/*! \page DTR DTR Format

  \section dtrPres Presentation
  The <b>Design Technology Rules (DTR)</b> format was developped as a part of the Chams Project (http://www-soc.lip6.fr/recherche/cian/chams/). It aims at offering a generic description of layout design rules for CMOS technologies.\n

  \subsection dtrAutrhos Author
  Damien Dupuis: damien.dupuis(at)lip6(.)fr

  \subsection dtrLimits Limitations
  Only simple rules are supported at the moment. For example the minimum width of a metal layer has only one value, although it should depends on the length of the wire drawned.

  \section dtrDB Stand alone database structure
  The database contains four object :
  - DTR::Techno contains generic informations such as the name of the technology and the unit used, and the list of all technologic rules.
  - DTR::Rule & DTR::ARule respectively describe a symmetrical and an asymmetrical rule.
  - DTR::Name provides an automatic management of shared name.

  The library also use the DTR::DTRException class to throw excptions.

  \subsection dtrParser Using the parser
  Simply load a technology with static function DTR::Techno::readFromFile() and then get rules (DTR::Techno::getRule()) or directly values (DTR::Techno::getValue()).

  \subsection dtrDriver Using the driver
  Using the driver is very simple, user has to create a DTR::Techno object and simply add DTR::Rule or DTR::ARule to it.
  The adding methods return the newly created Rule so user can set the rule type (DTR::Rule::setType()) if necessary. Finally use the DTR::Techno::writeToFile() method to dump the database to file.

  \section dtrExamples Examples
  As said is the global presentation, VLSI SAPD project provides C++ libraries and Python modules for each supported format. In this section we present simple code examples to parse and drive a DTR file using C++ or Python. The DTR file considered is the same for all examples: \c example.dtr.xml
  \include example.dtr.xml

  All source codes are available in the \c examples directory.

  \subsection dtrC C++
  \subsubsection dtrParseC Parser
  The following code (\c parseDtr.cpp) is an example of how to parse a DTR file using C++ library.
  \include parseDtr.cpp

  \subsubsection dtrDriveC Driver
  This C++ code (\c driveDtr.cpp) generates a out.dtr.xml file equivalent to the previous example.dtr.xml.
  \include driveDtr.cpp

  \note In order to compile these codes, a CMakeLists.txt file is provided. User must set the $VLSISAPD_TOP variable before running these commands in the directory containing the CMakeLists.txt file:
  %> mkdir build; cd build
  %> cmake ..
  %> make

  \subsection dtrPython Python
  \subsubsection dtrParsePython Parser
  The following python script (\c parseDtr.py) is an example of how to parse a DTR file using python module.
  \include parseDtr.py

  \subsubsection dtrDrivePython Driver
  This python script (\c driveDtr.py) generates a out.dtr.xml file equivalent to the previous example.dtr.xml.
  \include driveDtr.py

  \note In order to run these two scripts (\c parseDtr.py & driveDtr.py), user must ensure that $PYTHONPATH variable points to the directory containing pyDTR.so module.