# -*- mode:Python -*- import sys import os.path import string import traceback import Hurricane from Hurricane import DbU from Hurricane import DataBase from Hurricane import BasicLayer from helpers import ErrorMessage realFile = '' def loadGdsLayers ( realLayersTable, confFile ): realFile = confFile technology = DataBase.getDB().getTechnology() entryNo = 0 for entry in realLayersTable: entryNo += 1 try: if len(entry) != 3: raise ErrorMessage(1,['Malformed entry in .' ,'Must have exactly three fields: (symb_name,real_name,GDSII_extnb).' ,str(entry) ]) symbName, realName, gdsiiExtractNumber = entry if not isinstance(gdsiiExtractNumber,int): raise ErrorMessage(1,['Incoherency in entry.' ,'GDSII exctract number is not of int type (%s).' \ % helpers.stype(gdsiiExtractNumber) ,str(entry) ]) basicLayer = technology.getBasicLayer(symbName) if not basicLayer: raise ErrorMessage(1,['Incoherency in entry.' ,'The real layer "%s" associated to the GDSII "%s" do not exists.' \ % (symbName,realName) ,str(entry) ]) basicLayer.setRealName ( realName ) basicLayer.setExtractNumber( gdsiiExtractNumber ) except Exception, e: ErrorMessage.wrapPrint(e,'In %s: at index %d.' % (realFile,entryNo)) return def loadTechnoConfig ( technoConfig, confFile ): realFile = confFile technology = DataBase.getDB().getTechnology() gridValue = 1 gridUnit = DbU.UnitPowerMicro for key in [ 'gridUnit', 'gridValue', 'gridsPerLambda' ]: try: if key == 'gridUnit': if technoConfig.has_key(key): gridUnit = technoConfig[key] if gridUnit != DbU.UnitPowerPico and \ gridUnit != DbU.UnitPowerNano and \ gridUnit != DbU.UnitPowerMicro and \ gridUnit != DbU.UnitPowerMilli and \ gridUnit != DbU.UnitPowerUnity and \ gridUnit != DbU.UnitPowerKilo: raise ErrorMessage(1,'In , invalid DbU unit power for gridUnit, reseting to Micro.') else: raise ErrorMessage(1,' has no defined, assuming Micro.') elif key == 'gridValue': if technoConfig.has_key('gridValue'): gridValue = technoConfig['gridValue'] if not isinstance(gridUnit,float) and not isinstance(gridUnit,int): raise ErrorMessage(1,['In , must be of type float (and not: %s).' % helpers.stype(gridValue) ]) DbU.setPhysicalsPerGrid(gridValue,gridUnit) else: raise ErrorMessage(1,' has no defined.') elif key == 'gridsPerLambda': if technoConfig.has_key('gridsPerLambda'): gridsPerLambda = technoConfig['gridsPerLambda'] if not isinstance(gridsPerLambda,int): raise ErrorMessage(1,['In , must be of type int (and not: %s).' % helpers.stype(gridsPerLambda) ]) DbU.setGridsPerLambda(gridsPerLambda) except Exception, e: ErrorMessage.wrapPrint(e) return