbU::lambda (Cfg::getParamDouble(paramName.str())->asDouble());
    // }

  Configuration::Configuration ( const Configuration& other )
    : Anabatic::Configuration(*other.base())
    , _postEventCb         (other._postEventCb)
    , _searchHalo          (other._searchHalo)
    , _hTracksReservedLocal(other._hTracksReservedLocal)
    , _vTracksReservedLocal(other._vTracksReservedLocal)
    , _termSatReservedLocal(other._termSatReservedLocal)
    , _hTracksReservedMin  (other._hTracksReservedMin)
    , _vTracksReservedMin  (other._vTracksReservedMin)
    , _termSatThreshold    (other._termSatThreshold)
    , _ripupLimits         ()
    , _ripupCost           (other._ripupCost)
    , _eventsLimit         (other._eventsLimit)
    , _bloatOverloadAdd    (other._bloatOverloadAdd)
    , _trackFill           (other._trackFill)
    , _flags               (other._flags)
    , _profileEventCosts   (other._profileEventCosts)
    , _runRealignStage     (other._runRealignStage)
    _ripupLimits[StrapRipupLimit]      = other._ripupLimits[StrapRipupLimit];
    _ripupLimits[LocalRipupLimit]      = other._ripupLimits[LocalRipupLimit];
    _ripupLimits[GlobalRipupLimit]     = other._ripupLimits[GlobalRipupLimit];
    _ripupLimits[LongGlobalRipupLimit] = other._ripupLimits[LongGlobalRipupLimit];

  Configuration::~Configuration ()
  { }

  Configuration* Configuration::clone () const
  { return new Configuration(*this); }

  void  Configuration::setRipupLimit ( uint32_t type, uint32_t limit )
    if ( type >= RipupLimitsTableSize ) {
      cerr << Error("setRipupLimit(): Bad ripup limit index: %ud (> %ud)."
                   ,type,RipupLimitsTableSize) << endl;

    _ripupLimits [ type ] = limit;

  void  Configuration::setHTracksReservedLocal ( uint32_t reserved )
    // if (reserved > getHEdgeCapacity())
    //   throw Error( "Configuration::setHTracksReservedLocal(): tracks reserved for local routing (%d) is greater than edge capacity %d."
    //              , reserved, getHEdgeCapacity() );

    _hTracksReservedLocal = reserved;

  void  Configuration::setVTracksReservedLocal ( uint32_t reserved )
    // if (reserved > 1.0)
    //   throw Error( "Configuration::setVTracksReservedLocal(): tracks reserved for local routing (%d) is greater than edge capacity %d."
    //              , reserved, getVEdgeCapacity() );

    _vTracksReservedLocal = reserved;

  void  Configuration::setHTracksReservedMin ( uint32_t reserved )
  { _hTracksReservedMin = reserved; }

  void  Configuration::setVTracksReservedMin ( uint32_t reserved )
  { _vTracksReservedMin = reserved; }

  uint32_t  Configuration::getRipupLimit ( uint32_t type ) const
    if ( type >= RipupLimitsTableSize ) {
      cerr << Error("getRipupLimit(): Bad ripup limit index: %u (> %u)."
                   ,type,RipupLimitsTableSize) << endl;
      return 0;
    return _ripupLimits[type];

  void  Configuration::print ( Cell* cell ) const
    if (not cmess1.enabled()) return;

    cout << "  o  Configuration of ToolEngine<Katana> for Cell <" << cell->getName() << ">" << endl;
    cout << Dots::asUInt  ("     - Dijkstra GR search halo"            ,getSearchHalo()) << endl;
    cout << Dots::asBool  ("     - Use GR density estimate"            ,useGlobalEstimate()) << endl;
    cout << Dots::asBool  ("     - Use static bloat profile"           ,useStaticBloatProfile()) << endl;
    cout << Dots::asDouble("     - GCell saturate ratio (LA)"          ,getSaturateRatio()) << endl;
    cout << Dots::asUInt  ("     - Edge min H reserved local"          ,_hTracksReservedMin) << endl;
    cout << Dots::asUInt  ("     - Edge min V reserved local"          ,_vTracksReservedMin) << endl;
    cout << Dots::asUInt  ("     - Edge max H reserved local"          ,_hTracksReservedLocal) << endl;
    cout << Dots::asUInt  ("     - Edge max V reserved local"          ,_vTracksReservedLocal) << endl;
    cout << Dots::asUInt  ("     - Terminal saturated edge capacity"   ,_termSatReservedLocal) << endl;
    cout << Dots::asUInt  ("     - Terminal saturated GCell threshold" ,_termSatThreshold) << endl;
    cout << Dots::asULong ("     - Events limit (iterations)"          ,_eventsLimit) << endl;
    cout << Dots::asUInt  ("     - Ripup limit, straps & unbreakables" ,_ripupLimits[StrapRipupLimit]) << endl;
    cout << Dots::asUInt  ("     - Ripup limit, locals"                ,_ripupLimits[LocalRipupLimit]) << endl;
    cout << Dots::asUInt  ("     - Ripup limit, globals"               ,_ripupLimits[GlobalRipupLimit]) << endl;
    cout << Dots::asUInt  ("     - Ripup limit, long globals"          ,_ripupLimits[LongGlobalRipupLimit]) << endl;
    cout << Dots::asUInt  ("     - Bloat overload additional penalty"  ,_bloatOverloadAdd) << endl;
    cout << Dots::asUInt  ("     - Fill every nth track"               ,_trackFill) << endl;

    Super::print( cell );

  string  Configuration::_getTypeName () const
  { return "Configuration"; }

  string  Configuration::_getString () const
    ostringstream  os;

    os << "<" << _getTypeName() << " " << getRoutingGauge()->getName() << ">";

    return os.str();

  Record* Configuration::_getRecord () const
    Record* record = Super::_getRecord();
    if ( record ) {
      record->add ( getSlot("_searchHalo"           ,_searchHalo           ) );
      record->add ( getSlot("_hTracksReservedLocal" ,_hTracksReservedLocal ) );
      record->add ( getSlot("_vTracksReservedLocal" ,_vTracksReservedLocal ) );
      record->add ( getSlot("_ripupCost"            ,_ripupCost            ) );
      record->add ( getSlot("_eventsLimit"          ,_eventsLimit          ) );

      record->add ( getSlot("_ripupLimits[StrapRipupLimit]"      ,_ripupLimits[StrapRipupLimit]     ) );
      record->add ( getSlot("_ripupLimits[LocalRipupLimit]"      ,_ripupLimits[LocalRipupLimit]     ) );
      record->add ( getSlot("_ripupLimits[GlobalRipupLimit]"     ,_ripupLimits[GlobalRipupLimit]    ) );
      record->add ( getSlot("_ripupLimits[LongGlobalRipupLimit]" ,_ripupLimits[LongGlobalRipupLimit]) );

      // for ( size_t i=0 ; i<MaxMetalDepth ; ++i ) {
      //   ostringstream paramName;
      //   paramName << "metal" << (i+1) << "MinBreak";

      //   record->add ( DbU::getValueSlot(paramName.str(),&_globalMinBreaks[i]) );
      // }
    return record;

}  // Katana namespace.