Building Coriolis ================= To build Coriolis, ensure the following prerequisites are met: * A C++11 compliant compiler. * Python 3. * make or ninja. * cmake. * bzip2 * boost. * bison & flex. * Qt 5 & Qt 5 Svg. * Qwt * libxml2. * RapidJSON, . * Eigen 3, . * Lemon, . * doxygen * pelican * latex The build system relies on a fixed directory tree from the root of the user currently building it. Thus first step is to get a clone of the repository in the right place. Proceed as follow: .. code-block:: bash $ git clone --recurse-submodules $ cd coriolis Then, to build Python wheels: .. code-block:: bash $ poetry build The wheels can be found in dist and installed using pip: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install dist/*.whl Building for Mac OSX ==================== To build on mac, first install _Homebrew: To install the prereqisites: .. code-block:: bash brew install doxygen qt@5 qwt-qt5 rapidjson boost eigen brew install --cask mactex .. code-block:: bash CMAKE_FRAMEWORK_PATH=/opt/homebrew/opt/qt@5/lib/cmake/ Using Coriolis ============== Prior to using Coriolis, you need to setup your UNIX environment by running the following command: .. code-block:: bash ego@home:~$ eval `~/coriolis-2.x/OS.DISTRIB/Release.Shared/install/etc/coriolis2/` Then you can launch the GUI: .. code-block:: bash ego@home:~$ cgt -V