// -*- mode: C++; explicit-buffer-name: "GlobalRoute.cpp" -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) UPMC 2016-2018, All Rights Reserved // // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | C O R I O L I S | // | K i t e - D e t a i l e d R o u t e r | // | | // | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT | // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./GlobalRoute.cpp" | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #include "flute.h" #include "hurricane/utilities/Dots.h" #include "hurricane/Warning.h" #include "hurricane/Breakpoint.h" #include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h" #include "hurricane/Cell.h" #include "hurricane/viewer/CellViewer.h" #include "crlcore/Utilities.h" #include "crlcore/Histogram.h" #include "anabatic/Dijkstra.h" #include "etesian/BloatProperty.h" #include "katana/Block.h" #include "katana/RoutingPlane.h" #include "katana/KatanaEngine.h" namespace { using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; using std::dec; using std::setw; using std::setfill; using std::left; using std::right; using std::set; using Hurricane::DbU; using Hurricane::Interval; using Hurricane::DBo; using Hurricane::Net; using Hurricane::Segment; using Utilities::Dots; using Anabatic::Flags; using Anabatic::Edge; using Anabatic::GCell; using Anabatic::Vertex; using Anabatic::AnabaticEngine; using Etesian::BloatExtension; using namespace Katana; class DigitalDistance { public: inline DigitalDistance ( float h, float k, float hScaling ); inline void setNet ( Net* ); DbU::Unit operator() ( const Vertex* source ,const Vertex* target,const Edge* edge ) const; private: // For an explanation of h & k parameters, see: // "KNIK, routeur global pour la plateforme Coriolis", p. 52. float _h; float _k; float _hScaling; Net* _net; }; inline DigitalDistance::DigitalDistance ( float h, float k, float hScaling ) : _h(h), _k(k), _hScaling(hScaling), _net(NULL) { } inline void DigitalDistance::setNet ( Net* net ) { _net = net; } DbU::Unit DigitalDistance::operator() ( const Vertex* source, const Vertex* target, const Edge* edge ) const { if (source->getGCell()->isStdCellRow() and target->getGCell()->isStdCellRow()) return Vertex::unreachable; cdebug_log(112,0) << "DigitalDistance::operator(): " << edge << " isGostraight():" << source->getGCell()->isGoStraight() << endl; if ( source->getGCell()->isGoStraight() and source->getFrom() and (source->getFrom()->isHorizontal() xor edge->isHorizontal())) return Vertex::unreachable; cdebug_log(112,0) << "Not a go straight" << endl; if (edge->getCapacity() <= 0) { if (target->getGCell()->isStdCellRow() and target->hasValidStamp() and (target->getConnexId() >= 0) ) return 0; if (source->getGCell()->isStdCellRow() and source->hasValidStamp() and (source->getConnexId() >= 0) ) return 0; cdebug_log(112,0) << "Negative or null edge capacity: " << edge->getCapacity() << endl; return Vertex::unreachable; } cdebug_log(112,0) << "Computing distance" << endl; float congestionCost = 1.0; float congestion = ((float)edge->getRealOccupancy() + edge->getEstimateOccupancy()) / (float)edge->getCapacity(); if (not source->getGCell()->isChannelRow() or not target->getGCell()->isChannelRow()) congestionCost += _h / (1.0 + std::exp(_k * (congestion - 1.0))); float viaCost = 0.0; if ( source->getFrom() and (source->getFrom()->isHorizontal() xor edge->isHorizontal()) /*and not source->hasGContact(_net)*/ ) { viaCost += 2.5; } float realCongestion = (float)edge->getRealOccupancy() / (float)edge->getCapacity(); float historicCost = edge->getHistoricCost(); if (realCongestion <= 1.0) historicCost += edge->getEstimateOccupancy() * realCongestion; else historicCost += edge->getEstimateOccupancy() * exp( log(8) * (realCongestion - 1.0) ); //const_cast(edge)->setHistoricCost( historicCost ); float edgeDistance = (float)edge->getDistance(); if ( (source->getGCell()->isChannelRow() and target->getGCell()->isStdCellRow()) or (source->getGCell()->isStdCellRow() and target->getGCell()->isChannelRow()) ) edgeDistance *= 10.0; float hvScaling = (edge->isHorizontal()) ? _hScaling : 1.0 ; float distance = (float)source->getDistance() + (congestionCost + viaCost + historicCost) * edgeDistance * hvScaling; cdebug_log(112,0) << "distance:" << DbU::getValueString(source->getDistance()) << " + (" << congestionCost << " + " << viaCost << " + " //<< edge->getHistoricCost() << ") * " << historicCost << ") * " << DbU::getValueString(edgeDistance) << " * " << hvScaling << endl; // Edge* sourceFrom = source->getFrom(); // if (sourceFrom) { // distance += ((sourceFrom->isHorizontal() xor edge->isHorizontal()) ? 3.0 : 0.0) * (float)Edge::unity; // } // cdebug_log(112,0) << "cong:" << congestion // << " ccost:" << congestionCost // << " digitalDistance:" << DbU::getValueString((DbU::Unit)distance) << endl; return (distance >= (float)DbU::Max) ? Vertex::unreachable : (DbU::Unit)distance; } void computeNextHCost ( Edge* edge, float edgeHInc ) { float congestion = (float)edge->getRealOccupancy() / (float)edge->getCapacity(); float hCost = edge->getHistoricCost(); float alpha = (congestion < 1.0) ? congestion : std::exp( std::log(8)*( congestion - 1 ) ); edge->setHistoricCost( alpha * (hCost + ((congestion < 1.0) ? 0.0 : edgeHInc) )); cdebug_log(113,0) << edge << endl; } void updateEstimateDensityOfPath ( AnabaticEngine* anabatic, GCell* source, GCell* target, double weight ) { Interval hoverlap = source->getHSide().getIntersection( target->getHSide() ); Interval voverlap = source->getVSide().getIntersection( target->getVSide() ); bool straightLine = not (hoverlap.isEmpty() and voverlap.isEmpty()); double cost = ((straightLine) ? 1.0 : 0.5) * weight; for ( Edge* edge : anabatic->getEdgesUnderPath(source,target,Flags::NorthPath) ) { edge->incEstimateOccupancy( cost ); } if (not straightLine) { for ( Edge* edge : anabatic->getEdgesUnderPath(source,target,Flags::NoFlags) ) { edge->incEstimateOccupancy( cost ); } } } void selectNets ( KatanaEngine* katana, set& nets ) { if (katana->getViewer()) { cmess2 << " o Selecting failed nets (slow)." << endl; Dots dots ( cmess2, " ", 80, 100 ); if (not cmess2.enabled()) dots.disable(); katana->getViewer()->setShowSelection( false ); katana->getViewer()->setCumulativeSelection( true ); for ( const Net* net : nets ) { Occurrence netOcc ( net ); katana->getViewer()->select( netOcc ); dots.dot(); } dots.finish( Dots::Reset ); katana->getViewer()->setShowSelection( true ); } } void selectSegments ( KatanaEngine* katana, set& segments ) { if (katana->getViewer()) { cmess2 << " o Selecting overflowed edges (slow)." << endl; Dots dots ( cmess2, " ", 80, 100 ); if (not cmess2.enabled()) dots.disable(); katana->getViewer()->setShowSelection( false ); katana->getViewer()->setCumulativeSelection( true ); // for ( const Net* net : nets ) { // Occurrence netOcc ( net ); // getViewer()->select( netOcc ); // } for ( const Segment* segment : segments ) { Occurrence occurrence ( segment ); katana->getViewer()->select( occurrence ); dots.dot(); } dots.finish( Dots::Reset ); katana->getViewer()->setShowSelection( true ); } } void selectOverloadedGCells ( KatanaEngine* katana ) { CellViewer* viewer = katana->getViewer(); if (viewer) { cmess2 << " o Selecting overloaded GCells (slow)." << endl; Dots dots ( cmess2, " ", 80, 100 ); if (not cmess2.enabled()) dots.disable(); viewer->setShowSelection( false ); viewer->setCumulativeSelection( true ); for ( GCell* gcell : katana->getGCells() ) { Edge* eastEdge = gcell->getEastEdge (); Edge* northEdge = gcell->getNorthEdge(); bool overloaded = false; if (eastEdge) { if (eastEdge->getRealOccupancy() > eastEdge->getCapacity()) { overloaded = true; } // else if (eastEdge->getHistoricCost() > 3.0) { // overloaded = true; // } } if (northEdge) { if (northEdge->getRealOccupancy() > northEdge->getCapacity()) { overloaded = true; } // else if (northEdge->getHistoricCost() > 3.0) { // overloaded = true; // } } if (overloaded) { Occurrence gcellOcc ( gcell ); viewer->select( gcellOcc ); dots.dot(); } } dots.finish( Dots::Reset ); viewer->setShowSelection( true ); } } void selectOverloadedEdges ( KatanaEngine* katana ) { CellViewer* viewer = katana->getViewer(); if (viewer) { cmess2 << " o Selecting overloaded Edges (slow)." << endl; Dots dots ( cmess2, " ", 80, 100 ); if (not cmess2.enabled()) dots.disable(); viewer->setShowSelection( false ); viewer->setCumulativeSelection( true ); for ( GCell* gcell : katana->getGCells() ) { for ( Edge* edge : gcell->getEdges( Flags::NorthSide|Flags::EastSide ) ) { if (edge->getRealOccupancy() > edge->getCapacity()) { Occurrence edgeOcc ( edge ); viewer->select( edgeOcc ); dots.dot(); } } } dots.finish( Dots::Reset ); viewer->setShowSelection( true ); } } void selectBloatedInstances ( KatanaEngine* katana ) { CellViewer* viewer = katana->getViewer(); if (viewer) { cmess2 << " o Selecting bloated instances (slow)." << endl; Dots dots ( cmess2, " ", 80, 100 ); if (not cmess2.enabled()) dots.disable(); viewer->setShowSelection( false ); viewer->setCumulativeSelection( true ); for( Occurrence occurrence : katana->getCell()->getTerminalNetlistInstanceOccurrences() ) { if (BloatExtension::get(occurrence)) { viewer->select( occurrence ); dots.dot(); } } dots.finish( Dots::Reset ); viewer->setShowSelection( true ); } } } // Anonymous namespace. namespace Katana { using Utilities::Dots; using Hurricane::Error; using Hurricane::Warning; using Hurricane::Breakpoint; using Hurricane::Timer; using Hurricane::Occurrence; using Hurricane::Transformation; using Hurricane::Horizontal; using Hurricane::Vertical; using Hurricane::Contact; using Hurricane::RoutingPad; using Hurricane::RoutingPad; using Hurricane::Instance; using CRL::Histogram; using Anabatic::EngineState; using Anabatic::Dijkstra; using Anabatic::NetData; void KatanaEngine::createChannels () { Cell* core = getCell(); if (isChip()) core = getChipTools().getCore()->getMasterCell(); Block* block = new Block( this, core ); block->createChannels(); _resizeMatrix(); } void KatanaEngine::setupGlobalGraph ( uint32_t mode ) { Cell* cell = getCell(); cell->flattenNets( Cell::Flags::BuildRings|Cell::Flags::WarnOnUnplacedInstances ); cell->createRoutingPadRings( Cell::Flags::BuildRings ); startMeasures(); if (isChannelMode()) createChannels(); if (getGCells().size() == 1) { cmess1 << " o Building regular grid..." << endl; getSouthWestGCell()->doGrid(); } else { cmess1 << " o Reusing existing grid." << endl; } cmess1 << ::Dots::asInt(" - GCells" ,getGCells().size()) << endl; stopMeasures(); printMeasures( "Anabatic Grid" ); setupNetDatas(); computeEdgeCapacities( getHTracksReservedLocal() , getVTracksReservedLocal() , getTermSatThreshold() , getTermSatReservedLocal() ); #if UNIFORM_EDGE_CAPACITY for ( GCell* gcell : getGCells() ) { if (not gcell->isMatrix()) continue; for ( Edge* edge : gcell->getEdges(Flags::EastSide|Flags::NorthSide) ) { if (edge->isHorizontal()) edge->reserveCapacity( getHTracksReservedLocal() ); else edge->reserveCapacity( getVTracksReservedLocal() ); } } #endif } void KatanaEngine::updateEstimateDensity ( NetData* netData, double weight ) { // if ( (netData->getNet()->getName() != "ialu.inv_x2_sig") // and (netData->getNet()->getName() != "ra(0)") // and (netData->getNet()->getName() != "iram.oa2a22_x2_11_sig")) return; vector targets; for ( Component* component : netData->getNet()->getComponents() ) { RoutingPad* rp = dynamic_cast( component ); if (rp) { if (not getConfiguration()->selectRpComponent(rp)) cerr << Warning( "KatanaEngine::updateEstimateDensity(): %s has no components on grid.", getString(rp).c_str() ) << endl; Point center = rp->getBoundingBox().getCenter(); GCell* gcell = getGCellUnder( center ); targets.push_back( gcell ); } } switch ( targets.size() ) { case 0: case 1: return; case 2: updateEstimateDensityOfPath( this, targets[0], targets[1], weight ); return; default: { int accuracy = 3; int64_t* xs = new int64_t [targets.size()]; int64_t* ys = new int64_t [targets.size()]; for ( size_t itarget=0 ; itargetgetCenter(); xs[ itarget ] = center.getX(); ys[ itarget ] = center.getY(); } Flute::Tree tree = Flute::flute( targets.size(), xs, ys, accuracy ); for ( size_t i=0 ; (int)i < 2*tree.deg - 2 ; ++i ) { size_t j = tree.branch[i].n; GCell* source = getGCellUnder( tree.branch[i].x, tree.branch[i].y ); GCell* target = getGCellUnder( tree.branch[j].x, tree.branch[j].y ); if (not source) { cerr << Error( "KatanaEngine::updateEstimateDensity(): No GCell under (%s,%s) for %s." , DbU::getValueString((DbU::Unit)tree.branch[i].x).c_str() , DbU::getValueString((DbU::Unit)tree.branch[i].y).c_str() , getString(netData->getNet()).c_str() ) << endl; continue; } if (not target) { cerr << Error( "KatanaEngine::updateEstimateDensity(): No GCell under (%s,%s) for %s." , DbU::getValueString((DbU::Unit)tree.branch[j].x).c_str() , DbU::getValueString((DbU::Unit)tree.branch[j].y).c_str() , getString(netData->getNet()).c_str() ) << endl; continue; } updateEstimateDensityOfPath( this, source, target, weight ); } } return; } } void KatanaEngine::runGlobalRouter ( Flags flags ) { if (getState() >= EngineState::EngineGlobalLoaded) throw Error ("KatanaEngine::runGlobalRouter(): Global routing already done or loaded."); if (flags & Flags::ShowBloatedInstances) selectBloatedInstances( this ); Breakpoint::stop( 100, "Bloated cells from previous placement iteration." ); startMeasures(); cmess1 << " o Running global routing." << endl; openSession(); annotateGlobalGraph(); float edgeHInc = getConfiguration()->getEdgeHInc(); size_t globalIterations = getConfiguration()->getGlobalIterations();; openSession(); Dijkstra* dijkstra = new Dijkstra ( this ); DigitalDistance* distance = dijkstra->setDistance( DigitalDistance( getConfiguration()->getEdgeCostH() , getConfiguration()->getEdgeCostK() , getConfiguration()->getEdgeHScaling() )); const vector& ovEdges = getOvEdges(); if (isChannelMode()) dijkstra->setSearchAreaHalo( Session::getSliceHeight()*10 ); else dijkstra->setSearchAreaHalo( Session::getSliceHeight()*getSearchHalo() ); bool globalEstimated = false; size_t iteration = 0; size_t netCount = 0; uint64_t edgeOverflowWL = 0; do { cmess2 << " [" << setfill(' ') << setw(3) << iteration << "] nets:"; long wireLength = 0; long viaCount = 0; netCount = 0; for ( NetData* netData : getNetOrdering() ) { if (netData->isGlobalRouted() or netData->isExcluded()) continue; if (netData->isGlobalEstimated()) { updateEstimateDensity( netData, -1.0 ); netData->setGlobalEstimated( false ); } distance->setNet( netData->getNet() ); dijkstra->load( netData->getNet() ); dijkstra->run(); netData->setGlobalRouted( true ); ++netCount; // if (netData->getNet()->getName() == Name("mips_r3000_1m_dp_shift32_rshift_se_msb")) { // Session::close(); // Breakpoint::stop( 1, "After global routing of \"mips_r3000_1m_dp_shift32_rshift_se_msb\"." ); // openSession(); // } if (useGlobalEstimate()) { // Triggers the global routing when we reach nets of less than 11 terminals. // High degree nets are routed straight (without taking account the smalls). // See the SparsityOrder comparison function. if ( (netData->getRpCount() < 11) and not globalEstimated ) { for ( NetData* netData2 : getNetOrdering() ) { if (netData2->isGlobalRouted() or netData2->isExcluded()) continue; updateEstimateDensity( netData2, 1.0 ); netData2->setGlobalEstimated( true ); } globalEstimated = true; } } } cmess2 << left << setw(6) << netCount; computeGlobalWireLength( wireLength, viaCount ); cmess2 << " nWL:" << setw(7) << (wireLength /*+ viaCount*3*/); cmess2 << " VIAs:" << setw(7) << viaCount; size_t overflow = ovEdges.size(); for ( Edge* edge : ovEdges ) { edge->setHistoricCost( edge->getHistoricCost() + edgeHInc ); //computeNextHCost( edge, edgeHInc ); } //Session::close(); //Breakpoint::stop( 1, "Before riping up overflowed edges." ); //openSession(); edgeOverflowWL = 0; netCount = 0; if (iteration < globalIterations - 1) { for ( Edge* edge : ovEdges ) { edgeOverflowWL += edge->getRealOccupancy() - edge->getCapacity(); } size_t iEdge = 0; while ( iEdge < ovEdges.size() ) { Edge* edge = ovEdges[iEdge]; netCount += edge->ripup(); if (iEdge >= ovEdges.size()) break; if (ovEdges[iEdge] == edge) { cerr << Error( "AnabaticEngine::globalRoute(): Unable to ripup enough segments of edge:\n" " %s" , getString(edge).c_str() ) << endl; ++iEdge; } } dijkstra->setSearchAreaHalo( (getSearchHalo() + 3*(iteration/3)) * Session::getSliceHeight() ); } cmess2 << " ovE:" << setw(4) << overflow << " ovWL:" << setw(5) << edgeOverflowWL; cmess2 << " ripup:" << setw(4) << netCount << right; suspendMeasures(); cmess2 << " " << setw(7) << Timer::getStringMemory(getTimer().getIncrease()) << " " << setw(6) << Timer::getStringTime (getTimer().getCombTime()) << endl; resumeMeasures(); ++iteration; } while ( (netCount > 0) and (iteration < globalIterations) ); stopMeasures(); printMeasures( "Dijkstra" ); if (not ovEdges.empty()) { Histogram ovHistogram ( 0.0, 1.0, 1 ); ovHistogram.setTitle ( "Overflowed", 0 ); ovHistogram.setColor ( "green" , 0 ); ovHistogram.setIndent( " " , 0 ); uint32_t hoverflow = 0; uint32_t voverflow = 0; set nets; set segments; cerr << " o Global routing did not complete." << endl; for ( size_t iEdge = 0 ; iEdgegetRealOccupancy() - ovEdges[iEdge]->getCapacity(); ovHistogram.addSample( (float)edgeOverflow, 0 ); if (ovEdges[iEdge]->isHorizontal()) hoverflow += edgeOverflow; else voverflow += edgeOverflow; if (edgeOverflow > 0) { const vector ovSegs = ovEdges[iEdge]->getSegments(); for ( size_t iSeg=ovEdges[iEdge]->getCapacity() ; iSeggetNet(); auto netData = getNetDatas().find( net->getId() ); if (netData == getNetDatas().end()) continue; if ((*netData).second->getRpCount() > 20) { cmess2 << " - Not showing " << net << " too much terminals (" << (*netData).second->getRpCount() << ")." << endl; continue; } nets.insert( net ); } } } //cerr << " o Conflicting nets:" << endl; //size_t count = 0; //for ( const Net* net : nets ) // cerr << " " << dec << setw(4) << (++count) << "| " << net->getName() << endl; cmess2 << ::Dots::asUInt (" - Unsatisfied nets" ,nets .size()) << endl; cmess2 << ::Dots::asUInt (" - Unsatisfied segments" ,segments.size()) << endl; cmess2 << ::Dots::asUInt (" - Overflowed edges" ,ovEdges .size()) << endl; ostringstream result; float ratio = ((float)hoverflow / (float)(hoverflow+voverflow)) * 100.0; result.str( "" ); result << setprecision(4) << ratio << "% [" << hoverflow << "]"; cmess2 << ::Dots::asString( " - H-overflow length", result.str() ) << endl; ratio = ((float)voverflow / (float)(hoverflow+voverflow)) * 100.0; result.str( "" ); result << setprecision(4) << ratio << "% [" << voverflow << "]"; cmess2 << ::Dots::asString( " - V-overflow length", result.str() ) << endl; cmess2 << " o Overflowed edges Histogram." << endl; cmess2 << ovHistogram.toString(0) << endl; addMeasure( "H-ovE", hoverflow, 12 ); addMeasure( "V-ovE", voverflow, 12 ); _buildBloatProfile(); if (flags & Flags::ShowFailedNets ) selectNets ( this, nets ); if (flags & Flags::ShowFailedGSegments ) selectSegments ( this, segments ); if (flags & Flags::ShowOverloadedEdges ) selectOverloadedEdges ( this ); if (flags & Flags::ShowOverloadedGCells) selectOverloadedGCells( this ); if (flags & Flags::ShowBloatedInstances) selectBloatedInstances( this ); } if (getBlock(0)) { getBlock(0)->resizeChannels(); _resizeMatrix(); } delete dijkstra; Session::close(); if (isChannelMode()) { setupRoutingPlanes(); setupPowerRails(); protectRoutingPads(); } setState( EngineState::EngineGlobalLoaded ); setGlobalRoutingSuccess( ovEdges.empty() ); // for( Occurrence occurrence : getCell()->getTerminalNetlistInstanceOccurrences() ) { // if (occurrence.getEntity()->getId() == 25202) { // cerr << "REFERENCE INSTANCE" << endl; // cerr << occurrence << " " << occurrence.getPath().getTransformation() << endl; // } // } } void KatanaEngine::computeGlobalWireLength ( long& wireLength, long& viaCount ) { const Layer* hLayer = getConfiguration()->getGHorizontalLayer(); const Layer* vLayer = getConfiguration()->getGVerticalLayer(); const Layer* cLayer = getConfiguration()->getGContactLayer(); DbU::Unit hWireLength = 0; DbU::Unit vWireLength = 0; for ( NetData* netData : getNetOrdering() ) { if (not netData->isGlobalRouted()) continue; for ( Component* component : netData->getNet()->getComponents() ) { if (component->getLayer() == hLayer) { hWireLength += static_cast( component )->getLength(); } else { if (component->getLayer() == vLayer) { vWireLength += static_cast( component )->getLength(); } else { if (component->getLayer() == cLayer) { Contact* contact = static_cast( component ); //size_t gslaves = 0; for ( Component* slave : contact->getSlaveComponents().getSubSet() ) { if (slave->getLayer() == vLayer) { ++viaCount; break; } // if (slave->getLayer() == hLayer) { // ++gslaves; // if (gslaves >= 2) { ++viaCount; break; } // } } } } } } } wireLength = hWireLength / GCell::getMatrixHSide(); wireLength += vWireLength / GCell::getMatrixVSide(); } } // Katana namespace.