// -*- C++ -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) UPMC 2008-2018, All Rights Reserved // // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | C O R I O L I S | // | K a t a b a t i c - Routing Toolbox | // | | // | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT | // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./LoadGrByNet.cpp" | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #include #include #include "hurricane/Bug.h" #include "hurricane/Error.h" #include "hurricane/Warning.h" #include "hurricane/DebugSession.h" #include "hurricane/Layer.h" #include "hurricane/BasicLayer.h" #include "hurricane/RegularLayer.h" #include "hurricane/Technology.h" #include "hurricane/DataBase.h" #include "hurricane/Net.h" #include "hurricane/NetExternalComponents.h" #include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h" #include "hurricane/RoutingPads.h" #include "hurricane/Pad.h" #include "hurricane/Plug.h" #include "hurricane/Cell.h" #include "hurricane/Instance.h" #include "hurricane/Vertical.h" #include "hurricane/Horizontal.h" #include "crlcore/AllianceFramework.h" #include "crlcore/RoutingGauge.h" #include "crlcore/Measures.h" #include "katabatic/AutoContactTerminal.h" #include "katabatic/AutoContactTurn.h" #include "katabatic/AutoContactHTee.h" #include "katabatic/AutoContactVTee.h" #include "katabatic/AutoSegment.h" #include "katabatic/GCellGrid.h" #include "katabatic/KatabaticEngine.h" namespace { using Katabatic::AutoContactTerminal; /*! \defgroup LoadGlobalRouting Global Routing Loading * \brief Translation rules to build detailed routing from global * * This module documents how the global routing built by \c Knik is * loaded into the \c Katabatic data-base. It is intented for developpers * only. */ //! \addtogroup LoadGlobalRouting //! \{ //! \enum LocalFunctionFlag //! A set of flags for all functions of the LoadGrByNet module. //! They can be combined to form the \e flags argument of functions. //! the functions will ignore flags that are not intended to them. //! //! For \c HSmall, \c VSmall & \c Punctual see checkRoutingPadSize(). //! \var LocalFunctionFlag::NoFlags //! A simple alias over zero to explicitly tell that no flag at all is //! passed to the function. //! \var LocalFunctionFlag::HAccess //! The constructed topology will be accessed through an horizontal //! segment. The absence of this flag tell that the access will be done //! trough a vertical. //! \var LocalFunctionFlag::VSmall //! The RoutingPad vertically covers a very small number of access points, //! so it is likely overconstrained for direct horizontal connexion. //! \var LocalFunctionFlag::HSmall //! The RoutingPad horizontally covers a very small number of access points, //! so it is likely overconstrained for direct vertical connexion. //! \var LocalFunctionFlag::Punctual //! The RoutingPad covers only an access point in either direction. //! \var LocalFunctionFlag::DoSourceContact //! When creating Katabatic::AutoContactTerminal on non-punctual RoutingPad, this flag //! request the creation of a contact on the source point. //! \var LocalFunctionFlag::DoTargetContact //! When creating Katabatic::AutoContactTerminal on non-punctual RoutingPad, this flag //! request the creation of a contact on the target point. //! \function unsigned int checkRoutingPadSize ( Component* rp ); //! //! Look at the geometrical size of the Component and assess if //! it's span is too narrow either horizontally or vertically. //! Return a combination of flags indicating it's state: //! - HSmall : less than 3 pitches in horizontal direction. //! - VSmall : less than 3 pitches in vertical direction. //! - Punctual : one pitch in either directions. //! //! The component can be a RoutingPad, a Vertical or an Horizontal. //! //! \image html checkRoutingPadSize.png "checkRoutingPadSize()" /*! \class GCellTopology * * \brief Build the wiring for a Net inside a GCell (\b internal). * * As this class is called to initially construct the Katabatic wiring, * it must build a \b connex wiring. That is without gaps in layer depth, * because the topology restauration mechanism (AutoContact::updateTopology()) * of the AutoContact cannot work until all AutoSegments are revalidated at * least once. The topology restauration work by creating doglegs which in turn, * call the canonization, which needs all the caches to be up to date. */ //! \function void GCellTopology::doRp_AutoContacts ( GCell* gcell, Component* rp, AutoContact*& source, AutoContact*& target, unsigned int flags ); //! \param gcell The GCell into which create the AutoContact. //! \param rp The Component we want to access. //! \param source The AutoContact created on the \c source (\e returned). //! \param target The AutoContact created on the \c target (\e returned). //! \param flags Managed by this function: //! - LocalFunctionFlag::DoSourceContact //! - LocalFunctionFlag::DoTargetContact //! //! Create the AutoContact directly anchored on the Component (terminal). //! Three cases are manageds: //! -# Ordinary (non-punctual) \c METAL1 terminal: an AutoContactTerminal //! is anchored on the RoutingPad. //! -# Punctual \c METAL1 terminal, the access must never be blocked //! by other routing. To ensure it, we create a fixed AutoSegment (anchored //! on two AutoContactTerminal) to cover it. The \e normal AutoContactTerminal //! is also created. //! -# non \c METAL1 terminal, as for the punctual \c METAL1, a //! fixed protection is added over the RoutingPad. If we access //! horizontally a vertical RoutingPad or vertically an horizontal //! one, an extra AutoContactTerminal is added (to allow is displacement //! along the RoutingPad). //! //! To avoid creating a fixed protection over a RoutingPad multiple times, //! the RoutingPad and it's associated protection is stored in a static //! \c map : \c __routingPadAutoSegments. //! //! Conversely, because an AutoContactTerminal can only be connected to one //! segment, each time this function is called a new terminal will be created //! (or maybe two in case of non-punctual terminals). If only one AutoContact //! is requested, it is created centered on the RoutingPad. The initial //! position of AutoContact do not prevent them to move afterwards, //! even those created on source/target on a non-punctual RoutingPad. //! //! \remark For clarity we describe the layer management of this function in term //! of \c METAL, but it is the RoutingGauge depth which is actually used. //! //! \image html doRp_AutoContacts.png "doRp_AutoContacts()" //! \function AutoContact* GCellTopology::doRp_Access ( GCell* gcell, Component* rp, unsigned int flags ); //! \param gcell The GCell into which create the AutoContact. //! \param rp The Component onto which anchor the access contact. //! \param flags Relevant flags are: //! - HAccess, the terminal is to be accessed through an horizontal //! segment. //! - VSmall, force the terminal to be considered as small in the //! vertical direction. //! //! If \c HAccess is set, the Component is to be accessed trough an horizontal //! segment. If unset, the access is done vertically. //! //! Create an AutoContact to access a Component (terminal). If the Component //! is not to be accessed through an horizontal segment, and do not cover a //! large span in the horizontal direction (flag \c VSmall), a local horizontal //! AutoSegment is added to slacken the vertical constraints. //! //! \image html doRp_Access.png "doRp_Access()" //! \function AutoContact* GCellTopology::doRp_AccessPad ( RoutingPad* rp, unsigned int flags ); //! \param rp The Component onto which anchor the access contact. //! \param flags Relevant flags are: //! - HAccess, the terminal is to be accessed through an horizontal //! segment. //! - VSmall, force the terminal to be considered as small in the //! vertical direction. //! \return A Katabatic::AutoContactTerminal . //! //! The Component \c rp is a RoutingPad which belongs to a pad cell. This case //! occurs when we are routing a complete chip. This method build, from the //! \c rp a stack of articulated punctual segments and contacts to reach the //! default H/V routing layers (usually \c METAL2 & \c METAL3). This may be //! needed when the pad terminal is in \c METAL5, for instance. //! //! The returned AutoContactTerminal is anchored on the last punctual segment //! build. //! //! The GCell into which the AutoContactTerminal is created may be under the //! pads area. However, it will be right on the border of the GCell. //! The global router vertexes of GCell under the pad area are marked as //! blocked so will never be used for routing. //! //! \remark The segments and contacts added to ensure the layer connexity are not //! put into the Katabatic database. They are plain Hurricane objects, invisibles //! from it. //! \function void GCellTopology::doRp_StairCaseH ( GCell* gcell, Component* rp1, Component* rp2 ); //! //! Build the wiring to connect to horizontal Component. Two cases: //! - The Component are aligneds, then only a straight wire is created. //! - They are \e not aligned, then a complete dogleg is created. //! //! \image html doRp_StairCaseH.png "doRp_StairCaseH()" //! \function void GCellTopology::doRp_StairCaseV ( GCell* gcell, Component* rp1, Component* rp2 ); //! //! Build the wiring to connect to vertical Components. Two cases: //! - The Components are aligneds, then only a straight wire is created. //! - They are \e not aligned, then a complete dogleg is created. //! //! \image html doRp_StairCaseV.png "doRp_StairCaseV()" //! \function void GCellTopology::_do_xG_1Pad (); //! //! Construct the topology, when there is only global wires and one local //! terminal, but coming from a Pad. As thoses connectors will always be //! on one border of the GCell they can be considered as a kind of global. //! //! So this method mostly calls GCellTopology::doRp_AccessPad() to create //! the AutoContactTerminal, then calls GCellTopology::_do_xG(), except //! for straight lines which are managed directly. //! \function void GCellTopology::_do_xG (); //! //! Construct the topology, when there is only global wires (no local terminals). //! //! Some topology are not handled because they must not be managed by this //! function: //! //! //! \image html _do_xG.png "_do_xG()" //! \function void GCellTopology::_do_1G_1M1 (); //! //! Construct a topology where there is \e one global and one RoutingPad //! in \c METAL1. The \c METAL1 is assumed to be vertical. //! //! \remark When accessing the RoutingPad through an horizontal global segment //! and the vertical extension of the segment is small, the global is //! still directly attached to the terminal, inducing a high constraint //! on it. We left to job of slackening it to the router. //! //! \image html _do_1G_1M1.png "_do_1G_1M1()" //! \function void GCellTopology::_do_1G_xM1 (); //! //! Construct a topology where there is \e one global and any number of //! RoutingPad in \c METAL1. The \c METAL1 is assumed to be vertical. //! //! The RoutingPads are linked together two by two. If the horizontal //! segments are not aligned by the router, part of the routage will be //! done through the RoutingPad itself. The global incoming segment will //! connected to the leftmost, rightmost or centermost RoutingPad according //! from wich side it comes from. //! //! \image html _do_1G_xM1.png "_do_1G_xM1()" //! \function void GCellTopology::_do_xG_1M1_1M2 (); //! //! Construct a topology where there is at least one global (and up to 4), //! one \c METAL1 RoutingPad (assumed V) and one \c METAL2 RoutingPad (assumed H). //! //! In this topology, we want to try to reuse the \c METAL2 RoutingPad as a //! feedtrough in the horizontal routage. Thus: //! - The \c METAL1 and \c METAL2 RoutingPad are connected through a separate wiring. //! - The south & west global wiring is attached to the leftmost contact of //! the \c METAL2. //! - The north & east global wiring is attached to the rightmost contact of //! the \c METAL2. //! //! South/west and north/south can be build independantly. Depending on the number //! of globals, they can consist of: //! - Nothing (no south nor west). //! - An AutoContact (west present). //! - An horizontal plus a turn (south present). //! - An horizontal plus a HTee (south & west present). //! //! \remark Not all configurations are represented below. //! //! \image html _do_xG_1M1_1M2.png "_do_xG_1M1_1M2()" //! \function void GCellTopology::_do_xG_xM1_xM3 (); //! //! Construct a topology where there is at least one global (and up to 4), //! at least one \c METAL1 RoutingPad (assumed V) and at least one \c METAL3 //! RoutingPad (assumed V). //! //! In this topology, we want to try to reuse the \c METAL3 RoutingPad as a //! feedtrough in the vertical routage. Thus: //! - The \c METAL1 and \c METAL3 RoutingPad are connected through a separate //! wiring made of separate horizontals. //! - The south-west global wiring is attached to the leftmost RoutingPad //! if there isn't south or to the first \c METAL3 otherwise. //! - The north-east global wiring is attached to the rightmost RoutingPad //! if there isn't north or to the first \c METAL3 otherwise. //! //! South/west and north/south can be build independantly. Depending on the number //! of globals, they can consist of: //! - Nothing (no south nor west). //! - An AutoContact on the leftmost RoutingPad (west present). //! - An AutoContact on the first \c METAL3 (only south present). //! - An AutoContact plus a vertical plus a VTee (south & west present). //! //! \image html _do_xG_xM1_xM3.png "_do_xG_xM1_xM3()" //! \function void GCellTopology::_do_xG_xM2 (); //! //! Construct a topology where there is at least one global (and up to 4), //! and any number of \c METAL2 RoutingPads (assumeds H). //! //! In this topology, we want to try to reuse the \c METAL2 RoutingPad as a //! feedtrough in the horizontal routage. Thus: //! - The RoutingPad are connecteds trough a separate staircase (or //! straight wire if aligneds). //! - The south-west global wiring is attached to the leftmost RoutingPad //! if there isn't south or to the biggest horizontal RoutingPad otherwise. //! - The north-east global wiring is attached to the rightmost RoutingPad //! if there isn't south or to the biggest horizontal RoutingPad otherwise. //! //! \image html _do_xG_xM2.png "_do_xG_xM2()" //! \function void GCellTopology::_do_1G_1M3 (); //! //! Construct a topology where there is one global and one \c METAL3 RoutingPad //! (assumeds V). //! //! In this topology, we reuse the \c METAL3 RoutingPad as a feedtrough in the //! vertical routage. Thus: //! - If the global is either north or south, we directly connect to the //! north end or south end of the RoutingPad. \red{The vertical global will} //! \red{have no slack at all we assume that METAL3 terminals are only from} //! \red{blocks and are aligneds vertically.} //! - If the global is east or west \e and the RoutingPad is sufficiently //! extended in the vertical direction, we connect an horizontal in the //! normal way. //! - If the global is not sufficiently extended, we add a turn to give some //! slack to the global. //! //! //! \image html _do_1G_1M3.png "_do_1G_1M3()" //! \function void GCellTopology::_do_xG_xM3 (); //! //! Construct a topology where there at least one global and two \c METAL3 RoutingPad //! (assumed V). //! //! In this topology, we reuse the \c METAL3 RoutingPad as a feedtrough in the //! vertical routage. \red{We assume that the most likely relative position} //! \red{of the RoutingPads is to be aligned vertically}. //! Thus: //! - All RoutingPads are linked two by two trough vertical staircases. //! - The south-west global wiring is attached to the bottommost RoutingPad //! (without vertical slack). If a misalignment is detected, then a //! dogleg is added. //! - The north-east global wiring is attached to the topmost RoutingPad //! (without vertical slack). //! //! South/west and north/south can be build independantly. Depending on the number //! of globals, they can consist of: //! - Nothing (no south nor west). //! - An sliding AutoContact on the bottommost RoutingPad (west present). //! - An fixed AutoContact on the bottommost RoutingPad (only south present). //! - An fixed AutoContact plus a vertical plus a VTee (south & west present). //! //! \image html _do_xG_xM3.png "_do_xG_xM3()" //! \function void singleGCell ( KatabaticEngine* ktbt, Net* net ); //! //! All the RoutingPads of the net are concentrated under a single //! GCell. This function assumes that all the terminals are in //! \c METAL1 (vertical), and link them two by two by horizontal //! wires. //! \} using namespace std; using namespace CRL; using namespace Hurricane; using namespace Katabatic; // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Local Enum/Types. enum LocalFunctionFlag { NoFlags = 0x00000000 , SortDecreasing = 0x00000001 , HAccess = 0x00000002 , VSmall = 0x00000004 , HSmall = 0x00000008 , Punctual = 0x00000010 , HCollapse = 0x00000020 , VCollapse = 0x00000040 , Terminal = 0x00000080 , DoSourceContact = 0x00000100 , DoTargetContact = 0x00000200 , SouthBound = 0x00010000 , NorthBound = 0x00020000 , WestBound = 0x00040000 , EastBound = 0x00080000 }; // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Local Variables. const char* invalidGCell = "Katabatic::GCellTopology () :\n\n" " No GCell under point.\n"; const char* mismatchGCell = "Katabatic::GCellTopology () :\n\n" " Contacts under two different GCells.\n"; const char* missingGCell = "Katabatic::GCellTopology () :\n\n" " No Contact in GCell.\n"; map __routingPadAutoSegments; // --------------------------------------------------------------- // LoadGrByNet Local Classes. struct NetCompareByName { inline bool operator() ( const Net* lhs, const Net* rhs ) const; }; inline bool NetCompareByName::operator() ( const Net* lhs, const Net* rhs ) const { return lhs->getName() < rhs->getName(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // LoadGrByNet Local Functions. void lookupClear () { __routingPadAutoSegments.clear (); } void getPositions ( Component* anchor, Point& source, Point& target ) { Segment* segment = dynamic_cast( anchor ); if (segment) { source = segment->getSourcePosition(); target = segment->getTargetPosition(); return; } RoutingPad* rp = dynamic_cast( anchor ); if (rp) { source = rp->getSourcePosition(); target = rp->getTargetPosition(); return; } source = anchor->getPosition(); target = anchor->getPosition(); } unsigned int checkRoutingPadSize ( Component* anchor ) { Point source; Point target; size_t anchorDepth = Session::getLayerDepth( anchor->getLayer() ); if (anchorDepth == 0) ++anchorDepth; getPositions( anchor, source, target ); DbU::Unit width = abs( target.getX() - source.getX() ); DbU::Unit height = abs( target.getY() - source.getY() ); unsigned int flags = 0; flags |= (width < 3*Session::getPitch(anchorDepth)) ? HSmall : 0; flags |= (height < 3*Session::getPitch(anchorDepth)) ? VSmall : 0; flags |= ((width == 0) && (height == 0)) ? Punctual : 0; cdebug_log(145,0) << "::checkRoutingPadSize(): pitch[" << anchorDepth << "]:" << DbU::toLambda(Session::getPitch(anchorDepth)) << " " << ((flags & HSmall) ? "HSmall " : " ") << ((flags & VSmall) ? "VSmall " : " ") << endl; return flags; } Hook* getSegmentOppositeHook ( Hook* hook ) { Segment* segment = static_cast( hook->getComponent() ); return segment->getOppositeHook( hook ); } unsigned int getSegmentHookType ( Hook* hook ) { Horizontal* horizontal = dynamic_cast( hook->getComponent() ); if (horizontal) { if (horizontal->getSourceX() > horizontal->getTargetX()) cerr << Warning("Bad orientation of %s",getString(horizontal).c_str()) << endl; if (dynamic_cast(hook)) return EastBound; return WestBound; } else { Vertical* vertical = dynamic_cast( hook->getComponent() ); if (vertical) { if (vertical->getSourceY() > vertical->getTargetY()) cerr << Warning("Bad orientation of %s",getString(vertical).c_str()) << endl; if (dynamic_cast(hook)) return NorthBound; } else { cerr << Warning("Unmanaged Hook %s",getString(hook).c_str()) << endl; } } return SouthBound; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "SortRpByX". class SortRpByX { public: inline SortRpByX ( unsigned int flags ); inline bool operator() ( Component* rp1, Component* rp2 ); protected: unsigned int _flags; }; inline SortRpByX::SortRpByX ( unsigned int flags ) : _flags(flags) { } inline bool SortRpByX::operator() ( Component* rp1, Component* rp2 ) { DbU::Unit x1 = rp1->getCenter().getX(); DbU::Unit x2 = rp2->getCenter().getX(); if (x1 == x2) return false; return (_flags & SortDecreasing) xor (x1 < x2); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "SortRpByY". class SortRpByY { public: inline SortRpByY ( unsigned int flags ); inline bool operator() ( Component* rp1, Component* rp2 ); protected: unsigned int _flags; }; inline SortRpByY::SortRpByY ( unsigned int flags ) : _flags(flags) { } inline bool SortRpByY::operator() ( Component* rp1, Component* rp2 ) { DbU::Unit y1 = rp1->getCenter().getY(); DbU::Unit y2 = rp2->getCenter().getY(); if (y1 == y2) return false; return (_flags & SortDecreasing) xor (y1 < y2); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "ForkStack". class ForkStack { public: inline void push ( Hook* from, AutoContact* contact ); inline void pop (); inline Hook* getFrom () const; inline AutoContact* getContact () const; private: struct Element { Hook* _from; AutoContact* _contact; inline Element ( Hook* from, AutoContact* contact ); }; private: list _stack; }; inline ForkStack::Element::Element ( Hook* from, AutoContact* contact ) : _from(from), _contact(contact) {} inline void ForkStack::pop () { if (not _stack.empty()) _stack.pop_back(); } inline Hook* ForkStack::getFrom () const { return _stack.empty() ? NULL : _stack.back()._from; } inline AutoContact* ForkStack::getContact () const { return _stack.empty() ? NULL : _stack.back()._contact; } inline void ForkStack::push ( Hook* from, AutoContact* contact ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << " Stacking " << from << " + " << contact << endl; _stack.push_back( Element(from,contact) ); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "GGellTopology". class GCellTopology { public: static void init ( unsigned int degree ); static void fixSegments (); GCellTopology ( GCellGrid*, Hook* fromHook, AutoContact* sourceContact=NULL ); void construct ( ForkStack& forks ); inline unsigned int getStateG () const; inline GCell* getGCell () const; static void doRp_AutoContacts ( GCell*, Component*, AutoContact*& source, AutoContact*& target, unsigned int flags ); static AutoContact* doRp_Access ( GCell*, Component*, unsigned int flags ); static AutoContact* doRp_AccessPad ( RoutingPad*, unsigned int flags ); static void doRp_StairCaseH ( GCell*, Component* rp1, Component* rp2 ); static void doRp_StairCaseV ( GCell*, Component* rp1, Component* rp2 ); private: void _do_xG (); void _do_xG_1Pad (); void _do_1G_1PinM2 (); void _do_1G_1M1 (); void _do_1G_xM1 (); void _do_xG_xM1_xM3 (); void _do_xG_1M1_1M2 (); void _do_4G_1M2 (); void _do_xG_xM2 (); void _do_1G_1M3 (); void _do_xG_xM3 (); private: enum ConnexityBits { GlobalBSize = 4 , Metal1BSize = 4 , Metal2BSize = 4 , Metal3BSize = 4 , PadsBSize = 4 , PinsBSize = 4 }; #define CONNEXITY_VALUE( Gs, M1s, M2s, M3s, pads, pins ) \ Gs + ((M1s ) << GlobalBSize) \ + ((M2s ) << (GlobalBSize+Metal1BSize)) \ + ((M3s ) << (GlobalBSize+Metal1BSize+Metal2BSize)) \ + ((pads) << (GlobalBSize+Metal1BSize+Metal2BSize+Metal3BSize)) \ + ((pins) << (GlobalBSize+Metal1BSize+Metal2BSize+Metal3BSize+PadsBSize)) // Connexity Name | G|M1|M2|M2|Pad|Pin| enum ConnexityFlag { Conn_0G = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_2G = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_3G = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 3, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_4G = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 4, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_0G_2M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 0, 2, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_1M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_2M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 2, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_3M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 3, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_4M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 4, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_5M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 5, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_1M2 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_2M2 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 0, 2, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_3M2 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 0, 3, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_4M2 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 0, 4, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_1M3 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_2M3 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 0, 0, 2, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_3M3 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 0, 0, 3, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_4M3 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 0, 0, 4, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_1M1_1M2 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_1M1_1M3 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 1, 0, 1, 0 , 0 ) // Connexity Name | G|M1|M2|M2|Pad|Pin| , Conn_2G_1M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 2, 1, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_2G_2M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 2, 2, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_2G_3M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 2, 3, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_2G_4M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 2, 4, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_2G_5M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 2, 5, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_2G_1M2 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 2, 0, 1, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_2G_2M2 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 2, 0, 2, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_2G_3M2 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 2, 0, 3, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_2G_4M2 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 2, 0, 4, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_2G_1M3 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 2, 0, 0, 1, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_2G_2M3 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 2, 0, 0, 2, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_2G_3M3 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 2, 0, 0, 3, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_2G_4M3 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 2, 0, 0, 4, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_2G_1M1_1M2 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 2, 1, 1, 0, 0 , 0 ) // Connexity Name | G|M1|M2|M2|Pad|Pin| , Conn_3G_1M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 3, 1, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_3G_2M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 3, 2, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_3G_3M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 3, 3, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_3G_4M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 3, 4, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_3G_1M2 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 3, 0, 1, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_3G_2M2 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 3, 0, 2, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_3G_1M3 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 3, 0, 0, 1, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_3G_2M3 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 3, 0, 0, 2, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_3G_3M3 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 3, 0, 0, 3, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_3G_4M3 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 3, 0, 0, 4, 0 , 0 ) // Connexity Name | G|M1|M2|M2|Pad|Pin| , Conn_4G_1M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 4, 1, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_4G_2M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 4, 2, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_4G_3M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 4, 3, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_4G_4M1 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 4, 4, 0, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_4G_1M2 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 4, 0, 1, 0, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_4G_1M3 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 4, 0, 0, 1, 0 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_1Pad = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 , 0 ) , Conn_2G_1Pad = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 2, 0, 0, 0, 1 , 0 ) , Conn_3G_1Pad = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 3, 0, 0, 0, 1 , 0 ) , Conn_1G_1PinM2 = CONNEXITY_VALUE( 1, 0, 1, 0, 0 , 1 ) }; // Connexity Union Type. union UConnexity { unsigned int connexity; struct { unsigned int globals : GlobalBSize; unsigned int M1 : Metal1BSize; unsigned int M2 : Metal2BSize; unsigned int M3 : Metal3BSize; unsigned int Pad : PadsBSize; unsigned int Pin : PinsBSize; } fields; }; enum TopologyFlag { Global_Vertical_End = 0x00000001 , Global_Horizontal_End = 0x00000002 , Global_Horizontal = 0x00000004 , Global_Vertical = 0x00000008 , Global_Turn = 0x00000010 , Global_Fork = 0x00000020 , Global_Fixed = 0x00000040 , Global_End = Global_Vertical_End | Global_Horizontal_End , Global_Split = Global_Horizontal | Global_Vertical | Global_Fork }; // Attributes. private: static vector _toFixSegments; static unsigned int _degree; UConnexity _connexity; unsigned int _topology; Net* _net; GCell* _gcell; AutoContact* _sourceContact; AutoContact* _southWestContact; AutoContact* _northEastContact; Hook* _fromHook; Hook* _east; Hook* _west; Hook* _north; Hook* _south; vector _routingPads; }; inline unsigned int GCellTopology::getStateG () const { return _connexity.fields.globals; } inline GCell* GCellTopology::getGCell () const { return _gcell; } vector GCellTopology::_toFixSegments; unsigned int GCellTopology::_degree = 0; void GCellTopology::fixSegments () { for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_toFixSegments.size() ; ++i ) _toFixSegments[i]->setFlags( SegFixed ); _toFixSegments.clear(); } void GCellTopology::init ( unsigned int degree ) { _degree = degree; _toFixSegments.clear(); } GCellTopology::GCellTopology ( GCellGrid* gcellGrid , Hook* fromHook , AutoContact* sourceContact ) : _connexity () , _topology (0) , _gcell (NULL) , _sourceContact (sourceContact) , _southWestContact(NULL) , _northEastContact(NULL) , _fromHook (fromHook) , _east (NULL) , _west (NULL) , _north (NULL) , _south (NULL) , _routingPads () { _connexity.connexity = 0; cdebug_log(145,1) << "GCellTopology::GCellTopology()" << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << getString(fromHook) << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << sourceContact << endl; Segment* fromSegment = static_cast( _fromHook->getComponent() ); _net = fromSegment->getNet(); forEach ( Hook*, hook, fromHook->getHooks() ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Topology [" << _connexity.connexity << "] = " << "[" << (int)_connexity.fields.globals << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.M1 << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.M2 << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.M3 << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.Pin << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.Pad << "] " << _gcell << endl; Segment* toSegment = dynamic_cast( hook->getComponent() ); if (toSegment) { switch ( getSegmentHookType(*hook) ) { case WestBound: _west = *hook; break; case EastBound: _east = *hook; break; case SouthBound: _south = *hook; break; case NorthBound: _north = *hook; break; } _connexity.fields.globals++; } else { Component* anchor = hook->getComponent(); RoutingPad* rp = dynamic_cast( anchor ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "| Looking for Anchor:" << anchor << " rp:" << rp << endl; if (anchor) { Contact* contact = dynamic_cast( anchor ); if (contact and ( Session::getKatabatic()->isGContact( anchor->getLayer() ) or Session::getKatabatic()->isGMetal ( anchor->getLayer() )) ) { // Global routing articulation contact are in not ? GCell* gcell = gcellGrid->getGCell( contact->getCenter() ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "* Global Routing Articulation: " << contact << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "| " << gcell << endl; if (gcell == NULL) throw Error( invalidGCell ); if (_gcell == NULL) _gcell = gcell; else if (_gcell != gcell) { throw Error( mismatchGCell ); } } else { if (rp and AllianceFramework::get()->isPad(rp->_getEntityAsComponent()->getCell())) { _connexity.fields.Pad++; } else { const Layer* layer = anchor->getLayer(); if (layer == Session::getRoutingLayer(0)) _connexity.fields.M1++; // M1 V else if (layer == Session::getRoutingLayer(1)) _connexity.fields.M2++; // M2 H else if (layer == Session::getRoutingLayer(2)) _connexity.fields.M3++; // M3 V else if (layer == Session::getRoutingLayer(3)) _connexity.fields.M2++; // M4 H else if (layer == Session::getRoutingLayer(4)) _connexity.fields.M3++; // M5 V else { cerr << Warning( "Terminal layer \"%s\" of %s is not managed yet (ignored)." , getString(layer->getName()).c_str() , getString(anchor).c_str() ) << endl; continue; } if (dynamic_cast(rp->getOccurrence().getEntity())) _connexity.fields.Pin++; } cdebug_log(145,0) << "| Component to connect: " << anchor << endl; _routingPads.push_back( rp ); } } } } cdebug_log(145,0) << "east: " << _east << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "west: " << _west << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "north:" << _north << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "south:" << _south << endl; if (_connexity.fields.globals == 1) { if ( _north or _south ) _topology |= Global_Vertical_End; else _topology |= Global_Horizontal_End; } else if (_connexity.fields.globals == 2) { if ( _east && _west ) _topology |= Global_Horizontal; else if ( _north && _south ) _topology |= Global_Vertical; else _topology |= Global_Turn; } else { _topology |= Global_Fork; } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); if (_gcell == NULL) throw Error( missingGCell ); } void GCellTopology::construct ( ForkStack& forks ) { cdebug_log(145,1) << "GCellTopology::construct() [" << _connexity.connexity << "] in " << _gcell << endl; _southWestContact = NULL; _northEastContact = NULL; bool straightLine = false; switch ( _connexity.connexity ) { case Conn_1G_1Pad: case Conn_2G_1Pad: case Conn_3G_1Pad: _do_xG_1Pad(); break; case Conn_1G_1PinM2: _do_1G_1PinM2(); break; case Conn_1G_1M1: _do_1G_1M1(); break; case Conn_1G_2M1: case Conn_1G_3M1: case Conn_1G_4M1: case Conn_1G_5M1: _do_1G_xM1(); break; case Conn_1G_1M2: case Conn_1G_2M2: case Conn_1G_3M2: case Conn_1G_4M2: _do_xG_xM2(); break; case Conn_1G_1M3: _do_1G_1M3(); break; case Conn_1G_2M3: case Conn_1G_3M3: case Conn_1G_4M3: _do_xG_xM3 (); break; case Conn_1G_1M1_1M2: _do_xG_1M1_1M2(); break; case Conn_1G_1M1_1M3: _do_1G_xM1 (); break; case Conn_2G_1M1: case Conn_2G_2M1: case Conn_2G_3M1: case Conn_2G_4M1: case Conn_2G_5M1: case Conn_3G_1M1: case Conn_3G_2M1: case Conn_3G_3M1: case Conn_3G_4M1: case Conn_3G_2M3: case Conn_3G_3M3: case Conn_3G_4M3: case Conn_4G_1M1: case Conn_4G_2M1: case Conn_4G_3M1: case Conn_4G_4M1: _do_xG_xM1_xM3(); break; case Conn_4G_1M2: _do_4G_1M2(); break; case Conn_2G_1M2: case Conn_2G_2M2: case Conn_2G_3M2: case Conn_2G_4M2: case Conn_3G_1M2: case Conn_3G_2M2: _do_xG_xM2(); break; case Conn_2G_1M3: case Conn_2G_2M3: case Conn_2G_3M3: case Conn_2G_4M3: case Conn_3G_1M3: _do_xG_xM3 (); break; case Conn_2G_1M1_1M2: _do_xG_1M1_1M2(); break; case Conn_2G: if ( (_east and _west) or (_north and _south) ) { straightLine = true; break; } case Conn_3G: case Conn_4G: _do_xG(); break; default: throw Bug( "Unmanaged Configuration [%d] = [%d+%d+%d+%d,%d+%d] %s in %s\n" " The global routing seems to be defective." , _connexity.connexity , _connexity.fields.globals , _connexity.fields.M1 , _connexity.fields.M2 , _connexity.fields.M3 , _connexity.fields.Pin , _connexity.fields.Pad , _net->_getString().c_str() , getString(_gcell).c_str() ); _do_xG(); } if (straightLine) { // This a global router problem. cerr << Bug( "Unmanaged configuration: straight line in %s,\n" " The global routing seems to be defective." , _net->_getString().c_str() ) << endl; return; } else { if (_sourceContact) { AutoContact* targetContact = ( getSegmentHookType(_fromHook) & (NorthBound|EastBound) ) ? _northEastContact : _southWestContact ; AutoSegment* globalSegment = AutoSegment::create( _sourceContact , targetContact , static_cast( _fromHook->getComponent() ) ); globalSegment->setFlags( (_degree == 2) ? SegBipoint : 0 ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "Create global segment: " << globalSegment << endl; #if THIS_IS_DEPRECATED if ( globalSegment->isHorizontal() and ( (Session::getRoutingGauge()->getLayerDepth(_sourceContact->getLayer()->getBottom()) > 1) or (Session::getRoutingGauge()->getLayerDepth(targetContact ->getLayer()->getBottom()) > 1)) ) { globalSegment->setLayer ( Session::getRoutingLayer(3) ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "Source:" << _sourceContact << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "Target:" << targetContact << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "Moving up global:" << globalSegment << endl; } #endif // HARDCODED VALUE. if ( (_topology & Global_Fixed) and (globalSegment->getLength() < 2*Session::getSliceHeight()) ) _toFixSegments.push_back( globalSegment ); if (_connexity.fields.globals < 2) { cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } } else _fromHook = NULL; } if ( _east and (_fromHook != _east) ) { Hook* toHook = getSegmentOppositeHook( _east ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "Pushing East (to) " << getString(toHook) << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "Pushing East (from) " << _northEastContact << endl; forks.push( toHook, _northEastContact ); } if ( _west and (_fromHook != _west) ) { Hook* toHook = getSegmentOppositeHook( _west ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "Pushing West (to) " << getString(toHook) << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "Pushing West (from) " << _southWestContact << endl; forks.push( toHook, _southWestContact ); } if ( _north and (_fromHook != _north) ) { Hook* toHook = getSegmentOppositeHook( _north ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "Pushing North (to) " << getString(toHook) << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "Pushing North (from) " << _northEastContact << endl; forks.push( toHook, _northEastContact ); } if ( _south and (_fromHook != _south) ) { Hook* toHook = getSegmentOppositeHook( _south ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "Pushing South (to) " << getString(toHook) << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "Pushing South (from) " << _southWestContact << endl; forks.push( toHook, _southWestContact ); } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); } void GCellTopology::doRp_AutoContacts ( GCell* gcell , Component* rp , AutoContact*& source , AutoContact*& target , unsigned int flags ) { cdebug_log(145,1) << "doRp_AutoContacts()" << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << rp << endl; source = target = NULL; Point sourcePosition; Point targetPosition; const Layer* rpLayer = rp->getLayer(); size_t rpDepth = Session::getLayerDepth( rp->getLayer() ); unsigned int direction = Session::getDirection ( rpDepth ); DbU::Unit viaSide = Session::getWireWidth ( rpDepth ); getPositions( rp, sourcePosition, targetPosition ); if (sourcePosition.getX() > targetPosition.getX()) swap( sourcePosition, targetPosition ); if (sourcePosition.getY() > targetPosition.getY()) swap( sourcePosition, targetPosition ); GCell* sourceGCell = Session::getKatabatic()->getGCellGrid()->getGCell( sourcePosition ); GCell* targetGCell = Session::getKatabatic()->getGCellGrid()->getGCell( targetPosition ); if (rpDepth == 0) { rpLayer = Session::getContactLayer(0); direction = KbHorizontal; viaSide = Session::getViaWidth( rpDepth ); } // Non-M1 terminal or punctual M1 protections. if ((rpDepth != 0) or (sourcePosition == targetPosition)) { map::iterator irp = __routingPadAutoSegments.find( rp ); if (irp == __routingPadAutoSegments.end()) { AutoContact* sourceProtect = AutoContactTerminal::create( sourceGCell , rp , rpLayer , sourcePosition , viaSide, viaSide ); AutoContact* targetProtect = AutoContactTerminal::create( targetGCell , rp , rpLayer , targetPosition , viaSide, viaSide ); sourceProtect->setFlags( CntFixed ); targetProtect->setFlags( CntFixed ); AutoSegment* segment = AutoSegment::create( sourceProtect, targetProtect, direction ); segment->setFlags( SegFixed ); __routingPadAutoSegments.insert( make_pair(rp,segment) ); } } if (sourcePosition != targetPosition) { if (flags & DoSourceContact) source = AutoContactTerminal::create( sourceGCell , rp , rpLayer , sourcePosition , viaSide, viaSide ); if (flags & DoTargetContact) target = AutoContactTerminal::create( targetGCell , rp , rpLayer , targetPosition , viaSide, viaSide ); } if (not source and not target) { source = target = AutoContactTerminal::create( gcell , rp , rpLayer , rp->getCenter() , viaSide, viaSide ); } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } AutoContact* GCellTopology::doRp_Access ( GCell* gcell, Component* rp, unsigned int flags ) { cdebug_log(145,1) << "doRp_Access() - flags:" << flags << endl; AutoContact* rpContactSource; AutoContact* rpContactTarget; flags |= checkRoutingPadSize( rp ); doRp_AutoContacts( gcell, rp, rpContactSource, rpContactTarget, flags ); if (flags & HAccess) { if (flags & VSmall) { AutoContact* subContact1 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell, rp->getNet(), Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoContact* subContact2 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell, rp->getNet(), Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( rpContactSource, subContact1, KbHorizontal ); AutoSegment::create( subContact1, subContact2, KbVertical ); rpContactSource = subContact2; } } else { if (flags & HSmall) { AutoContact* subContact1 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell, rp->getNet(), Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( rpContactSource, subContact1, KbHorizontal ); rpContactSource = subContact1; } } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return rpContactSource; } AutoContact* GCellTopology::doRp_AccessPad ( RoutingPad* rp, unsigned int flags ) { cdebug_log(145,1) << "doRp_AccessPad()" << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << rp << endl; // Hardcoded: H access is METAL2 (depth=1), V access is METAL3 (depth=2). size_t accessDepth = (flags & HAccess) ? 1 : 2 ; size_t padDepth = Session::getLayerDepth(rp->getLayer()); if (padDepth > Session::getAllowedDepth()) { cerr << Error( "GCellTopology::doRp_AccessPad(): Pad RoutingPad %s\n" " has a layer unreachable by the router (top layer is: %s)" , getString(rp).c_str() , getString(Session::getRoutingLayer(Session::getAllowedDepth())).c_str() ) << endl; padDepth = Session::getAllowedDepth(); } rp->getBodyHook()->detach(); Point rpPosition = rp->getCenter(); Point position = rp->getCenter(); Box rpbb = rp->getBoundingBox(); if ( (rpbb.getWidth () > 2*Session::getWireWidth(padDepth)) or (rpbb.getHeight() > 2*Session::getWireWidth(padDepth)) ) { //cerr << "doRp_AccessPad(): connecting to non-punctual connector (RoutingPad).\n" // << " " << rp->getNet() << "pad:" << rp->getOccurrence().getMasterCell() << endl; Transformation transf = rp->getOccurrence().getPath().getTransformation(); switch ( transf.getOrientation() ) { case Transformation::Orientation::ID: position.setY( rpbb.getYMin() ); break; case Transformation::Orientation::MY: position.setY( rpbb.getYMax() ); break; case Transformation::Orientation::YR: case Transformation::Orientation::R3: position.setX( rpbb.getXMin() ); break; case Transformation::Orientation::R1: position.setX( rpbb.getXMax() ); break; default: break; } } GCell* gcell = Session::getKatabatic()->getGCellGrid()->getGCell(position); Component* anchor = rp; if (padDepth != accessDepth) { if (padDepth > accessDepth) { // Go *down* from the pad's RoutingPad. --padDepth; Contact* target = NULL; Contact* source = Contact::create ( rp , Session::getContactLayer(padDepth) , position.getX() - rpPosition.getX() , position.getY() - rpPosition.getY() , Session::getViaWidth(padDepth) , Session::getViaWidth(padDepth) ); for ( size_t depth = padDepth ; depth >= accessDepth ; --depth ) { const Layer* segmentLayer = Session::getRoutingLayer(depth); const Layer* targetLayer = (depth == accessDepth) ? segmentLayer : Session::getContactLayer(depth-1); DbU::Unit targetSide = (depth == accessDepth) ? Session::getWireWidth(depth) : Session::getViaWidth (depth-1); target = Contact::create( rp->getNet() , targetLayer , position.getX() , position.getY() , targetSide , targetSide ); if (Session::getDirection(depth) == KbHorizontal) { anchor = Horizontal::create( source , target , segmentLayer , position.getY() , Session::getWireWidth(depth) ); } else { anchor = Vertical::create( source , target , segmentLayer , position.getX() , Session::getWireWidth(depth) ); } cdebug_log(145,0) << "Pad strap: " << anchor << endl; source = target; } } else { // Go *up* from the pad's RoutingPad. Contact* target = NULL; Contact* source = Contact::create ( rp , Session::getContactLayer(padDepth) , 0 , 0 , Session::getViaWidth(padDepth) , Session::getViaWidth(padDepth) ); for ( size_t depth = padDepth ; depth <= accessDepth ; ++depth ) { const Layer* segmentLayer = Session::getRoutingLayer(depth); const Layer* targetLayer = (depth == accessDepth) ? segmentLayer : Session::getContactLayer(depth); DbU::Unit targetSide = (depth == accessDepth) ? Session::getWireWidth(depth) : Session::getViaWidth (depth); target = Contact::create( rp->getNet() , targetLayer , position.getX() , position.getY() , targetSide , targetSide ); if (Session::getDirection(depth) == KbHorizontal) { anchor = Horizontal::create( source , target , segmentLayer , position.getY() , Session::getWireWidth(depth) ); } else { anchor = Vertical::create( source , target , segmentLayer , position.getX() , Session::getWireWidth(depth) ); } cdebug_log(145,0) << "Pad strap: " << anchor << endl; source = target; } } } AutoContact* autoSource = AutoContactTerminal::create ( gcell , anchor , Session::getRoutingLayer(accessDepth) , position , Session::getWireWidth(accessDepth) , Session::getWireWidth(accessDepth) ); cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return autoSource; } void GCellTopology::doRp_StairCaseH ( GCell* gcell, Component* rp1, Component* rp2 ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "doRp_StairCaseH()" << endl; if (rp1->getCenter().getX() > rp2->getCenter().getX()) swap( rp1, rp2 ); AutoContact* rp1ContactSource = NULL; AutoContact* rp1ContactTarget = NULL; AutoContact* rp2ContactSource = NULL; AutoContact* rp2ContactTarget = NULL; const Layer* viaLayer = NULL; doRp_AutoContacts( gcell, rp1, rp1ContactSource, rp1ContactTarget, DoTargetContact ); doRp_AutoContacts( gcell, rp2, rp2ContactSource, rp2ContactTarget, DoSourceContact ); if (rp1ContactTarget->getY() == rp2ContactSource->getY()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Aligned horizontal routing pads : straight wire" << endl; viaLayer = rp1->getLayer(); AutoSegment::create( rp1ContactTarget, rp2ContactSource, KbHorizontal ); return; } viaLayer = Session::getContactLayer(1); AutoContact* subContact1 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell, rp1->getNet(), viaLayer ); AutoContact* subContact2 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell, rp1->getNet(), viaLayer ); AutoSegment::create( rp1ContactTarget, subContact1 , KbHorizontal ); AutoSegment::create( subContact1 , subContact2 , KbVertical ); AutoSegment::create( subContact1 , rp2ContactSource, KbHorizontal ); } void GCellTopology::doRp_StairCaseV ( GCell* gcell, Component* rp1, Component* rp2 ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "doRp_StairCaseV()" << endl; if (rp1->getCenter().getY() > rp2->getCenter().getY()) swap( rp1, rp2 ); AutoContact* rp1ContactSource = NULL; AutoContact* rp1ContactTarget = NULL; AutoContact* rp2ContactSource = NULL; AutoContact* rp2ContactTarget = NULL; const Layer* viaLayer = NULL; doRp_AutoContacts( gcell, rp1, rp1ContactSource, rp1ContactTarget, DoTargetContact ); doRp_AutoContacts( gcell, rp2, rp2ContactSource, rp2ContactTarget, DoSourceContact ); if (rp1ContactTarget->getX() == rp2ContactSource->getX()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Aligned vertical routing pads : straight wire" << endl; viaLayer = rp1->getLayer(); AutoSegment::create( rp1ContactTarget, rp2ContactSource, KbVertical ); return; } viaLayer = Session::getContactLayer(1); AutoContact* subContact1 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell, rp1->getNet(), viaLayer ); AutoContact* subContact2 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell, rp1->getNet(), viaLayer ); AutoSegment::create( rp1ContactTarget, subContact1 , KbVertical ); AutoSegment::create( subContact1 , subContact2 , KbHorizontal ); AutoSegment::create( subContact1 , rp2ContactSource, KbVertical ); } void GCellTopology::_do_xG () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "_do_xG()" << endl; if (_connexity.fields.globals == 2) { _southWestContact = _northEastContact = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); } else if (_connexity.fields.globals == 3) { if (_east and _west) { _southWestContact = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); _northEastContact = AutoContactVTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); if (_south) swap( _southWestContact, _northEastContact ); AutoSegment::create( _southWestContact, _northEastContact, KbVertical ); } else { _southWestContact = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); _northEastContact = AutoContactHTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); if (_west) swap( _southWestContact, _northEastContact ); AutoSegment::create( _southWestContact, _northEastContact, KbHorizontal ); } } else { // fields.globals == 4. AutoContact* turn = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); _southWestContact = AutoContactHTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); _northEastContact = AutoContactVTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( _southWestContact, turn, KbHorizontal ); AutoSegment::create( turn, _northEastContact, KbVertical ); } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); } void GCellTopology::_do_xG_1Pad () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "_do_xG_1Pad() [Managed Configuration - Optimized] " << _topology << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "_connexity.globals:" << (int)_connexity.fields.globals << endl; unsigned int flags = NoFlags; bool eastPad = false; bool westPad = false; bool northPad = false; bool southPad = false; Instance* padInstance = _routingPads[0]->getOccurrence().getPath().getHeadInstance(); switch ( padInstance->getTransformation().getOrientation() ) { case Transformation::Orientation::ID: northPad = true; break; case Transformation::Orientation::MY: southPad = true; break; case Transformation::Orientation::YR: case Transformation::Orientation::R3: eastPad = true; flags |= HAccess; break; case Transformation::Orientation::R1: westPad = true; flags |= HAccess; break; default: cerr << Warning( "Unmanaged orientation %s for pad <%s>." , getString(padInstance->getTransformation().getOrientation()).c_str() , getString(padInstance).c_str() ) << endl; break; } cdebug_log(145,0) << "eastPad:" << eastPad << ", " << "westPad:" << westPad << ", " << "northPad:" << northPad << ", " << "southPad:" << southPad << endl; AutoContact* source = doRp_AccessPad( _routingPads[0], flags ); // Point position = _routingPads[0]->getCenter(); // AutoContact* source = NULL; // GCell* gcell = Session::getKatabatic()->getGCellGrid()->getGCell(position); // source = AutoContactTerminal::create ( gcell // , _routingPads[0] // , Session::getContactLayer(3) // , position // , Session::getViaWidth(3), Session::getViaWidth(3) // ); // source->setFlags( CntFixed ); // if (northPad or eastPad) { // _southWestContact = _northEastContact = source; // cdebug_tabw(145,-1); // return; // } // Check for straight lines, which are not managed by _do_xG(). if (_connexity.fields.globals == 1) { if ( (westPad and (_east != NULL)) or (eastPad and (_west != NULL)) ) { AutoContact* turn = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); _northEastContact = _southWestContact = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( source, turn, KbHorizontal ); AutoSegment::create( turn, _northEastContact, KbVertical ); cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } else if ( (southPad and (_north != NULL)) or (northPad and (_south != NULL)) ) { AutoContact* turn = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); _northEastContact = _southWestContact = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( source, turn, KbVertical ); AutoSegment::create( turn, _northEastContact, KbHorizontal ); cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } } ++_connexity.fields.globals; --_connexity.fields.Pad; if (westPad ) _west = source->getBodyHook(); if (eastPad ) _east = source->getBodyHook(); if (southPad) _south = source->getBodyHook(); if (northPad) _north = source->getBodyHook(); _do_xG(); if (westPad) { AutoSegment::create( source, _southWestContact, KbHorizontal ); _west = NULL; } if (eastPad) { AutoSegment::create( source, _northEastContact, KbHorizontal ); _east = NULL; } if (southPad) { AutoSegment::create( source, _southWestContact, KbVertical ); _south = NULL; } if (northPad) { AutoSegment::create( source, _northEastContact, KbVertical ); _north = NULL; } --_connexity.fields.globals; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); } void GCellTopology::_do_1G_1PinM2 () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "_do_1G_1PinM2() [Managed Configuration - Optimized] " << _topology << endl; AutoContact* rpContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, _routingPads[0], NoFlags ); AutoContact* turn1 = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( rpContact, turn1, KbVertical ); if (_north or _south) { AutoContact* turn2 = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( turn1, turn2, KbHorizontal ); turn1 = turn2; } _southWestContact = _northEastContact = turn1; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); } void GCellTopology::_do_1G_1M1 () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "_do_1G_1M1() [Managed Configuration - Optimized] " << _topology << endl; unsigned int flags = NoFlags; if (_east ) { flags |= HAccess; } else if (_west ) { flags |= HAccess; } else if (_north) { flags |= VSmall; } else if (_south) { flags |= VSmall; } _southWestContact = _northEastContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, _routingPads[0], flags ); cdebug_tabw(145,-1); } void GCellTopology::_do_1G_xM1 () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "_do_1G_" << (int)_connexity.fields.M1 << "M1() [Managed Configuration]" << endl; sort( _routingPads.begin(), _routingPads.end(), SortRpByX(NoFlags) ); // increasing X. for ( unsigned int i=1 ; i<_routingPads.size() ; ++i ) { AutoContact* leftContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, _routingPads[i-1], HAccess ); AutoContact* rightContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, _routingPads[i ], HAccess ); AutoSegment::create( leftContact, rightContact, KbHorizontal ); } Component* globalRp = NULL; if (_east) globalRp = _routingPads[_routingPads.size()-1]; else if (_west) globalRp = _routingPads[0]; else { globalRp = _routingPads[0]; cdebug_log(145,0) << "| Initial N/S Global RP: " << globalRp << endl; for ( unsigned int i=1 ; i<_routingPads.size() ; ++i ) { if (_routingPads[i]->getBoundingBox().getHeight() > globalRp->getBoundingBox().getHeight()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "| Better RP: " << globalRp << endl; globalRp = _routingPads[i]; } } } AutoContact* globalContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, globalRp, HAccess ); if (_north or _south) { AutoContact* turn = globalContact; globalContact = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( globalContact, turn, KbHorizontal ); } _northEastContact = _southWestContact = globalContact; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); } void GCellTopology::_do_xG_1M1_1M2 () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "_do_xG_1M1_1M2() [Managed Configuration]" << endl; Component* rpL1; Component* rpL2; if (_routingPads[0]->getLayer() == Session::getRoutingLayer(0)) { rpL1 = _routingPads[0]; rpL2 = _routingPads[1]; } else { rpL1 = _routingPads[1]; rpL2 = _routingPads[0]; } cdebug_log(145,0) << "rpL1 := " << rpL1 << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "rpL2 := " << rpL2 << endl; AutoContact* rpL1ContactSource = NULL; AutoContact* rpL1ContactTarget = NULL; AutoContact* rpL2ContactSource = NULL; AutoContact* rpL2ContactTarget = NULL; doRp_AutoContacts( _gcell, rpL1, rpL1ContactSource, rpL1ContactTarget, NoFlags ); doRp_AutoContacts( _gcell, rpL2, rpL2ContactSource, rpL2ContactTarget, NoFlags ); AutoContact* subContact = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( rpL1ContactSource, subContact, KbHorizontal ); AutoSegment::create( rpL2ContactSource, subContact, KbVertical ); if (_south or _west) { doRp_AutoContacts( _gcell, rpL2, rpL2ContactSource, rpL2ContactTarget, DoSourceContact ); if (_south and _west) { _southWestContact = AutoContactHTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(2) ); AutoSegment::create( rpL2ContactSource, _southWestContact, KbHorizontal ); } else { if (_south) { _southWestContact = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(2) ); AutoSegment::create( rpL2ContactSource, _southWestContact, KbHorizontal ); } else { _southWestContact = rpL2ContactSource; } } } if (_north or _east) { doRp_AutoContacts( _gcell, rpL2, rpL2ContactSource, rpL2ContactTarget, DoTargetContact ); if (_north and _east) { _northEastContact = AutoContactHTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(2) ); AutoSegment::create( rpL2ContactTarget, _northEastContact, KbHorizontal ); } else { if (_north) { _northEastContact = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(2) ); AutoSegment::create( rpL2ContactTarget, _northEastContact, KbHorizontal ); } else { _northEastContact = rpL2ContactTarget; } } } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); } void GCellTopology::_do_xG_xM1_xM3 () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "_do_xG_" << (int)_connexity.fields.M1 << "M1_" << (int)_connexity.fields.M3 << "M3() [G:" << (int)_connexity.fields.globals << " Managed Configuration]" << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "_connexity: " << _connexity.connexity << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "_north: " << _north << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "_south: " << _south << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "_east: " << _east << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "_west: " << _west << endl; Component* rpM3 = NULL; if (_routingPads[0]->getLayer() == Session::getRoutingLayer(2)) rpM3 = _routingPads[0]; sort( _routingPads.begin(), _routingPads.end(), SortRpByX(NoFlags) ); // increasing X. for ( unsigned int i=1 ; i<_routingPads.size() ; ++i ) { AutoContact* leftContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, _routingPads[i-1], HAccess ); AutoContact* rightContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, _routingPads[i ], HAccess ); AutoSegment::create( leftContact, rightContact, KbHorizontal ); if (not rpM3 and (_routingPads[i]->getLayer() == Session::getRoutingLayer(2))) rpM3 = _routingPads[i]; } AutoContact* unusedContact = NULL; if (rpM3) { // At least one M3 RoutingPad is present: use it. if (_west and not _south) { _southWestContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, _routingPads[0], HAccess ); } else if (not _west and _south) { doRp_AutoContacts( _gcell, rpM3, _southWestContact, unusedContact, DoSourceContact ); } else if (_west and _south) { AutoContact* rpContact = NULL; doRp_AutoContacts( _gcell, rpM3, rpContact, unusedContact, DoSourceContact ); _southWestContact = AutoContactVTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( rpContact, _southWestContact, KbVertical ); } if (_east and not _north) { _northEastContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, _routingPads[_routingPads.size()-1], HAccess ); } else if (not _east and _north) { doRp_AutoContacts( _gcell, rpM3, unusedContact, _northEastContact, DoTargetContact ); } else if (_east and _north) { AutoContact* rpContact = NULL; doRp_AutoContacts( _gcell, rpM3, unusedContact, rpContact, DoTargetContact ); _northEastContact = AutoContactVTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( rpContact, _northEastContact, KbVertical ); } } else { // All RoutingPad are M1. Component* southWestRp = _routingPads[0]; cdebug_log(145,0) << "| Initial S-W Global RP: " << southWestRp << endl; for ( unsigned int i=1 ; i<_routingPads.size() ; ++i ) { if (southWestRp->getBoundingBox().getHeight() >= 4*Session::getPitch(1)) break; if (_routingPads[i]->getBoundingBox().getHeight() > southWestRp->getBoundingBox().getHeight()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "| Better RP: " << southWestRp << endl; southWestRp = _routingPads[i]; } } if (_west and not _south) { _southWestContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, southWestRp, HAccess ); } else if (not _west and _south) { AutoContact* rpContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, southWestRp, HAccess ); _southWestContact = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( rpContact, _southWestContact, KbHorizontal ); } else if (_west and _south) { AutoContact* rpContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, southWestRp, HAccess ); _southWestContact = AutoContactHTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( rpContact, _southWestContact, KbHorizontal ); } Component* northEastRp = _routingPads[_routingPads.size()-1]; cdebug_log(145,0) << "| Initial N-E Global RP: " << northEastRp << endl; if (_routingPads.size() > 1) { for ( unsigned int i=_routingPads.size()-1; i != 0 ; ) { i -= 1; if (northEastRp->getBoundingBox().getHeight() >= 4*Session::getPitch(1)) break; if (_routingPads[i]->getBoundingBox().getHeight() > northEastRp->getBoundingBox().getHeight()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "| Better RP: " << northEastRp << endl; northEastRp = _routingPads[i]; } } } if (_east and not _north) { _northEastContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, northEastRp, HAccess ); } else if (not _east and _north) { AutoContact* rpContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, northEastRp, HAccess ); _northEastContact = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( rpContact, _northEastContact, KbHorizontal ); } else if (_east and _north) { AutoContact* rpContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, northEastRp, HAccess ); _northEastContact = AutoContactHTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( rpContact, _northEastContact, KbHorizontal ); } } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); } void GCellTopology::_do_4G_1M2 () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "_do_4G_1M2() [Managed Configuration]" << endl; Component* rpL2 = _routingPads[0]; cdebug_log(145,0) << "rpL2 := " << rpL2 << endl; AutoContact* rpL2ContactSource = NULL; AutoContact* rpL2ContactTarget = NULL; doRp_AutoContacts( _gcell, rpL2, rpL2ContactSource, rpL2ContactTarget, DoSourceContact|DoTargetContact ); _southWestContact = AutoContactHTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(2) ); _northEastContact = AutoContactHTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(2) ); AutoSegment::create( _southWestContact, rpL2ContactSource, KbHorizontal ); AutoSegment::create( rpL2ContactTarget, _northEastContact, KbHorizontal ); cdebug_tabw(145,-1); } void GCellTopology::_do_xG_xM2 () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "_do_" << (int)_connexity.fields.globals << "G_" << (int)_connexity.fields.M2 << "M2() [Managed Configuration - x]" << endl; Component* biggestRp = _routingPads[0]; for ( unsigned int i=1 ; i<_routingPads.size() ; ++i ) { doRp_StairCaseH( _gcell, _routingPads[i-1], _routingPads[i] ); if (_routingPads[i]->getBoundingBox().getWidth() > biggestRp->getBoundingBox().getWidth()) biggestRp = _routingPads[i]; } AutoContact* unusedContact = NULL; if (_west and not _south) { doRp_AutoContacts( _gcell, _routingPads[0], _southWestContact, unusedContact, DoSourceContact ); } else if (not _west and _south) { _southWestContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, biggestRp, NoFlags ); } else if (_west and _south) { AutoContact* rpContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, biggestRp, NoFlags ); _southWestContact = AutoContactVTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( rpContact, _southWestContact, KbVertical ); } if (_east and not _north) { doRp_AutoContacts( _gcell, _routingPads[_routingPads.size()-1], _northEastContact, unusedContact, DoSourceContact ); } else if (not _east and _north) { _northEastContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, biggestRp, NoFlags ); } else if (_east and _north) { AutoContact* rpContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, biggestRp, NoFlags ); _northEastContact = AutoContactVTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( rpContact, _northEastContact, KbVertical ); } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); } void GCellTopology::_do_1G_1M3 () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "_do_1G_1M3() [Optimised Configuration]" << endl; unsigned int flags = (_east or _west) ? HAccess : NoFlags; flags |= (_north) ? DoTargetContact : NoFlags; flags |= (_south) ? DoSourceContact : NoFlags; doRp_AutoContacts( _gcell , _routingPads[0] , _southWestContact , _northEastContact , flags ); if (not _southWestContact) _southWestContact = _northEastContact; if (not _northEastContact) _northEastContact = _southWestContact; cdebug_log(145,0) << "_southWest: " << _southWestContact << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "_northEast: " << _northEastContact << endl; if (flags & HAccess) { // HARDCODED VALUE. if (_routingPads[0]->getBoundingBox().getHeight() < 3*Session::getPitch(1)) { AutoContact* subContact = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( _southWestContact, subContact, KbVertical ); _southWestContact = _northEastContact = subContact; } } else { if (_sourceContact) { if (_sourceContact->getX() != _southWestContact->getX()) { AutoContactTurn* turn1 = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoContactTurn* turn2 = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( _southWestContact, turn1, KbVertical ); AutoSegment::create( turn1 , turn2, KbHorizontal ); _southWestContact = _northEastContact = turn2; } } } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); } void GCellTopology::_do_xG_xM3 () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "_do_xG_" << (int)_connexity.fields.M3 << "M3() [Managed Configuration]" << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "_west:" << _west << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "_east:" << _east << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "_south:" << _south << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "_north:" << _north << endl; sort( _routingPads.begin(), _routingPads.end(), SortRpByY(NoFlags) ); // increasing Y. for ( unsigned int i=1 ; i<_routingPads.size() ; i++ ) { doRp_StairCaseV( _gcell, _routingPads[i-1], _routingPads[i] ); } AutoContact* unusedContact = NULL; Component* rp = _routingPads[0]; if (_west and not _south) { _southWestContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, rp, HAccess ); } else if (not _west and _south) { doRp_AutoContacts( _gcell, rp, _southWestContact, unusedContact, DoSourceContact ); if (_sourceContact) { if (_sourceContact->getX() != _southWestContact->getX()) { cdebug_log(149,0) << "Misaligned South: _source:" << DbU::getValueString(_sourceContact->getX()) << "_southWest:" << DbU::getValueString(_southWestContact->getX()) << endl; AutoContactTurn* turn1 = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoContactTurn* turn2 = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( _southWestContact, turn1, KbVertical ); AutoSegment::create( turn1 , turn2, KbHorizontal ); _southWestContact = turn2; } } } else if (_west and _south) { AutoContact* rpContact = NULL; doRp_AutoContacts( _gcell, rp, rpContact, unusedContact, DoSourceContact ); _southWestContact = AutoContactVTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( rpContact, _southWestContact, KbVertical ); } rp = _routingPads[_routingPads.size()-1]; if (_east and not _north) { _northEastContact = doRp_Access( _gcell, rp, HAccess ); } else if (not _east and _north) { doRp_AutoContacts( _gcell, rp, unusedContact, _northEastContact, DoTargetContact ); if (_sourceContact) { if (_sourceContact->getX() != _northEastContact->getX()) { cdebug_log(149,0) << "Misaligned North: _source:" << DbU::getValueString(_sourceContact->getX()) << "_southWest:" << DbU::getValueString(_northEastContact->getX()) << endl; AutoContactTurn* turn1 = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoContactTurn* turn2 = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( _northEastContact, turn1, KbVertical ); AutoSegment::create( turn1 , turn2, KbHorizontal ); _northEastContact = turn2; } } } else if (_east and _north) { AutoContact* rpContact = NULL; doRp_AutoContacts( _gcell, rp, unusedContact, rpContact, DoTargetContact ); _northEastContact = AutoContactVTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( rpContact, _northEastContact, KbVertical ); } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); } void singleGCell ( KatabaticEngine* ktbt, Net* net ) { cdebug_log(145,1) << "singleGCell() " << net << endl; vector rpM1s; Component* rpM2 = NULL; forEach ( RoutingPad*, irp, net->getRoutingPads() ) { if (Session::getRoutingGauge()->getLayerDepth(irp->getLayer()) == 1) rpM2 = *irp; else rpM1s.push_back( *irp ); } if ((rpM1s.size() < 2) and not rpM2) { cerr << Error( "For %s, less than two Plugs/Pins (%d)." , getString(net).c_str() , rpM1s.size() ) << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } sort( rpM1s.begin(), rpM1s.end(), SortRpByX(NoFlags) ); // increasing X. GCell* gcell = ktbt->getGCellGrid()->getGCell( (*rpM1s.begin ())->getCenter() , (*rpM1s.rbegin())->getCenter() ); if (not gcell) { cerr << Error( "No GCell under %s.", getString(rpM1s[0]).c_str() ) << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } cdebug_log(145,0) << "singleGCell " << gcell << endl; AutoContact* turn = NULL; AutoContact* source = NULL; AutoContact* target = NULL; for ( size_t irp=1 ; irpgetNet(), Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( source, turn , KbHorizontal ); AutoSegment::create( turn , target, KbVertical ); } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); } } // Anonymous namespace. namespace Katabatic { using Hurricane::Name; using Hurricane::DebugSession; using Hurricane::Error; using Hurricane::Warning; using Hurricane::Bug; using CRL::addMeasure; using CRL::getMeasure; void KatabaticEngine::_loadGrByNet () { cmess1 << " o Loading Nets global routing from Knik." << endl; cmess1 << Dots::asDouble(" - Saturation",getMeasure("Sat.")) << endl; startMeasures(); Session::open( this ); forEach ( Net*, inet, getCell()->getNets() ) { if (NetRoutingExtension::isAutomaticGlobalRoute(*inet)) { DebugSession::open( *inet, 140, 150 ); _loadNetGlobalRouting( *inet ); Session::revalidate(); DebugSession::close(); } } // forEach(Net*) #if defined(CHECK_DATABASE) _check ( "after Katabatic loading" ); #endif _print(); Session::close(); stopMeasures(); printMeasures( "load" ); addMeasure( "Globals", AutoSegment::getGlobalsCount() ); addMeasure( "Edges" , AutoSegment::getAllocateds() ); } void KatabaticEngine::_loadNetGlobalRouting ( Net* net ) { cdebug_log(149,0) << "Katabatic::_loadNetGlobalRouting( " << net << " )" << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,1); ForkStack forks; Hook* sourceHook = NULL; AutoContact* sourceContact = NULL; lookupClear(); RoutingPads routingPads = net->getRoutingPads(); size_t degree = routingPads.getSize(); if (degree == 0) { cmess2 << Warning("Net \"%s\" do not have any RoutingPad (ignored)." ,getString(net->getName()).c_str()) << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } if (degree < 2) { #if 0 if ( !getDemoMode() ) cmess2 << Warning("Net \"%s\" have less than 2 plugs/pins (ignored)." ,getString(net->getName()).c_str()) << endl; #endif cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } cdebug_tabw(145,1); Hook* startHook = NULL; GCell* lowestGCell = NULL; size_t unconnecteds = 0; size_t connecteds = 0; GCellTopology::init( degree ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "Start RoutingPad Ring" << endl; forEach ( RoutingPad*, startRp, routingPads ) { bool segmentFound = false; forEach ( Hook*, ihook, startRp->getBodyHook()->getHooks() ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Component " << ihook->getComponent() << endl; Segment* segment = dynamic_cast( ihook->getComponent() ); if (segment) { ++connecteds; segmentFound = true; GCellTopology gcellConf ( getGCellGrid(), *ihook, NULL ); if (gcellConf.getStateG() == 1) { if ( (lowestGCell == NULL) or (lowestGCell->getIndex() > gcellConf.getGCell()->getIndex()) ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Starting from GCell " << gcellConf.getGCell() << endl; lowestGCell = gcellConf.getGCell(); startHook = *ihook; } break; } } } unconnecteds += (segmentFound) ? 0 : 1; if ( (unconnecteds > 10) and (connecteds == 0) ) { cerr << Warning("More than 10 unconnected RoutingPads (%u) on %s, missing global routing?" ,unconnecteds, getString(net->getName()).c_str() ) << endl; NetRoutingExtension::create( net )->setFlags ( NetRoutingState::Excluded ); NetRoutingExtension::create( net )->unsetFlags( NetRoutingState::AutomaticGlobalRoute ); cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } // Uncomment the next line to disable the lowest GCell search. // (takes first GCell with exactly one global). //if (startHook) break; } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); if (startHook == NULL) { singleGCell( this, net ); cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } GCellTopology startGCellConf ( getGCellGrid(), startHook, NULL ); startGCellConf.construct( forks ); sourceHook = forks.getFrom (); sourceContact = forks.getContact(); forks.pop(); while ( sourceHook ) { GCellTopology gcellConf ( getGCellGrid(), sourceHook, sourceContact ); gcellConf.construct( forks ); sourceHook = forks.getFrom(); sourceContact = forks.getContact(); forks.pop(); cdebug_log(145,0) << "Popping (from) " << sourceHook << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "Popping (to) " << sourceContact << endl; } lookupClear(); Session::revalidate(); #if THIS_IS_DISABLED set::iterator iover = overconstraineds.begin(); for ( ; iover != overconstraineds.end() ; ++iover ) { (*iover)->makeDogLeg( (*iover)->getAutoSource()->getGCell(), true ); } #endif Session::revalidate(); GCellTopology::fixSegments(); cdebug_tabw(145,-1); } } // Katabatic namespace.