// -*- C++ -*-

/*! \mainpage
 *  \section     secMainDoc  Software Architecture
 *  \subsection ssecUniqueInstance  Unique Instance-Cell Relationship
 *              MetaTransistor and Device are derived classes of Cell and are the
 *              building blocks of all analogic designs.
 *              - MetaTransistor(s) are used to build the Devices, and \e only them.
 *              - Device(s) are then assembled into more complex design.
 *              The important point to remember is that Device and MetaTransistor
 *              \b are Cell(s).
 *  \note       An analogy can be made between the Devices and the Standard Cells            
 *              in the numeric world.
 *              In Analog designs, Devices and MetaTransistors are all parametriseds
 *              in such a way that each one become effectively unique. So any
 *              Device or MetaTransistor is only instanciated once with it's specific
 *              set of parameter's values, thus there is a \b unique relationship between
 *              a Device and it's instance. We can keep tab of only one of the two.
 *              As the Cell contains more information, this is the one we choose.
 *              But we still need the Instance to perform (store) the placement
 *              informations. So, how to get the Instance from one Device.
 *              <b>Method 1:</b> name matching.
 *              For the sake of clarity, we impose that the Device name must be identical
 *              to the instance name. This way we can lookup for an Instance in the
 *              top device with the same name as the current model. We assume that we
 *              indeed have the containing Cell in handy:
Instance* instance = parentCell->getInstance( cell->getName() );
 *              <b>Method 2:</b> Slave instance.
 *              In the Hurricane data structure, every Device (Cell) keep track of the
 *              Instances pointing to it. Since there should be only one in analogic,
 *              we can do the following:
Instance* instance = cell->getSlaveInstances().getFirst();
 *  \subsection  ssecWhyMetaTrans  Why Meta-Transistor
 *               The Hurricane database does not have true support for transistor
 *               as Cell(s), only a dedicated layer for Segment. Hence the
 *               implementation of the MetaTransistor in Hurricane/Analog. It provides
 *               a Cell derived class with four connectors (\c G , \c S , \c D ,
 *               \c B ) and a comprenhensive set of electrical parameters.
 *               It is meant to represent a complete transistor, not a finger
 *               of a larger one, it \b is the larger one...
 *  \subsection  ssecClassOrg  Class Organization
 *               Almost UML schema of the Device related classes.
 *               \image  html  device_schema_1_uml.png
 *               For the Transistor device:
 *               -# The netlist is fixed and generated (in C++) in the Transistor, by
 *                  instanciating one MetaTransistor.
 *               -# The layout is generated <em>on the fly</em> by calling the relevant
 *                  python script.
 *               -# The parameters, which are commons to all the Transistor based
 *                  devices are created in TransistorFamily. The parameters are created
 *                  through the Device parameter factory and stored at the Device level.
 *                  A pointer to the concrete type of Parameter is also kept at the
 *                  TransistorFamily level.
 *               -# The Device::getParameters() method is implemented at this level
 *                  and returns a reference to the set of parameters.
 *               -# Parameters are used to set up the Device characteristics, either
 *                  programmatically or through the graphical interface.
 *                  The layout Python generation scripts also uses the Parameter
 *                  to know the settings of a device.
 *               Deprecateds:
 *               -# <code>Arguments</code> where fully redundant with Parameters, so
 *                  we did remove them.
 *                  <b>The Arguments must be removed from the UML schema.</b>
 *  \subsection  ssecOpenQuestions  Open questions
 *               -# In Bora::channelRouting, what is implemented is in fact an
 *                  interval tree (or segment tree). We should try to use their
 *                  \c Boost implementation.
 *               -# In Bora::SlicingTree, whe should merge the list of user nodes
 *                  (devices and hierarchical) with the routing nodes (channels and
 *                  struts) to unify the underlying management. This sould enable
 *                  us to move lots method implementation \e upward in the class
 *                  hierarchy.