#!/usr/bin/env python # # -*- mode:Python -*- # # This file is part of the Coriolis Software. # Copyright (c) UPMC 2015-2015, All Rights Reserved # # +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ # | C O R I O L I S | # | C o r i o l i s / C h a m s I n s t a l l e r | # | | # | Authors : Jean-Paul Chaput | # | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@asim.lip6.fr | # | =============================================================== | # | Python : "./socInstaller.py" | # +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ # # WARNING: # This script has been designed only for internal use in the # LIP6/SoC department. If you want to use it you will need to # change the hardwired configuration. showTrace = True try: import sys import os.path import shutil import optparse import time import traceback import distutils.sysconfig import subprocess import re import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication except ImportError, e: module = str(e).split()[-1] class ErrorMessage ( Exception ): def __init__ ( self, code, *arguments ): self._code = code self._errors = [ 'Malformed call to ErrorMessage()', '%s' % str(arguments) ] text = None if len(arguments) == 1: if isinstance(arguments[0],Exception): text = str(arguments[0]).split('\n') else: self._errors = arguments[0] elif len(arguments) > 1: text = list(arguments) if text: self._errors = [] while len(text[0]) == 0: del text[0] lstrip = 0 if text[0].startswith('[ERROR]'): lstrip = 8 for line in text: if line[0:lstrip ] == ' '*lstrip or \ line[0:lstrip-1] == '[ERROR]': self._errors += [ line[lstrip:] ] else: self._errors += [ line.lstrip() ] return def __str__ ( self ): if not isinstance(self._errors,list): return "[ERROR] %s" % self._errors formatted = "\n" for i in range(len(self._errors)): if i == 0: formatted += "[ERROR] %s" % self._errors[i] else: formatted += " %s" % self._errors[i] if i+1 < len(self._errors): formatted += "\n" return formatted def addMessage ( self, message ): if not isinstance(self._errors,list): self._errors = [ self._errors ] if isinstance(message,list): for line in message: self._errors += [ line ] else: self._errors += [ message ] return def terminate ( self ): print self sys.exit(self._code) @property def code ( self ): return self._code class BadBinary ( ErrorMessage ): def __init__ ( self, binary ): ErrorMessage.__init__( self, 1, "Binary not found: <%s>." % binary ) return class BadReturnCode ( ErrorMessage ): def __init__ ( self, status ): ErrorMessage.__init__( self, 1, "Command returned status:%d." % status ) return class Command ( object ): def __init__ ( self, arguments, fdLog=None ): self.arguments = arguments self.fdLog = fdLog if self.fdLog != None and not isinstance(self.fdLog,file): print '[WARNING] Command.__init__(): is neither None or a file.' return def execute ( self ): sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() try: child = subprocess.Popen( self.arguments, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT ) while True: line = child.stdout.readline() if not line: break print line[:-1] sys.stdout.flush() if isinstance(self.fdLog,file): self.fdLog.write( line ) self.fdLog.flush() except OSError, e: raise BadBinary( self.arguments[0] ) (pid,status) = os.waitpid( child.pid, 0 ) status >>= 8 if status != 0: raise BadReturnCode( status ) return class GitRepository ( object ): @staticmethod def getLocalRepository ( gitRepository ): localRepo = gitRepository.split( '/' )[-1] if localRepo.endswith('.git'): localRepo = localRepo[:-4] return localRepo def __init__ ( self, url, cloneDir ): self.url = url self.cloneDir = cloneDir self.localRepo = GitRepository.getLocalRepository( url ) return @property def localRepoDir ( self ): return self.cloneDir+'/'+self.localRepo def removeLocalRepo ( self ): if os.path.isdir(self.localRepoDir): print 'Removing Git local repository: <%s>' % self.localRepoDir shutil.rmtree( self.localRepoDir ) return def clone ( self ): if not os.path.isdir(self.cloneDir): os.makedirs( self.cloneDir ) if not os.path.isdir(self.localRepoDir): os.chdir( self.cloneDir ) Command( [ 'git', 'clone', self.url ] ).execute() else: os.chdir( self.localRepoDir ) Command( [ 'git', 'pull' ] ).execute() return def checkout ( self, branch ): os.chdir( self.localRepoDir ) Command( [ 'git', 'checkout', branch ] ).execute() return def openLog ( logDir ): if not os.path.isdir(logDir): os.makedirs( logDir ) index = 0 timeTag = time.strftime( "%Y.%m.%d" ) while True: logFile = os.path.join(logDir,"install-%s-%02d.log" % (timeTag,index)) if not os.path.isfile(logFile): print "Report log: <%s>" % logFile break index += 1 fd = open( logFile, "w" ) return (fd,logFile) def sendReport ( state, installLog ): sender = 'Jean-Paul.Chaput@soc.lip6.fr' receiver = 'Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr' date = time.strftime( "%A %d %B %Y" ) stateText = 'FAILED' if state: stateText = 'SUCCESS' message = MIMEMultipart() message['Subject'] = '[%s] Coriolis & Chams Nighltly build %s' % (stateText,date) message['From' ] = sender message['To' ] = receiver mainText = '\n' mainText += 'Salut le Crevard,\n' mainText += '\n' mainText += 'This is the nightly build report of Coriolis & Chams.\n' mainText += '%s\n' % date mainText += '\n' if state: mainText += 'Build was SUCCESSFUL\n' else: mainText += 'Build has FAILED, please have a look to the attached log file.\n' mainText += '\n' message.attach( MIMEText(mainText) ) fd = open( installLog, 'rb' ) message.attach( MIMEApplication(fd.read()) ) fd.close() session = smtplib.SMTP( 'localhost' ) session.sendmail( sender, receiver, message.as_string() ) session.quit() return # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Main Part. parser = optparse.OptionParser () parser.add_option ( "-r", "--release" , action="store_true" , dest="release" , help="Build a aka optimized version." ) parser.add_option ( "-d", "--debug" , action="store_true" , dest="debug" , help="Build a aka (-g) version." ) parser.add_option ( "--nightly" , action="store_true" , dest="nightly" , help="Perform a nighly build." ) parser.add_option ( "--rm-build" , action="store_true" , dest="rmBuild" , help="Remove the build/install directories." ) parser.add_option ( "--rm-source" , action="store_true" , dest="rmSource" , help="Remove the Git source repositories." ) parser.add_option ( "--rm-all" , action="store_true" , dest="rmAll" , help="Remove everything (source+build+install)." ) parser.add_option ( "--root" , action="store" , type="string", dest="rootDir" , help="The root directory (default: <~/coriolis-2.x/>)." ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args () fdLog = None logFile = None try: nightlyBuild = False rmSource = False rmBuild = False if options.nightly: nightlyBuild = True if options.rmSource or options.rmAll: rmSource = True if options.rmBuild or options.rmAll: rmBuild = True coriolisRepo = 'https://www-soc.lip6.fr/git/coriolis.git' chamsRepo = 'file:///users/outil/chams/chams.git' homeDir = os.environ['HOME'] rootDir = homeDir + '/coriolis-2.x' if nightlyBuild: rootDir = homeDir + '/nightly/coriolis-2.x' srcDir = rootDir + '/src' logDir = rootDir + '/log' gitCoriolis = GitRepository( coriolisRepo, srcDir ) if rmSource: gitCoriolis.removeLocalRepo() gitCoriolis.clone () gitCoriolis.checkout( 'devel' ) gitChams = GitRepository( chamsRepo, srcDir ) if rmSource: gitChams.removeLocalRepo() gitChams.clone () gitChams.checkout( 'devel' ) if rmBuild: for entry in os.listdir(rootDir): if entry.startswith('Linux.'): buildDir = rootDir+'/'+entry print 'Removing OS build directory: <%s>' % buildDir shutil.rmtree( buildDir ) ccbBin = gitCoriolis.localRepoDir+'/bootstrap/ccb.py' if not os.path.isfile( ccbBin ): raise ErrorMessage( 1, [ 'Cannot find , should be here:' , ' <%s>' % ccbBin ] ) commands = \ [ ( 'bip', '%s --root=%s --project=coriolis --project=chams --devtoolset-2 --make="-j6 install"' \ % (ccbBin,rootDir) ) , ( 'bip', '%s --root=%s --project=coriolis --project=chams --devtoolset-2 --make="-j1 install" --doc' \ % (ccbBin,rootDir) ) ] if not nightlyBuild: commands = \ [ ( 'rock', '%s --root=%s --project=coriolis --project=chams --devtoolset-2 --make="-j2 install"' \ % (ccbBin,rootDir) ) , ( 'rock', '%s --root=%s --project=coriolis --project=chams --devtoolset-2 --make="-j1 install" --doc' \ % (ccbBin,rootDir) ) ] (fdLog,logFile) = openLog( logDir ) for host,command in commands: Command( [ 'ssh', host, command ], fdLog ).execute() fdLog.close() sendReport( True, logFile ) except ErrorMessage, e: print e if fdLog: fdLog.close() if showTrace: print '\nPython stack trace:' traceback.print_tb( sys.exc_info()[2] ) sendReport( False, logFile ) sys.exit( e.code ) sys.exit( 0 )