#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; #include "vlsisapd/liberty/Name.h" #include "vlsisapd/liberty/Library.h" #include "vlsisapd/liberty/Cell.h" #include "vlsisapd/liberty/Pin.h" #include "vlsisapd/liberty/Timing.h" int main ( int argc, char * argv[] ) { LIB::Library* library = LIB::Library::readFromFile("./testParse.lib"); if ( library ) { // print of the library library->print(); // print of one attribute in particular of a cell cout << "Area of inv_x1 : " << library->getCell(LIB::Name("inv_x1"))->getAttribute(LIB::Name("area"))->valueAsString() << endl; cout << "Timing intrinsic_rise of nq of inv_x1 : " << library->getCell(LIB::Name("inv_x1"))->getPin(LIB::Name("nq"))->getTiming(LIB::Name("i"))->getAttribute(LIB::Name("intrinsic_rise"))->valueAsString() << endl; // print of all the attributes of a cell cout << "Attributes of no2_x1 :" << endl; for(map<LIB::Name, LIB::Attribute*>::const_iterator it=library->getCell(LIB::Name("no2_x1"))->getAttributes().begin() ; it!=library->getCell(LIB::Name("no2_x1"))->getAttributes().end() ; ++it) { cout << " name= " << (*it).first.getString() << ", type= " << (*it).second->typeToString() << ", value= " << (*it).second->valueAsString() << endl; } // print of all the timings of a pin cout << "Timing's atributes of pin nq of no2_x1 :" << endl; for (size_t i = 0 ; i < library->getCell(LIB::Name("no2_x1"))->getPin(LIB::Name("nq"))->getTimings().size() ; i++) { library->getCell(LIB::Name("no2_x1"))->getPin(LIB::Name("nq"))->getTimings()[i]->print(); } } else { cerr << "library is NULL" << endl; } return 0; }