Katabatic - Routing Toolbox

1 // -*- mode: C++; explicit-buffer-name: "Session.h<katabatic>" -*-
2 //
3 // This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
4 // Copyright (c) UPMC 2008-2018, All Rights Reserved
5 //
6 // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
7 // | C O R I O L I S |
8 // | K a t a b a t i c - Routing Toolbox |
9 // | |
10 // | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
11 // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr |
12 // | =============================================================== |
13 // | C++ Header : "./katabatic/Session.h" |
14 // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
20 #include <string>
21 #include <vector>
22 #include <set>
23 #include <map>
24 #include <boost/function.hpp>
25 #include "hurricane/Commons.h"
26 #include "hurricane/DbU.h"
27 #include "crlcore/CellGauge.h"
28 #include "crlcore/RoutingGauge.h"
29 #include "katabatic/Constants.h"
30 #include "katabatic/Configuration.h"
32 namespace Hurricane {
33  class Layer;
34  class Technology;
35  class Net;
36  class Contact;
37  class Segment;
38 }
41 namespace Katabatic {
43  using std::cerr;
44  using std::endl;
45  using std::string;
46  using std::vector;
47  using std::set;
48  using std::map;
49  using std::make_pair;
50  using Hurricane::tab;
51  using Hurricane::_TName;
52  using Hurricane::Record;
53  using Hurricane::Layer;
55  using Hurricane::DbU;
56  using Hurricane::Net;
57  using Hurricane::Contact;
58  using Hurricane::Segment;
59  using CRL::RoutingGauge;
61  class AutoContact;
62  class AutoSegment;
63  class KatabaticEngine;
66 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
67 // Class : "Katabatic::Session".
69  class Session {
70  public:
71  // Static Methods.
72  static inline bool doDestroyBaseContact ();
73  static inline bool doDestroyBaseSegment ();
74  static inline bool doDestroyTool ();
75  static bool isInDemoMode ();
76  static bool doWarnGCellOverload ();
77  static Session* get ( const char* message=NULL );
78  static inline Technology* getTechnology ();
79  static inline KatabaticEngine* getKatabatic ();
80  static inline const Configuration* getConfiguration ();
81  static float getSaturateRatio ();
82  static size_t getSaturateRp ();
83  static inline size_t getAllowedDepth ();
84  static DbU::Unit getExtensionCap ();
85  static inline CellGauge* getCellGauge ();
86  static inline DbU::Unit getSliceHeight ();
87  static inline DbU::Unit getSliceStep ();
88  static inline RoutingGauge* getRoutingGauge ();
89  static inline RoutingLayerGauge* getLayerGauge ( size_t depth );
90  static inline size_t getDepth ();
91  static inline size_t getViaDepth ( const Layer* layer );
92  static inline size_t getLayerDepth ( const Layer* layer );
93  static inline const Layer* getRoutingLayer ( size_t );
94  static inline const Layer* getContactLayer ( size_t );
95  static unsigned int getDirection ( size_t depth );
96  static inline DbU::Unit getPitch ( size_t depth, unsigned int flags );
97  static inline DbU::Unit getOffset ( size_t depth );
98  static inline DbU::Unit getWireWidth ( size_t depth );
99  static inline DbU::Unit getViaWidth ( size_t depth );
100  static inline unsigned int getDirection ( const Layer* );
101  static inline DbU::Unit getPitch ( const Layer*, unsigned int flags );
102  static inline DbU::Unit getOffset ( const Layer* );
103  static inline DbU::Unit getWireWidth ( const Layer* );
104  static inline DbU::Unit getViaWidth ( const Layer* );
105  static inline DbU::Unit getExtensionCap ( const Layer* );
106  static inline size_t getSegmentStackSize ();
107  static inline size_t getContactStackSize ();
108  static inline const vector<AutoSegment*>& getInvalidateds ();
109  static inline const vector<AutoSegment*>& getRevalidateds ();
110  static inline const set<AutoSegment*>& getDestroyeds ();
111  static inline const vector<AutoSegment*>& getDoglegs ();
112  static inline const set<Net*>& getNetsModificateds ();
113  static Session* open ( KatabaticEngine* );
114  static void close ();
115  static void setKatabaticFlags ( unsigned int );
116  static inline void dogleg ( AutoSegment* );
117  static inline void doglegReset ();
118  static inline void revalidateTopology ();
119  static inline void setInvalidateMask ( unsigned int );
120  static inline void invalidate ( Net* );
121  static inline void invalidate ( AutoContact* );
122  static inline void invalidate ( AutoSegment* );
123  static inline size_t revalidate ();
124  static void link ( AutoContact* );
125  static void link ( AutoSegment* );
126  static void unlink ( AutoContact* );
127  static void unlink ( AutoSegment* );
128  static AutoContact* lookup ( Contact* );
129  static AutoSegment* lookup ( Segment* );
130  static inline void destroyRequest ( AutoSegment* );
131  // Methods.
132  bool _doDestroyBaseContact ();
133  bool _doDestroyBaseSegment ();
134  bool _doDestroyTool ();
135  virtual Configuration* _getConfiguration ();
136  inline void _dogleg ( AutoSegment* );
137  inline void _doglegReset ();
138  void _invalidate ( Net* );
139  inline void _invalidate ( AutoContact* );
140  inline void _invalidate ( AutoSegment* );
141  inline void _destroyRequest ( AutoSegment* );
142  void _canonize ();
143  void _revalidateTopology ();
144  size_t _revalidate ();
145  DbU::Unit _getPitch ( size_t depth, unsigned int flags ) const;
146  Record* _getRecord () const;
147  string _getString () const;
148  inline string _getTypeName () const;
150  protected:
151  static Session* _session;
152  KatabaticEngine* _katabatic;
153  Technology* _technology;
154  CellGauge* _cellGauge;
155  RoutingGauge* _routingGauge;
156  vector<AutoContact*> _autoContacts;
157  vector<AutoSegment*> _doglegs;
158  vector<AutoSegment*> _segmentInvalidateds;
159  vector<AutoSegment*> _segmentRevalidateds;
160  set<Net*> _netInvalidateds;
161  set<Net*> _netRevalidateds;
162  set<AutoSegment*> _destroyedSegments;
164  // Constructors.
165  protected:
167  virtual ~Session ();
168  virtual void _postCreate ();
169  virtual void _preDestroy ();
170  private:
171  Session ( const Session& );
172  Session& operator= ( const Session& );
173  };
176 // Inline Functions.
177  inline Technology* Session::getTechnology () { return get("getTechnology()")->_technology; }
178  inline CellGauge* Session::getCellGauge () { return get("getCellGauge()")->_cellGauge; }
179  inline RoutingGauge* Session::getRoutingGauge () { return get("getRoutingGauge()")->_routingGauge; }
180  inline bool Session::doDestroyBaseContact () { return get("doDestroyBaseContact()")->_doDestroyBaseContact(); }
181  inline bool Session::doDestroyBaseSegment () { return get("doDestroyBaseSegment()")->_doDestroyBaseSegment(); }
182  inline bool Session::doDestroyTool () { return get("doDestroyTool()")->_doDestroyTool(); }
183  inline const Configuration* Session::getConfiguration () { return get("getConfiguration()")->_getConfiguration(); }
184  inline KatabaticEngine* Session::getKatabatic () { return get("getKatabatic()")->_katabatic; }
185  inline void Session::revalidateTopology () { return get("revalidateTopology()")->_revalidateTopology(); }
186  inline size_t Session::revalidate () { return get("revalidate()")->_revalidate(); }
187  inline size_t Session::getSegmentStackSize () { return get("getSegmentStackSize()")->_segmentInvalidateds.size(); }
188  inline size_t Session::getContactStackSize () { return get("getContactStackSize()")->_autoContacts.size(); }
189  inline const vector<AutoSegment*>& Session::getInvalidateds () { return get("getInvalidateds()")->_segmentInvalidateds; }
190  inline const vector<AutoSegment*>& Session::getRevalidateds () { return get("getRevalidateds()")->_segmentRevalidateds; }
191  inline const set<AutoSegment*>& Session::getDestroyeds () { return get("getDestroyeds()")->_destroyedSegments; }
192  inline const vector<AutoSegment*>& Session::getDoglegs () { return get("getDoglegs()")->_doglegs; }
193  inline const set<Net*>& Session::getNetsModificateds () { return get("getNetsModificateds()")->_netRevalidateds; }
194  inline void Session::doglegReset () { return get("doglegReset()")->_doglegReset (); }
195  inline void Session::invalidate ( Net* net ) { return get("invalidate(Net*)")->_invalidate(net); }
196  inline void Session::invalidate ( AutoContact* autoContact ) { return get("invalidate(AutoContact*)")->_invalidate(autoContact); }
197  inline void Session::invalidate ( AutoSegment* autoSegment ) { return get("invalidate(AutoSegment*)")->_invalidate(autoSegment); }
198  inline void Session::dogleg ( AutoSegment* autoSegment ) { return get("dogleg(AutoSegment*)")->_dogleg(autoSegment); }
199  inline void Session::destroyRequest ( AutoSegment* autoSegment ) { return get("destroyRequest(AutoSegment*)")->_destroyRequest(autoSegment); }
201  inline size_t Session::getAllowedDepth () { return getConfiguration()->getAllowedDepth(); }
203  inline DbU::Unit Session::getSliceHeight () { return getCellGauge()->getSliceHeight(); }
204  inline DbU::Unit Session::getSliceStep () { return getCellGauge()->getSliceStep(); }
205  inline RoutingLayerGauge* Session::getLayerGauge ( size_t depth ) { return getRoutingGauge()->getLayerGauge(depth); }
206  inline size_t Session::getDepth () { return getRoutingGauge()->getDepth(); }
207  inline size_t Session::getViaDepth ( const Layer* layer ) { return getRoutingGauge()->getViaDepth(layer); }
208  inline size_t Session::getLayerDepth ( const Layer* layer ) { return getRoutingGauge()->getLayerDepth(layer); }
209  inline const Layer* Session::getRoutingLayer ( size_t depth ) { return getRoutingGauge()->getRoutingLayer(depth); }
210  inline const Layer* Session::getContactLayer ( size_t depth ) { return getRoutingGauge()->getContactLayer(depth); }
211  inline DbU::Unit Session::getPitch ( size_t depth, unsigned int flags=Configuration::NoFlags ) { return get("getPitch(depth,flags)")->_getPitch( depth, flags ); }
212  inline DbU::Unit Session::getOffset ( size_t depth ) { return getRoutingGauge()->getLayerOffset(depth); }
213  inline DbU::Unit Session::getWireWidth ( size_t depth ) { return getRoutingGauge()->getLayerWireWidth(depth); }
214  inline DbU::Unit Session::getViaWidth ( size_t depth ) { return getRoutingGauge()->getViaWidth(depth); }
215  inline DbU::Unit Session::getPitch ( const Layer* layer, unsigned int flags=Configuration::NoFlags ) { return getPitch( getLayerDepth(layer), flags ); }
216  inline DbU::Unit Session::getOffset ( const Layer* layer ) { return getOffset ( getLayerDepth(layer) ); }
217  inline DbU::Unit Session::getWireWidth ( const Layer* layer ) { return getWireWidth( getLayerDepth(layer) ); }
218  inline DbU::Unit Session::getViaWidth ( const Layer* layer ) { return getViaWidth ( getViaDepth(layer) ); }
219  inline DbU::Unit Session::getExtensionCap ( const Layer* layer ) { return getConfiguration()->getExtensionCap(layer); }
220  inline unsigned int Session::getDirection ( const Layer* layer ) { return getDirection( getLayerDepth(layer) ); }
222  inline void Session::_dogleg ( AutoSegment* segment ) { _doglegs.push_back(segment); }
223  inline void Session::_doglegReset () { _doglegs.clear(); }
224  inline void Session::_invalidate ( AutoContact* contact ) { _autoContacts.push_back(contact); }
225  inline void Session::_invalidate ( AutoSegment* segment ) { _segmentInvalidateds.push_back(segment); }
226  inline void Session::_destroyRequest ( AutoSegment* segment ) { _destroyedSegments.insert(segment); }
227  inline string Session::_getTypeName () const { return _TName("Session"); }
230 } // Katabatic namespace.
233 INSPECTOR_P_SUPPORT(Katabatic::Session);
static void revalidateTopology()
Definition: Session.h:185
static const set< Net * > & getNetsModificateds()
Definition: Session.h:193
static void close()
Definition: Session.cpp:295
static size_t getSegmentStackSize()
Definition: Session.h:187
static void link(AutoContact *)
Definition: Session.cpp:368
static const vector< AutoSegment * > & getInvalidateds()
Definition: Session.h:189
static const Layer * getContactLayer(size_t)
Definition: Session.h:210
std::int64_t Unit
static const vector< AutoSegment * > & getRevalidateds()
Definition: Session.h:190
Modification Session for Katabatic.
Definition: Session.h:69
static AutoContact * lookup(Contact *)
Definition: Session.cpp:384
Abstract base class for AutoSegment.
Definition: AutoSegment.h:104
static DbU::Unit getExtensionCap()
static void dogleg(AutoSegment *)
Definition: Session.h:198
Definition: LoadGrByNet.cpp:405
static float getSaturateRatio()
Definition: Session.cpp:352
static RoutingGauge * getRoutingGauge()
Definition: Session.h:179
static void setKatabaticFlags(unsigned int)
Definition: Session.cpp:364
static void setInvalidateMask(unsigned int)
size_t getDepth() const
static KatabaticEngine * getKatabatic()
Definition: Session.h:184
The namespace dedicated to Katabatic.
Definition: Katabatic.dox:13
static size_t getSaturateRp()
Definition: Session.cpp:356
static size_t getContactStackSize()
Definition: Session.h:188
The Katabatic Tool.
Definition: KatabaticEngine.h:91
RoutingLayerGauge * getLayerGauge(const Layer *) const
static bool isInDemoMode()
Definition: Session.cpp:348
static const Configuration * getConfiguration()
Definition: Session.h:183
static Technology * getTechnology()
Definition: Session.h:177
static void invalidate(Net *)
Definition: Session.h:195
Layer * getContactLayer(size_t depth) const
static Session * open(KatabaticEngine *)
Definition: Session.cpp:277
static void unlink(AutoContact *)
Definition: Session.cpp:376
const Layer * getRoutingLayer(size_t depth) const
static const Layer * getRoutingLayer(size_t)
Definition: Session.h:209
Abstract base class for AutoContact.
Definition: AutoContact.h:70
static const vector< AutoSegment * > & getDoglegs()
Definition: Session.h:192
size_t getLayerDepth(const Layer *) const
static bool doWarnGCellOverload()
Definition: Session.cpp:360
static size_t revalidate()
Definition: Session.h:186

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Katabatic - Routing Toolbox Copyright © 2008-2016 UPMC. All rights reserved