.. -*- Mode: rst -*- .. include:: ../etc/definitions.rst .. include:: ./definitions.rst 2. Setting up the Environment ============================= 2.1 Setting up the Pathes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To simplify the tedious task of configuring your environment, a helper is provided. It will setup or modify the :cb:`PATH`, :cb:`LD_LIBRARY_PATH` (or :cb:`DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH` under |Darwin|), :cb:`PYTHONPATH` and :cb:`CORIOLIS_TOP` variables. It should automatically adapt to your kind of shell (``Bourne`` like or ``C-Shell`` like). :: <CORIOLIS_INSTALL>/etc/coriolis2/coriolisEnv.py Use it like this (don't forget the ``eval`` **and** the backquotes): .. code-block:: console dummy@lepka:~> eval `<CORIOLIS_INSTALL>/etc/coriolis2/coriolisEnv.py` .. note:: **Do not call that script in your environement initialisation.** When used under |RHEL6| or clones, it needs to be run in the |devtoolset2| environement. The script then launch a new shell, which may cause an infinite loop if it's called again in, say :cb:`~/.bashrc`. Instead you may want to create an alias: :: alias c2r='eval "`<CORIOLIS_INSTALL>/etc/coriolis2/coriolisEnv.py`"' 2.2 User's Configurations File ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may create, in the directory you are lanching |Coriolis| tools, a special sub-directory ``.coriolis2/`` that can contains two configuration files: * ``techno.py`` tells which technology to use. * ``settings.py`` can overrides almost any default configuration setting. Those two files are *optional*, if they do not exists the default settings will be used and the technology is ``symbolic/cmos`` (i.e. purely symbolic). .. note:: Those two files will by processed by the |Python| interpreter, so they can contain any code in addition to the mandatory variables. 2.2.1 The :cb:`techno.py` File ------------------------------ Must provide one variable named :cb:`technology` which value the path towards the technology file. The available technologies are installed under ``<CORIOLIS_INSTALL>/etc/coriolis2``. For example, to use the 45nm FreeDPK which is in: :: <CORIOLIS_INSTALL>/etc/coriolis2/45/freepdk_45/ The ``techno.py`` file must contain: .. code-block:: Python technology = '45/freepdk_45' 2.2.2 The :cb:`settings.py` File -------------------------------- The entries of the ``parametersTable`` and their definitions are detailed in `CGT - The Graphical Interface <../UsersGuide/ViewerTools.html>`_. Example of file: .. code-block:: Python defaultStyle = 'Alliance.Classic [black]' parametersTable = \ ( ('misc.catchCore' , TypeBool , False ) , ('misc.info' , TypeBool , False ) , ('misc.paranoid' , TypeBool , False ) , ('misc.bug' , TypeBool , False ) , ('misc.logMode' , TypeBool , False ) , ('misc.verboseLevel1' , TypeBool , False ) , ('misc.verboseLevel2' , TypeBool , True ) )