.TH "Track" 3 "Thu Nov 12 2020" "Version 1.0" "Kite - Detailed Router" \" -*- nroff -*-
.ad l
Track \- Structure managing one routing track\&.  

Inherited by \fBHorizontalTrack\fP, and \fBVerticalTrack\fP\&.
.SS "Public Types"

.in +1c
.ti -1c
.RI "enum \fBIndexState\fP { \fBBeginIsTrackMin\fP = 0x00000001, \fBBeginIsSegmentMin\fP = 0x00000002, \fBBeginIsSegmentMax\fP = 0x00000004, \fBEndIsTrackMax\fP = 0x00000008, \fBEndIsSegmentMin\fP = 0x00000010, \fBEndIsNextSegmentMin\fP = 0x00000020, \fBEndIsSegmentMax\fP = 0x00000040, \fBBeforeFirstElement\fP = BeginIsTrackMin |EndIsSegmentMin, \fBInsideElement\fP = BeginIsSegmentMin|EndIsSegmentMax, \fBOutsideElement\fP = BeginIsSegmentMax|EndIsNextSegmentMin, \fBAfterLastElement\fP = BeginIsSegmentMax|EndIsTrackMax, \fBEmptyTrack\fP = BeginIsTrackMin |EndIsTrackMax, \fBBeginMask\fP = BeginIsTrackMin |BeginIsSegmentMin|BeginIsSegmentMax, \fBEndMask\fP = EndIsTrackMax |EndIsSegmentMin |EndIsNextSegmentMin|EndIsSegmentMax }"
.in -1c
.SS "Public Member Functions"

.in +1c
.ti -1c
.RI "virtual bool \fBisHorizontal\fP () const =0"
.ti -1c
.RI "virtual bool \fBisVertical\fP () const =0"
.ti -1c
.RI "bool \fBisLocalAssigned\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBRoutingPlane\fP * \fBgetRoutingPlane\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBKiteEngine\fP * \fBgetKiteEngine\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "virtual unsigned int \fBgetDirection\fP () const =0"
.ti -1c
.RI "size_t \fBgetIndex\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "unsigned int \fBgetDepth\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "const \fBLayer\fP * \fBgetLayer\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "const \fBLayer\fP * \fBgetBlockageLayer\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBDbU::Unit\fP \fBgetAxis\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBDbU::Unit\fP \fBgetMin\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBDbU::Unit\fP \fBgetMax\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBTrack\fP * \fBgetNextTrack\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBTrack\fP * \fBgetPreviousTrack\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "size_t \fBgetSize\fP () const"
.ti -1c
.RI "virtual \fBPoint\fP \fBgetPosition\fP (\fBDbU::Unit\fP coordinate) const =0"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBTrackElement\fP * \fBgetSegment\fP (size_t index) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBTrackElement\fP * \fBgetSegment\fP (\fBDbU::Unit\fP position) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBTrackElement\fP * \fBgetNext\fP (size_t &index, \fBNet\fP *) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBTrackElement\fP * \fBgetPrevious\fP (size_t &index, \fBNet\fP *) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBTrackElement\fP * \fBgetNextFixed\fP (size_t &index) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "size_t \fBfind\fP (const \fBTrackElement\fP *) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBDbU::Unit\fP \fBgetSourcePosition\fP (vector< \fBTrackElement\fP *>::iterator) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBDbU::Unit\fP \fBgetMinimalPosition\fP (size_t index, unsigned int state) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBDbU::Unit\fP \fBgetMaximalPosition\fP (size_t index, unsigned int state) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBInterval\fP \fBgetFreeInterval\fP (\fBDbU::Unit\fP position, \fBNet\fP *net=NULL) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBInterval\fP \fBgetOccupiedInterval\fP (size_t &begin) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBInterval\fP \fBexpandFreeInterval\fP (size_t &begin, size_t &end, unsigned int state, \fBNet\fP *) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "void \fBgetBeginIndex\fP (\fBDbU::Unit\fP position, size_t &begin, unsigned int &state) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "void \fBgetOverlapBounds\fP (\fBInterval\fP, size_t &begin, size_t &end) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "TrackCost \fBgetOverlapCost\fP (\fBInterval\fP, \fBNet\fP *, size_t begin, size_t end, unsigned int flags) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "TrackCost \fBgetOverlapCost\fP (\fBInterval\fP, \fBNet\fP *, unsigned int flags) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "TrackCost \fBgetOverlapCost\fP (\fBTrackElement\fP *, unsigned int flags) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "void \fBgetTerminalWeight\fP (\fBInterval\fP, \fBNet\fP *, size_t &count, unsigned int &weight) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "\fBDbU::Unit\fP \fBgetSourcePosition\fP (size_t index) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "bool \fBcheck\fP (unsigned int &overlaps, const char *message=NULL) const"
.ti -1c
.RI "void \fBinvalidate\fP ()"
.ti -1c
.RI "void \fBinsert\fP (\fBTrackElement\fP *)"
.ti -1c
.RI "void \fBinsert\fP (\fBTrackMarker\fP *)"
.ti -1c
.RI "void \fBsetSegment\fP (\fBTrackElement\fP *, size_t)"
.ti -1c
.RI "size_t \fBdoRemoval\fP ()"
.ti -1c
.RI "void \fBdoReorder\fP ()"
.in -1c
.SS "Static Public Attributes"

.in +1c
.ti -1c
.RI "static const size_t \fBnpos\fP = (size_t)\-1"
.in -1c
.SH "Detailed Description"
Structure managing one routing track\&. 

.SH "Track Purpose"
We use an array of \fIregularly spaced\fP \fBTrack\fP as a geometrical fast access structure\&. It allows to know whether an area is used or not\&. The whole area may be seen as a set of adjoining tiles of fixed \fIwidth\fP but variable \fIlength\fP\&.
The figure \fB(1\&.b)\fP show, for an horizontal, track the relation between \fCy,min,max\fP and the occupied area of the plane\&. \fCmin\fP and \fCmax\fP must take into account segment extensions (\fCe\fP) and the minimal distance between two rectangles (\fCMD\fP) of the same layer\&. We assume that the width of the segment, augmented of all it's contraints is no greater than \fCTS\fP (in fact it's how \fCTS\fP must be calculated)\&.
For the whole track array, see \fBRoutingPlane\fP\&.
Fig 1: Track Area
.SH "Track Implementation"
A \fBTrack\fP is implemented with a sorted vector of \fBTrackElement\fP\&. TrackElements from differents nets must not overlap\&. The sorting order is defined as follow:
.IP "\(bu" 2
TrackElements are sorted by increasing source (\fImin\fP) positions\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
In case of overlap (i\&.e\&. belongs to the same net), if they share the same source position, then they are sorted by \fIdecreasing\fP length\&. This way, the longest one will be the first encountered when walking through the \fBTrack\fP in increasing index order\&.
Figure \fB2\&.b\fP shows the details of the \fBTrack\fP \fB[1]\fP of figure \fB1\&.a\fP\&. Net \fB<d>\fP show an exemple of overlapping\&.
Fig 2: Track Structure Track Structure
In addition to the TrackSegments, the \fBTrack\fP also manage additionnal informations through a second vector of TrackMarkers\&. \fBTrackMarker\fP are currently used only to hints at how strongly a terminal is dependant on that portion of \fBTrack\fP to be accessed\&.
.SS "Indexes vs\&. Iterators"
Numerical indexes have been prefered over iterators because they can be used more easily by objects other the \fBTrack\fP itself for referencing\&. So internal managment follow the same rule, handling indexes or reference to indexes\&.
.SS "Update Mechanism"
When a \fBTrackElement\fP is normaly inserted in a \fBTrack\fP, a two way link is established\&. The \fBTrack\fP has an entry in it's vector refering to \fBTrackElement\fP, and conversely, the \fBTrackElement\fP has it's \fCtrack\fP field pointing to it's owning \fBTrack\fP\&.
\fB\fBTrackElement\fP Removal\fP
To remove a \fBTrackElement\fP from a \fBTrack\fP, we break one of those two links: the \fBTrackElement\fP cease to refer to the owning \fBTrack\fP, marking him for removal which will occurs at the next track revalidation (\fBTrack::doRemoval()\fP)\&. In figure \fB3\fP, the \fBTrackElement\fP belonging to net \fB<b>\fP is marked for removal\&.
Fig 3: TrackElement Removal \fB\fBTrackElement\fP Insertion\fP
When a \fBTrackElement\fP is inserted into a \fBTrack\fP, the two way link is immediatly created (but the \fBTrackElement\fP is not yet at it's final place in the \fBTrack\fP's vector)\&. Before inserting a \fBTrackElement\fP we check that it's been already detached (\fCtrack\fP field to \fCNULL\fP)\&.
It is at that step that the \fBTrackElement\fP axis is actually updated through a call to \fBTrackElement::setAxis()\fP\&.
\fBRevalidation Sequence\fP
After a \fBTrack\fP has been modificated either the \fBTrack\fP element vector or the MarkerElement vector (or both) has been invalidateds\&. Revalidation take place in three steps:
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrack::doRemoval()\fP, remove all \fBTrackElement\fP marked for removal\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrack::insert()\fP, insert the \fBTrackElement\fP into their new \fBTrack\fP\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrack::doReorder()\fP, sort the \fBTrackElement\fP of the vector, that is, put the newly inserted elements at their right place\&.
Each step must be done \fIfor all Tracks\fP before proceeding to the next\&. This way a \fBTrackElement\fP \fCtrack\fP field doesn't get set \fIbefore\fP it has been actually removed from it's previous \fBTrack\fP\&.
.SS "Main Operations on Tracks"
\fBHelper Function:\fP \fBTrack::getBeginIndex()\fP
Return in \fCbegin\fP the index of the \fBTrackElement\fP whose minimum is immediately below the requested \fCposition\fP on the \fBTrack\fP axis\&. The second returned parameter \fCstate\fP is a set of flags to tell how the \fCbegin\fP index has to be interpreted\&.
\fBHelper Function:\fP \fBTrack::getOccupiedInterval()\fP
Returns the complete interval of a set of overlapping \fBTrackElement\fP from the same net\&. 
.SH "Member Enumeration Documentation"
.SS "enum \fBIndexState\fP"
Indicates how to compute the bounds of the interval enclosing a given \fCposition\fP on track axis\&.
.RS 4
According to \fIposition\fP, the interval can be a free interval or a used interval\&. 

.in +1c
\fB\fIBeginIsTrackMin \fP\fP
(implies \fCbegin=0\fP) there is no \fBTrackElement\fP \fIbefore\fP \fCposition\fP 
\fB\fIBeginIsSegmentMin \fP\fP
The \fCbegin\fP segment starts \fIbefore\fP \fCposition\fP and ends \fIafter\fP\&. 
\fB\fIBeginIsSegmentMax \fP\fP
The \fCbegin\fP segment starts and ends \fIbefore\fP \fCposition\fP\&. 
\fB\fIEndIsTrackMax \fP\fP
There is no \fBTrackElement\fP \fIafter\fP \fCposition\fP\&. 
\fB\fIEndIsSegmentMin \fP\fP
The \fCbegin\fP segment starts \fIbefore\fP \fCposition\fP\&. 
\fB\fIEndIsNextSegmentMin \fP\fP
The \fCbegin\fP segment starts and ends \fIbefore\fP \fCposition\fP\&. So the maximum is given by the \fCminimum\fP of the \fInext\fP \fBTrackElement\fP\&. 
\fB\fIEndIsSegmentMax \fP\fP
The \fCbegin\fP segment starts \fIbefore\fP \fCposition\fP and ends \fIafter\fP\&. 
\fB\fIBeforeFirstElement \fP\fP
the \fCposition\fP is before the first \fBTrackElement\fP\&. 
\fB\fIInsideElement \fP\fP
the \fCposition\fP is inside a \fBTrackElement\fP\&. 
\fB\fIOutsideElement \fP\fP
the \fCposition\fP is in free zone between two TrackElements\&. 
\fB\fIAfterLastElement \fP\fP
the position is after the end of the last element\&. 
\fB\fIEmptyTrack \fP\fP
the track is still empty\&. 
\fB\fIBeginMask \fP\fP
To extract the \fIbegin\fP part from a combination of flags\&. 
\fB\fIEndMask \fP\fP
To extract the \fIend\fP part from a combination of flags\&. 
.SH "Member Function Documentation"
.SS "bool isHorizontal () const\fC [pure virtual]\fP"
\fBReturns:\fP \fBtrue\fP if the \fBTrack\fP in horizontal direction\&. 
Implemented in \fBHorizontalTrack\fP, and \fBVerticalTrack\fP\&.
Referenced by TrackFixedSegment::isHorizontal()\&.
.SS "bool isVertical () const\fC [pure virtual]\fP"
\fBReturns:\fP \fBtrue\fP if the \fBTrack\fP in vertical direction\&. 
Implemented in \fBHorizontalTrack\fP, and \fBVerticalTrack\fP\&.
Referenced by TrackFixedSegment::isVertical()\&.
.SS "bool isLocalAssigned () const\fC [inline]\fP"
\fBReturns:\fP \fBtrue\fP is the \fBTrack\fP should be preferentially used for local routing\&. 
.SS "\fBRoutingPlane\fP * getRoutingPlane () const\fC [inline]\fP"
\fBReturns:\fP The \fBRoutingPlane\fP owning this \fBTrack\fP\&. 
Referenced by Track::getNextTrack(), and Track::getPreviousTrack()\&.
.SS "\fBKiteEngine\fP * getKiteEngine () const"
\fBReturns:\fP The \fBKiteEngine\fP owning this \fBTrack\fP\&. 
.SS "unsigned int getDirection () const\fC [pure virtual]\fP"
\fBReturns:\fP The direction of the \fBTrack\fP, either Katabatic::KbHorizontal or Katabatic::KbVertical\&. 
Implemented in \fBHorizontalTrack\fP, and \fBVerticalTrack\fP\&.
Referenced by TrackFixedSegment::getDirection()\&.
.SS "\fBRoutingPlane\fP * getIndex () const\fC [inline]\fP"
\fBReturns:\fP The index of this \fBTrack\fP in the \fBRoutingPlane\fP \fBTrack\fP vector\&. 
Referenced by Track::check(), Track::getNextTrack(), and Track::getPreviousTrack()\&.
.SS "unsigned int getDepth () const"
\fBReturns:\fP The depth (as given by the RoutingGauge) of the \fBTrack\fP's layer\&. 
.SS "\fBLayer\fP * getLayer () const"
\fBReturns:\fP The \fCLayer\fP of the \fBTrack\fP\&. 
Referenced by Track::insert()\&.
.SS "\fBLayer\fP * getBlockageLayer () const"
\fBReturns:\fP The associated blockage \fCLayer\fP to the \fBTrack\fP's layer\&. 
Referenced by Track::insert()\&.
.SS "\fBDbU::Unit\fP getAxis () const\fC [inline]\fP"
\fBReturns:\fP The Axis of the \fBTrack\fP\&. 
Referenced by Track::check(), NegociateWindow::createTrackSegment(), TrackFixedSegment::getAxis(), VerticalTrack::getPosition(), HorizontalTrack::getPosition(), Track::insert(), RoutingEvent::revalidate(), Manipulator::ripupPerpandiculars(), and SegmentFsm::SegmentFsm()\&.
.SS "\fBDbU::Unit\fP getMin () const\fC [inline]\fP"
\fBReturns:\fP The minimal allowed coordinate of the \fBTrack\fP\&. 
Referenced by Manipulator::minimize()\&.
.SS "\fBDbU::Unit\fP getMax () const\fC [inline]\fP"
\fBReturns:\fP The maximal allowed coordinate of the \fBTrack\fP\&. 
.SS "\fBTrack\fP * getNextTrack () const"
\fBReturns:\fP The next \fBTrack\fP in the \fC\fBRoutingPlane\fP\fP vector\&. That is the one with the axis immediatly superior\&. 
Referenced by NegociateWindow::createTrackSegment(), RoutingEvent::revalidate(), and Manipulator::ripupPerpandiculars()\&.
.SS "\fBTrack\fP * getPreviousTrack () const"
\fBReturns:\fP The previous \fBTrack\fP in the \fC\fBRoutingPlane\fP\fP vector\&. That is the one with the axis immediatly inferior\&. 
Referenced by NegociateWindow::createTrackSegment()\&.
.SS "size_t getSize () const\fC [inline]\fP"
\fBReturns:\fP The total number of \fBTrackSegment\fP in the \fBTrack\fP\&. 
Referenced by Track::getMaximalPosition(), and Track::getSegment()\&.
.SS "\fBPoint\fP getPosition (\fBDbU::Unit\fP position) const\fC [pure virtual]\fP"
\fBReturns:\fP the point at \fC\fP(position,\fBgetAxis()\fP) for horizontal \fBTrack\fP at or \fC\fP(\fBgetAxis()\fP,position) for vertical \fBTrack\fP\&. 
Implemented in \fBHorizontalTrack\fP, and \fBVerticalTrack\fP\&.
.SS "\fBTrackSegment\fP * getSegment (size_t index) const"

.RS 4
\fIindex\fP The index of the \fBTrackSegment\fP\&. 
.RS 4
The \fBTrackSegment\fP at \fIindex\fP\&. The result will be \fCNULL\fP in the follwing cases :
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fIindex\fP is outside the sorted zone\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fIindex\fP points to a hole in the \fBTrack\fP\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fIindex\fP is equal to \fBTrack::npos\fP\&. 

Referenced by SegmentFsm::conflictSolveByPlaceds(), NegociateWindow::createTrackSegment(), SegmentFsm::desaturate(), Manipulator::forceOverLocals(), Manipulator::forceToTrack(), Track::getSegment(), Manipulator::insertInTrack(), Manipulator::makeDogleg(), Manipulator::minimize(), and Manipulator::shrinkToTrack()\&.
.SS "\fBTrackSegment\fP * getSegment (\fBDbU::Unit\fP position) const"

.RS 4
\fIposition\fP The position where to search\&. 
.RS 4
The \fBTrackSegment\fP whose starting point is immediatly inferior to \fIposition\fP\&. 

.SS "\fBTrackSegment\fP * getNext (size_t & index, \fBNet\fP * net) const"

.RS 4
\fIindex\fP Index of the starting \fBTrackSegment\fP\&. 
\fInet\fP A \fCNet\fP to ignore\&. 
.RS 4
The next \fBTrackSegment\fP (\fCNULL\fP if not found)\&.
Find, starting from \fBTrackSegment\fP at \fIindex\fP the next \fBTrackSegment\fP ignoring \fBTrackSegment\fP from \fInet\fP\&. \fIindex\fP is modified to point on the returned \fBTrackSegment\fP\&. If there's no next \fBTrackSegment\fP (\fCNULL\fP) then index is set to \fBTrack::npos\fP\&. 
Referenced by Track::expandFreeInterval(), TrackFixedSegment::getNext(), TrackSegment::getNext(), TrackElement::getNext(), and Track::getNextFixed()\&.
.SS "\fBTrackSegment\fP * getPrevious (size_t & index, \fBNet\fP * net) const"

.RS 4
\fIindex\fP Index of the starting \fBTrackSegment\fP\&. 
\fInet\fP A \fCNet\fP to ignore\&. 
.RS 4
The previous \fBTrackSegment\fP (\fCNULL\fP if not found)\&.
find, starting from \fBTrackSegment\fP at \fIindex\fP the previous \fBTrackSegment\fP ignoring \fBTrackSegment\fP from \fInet\fP\&. \fIindex\fP is modified to point on the returned \fBTrackSegment\fP\&. If there's no previous \fBTrackSegment\fP (\fCNULL\fP) then index is set to \fBTrack::npos\fP\&. 
Referenced by Track::expandFreeInterval(), TrackFixedSegment::getPrevious(), TrackSegment::getPrevious(), and TrackElement::getPrevious()\&.
.SS "\fBTrackSegment\fP * getNextFixed (size_t & index) const"

.RS 4
\fIindex\fP Index of the starting \fBTrackSegment\fP\&. 
.RS 4
The first previous \fIFixed\fP \fBTrackSegment\fP\&.
find, starting from \fBTrackSegment\fP at \fIindex\fP the first previous with a \fIFixed\fP attribute set\&. \fIindex\fP is modified to point on the returned \fBTrackSegment\fP\&. If there's no previous \fBTrackSegment\fP (\fCNULL\fP) then index is set to \fBTrack::npos\fP\&. 
.SS "size_t find (const \fBTrackElement\fP * element) const"
\fBReturns:\fP the \fIindex\fP of \fIelement\fP inside the \fBTrack\fP\&. If the \fIelement\fP do not belongs to the \fBTrack\fP, return \fBTrack::npos\fP\&. 
.SS "\fBDbU::Unit\fP getSourcePosition (vector< \fBTrackElement\fP *>::iterator it) const"
\fBReturns:\fP The source position of \fBTrackSegment\fP pointed by iterator \fIit\fP\&. If \fIit\fP is equal to \fCend()\fP , returns zero\&. 
.SS "\fBDbU::Unit\fP getMinimalPosition (size_t index, unsigned int state) const"
\fBReturns:\fP Extract the minimal position from the interval at \fCindex\fP in accordance to \fCstate\fP hinting\&.
\fBSee also:\fP  \fBTrack::IndexState\fP\&. 
.SS "\fBDbU::Unit\fP getMaximalPosition (size_t index, unsigned int state) const"
\fBReturns:\fP Extract the maximal position from the interval at \fCindex\fP in accordance to \fCstate\fP hinting\&.
\fBSee also:\fP  \fBTrack::IndexState\fP\&. 
Referenced by Track::expandFreeInterval()\&.
.SS "\fBInterval\fP getFreeInterval (\fBDbU::Unit\fP position, \fBNet\fP * net = \fCNULL\fP) const"

.RS 4
\fIposition\fP where fo find a free interval\&. 
\fInet\fP for which net to find the free interval\&. \fBReturns:\fP The longuest free interval enclosing \fIposition\fP (may be empty)\&. 

.SS "\fBInterval\fP getOccupiedInterval (size_t & begin) const"

.RS 4
\fIbegin\fP index of one of the \fBTrackElement\fP set\&. May be modificated\&. \fBReturns:\fP the whole interval used by a set of overlaping \fBTrackSegment\fP\&.
As \fBTrackElement\fP from a same net can overlap, the interval of one of them do not give the full extend of the \fBTrack\fP occupation at this point\&. This function looks for all overlaping segments and returns the merged interval\&. Additionnaly it sets \fCbegin\fP to the index of the lowest \fBTrackElement\fP of the set\&.
Fig 4: Track::getOccuppiedInterval() 
Referenced by Track::expandFreeInterval(), Track::getBeginIndex(), and Track::getOverlapBounds()\&.
.SS "\fBInterval\fP expandFreeInterval (size_t & begin, size_t & end, unsigned int state, \fBNet\fP * net) const"

.RS 4
\fIbegin\fP the lowest used \fBTrackSegment\fP\&. 
\fIend\fP the highest used \fBTrackSegment\fP\&. 
\fIstate\fP tells how to interpret the \fCbegin\fP & \fCend\fP indexes\&. 
\fInet\fP the for wich we seek place\&. \fBReturns:\fP The longuest free interval between \fC\fP]begin,end[ \&.
Starting from the initial \fC[begin,end]\fP interval, expand the interval to encompass all free space or segments belonging to \fCnet\fP\&. \fCstate\fP may be used to compute the interval bounds from \fCbegin\fP and \fCend\fP instead of directly using the returned \fCinterval\fP\&.
.RS 4
\fC\fP]begin,end[ must define a free interval between two \fBTrackSegment\fP\&. 

Referenced by Track::getFreeInterval()\&.
.SS "void getBeginIndex (\fBDbU::Unit\fP position, size_t & begin, unsigned int & state) const"

.RS 4
\fIposition\fP The position where to search\&. 
\fIbegin\fP Index of the immediatly inferior \fBTrackElement\fP\&. 
\fIstate\fP how to interpret the returned \fCbegin\fP\&.
Return in \fCbegin\fP the index of the \fBTrackElement\fP whose minimum is immediately below the requested \fCposition\fP on the \fBTrack\fP axis\&. The second returned parameter \fCstate\fP is a set of flags to tell how the \fCbegin\fP index has to be interpreted\&.
Flags for the \fCstate\fP are:
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrack::BeginIsTrackMin\fP : (implies \fCbegin=0\fP) there is no \fBTrackElement\fP \fIbefore\fP \fCposition\fP\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrack::EndIsSegmentMin\fP : The \fCbegin\fP segment starts \fIbefore\fP \fCposition\fP\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrack::BeginIsSegmentMin\fP : The \fCbegin\fP segment starts \fIbefore\fP \fCposition\fP and ends \fIafter\fP\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrack::EndIsSegmentMax\fP : The \fCbegin\fP segment starts \fIbefore\fP \fCposition\fP and ends \fIafter\fP\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrack::BeginIsSegmentMax\fP : The \fCbegin\fP segment starts and ends \fIbefore\fP \fCposition\fP\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrack::EndIsNextSegmentMin\fP : The \fCbegin\fP segment starts and ends \fIbefore\fP \fCposition\fP\&. So the maximum is given by the \fCminimum\fP of the \fInext\fP \fBTrackElement\fP\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrack::EndIsTrackMax\fP : There is no \fBTrackElement\fP \fIafter\fP \fCposition\fP\&.
Based on the previous flags, we build the \fCstate\fP parameter:
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrack::BeforeFirstElement\fP : the \fCposition\fP is before the first \fBTrackElement\fP\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrack::InsideElement\fP : the \fCposition\fP is inside a \fBTrackElement\fP\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrack::OutsideElement\fP : the \fCposition\fP is in free zone between two TrackElements\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrack::AfterLastElement\fP : the position is after the end of the last element\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrack::EmptyTrack\fP : the track is still empty\&.
To separate flags relevant to \fIbegin\fP and \fIend\fP informations, two masks are provideds:
.IP "\(bu" 2
.IP "\(bu" 2
Fig 3: Track::getBeginIndex() \fBReminder for myself:\fP The \fBTrack::getBeginIndex()\fP function relies on the \fCSTL\fP \fClower_bound()\fP function\&. \fClower_bound()\fP finds the \fBTrackElement\fP immediately \fIsuperior\fP to \fCposition\fP (shown on Figure \fB3\fP by the \fCLB\fP label in white on black)\&.
The relation between the returned \fCbegin\fP index and the position is given through the \fCstate\fP parameter\&. 
Referenced by Track::getFreeInterval(), Track::getOverlapBounds(), and Track::getSegment()\&.
.SS "void getOverlapBounds (\fBInterval\fP interval, size_t & begin, size_t & end) const"

.RS 4
\fIinterval\fP the overlaping interval\&. 
\fIbegin\fP where to store the starting bound\&. 
\fIend\fP where to store the ending bound\&.
find the range of \fBTrackSegment\fP intersecting \fIinterval\fP\&. Note that when the \fIinterval\fP lower bound crosses a set of overlaping intervals from the same \fCNet\fP, the interval at \fIbegin\fP will crosses the lower bound but some following of the same \fCNet\fP may not\&. 
Referenced by NegociateWindow::createTrackSegment(), and Track::getOverlapCost()\&.
.SS "TrackCost getOverlapCost (\fBInterval\fP interval, \fBNet\fP * net, size_t begin, size_t end, unsigned int flags) const"

.RS 4
\fIinterval\fP the overlaping interval\&. 
\fInet\fP a Net to ignore (null cost)\&. 
\fIbegin\fP the starting bound\&. 
\fIend\fP the ending bound\&. 
\fIflags\fP passed to the overlap cost function\&. 
.RS 4
The cost of the overlap\&.
Compute the cost of the overlap of \fIinterval\fP with the range \fC\fP[begin,end] of \fBTrackSegment\fP\&. Any \fBTrackSegment\fP belonging to \fInet\fP will be ignored\&. 
Referenced by Track::getOverlapCost()\&.
.SS "TrackCost getOverlapCost (\fBInterval\fP interval, \fBNet\fP * net, unsigned int flags) const"

.RS 4
\fIinterval\fP the overlaping interval\&. 
\fInet\fP a Net to ignore (null cost)\&. 
\fIflags\fP passed to the overlap cost function\&.
Compute the overlap cost of \fIinterval\fP with \fBTrackSegment\fP from the current \fBTrack\fP, ignoring thoses belonging to \fInet\fP\&. 
.SS "TrackCost getOverlapCost (\fBTrackElement\fP * segment, unsigned int flags) const"

.RS 4
\fIsegment\fP under which to compute overlap cost\&. 
\fIflags\fP passed to the overlap cost function\&.
Compute the overlap cost of \fCsegment\fP with \fBTrackSegment\fP from the current \fBTrack\fP (interval and net are deduced from \fCsegment\fP)\&. 
.SS "void getTerminalWeight (\fBInterval\fP interval, \fBNet\fP * net, size_t & count, unsigned int & weight) const"

.RS 4
\fIinterval\fP under which to compute terminal weight\&. 
\fInet\fP a net to be ignored\&. 
\fIcount\fP incremented of the number of track markers under the \fCinterval\fP\&. 
\fIweight\fP incremented of the sum of the weight of the track markers under the \fCinterval\fP\&.
Compute and return the sum of the weight of the track markers (see \fBTrackMarker\fP) under \fCinterval\fP ignoring \fCnet\fP (that is, \fIfor\fP \fCnet\fP)\&.
\fBRemark: The referenced variables \fCcount\fP and \fCweight\fP are not reset to\fP
.RS 4
zero by this function\&. It is of the caller's responsability\&. 

.SS "\fBDbU::Unit\fP getSourcePosition (size_t index) const"
\fBReturns:\fP The source position of \fBTrackSegment\fP at index \fIindex\fP\&. If \fIindex\fP is equal to \fBTrack::npos\fP, returns zero\&. 
.SS "bool check (unsigned int & overlaps, const char * message = \fCNULL\fP) const"

.RS 4
\fIoverlaps\fP The number of overlaping segments\&. 
\fImessage\fP An iformative message, only printed if an error occurs\&. 
.RS 4
\fBtrue\fP if the \fBTrack\fP contains no incoherencies\&.
Perform a complete \fBTrack\fP check\&. Looks for the following incoherencies :
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrackSegment\fP do not refers this \fBTrack\fP\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrackSegment\fP is detached (\fBTrackSegment::getTrack()\fP is \fCNULL\fP)\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrackSegment\fP is hollow, this one is very unlikely as hollow \fBTrackSegment\fP are only created for the \fClower_bound()\fP\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fCNULL\fP pointers (should never occurs, nevertheless\&.\&.\&.)
.IP "\(bu" 2
Two consecutive \fBTrackSegment\fP from different \fCNet\fP must not overlap\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
For \fBTrackSegment\fP starting from the same position, the longuest must be first\&. 

.SS "void invalidate ()"
Inconditionnaly invalidate the \fBTrack\fP, regardless if it has been modificated\&. The \fBTrack\fP will be forced to be revalidated on closure of the current session\&. 
.SS "void insert (\fBTrackElement\fP * segment)"
Adds \fIsegment\fP to the \fBTrack\fP\&. Must only be used inside a \fBSession\fP\&. They must appears \fIafter\fP \fBTrack::doRemoval()\fP and \fIbefore\fP \fBTrack::doReorder()\fP\&.
\fBSee also:\fP  \fBKite::Session\fP\&. 
.SS "void insert (\fBTrackMarker\fP * marker)"
Adds \fImarker\fP to the \fBTrack\fP\&. Must only be used inside a \fBSession\fP\&.
\fBSee also:\fP  \fBKite::Session\fP\&. 
.SS "void setSegment (\fBTrackElement\fP * element, size_t index)"
Directly affect the \fBTrack\fP entry at position \fCindex\fP to \fCelement\fP (use with great care)\&.
\fBSee also:\fP  \fBKite::Session\fP\&. 
Referenced by TrackSegment::swapTrack()\&.
.SS "size_t doRemoval ()"
\fBReturns:\fP The number of removeds \fBTrackSegment\fP\&.
Suppress all the \fBTrackSegment\fP that have been withdraw from the \fBTrack\fP\&. \fBTrackSegment\fP must be withdraw trough the \fBTrackSegment::detach()\fP method which sets their owning \fBTrack\fP to \fCNULL\fP (the removal criterion)\&. It uses the \fCSTL\fP \fIremove_if\fP algorithm that put all the to be removed elements at the end of the vector\&.
\fBSee also:\fP  \fBKite::Session\fP\&. 
.SS "void doReorder ()"
(Re)sort the \fBTrackElement\fP of the vector\&. Must be called \fIafter:\fP 
.IP "\(bu" 2
\fBTrack::doRemoval()\fP so no detached \fBTrackSegment\fP are presents\&.
.IP "\(bu" 2
All calls to \fBTrack::insert()\fP, as the newly inserted elements are put at the back of the vector\&.
\fBSee also:\fP  \fBKite::Session\fP\&. 
.SH "Member Data Documentation"
.SS "npos = (size_t)\-1\fC [static]\fP"
A special index value (greatest integer) meaning that an index is invalid\&. 
Referenced by Track::expandFreeInterval(), Track::find(), Track::getNext(), Track::getOccupiedInterval(), Track::getOverlapBounds(), Track::getOverlapCost(), Track::getPrevious(), Track::getSegment(), and Track::getSourcePosition()\&.

.SH "Author"
Generated automatically by Doxygen for Kite - Detailed Router from the source code\&.