// -*- C++ -*-

namespace SPICE {
/*! \class Source
 *  This abstract class is a base class for SPICE::Current and SPICE::Voltage sources.

/*! \fn Source::Source(std::string name, std::string pos, std::string neg, std::string value)
 *   \brief creates a new source.
 *   \param name  the name of the source.
 *   \param pos   the positive connector of the source.
 *   \param neg   the negative connector of the source.
 *   \param value the value of the source.

/*! \fn inline std::string Source::getName()
 *   \brief returns the name of the source.

/*! \fn inline std::string Source::getPositive()
 *   \brief returns the positive connector of the source.

/*! \fn inline std::string Source::getNegative()
 *   \brief returns the negative connector of the source.

/*! \fn inline std::string Source::getValue()
 *   \brief returns the value of the source.

/*! \class Current
 *  This class describes a current source.

/*! \fn Current::Current(std::string name, std::string pos, std::string neg, std::string value)
 *   \brief creates a new current source.
 *   \param name  the name of the source.
 *   \param pos   the positive connector of the source.
 *   \param neg   the negative connector of the source.
 *   \param value the value of the source.

/*! \class Voltage
 *  This class describes a voltage source.

/*! \fn Voltage::Voltage(std::string name, std::string pos, std::string neg, std::string value)
 *   \brief creates a new voltage source.
 *   \param name  the name of the source.
 *   \param pos   the positive connector of the source.
 *   \param neg   the negative connector of the source.
 *   \param value the value of the source.