// -*- C++ -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) UPMC 2008-2018, All Rights Reserved // // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | C O R I O L I S | // | A n a b a t i c - Routing Toolbox | // | | // | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT | // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./NetBuilder.cpp" | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #include #include #include "hurricane/Bug.h" #include "hurricane/Breakpoint.h" #include "hurricane/Error.h" #include "hurricane/Warning.h" #include "hurricane/DebugSession.h" #include "hurricane/Layer.h" #include "hurricane/BasicLayer.h" #include "hurricane/RegularLayer.h" #include "hurricane/Technology.h" #include "hurricane/DataBase.h" #include "hurricane/Net.h" #include "hurricane/NetExternalComponents.h" #include "hurricane/NetRoutingProperty.h" #include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h" #include "hurricane/RoutingPads.h" #include "hurricane/Pad.h" #include "hurricane/Plug.h" #include "hurricane/Cell.h" #include "hurricane/Instance.h" #include "hurricane/Vertical.h" #include "hurricane/Horizontal.h" #include "hurricane/Rectilinear.h" #include "crlcore/AllianceFramework.h" #include "crlcore/RoutingGauge.h" #include "anabatic/AutoContactTerminal.h" #include "anabatic/AutoContactTurn.h" #include "anabatic/AutoContactHTee.h" #include "anabatic/AutoContactVTee.h" #include "anabatic/AutoSegment.h" #include "anabatic/NetBuilder.h" #include "anabatic/NetBuilderHV.h" #include "anabatic/AnabaticEngine.h" namespace { using Anabatic::AutoContactTerminal; using Hurricane::Breakpoint; using namespace std; using namespace CRL; using namespace Hurricane; using namespace Anabatic; // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Local Variables. const char* invalidGCell = "Anabatic::NetBuilder () :\n\n" " No GCell under point.\n"; const char* mismatchGCell = "Anabatic::NetBuilder () :\n\n" " Contacts under two different GCells.\n"; const char* missingGCell = "Anabatic::NetBuilder () :\n\n" " No Contact in GCell.\n"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "NetBuilder::SortRpByX". class SortRpByX { public: inline SortRpByX ( uint64_t flags ); inline bool operator() ( RoutingPad* rp1, RoutingPad* rp2 ); private: uint64_t _flags; }; inline SortRpByX::SortRpByX ( uint64_t flags ) : _flags(flags) { } inline bool SortRpByX::operator() ( RoutingPad* rp1, RoutingPad* rp2 ) { DbU::Unit x1 = rp1->getCenter().getX(); DbU::Unit x2 = rp2->getCenter().getX(); if (x1 == x2) return false; return (_flags & NetBuilder::SortDecreasing) xor (x1 < x2); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "NetBuilder::SortRpByY". class SortRpByY { public: inline SortRpByY ( uint64_t flags ); inline bool operator() ( RoutingPad* rp1, RoutingPad* rp2 ); protected: uint64_t _flags; }; inline SortRpByY::SortRpByY ( uint64_t flags ) : _flags(flags) { } inline bool SortRpByY::operator() ( RoutingPad* rp1, RoutingPad* rp2 ) { DbU::Unit y1 = rp1->getCenter().getY(); DbU::Unit y2 = rp2->getCenter().getY(); if (y1 == y2) return false; return (_flags & NetBuilder::SortDecreasing) xor (y1 < y2); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "NetBuilder::SortHookByX". class SortHookByX { public: inline SortHookByX ( uint64_t flags ); inline bool operator() ( Hook* h1, Hook* h2 ); protected: uint64_t _flags; }; inline SortHookByX::SortHookByX ( uint64_t flags ) : _flags(flags) { } inline bool SortHookByX::operator() ( Hook* h1, Hook* h2 ) { DbU::Unit x1 = 0; DbU::Unit x2 = 0; Horizontal* hh1 = dynamic_cast(h1->getComponent()); Horizontal* hh2 = dynamic_cast(h2->getComponent()); Vertical* vv1 = dynamic_cast (h1->getComponent()); Vertical* vv2 = dynamic_cast (h2->getComponent()); if (hh1) x1 = std::min( hh1->getSource()->getX(), hh1->getTarget()->getX() ); else if (vv1) x1 = vv1->getX(); else x1 = h1->getComponent()->getCenter().getX(); if (hh2) x2 = std::min( hh2->getSource()->getX(), hh2->getTarget()->getX() ); else if (vv2) x2 = vv2->getX(); else x2 = h2->getComponent()->getCenter().getX(); if (x1 == x2) return false; return (_flags & NetBuilder::SortDecreasing) xor (x1 < x2); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "NetBuilder::SortHookByY". class SortHookByY { public: inline SortHookByY ( uint64_t flags ); inline bool operator() ( Hook* h1, Hook* h2 ); protected: uint64_t _flags; }; inline SortHookByY::SortHookByY ( uint64_t flags ) : _flags(flags) { } inline bool SortHookByY::operator() ( Hook* h1, Hook* h2 ) { DbU::Unit y1 = 0; DbU::Unit y2 = 0; Horizontal* hh1 = dynamic_cast(h1->getComponent()); Horizontal* hh2 = dynamic_cast(h2->getComponent()); Vertical* vv1 = dynamic_cast (h1->getComponent()); Vertical* vv2 = dynamic_cast (h2->getComponent()); if (vv1) y1 = std::min( vv1->getSource()->getY(), vv1->getTarget()->getY() ); else if (hh1) y1 = hh1->getY(); else y1 = h1->getComponent()->getCenter().getX(); if (vv2) y2 = std::min( vv2->getSource()->getY(), vv2->getTarget()->getY() ); else if (hh2) y2 = hh2->getY(); else y2 = h2->getComponent()->getCenter().getY(); if (y1 == y2) return false; return (_flags & NetBuilder::SortDecreasing) xor (y1 < y2); } } // Anonymous namespace. namespace Anabatic { using Hurricane::Name; using Hurricane::DebugSession; using Hurricane::Error; using Hurricane::Warning; using Hurricane::Bug; using Hurricane::Rectilinear; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "NetBuilder". void NetBuilder::getPositions ( Component* anchor, Point& source, Point& target ) { Segment* segment = dynamic_cast( anchor ); if (segment) { source = segment->getSourcePosition(); target = segment->getTargetPosition(); } else { RoutingPad* rp = dynamic_cast( anchor ); if (rp) { source = rp->getSourcePosition(); target = rp->getTargetPosition(); } else { source = anchor->getPosition(); target = anchor->getPosition(); return; } } if (source == target) return; if (source.getX() > target.getX()) swap( source, target ); if (source.getY() > target.getY()) swap( source, target ); if (not Session::getRoutingGauge()->isSymbolic()) { size_t rpDepth = Session::getLayerDepth( anchor->getLayer() ); Flags direction = Session::getDirection ( rpDepth ); DbU::Unit wwidth = Session::getWireWidth (rpDepth) / 2; cdebug_log(145,0) << "Not a symbolic gauge, shrink positions of " << DbU::getValueString(wwidth) << endl; if (rpDepth == 0) return; if (direction.contains(Flags::Horizontal)) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "H shrink" << endl; source.translate( wwidth, 0 ); target.translate( -wwidth, 0 ); } else { cdebug_log(145,0) << "V shrink" << endl; source.translate( 0, wwidth ); target.translate( 0, -wwidth ); } } else { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Symbolic gauge, no shrink" << endl; } } uint64_t NetBuilder::checkRoutingPadSize ( Component* anchor ) { Point source; Point target; size_t anchorDepth = Session::getLayerDepth( anchor->getLayer() ); if (anchorDepth == 0) ++anchorDepth; NetBuilder::getPositions( anchor, source, target ); DbU::Unit width = abs( target.getX() - source.getX() ); DbU::Unit height = abs( target.getY() - source.getY() ); uint64_t flags = 0; flags |= (width < 3*Session::getPitch(anchorDepth)) ? NetBuilder::HSmall : 0; flags |= (height < 3*Session::getPitch(anchorDepth)) ? NetBuilder::VSmall : 0; flags |= ((width == 0) && (height == 0)) ? NetBuilder::Punctual : 0; cdebug_log(145,0) << "::checkRoutingPadSize(): pitch[" << anchorDepth << "]:" << DbU::getValueString(Session::getPitch(anchorDepth)) << " " << ((flags & NetBuilder::HSmall) ? "HSmall " : " ") << ((flags & NetBuilder::VSmall) ? "VSmall " : " ") << endl; return flags; } Hook* NetBuilder::getSegmentOppositeHook ( Hook* hook ) { Segment* segment = static_cast( hook->getComponent() ); return segment->getOppositeHook( hook ); } uint64_t NetBuilder::getSegmentHookType ( Hook* hook ) { Horizontal* horizontal = dynamic_cast( hook->getComponent() ); if (horizontal) { if (horizontal->getSourceX() > horizontal->getTargetX()) cerr << Warning("Bad orientation of %s",getString(horizontal).c_str()) << endl; if (dynamic_cast(hook)) return NetBuilder::EastBound; return NetBuilder::WestBound; } else { Vertical* vertical = dynamic_cast( hook->getComponent() ); if (vertical) { if (vertical->getSourceY() > vertical->getTargetY()) cerr << Warning("Bad orientation of %s",getString(vertical).c_str()) << endl; if (dynamic_cast(hook)) return NetBuilder::NorthBound; } else { cerr << Warning("Unmanaged Hook %s",getString(hook).c_str()) << endl; } } return NetBuilder::SouthBound; } void NetBuilder::sortRpByX ( vector& rps, uint64_t flags ) { sort( rps.begin(), rps.end(), SortRpByX(flags) ); } void NetBuilder::sortRpByY ( vector& rps, uint64_t flags ) { sort( rps.begin(), rps.end(), SortRpByY(flags) ); } void NetBuilder::sortHookByX ( vector& hooks, uint64_t flags ) { sort( hooks.begin(), hooks.end(), SortHookByX(flags) ); } void NetBuilder::sortHookByY ( vector& hooks, uint64_t flags ) { sort( hooks.begin(), hooks.end(), SortHookByY(flags) ); } NetBuilder::NetBuilder () : _anabatic (NULL) , _forks () , _connexity () , _topology (0) , _net (NULL) , _netData (NULL) , _gcell (NULL) , _sourceContact (NULL) , _southWestContact (NULL) , _northEastContact (NULL) , _fromHook (NULL) , _easts () , _wests () , _norths () , _souths () , _routingPads () , _routingPadAutoSegments() , _toFixSegments () , _degree (0) , _isStrictChannel (false) , _sourceFlags (0) , _flags (0) { } NetBuilder::~NetBuilder () { } void NetBuilder::clear () { _connexity.connexity = 0; _sourceFlags = 0; _flags = 0; _topology = 0; _net = NULL; _netData = NULL; _gcell = NULL; _sourceContact = NULL; _southWestContact = NULL; _northEastContact = NULL; _fromHook = NULL; _easts .clear(); _wests .clear(); _norths .clear(); _souths .clear(); _routingPads .clear(); _routingPadAutoSegments.clear(); _toFixSegments .clear(); } void NetBuilder::fixSegments () { for ( size_t i=0 ; i<_toFixSegments.size() ; ++i ) _toFixSegments[i]->setFlags( AutoSegment::SegFixed ); _toFixSegments.clear(); } NetBuilder& NetBuilder::setStartHook ( AnabaticEngine* anbt , Hook* fromHook , AutoContact* sourceContact , uint64_t sourceFlags ) { clear(); _isStrictChannel = anbt->isChannelStyle() and not anbt->isHybridStyle(); _sourceFlags = sourceFlags; _sourceContact = sourceContact; _fromHook = fromHook; cdebug_log(145,1) << "NetBuilder::setStartHook()" << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "* _fromHook: " << fromHook << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "* _sourceContact:" << sourceContact << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "_isStrictChannel:" << _isStrictChannel << endl; if (not _fromHook) { cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return *this; } Segment* fromSegment = static_cast( _fromHook->getComponent() ); _net = fromSegment->getNet(); _netData = anbt->getNetData( _net ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "For Hooks from fromHook" << endl; for ( Hook* hook : fromHook->getHooks() ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Hook: " << hook << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "Topology [" << _connexity.connexity << "] = " << "[" << (int)_connexity.fields.globals << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.M1 << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.M2 << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.M3 << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.Pin << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.Pad << "] " << _gcell << endl; Segment* toSegment = dynamic_cast( hook->getComponent() ); if (toSegment) { switch ( getSegmentHookType(hook) ) { case WestBound: _wests .push_back( hook ); break; case EastBound: _easts .push_back( hook ); break; case SouthBound: _souths.push_back( hook ); break; case NorthBound: _norths.push_back( hook ); break; } _connexity.fields.globals++; } else { Component* anchor = hook->getComponent(); RoutingPad* rp = dynamic_cast( anchor ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "| Looking for Anchor:" << anchor << endl; if (anchor) { Contact* contact = dynamic_cast( anchor ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "Contact:" << contact << endl; if (contact and ( Session::getAnabatic()->getConfiguration()->isGContact( anchor->getLayer() ) or Session::getAnabatic()->getConfiguration()->isGMetal ( anchor->getLayer() )) ) { // Global routing articulation contact are in not ? GCell* gcell = anbt->getGCellUnder( contact->getCenter() ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "* Global Routing Articulation: " << contact << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "| " << gcell << endl; if (gcell == NULL) throw Error( invalidGCell ); if (_gcell == NULL) _gcell = gcell; else if (_gcell != gcell) { throw Error( mismatchGCell ); } if ( (_gcell->getDensity( Session::getDHorizontalDepth() ) > 0.9) or (_gcell->getDensity( Session::getDVerticalDepth () ) > 0.9)) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Base layers blockeds, moving up" << endl; _flags |= ToUpperRouting; } if (not _gcell->isMatrix()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "* Non-matrix GCell under: " << contact << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "| " << gcell << endl; } } else { if (rp and AllianceFramework::get()->isPad(rp->_getEntityAs()->getCell())) { _connexity.fields.Pad++; } else { const Layer* layer = anchor->getLayer(); cdebug_log(145,0) << "rp: " << rp << endl; if (not layer) { cerr << Error( "RoutingPad is still on it's Plug, routing will be incomplete.\n" " %s" , getString(anchor).c_str() ) << endl; continue; } bool isPin = (dynamic_cast( rp->getOccurrence().getEntity() ) != nullptr); size_t rpDepth = 0; for ( size_t depth=0 ; depth < Session::getRoutingGauge()->getDepth() ; ++depth ) { if (layer->getMask() == Session::getRoutingLayer(depth)->getMask()) { rpDepth = depth; break; } } if ((rpDepth > 0) and not isPin and not Session::getRoutingGauge()->isSuperPitched()) { _flags |= ToUpperRouting; cdebug_log(145,0) << "ToUpperRouting set, getFlags():" << getFlags() << endl; } if (rpDepth == 0) _connexity.fields.M1++; // M1 V else if (rpDepth == 1) _connexity.fields.M2++; // M2 H else if (rpDepth == 2) _connexity.fields.M3++; // M3 V else if (rpDepth == 3) _connexity.fields.M2++; // M4 H else if (rpDepth == 4) _connexity.fields.M3++; // M5 V else { cerr << Warning( "Terminal layer \"%s\" of %s is not managed yet (ignored)." , getString(layer->getName()).c_str() , getString(anchor).c_str() ) << endl; //continue; } if (isPin) _connexity.fields.Pin++; } cdebug_log(145,0) << "| Component to connect: " << anchor << endl; _routingPads.push_back( rp ); } } } } if (_gcell->isMatrix()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "east: " << east () << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "west: " << west () << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "north:" << north() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "south:" << south() << endl; if (_connexity.fields.globals == 1) { if ( north() or south() ) _topology |= Global_Vertical_End; else _topology |= Global_Horizontal_End; } else if (_connexity.fields.globals == 2) { if ( east () and west () ) _topology |= Global_Horizontal; else if ( north() and south() ) _topology |= Global_Vertical; else _topology |= Global_Turn; } else { _topology |= Global_Fork; } } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); if (_gcell == NULL) throw Error( missingGCell ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "Topology [" << _connexity.connexity << "] = " << "[" << (int)_connexity.fields.globals << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.M1 << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.M2 << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.M3 << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.Pin << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.Pad << "] " << _gcell << endl; return *this; } bool NetBuilder::push ( Hook* toHook, AutoContact* contact, uint64_t flags ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "NetBuilder::push()" << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "* toHook: " << toHook << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "* _fromHook:" << _fromHook << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "* flags:" << flags << endl; if (not toHook or (toHook == _fromHook)) { if (contact) { if ( (flags & SouthWest) and not _southWestContact ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Setting _southWestContact:" << contact << endl; _southWestContact = contact; } if ( (flags & NorthEast) and not _northEastContact ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Setting _northEastContact:" << contact << endl; _northEastContact = contact; } } return false; } Hook* toHookOpposite = getSegmentOppositeHook( toHook ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "Pushing (to) " << getString(toHook) << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "Pushing (from) " << contact << endl; _forks.push( toHookOpposite, contact, getFlags() ); return true; } bool NetBuilder::isInsideBlockage ( GCell* gcell, Component* rp ) const { cdebug_log(145,1) << getTypeName() << "::isInsideBlockage() " << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << rp << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << rp->getLayer()->getMask() << endl; size_t rpDepth = Session::getLayerDepth( rp->getLayer() ); if (gcell->getDensity(rpDepth) < 0.5) { cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return false; } Box rpBb = rp->getBoundingBox(); Layer::Mask rpMask = rp->getLayer()->getBlockageLayer()->getMask(); cdebug_log(145,0) << "rpBb: " << rpBb << endl; for ( Occurrence occurrence : getAnabatic()->getCell()->getOccurrencesUnder(rpBb) ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "| " << occurrence.getEntity() << endl; Component* component = dynamic_cast( occurrence.getEntity() ); if (not component) continue; const Layer* blockageLayer = component->getLayer(); Box blockageBb = component->getBoundingBox(); cdebug_log(145,0) << " Mask: " << blockageLayer->getMask() << endl; if ( blockageLayer->isBlockage() and (blockageLayer->getMask() == rpMask)) { occurrence.getPath().getTransformation().applyOn( blockageBb ); cdebug_log(145,0) << " Bb: " << blockageBb << endl; if (blockageBb.contains(rpBb)) { cdebug_log(145,-1) << "* Inside " << component << endl; return true; } if (blockageBb.intersect(rpBb)) { cerr << Warning( "NetBuilder::isInsideBlockage(): RoutingPad is only partially inside blocked area.\n" " * %s\n" " * %s" , getString(rp).c_str() , getString(component).c_str() ) << endl; cdebug_log(145,-1) << "* Partially inside " << component << endl; return true; } } } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return false; } void NetBuilder::construct () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "NetBuilder::construct() [" << _connexity.connexity << "] in " << _gcell << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "Topology [" << _connexity.connexity << "] = " << "[" << (int)_connexity.fields.globals << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.M1 << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.M2 << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.M3 << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.Pin << "+" << (int)_connexity.fields.Pad << "] " << _gcell << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "getSourceFlags():" << getSourceFlags() << " getFlags():" << getFlags() << endl; if (not isStrictChannel()) { _southWestContact = NULL; _northEastContact = NULL; } if (not _gcell->isAnalog()) { if (isStrictChannel() and not _sourceContact) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "No _sourceContact, resetting _fromHook" << endl; _fromHook = NULL; } switch ( _connexity.connexity ) { case Conn_1G_1Pad: case Conn_2G_1Pad: case Conn_3G_1Pad: _do_xG_1Pad (); break; // End xG_1Pad cascaded cases. case Conn_1G_1M1: if (_do_1G_1M1()) break; case Conn_1G_2M1: case Conn_1G_3M1: case Conn_1G_4M1: case Conn_1G_5M1: case Conn_1G_6M1: case Conn_1G_7M1: case Conn_1G_8M1: case Conn_1G_9M1: _do_1G_xM1(); break; // End 1G_xM1 cascaded cases. case Conn_1G_1M2: case Conn_1G_2M2: case Conn_1G_3M2: case Conn_1G_4M2: _do_xG_xM2(); break; // End 1G_xM2 cascaded cases. case Conn_1G_1M3: if (_do_1G_1M3()) break; case Conn_1G_2M3: case Conn_1G_3M3: case Conn_1G_4M3: _do_xG_xM3(); break; // End 1G_xM3 cascaded cases. case Conn_2G_1M1: if (_do_2G_1M1()) break; case Conn_2G_2M1: case Conn_2G_3M1: case Conn_2G_4M1: case Conn_2G_5M1: case Conn_2G_6M1: case Conn_2G_7M1: case Conn_2G_8M1: case Conn_2G_9M1: case Conn_3G_1M1: if (_do_xG_1M1()) break; case Conn_3G_2M1: case Conn_3G_3M1: case Conn_3G_4M1: case Conn_3G_5M1: case Conn_3G_6M1: case Conn_3G_7M1: case Conn_3G_8M1: case Conn_3G_9M1: case Conn_3G_2M3: case Conn_3G_3M3: case Conn_3G_4M3: case Conn_4G_1M1: if (_do_xG_1M1()) break; case Conn_4G_2M1: case Conn_4G_3M1: case Conn_4G_4M1: case Conn_4G_5M1: case Conn_4G_6M1: case Conn_4G_7M1: case Conn_4G_8M1: case Conn_4G_9M1: _do_xG_xM1_xM3(); break; // End xG_xM1_xM3 cascaded cases. case Conn_4G_1M2: if (_do_4G_1M2()) break; case Conn_2G_1M2: case Conn_2G_2M2: case Conn_2G_3M2: case Conn_2G_4M2: case Conn_3G_1M2: case Conn_3G_2M2: _do_xG_xM2(); break; // End xG_xM2 cascaded cases. case Conn_2G_1M3: case Conn_2G_2M3: case Conn_2G_3M3: case Conn_2G_4M3: case Conn_3G_1M3: _do_xG_xM3(); break; // End xG_xM3 cascaded cases. case Conn_2G: if (_do_2G()) break; case Conn_3G: case Conn_4G: _do_xG(); break; // End xG cascaded cases. // Optimized specific cases. case Conn_1G_1PinM1: _do_1G_1PinM1 (); break; case Conn_2G_1PinM1: _do_2G_1PinM1 (); break; case Conn_1G_1PinM2: _do_1G_1PinM2 (); break; case Conn_2G_1PinM2: case Conn_3G_1PinM2: _do_xG_1PinM2 (); break; case Conn_1G_1PinM3: _do_1G_1PinM3 (); break; case Conn_2G_1PinM3: case Conn_3G_1PinM3: _do_xG_1PinM3 (); break; case Conn_1G_1M1_1PinM3: _do_1G_1M1_1PinM3(); break; case Conn_1G_1M1_1PinM2: case Conn_1G_2M1_1PinM2: case Conn_1G_3M1_1PinM2: case Conn_1G_4M1_1PinM2: case Conn_1G_5M1_1PinM2: _do_1G_xM1_1PinM2(); break; case Conn_2G_1M1_1PinM2: case Conn_2G_2M1_1PinM2: _do_2G_xM1_1PinM2(); break; case Conn_2G_1M1_1PinM3: case Conn_2G_2M1_1PinM3: case Conn_2G_3M1_1PinM3: _do_2G_xM1_1PinM3(); break; case Conn_3G_1M1_1PinM3: case Conn_3G_2M1_1PinM3: case Conn_3G_3M1_1PinM3: _do_3G_xM1_1PinM3(); break; case Conn_1G_1M1_1M2: _do_xG_1M1_1M2 (); break; case Conn_1G_1M1_1M3: _do_1G_xM1 (); break; case Conn_2G_1M1_1M2: _do_xG_1M1_1M2 (); break; default: //if (not isStrictChannel()) throw Bug( "Unmanaged Configuration [%d] = [%d+%d+%d+%d,%d+%d] %s in %s\n" " The global routing seems to be defective." , _connexity.connexity , _connexity.fields.globals , _connexity.fields.M1 , _connexity.fields.M2 , _connexity.fields.M3 , _connexity.fields.Pin , _connexity.fields.Pad , _net->_getString().c_str() , getString(_gcell).c_str() ); _do_xG(); } cdebug_log(145,0) << "SouthWest: " << _southWestContact << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "NorthEast: " << _northEastContact << endl; if (not _do_globalSegment()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "No global generated, finish." << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } cdebug_log(145,0) << "Proceed to next GCell." << endl; } else { AutoContact* targetContact = NULL; if (not _sourceContact) _fromHook = NULL; if (_gcell->isDevice ()) targetContact = _doDevice (); else if (_gcell->isHChannel()) targetContact = _doHChannel(); else if (_gcell->isVChannel()) targetContact = _doVChannel(); else if (_gcell->isHRail ()) targetContact = _doHRail(); else if (_gcell->isVRail ()) targetContact = _doVRail(); else if (_gcell->isStrut ()) targetContact = _doStrut (); else if (_gcell->isIoPad ()) _doIoPad(); else throw Bug( "Unmanaged GCell type: %s in %s\n" " The global routing seems to be defective." , getString(_gcell).c_str() , getString(_net).c_str() ); if ( (_sourceContact) and (targetContact) ){ Segment* baseSegment = static_cast( _fromHook->getComponent() ); AutoSegment* globalSegment = AutoSegment::create( _sourceContact , targetContact , baseSegment ); if (_netData and _netData->isNoMoveUp(baseSegment)) { globalSegment->setFlags( AutoSegment::SegNoMoveUp ); } cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (1)]: " << globalSegment << endl; } } cdebug_log(145,0) << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); } AutoContact* NetBuilder::doRp_AccessPad ( RoutingPad* rp, uint64_t flags ) { cdebug_log(145,1) << "doRp_AccessPad()" << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << rp << endl; // Hardcoded: H access is METAL2 (depth=1), V access is METAL3 (depth=2). size_t accessDepth = (flags & HAccess) ? 1 : 2 ; size_t padDepth = Session::getLayerDepth(rp->getLayer()); if (padDepth > Session::getAllowedDepth()) { cerr << Error( "NetBuilder::doRp_AccessPad(): Pad RoutingPad %s\n" " has a layer unreachable by the router (top layer is: %s)" , getString(rp).c_str() , getString(Session::getRoutingLayer(Session::getAllowedDepth())).c_str() ) << endl; padDepth = Session::getAllowedDepth(); } rp->getBodyHook()->detach(); Point rpPosition = rp->getCenter(); Point position = rp->getCenter(); Box rpbb = rp->getBoundingBox(); if ( (rpbb.getWidth () > 2*Session::getWireWidth(padDepth)) or (rpbb.getHeight() > 2*Session::getWireWidth(padDepth)) ) { //cerr << "doRp_AccessPad(): connecting to non-punctual connector (RoutingPad).\n" // << " " << rp->getNet() << "pad:" << rp->getOccurrence().getMasterCell() << endl; Transformation transf = rp->getOccurrence().getPath().getTransformation(); switch ( transf.getOrientation() ) { case Transformation::Orientation::ID: position.setY( rpbb.getYMin() ); break; case Transformation::Orientation::MY: position.setY( rpbb.getYMax() ); break; case Transformation::Orientation::YR: case Transformation::Orientation::R3: position.setX( rpbb.getXMin() ); break; case Transformation::Orientation::R1: position.setX( rpbb.getXMax() ); break; default: break; } } GCell* gcell = Session::getAnabatic()->getGCellUnder(position); Component* anchor = rp; if (padDepth != accessDepth) { if (padDepth > accessDepth) { // Go *down* from the pad's RoutingPad. --padDepth; Contact* target = NULL; Contact* source = Contact::create ( rp , Session::getContactLayer(padDepth) , position.getX() - rpPosition.getX() , position.getY() - rpPosition.getY() , Session::getViaWidth(padDepth) , Session::getViaWidth(padDepth) ); for ( size_t depth = padDepth ; depth >= accessDepth ; --depth ) { const Layer* segmentLayer = Session::getRoutingLayer(depth); const Layer* targetLayer = (depth == accessDepth) ? segmentLayer : Session::getContactLayer(depth-1); DbU::Unit targetSide = (depth == accessDepth) ? Session::getWireWidth(depth) : Session::getViaWidth (depth-1); target = Contact::create( rp->getNet() , targetLayer , position.getX() , position.getY() , targetSide , targetSide ); if (Session::getDirection(depth) == Flags::Horizontal) { anchor = Horizontal::create( source , target , segmentLayer , position.getY() , Session::getWireWidth(depth) ); } else { anchor = Vertical::create( source , target , segmentLayer , position.getX() , Session::getWireWidth(depth) ); } cdebug_log(145,0) << "Pad strap: " << anchor << endl; source = target; } } else { // Go *up* from the pad's RoutingPad. Contact* target = NULL; Contact* source = Contact::create ( rp , Session::getContactLayer(padDepth) , 0 , 0 , Session::getViaWidth(padDepth) , Session::getViaWidth(padDepth) ); for ( size_t depth = padDepth ; depth <= accessDepth ; ++depth ) { const Layer* segmentLayer = Session::getRoutingLayer(depth); const Layer* targetLayer = (depth == accessDepth) ? segmentLayer : Session::getContactLayer(depth); DbU::Unit targetSide = (depth == accessDepth) ? Session::getWireWidth(depth) : Session::getViaWidth (depth); target = Contact::create( rp->getNet() , targetLayer , position.getX() , position.getY() , targetSide , targetSide ); if (Session::getDirection(depth) == Flags::Horizontal) { anchor = Horizontal::create( source , target , segmentLayer , position.getY() , Session::getWireWidth(depth) ); } else { anchor = Vertical::create( source , target , segmentLayer , position.getX() , Session::getWireWidth(depth) ); } cdebug_log(145,0) << "Pad strap: " << anchor << endl; source = target; } } } AutoContact* autoSource = AutoContactTerminal::create ( gcell , anchor , Session::getRoutingLayer(accessDepth) , position , Session::getWireWidth(accessDepth) , Session::getWireWidth(accessDepth) ); cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return autoSource; } AutoContact* NetBuilder::doRp_AccessAnalog ( GCell* gcell, RoutingPad* rp, uint64_t flags ) { cdebug_log(145,1) << "doRp_AccessAnalog()" << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << rp << endl; const Layer* rpLayer = rp->getLayer(); size_t rpDepth = Session::getLayerDepth( rpLayer ); DbU::Unit viaSide = Session::getViaWidth ( rpDepth ); Point position = rp->getCenter(); position.translate( -Session::getDVerticalOffset(), -Session::getDHorizontalOffset() ); Point onGrid = Session::getNearestGridPoint( position, gcell->getConstraintBox() ); AutoContact* contact = AutoContactTerminal::create( gcell, rp, rpLayer, position, viaSide, viaSide ); if (position != onGrid) { cerr << Bug( "NetBuilder::doRp_AccessAnalog(): RoutingPad is not under any grid point.\n" " %s\n" " %s shifted to nearest grid point %s" , getString(rp).c_str() , getString(position).c_str() , getString(onGrid).c_str() ) << endl; contact->forceOnGrid( onGrid ); } if (rpDepth != Session::getDHorizontalDepth()) { cerr << Bug( "NetBuilder::doRp_AccessAnalog(): RoutingPad must be in %s layer.\n" " %s" , getString(Session::getDHorizontalLayer()->getName()).c_str() , getString(rp).c_str() ) << endl; } cdebug_log(145,0) << contact << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return contact; } void NetBuilder::doRp_StairCaseH ( GCell* gcell, Component* rp1, Component* rp2 ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "doRp_StairCaseH()" << endl; if (rp1->getCenter().getX() > rp2->getCenter().getX()) swap( rp1, rp2 ); AutoContact* rp1ContactSource = NULL; AutoContact* rp1ContactTarget = NULL; AutoContact* rp2ContactSource = NULL; AutoContact* rp2ContactTarget = NULL; const Layer* viaLayer = NULL; doRp_AutoContacts( gcell, rp1, rp1ContactSource, rp1ContactTarget, DoTargetContact ); doRp_AutoContacts( gcell, rp2, rp2ContactSource, rp2ContactTarget, DoSourceContact ); if (rp1ContactTarget->getY() == rp2ContactSource->getY()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Aligned horizontal routing pads : straight wire" << endl; viaLayer = rp1->getLayer(); AutoSegment::create( rp1ContactTarget, rp2ContactSource, Flags::Horizontal ); return; } viaLayer = Session::getContactLayer(1); AutoContact* subContact1 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell, rp1->getNet(), viaLayer ); AutoContact* subContact2 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell, rp1->getNet(), viaLayer ); AutoSegment::create( rp1ContactTarget, subContact1 , Flags::Horizontal ); AutoSegment::create( subContact1 , subContact2 , Flags::Vertical ); AutoSegment::create( subContact1 , rp2ContactSource, Flags::Horizontal ); } void NetBuilder::doRp_StairCaseV ( GCell* gcell, Component* rp1, Component* rp2 ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "doRp_StairCaseV()" << endl; if (rp1->getCenter().getY() > rp2->getCenter().getY()) swap( rp1, rp2 ); AutoContact* rp1ContactSource = NULL; AutoContact* rp1ContactTarget = NULL; AutoContact* rp2ContactSource = NULL; AutoContact* rp2ContactTarget = NULL; const Layer* viaLayer = NULL; doRp_AutoContacts( gcell, rp1, rp1ContactSource, rp1ContactTarget, DoTargetContact ); doRp_AutoContacts( gcell, rp2, rp2ContactSource, rp2ContactTarget, DoSourceContact ); if (rp1ContactTarget->getX() == rp2ContactSource->getX()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Aligned vertical routing pads : straight wire" << endl; viaLayer = rp1->getLayer(); AutoSegment::create( rp1ContactTarget, rp2ContactSource, Flags::Vertical ); return; } viaLayer = Session::getContactLayer(1); AutoContact* subContact1 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell, rp1->getNet(), viaLayer ); AutoContact* subContact2 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell, rp1->getNet(), viaLayer ); AutoSegment::create( rp1ContactTarget, subContact1 , Flags::Vertical ); AutoSegment::create( subContact1 , subContact2 , Flags::Horizontal ); AutoSegment::create( subContact1 , rp2ContactSource, Flags::Vertical ); } bool NetBuilder::_do_xG () { throw Error( "%::_do_xG() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_2G () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_2G() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_xG_1Pad () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_xG_1Pad() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_1G_1PinM2 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_1G_1PinM2() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_1G_1PinM1 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_1G_1PinM1() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_2G_1PinM1 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_2G_1PinM1() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_xG_1PinM2 () { throw Error( "%s::_do_xG_1PinM2() method *not* reimplemented from base class.\n" " On %s" , getTypeName().c_str(), getString(getNet()).c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_1G_1PinM3 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_1G_1PinM3() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_xG_1PinM3 () { throw Error( "%s::_do_xG_1PinM3() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_1G_1M1 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_1G_1M1() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_2G_1M1 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_2G_1M1() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_1G_xM1 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_1G_xM1() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_xG_1M1 () { return _do_xG_xM1_xM3(); } bool NetBuilder::_do_xG_xM1_xM3 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_xG_xM1_xM3() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_xG_1M1_1M2 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_xG_1M1_1M2() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_4G_1M2 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_4G_1M2() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_xG_xM2 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_xG_xM2() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_1G_1M3 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_1G_1M3() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_xG_xM3 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_xG_xM3() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_1G_1M1_1PinM3 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_1G_1M1_1PinM3() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_1G_xM1_1PinM2 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_1G_xM1_1PinM2() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_2G_xM1_1PinM2 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_2G_xM1_1PinM2() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_2G_xM1_1PinM3 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_2G_xM1_1PinM3() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_3G_xM1_1PinM3 () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_3G_xM1_1PinM3() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } bool NetBuilder::_do_globalSegment () { throw Error ( "%s::_do_globalSegment() method *not* reimplemented from base class.", getTypeName().c_str() ); return false; } void NetBuilder::singleGCell ( AnabaticEngine* anbt, Net* net ) { cdebug_log(145,1) << "NetBuilder::singleGCell() " << net << endl; vector rpM1s; Component* rpM2 = NULL; forEach ( RoutingPad*, irp, net->getRoutingPads() ) { if (Session::getRoutingGauge()->getLayerDepth(irp->getLayer()) == 1) rpM2 = *irp; else rpM1s.push_back( *irp ); } if ((rpM1s.size() < 2) and not rpM2) { cerr << Error( "For %s, less than two Plugs/Pins (%d)." , getString(net).c_str() , rpM1s.size() ) << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } if (rpM1s.empty()) { cerr << Error( "No METAL1 in Single GCell for Net \"%s\".", getString(net->getName()).c_str() ) << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } sortRpByX( rpM1s, NetBuilder::NoFlags ); // increasing X. GCell* gcell1 = anbt->getGCellUnder( (*rpM1s.begin ())->getCenter() ); GCell* gcell2 = anbt->getGCellUnder( (*rpM1s.rbegin())->getCenter() ); if (not gcell1) { cerr << Error( "No GCell under %s.", getString(*(rpM1s.begin())).c_str() ) << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } if (gcell1 != gcell2) { cerr << Error( "Not under a single GCell %s.", getString(*(rpM1s.rbegin())).c_str() ) << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } cdebug_log(145,0) << "singleGCell " << gcell1 << endl; AutoContact* turn1 = NULL; AutoContact* turn2 = NULL; AutoContact* source = NULL; AutoContact* target = NULL; for ( size_t irp=1 ; irpgetUConstraints(Flags::Vertical).intersect(target->getUConstraints(Flags::Vertical))) { uint64_t flags = checkRoutingPadSize( rpM1s[irp-1] ); if ((flags & VSmall) or Session::getConfiguration()->isVH()) { if (Session::getConfiguration()->isHV()) { turn1 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell1, rpM1s[irp]->getNet(), Session::getDContactLayer() ); AutoSegment::create( source, turn1, Flags::Horizontal ); source = turn1; } turn1 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell1, rpM1s[irp]->getNet(), Session::getDContactLayer() ); AutoSegment::create( source, turn1 , Flags::Vertical ); source = turn1; } flags = checkRoutingPadSize( rpM1s[irp] ); if ((flags & VSmall) or Session::getConfiguration()->isVH()) { if (Session::getConfiguration()->isHV()) { turn1 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell1, rpM1s[irp]->getNet(), Session::getDContactLayer() ); AutoSegment::create( target, turn1, Flags::Horizontal ); target = turn1; } turn1 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell1, rpM1s[irp]->getNet(), Session::getDContactLayer() ); AutoSegment::create( target, turn1 , Flags::Vertical ); target = turn1; } AutoSegment::create( source, target, Flags::Horizontal ); } else { turn1 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell1, rpM1s[irp]->getNet(), Session::getDContactLayer() ); turn2 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell1, rpM1s[irp]->getNet(), Session::getDContactLayer() ); AutoSegment::create( source, turn1 , Flags::Horizontal ); AutoSegment::create( turn1 , turn2 , Flags::Vertical ); AutoSegment::create( turn2 , target, Flags::Horizontal ); } } if (rpM2) { doRp_AutoContacts( gcell1, rpM1s[0], source, turn1, DoSourceContact ); doRp_AutoContacts( gcell1, rpM2 , target, turn1, DoSourceContact ); turn1 = AutoContactTurn::create( gcell1, rpM2->getNet(), Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoSegment::create( source, turn1 , Flags::Horizontal ); AutoSegment::create( turn1 , target, Flags::Vertical ); } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); } #if THIS_IS_DISABLED bool isVertical ( RoutingPad* rp ) { return ( (rp->getSourcePosition().getX() == rp->getTargetPosition().getX()) && (rp->getSourcePosition().getY() != rp->getTargetPosition().getY()) ); } bool isHorizontal ( RoutingPad* rp ) { return ( (rp->getSourcePosition().getY() == rp->getTargetPosition().getY()) && (rp->getSourcePosition().getX() != rp->getTargetPosition().getX()) ); } #endif RoutingPad* returnSW ( GCell* gcell, RoutingPad* rp1, RoutingPad* rp2 ) { DbU::Unit c1SW = (rp1->getSourcePosition().getX() - gcell->getXMin()) + (rp1->getSourcePosition().getY() - gcell->getYMin()); DbU::Unit c2SW = (rp2->getSourcePosition().getX() - gcell->getXMin()) + (rp2->getSourcePosition().getY() - gcell->getYMin()); if ( c1SW < c2SW ){ return rp1; } else { return rp2; } } RoutingPad* returnNE ( GCell* gcell, RoutingPad* rp1, RoutingPad* rp2 ) { DbU::Unit c1NE = (gcell->getXMax() - rp1->getTargetPosition().getX()) + (gcell->getYMax() - rp1->getTargetPosition().getY()); DbU::Unit c2NE = (gcell->getXMax() - rp2->getTargetPosition().getX()) + (gcell->getYMax() - rp2->getTargetPosition().getY()); if ( c1NE < c2NE ){ return rp1; } else { return rp2; } } AutoContact* NetBuilder::_doDevice () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "void NetBuilder::_doDevice ()" << _gcell << endl; for ( size_t i=0; i<_routingPads.size() ; i++ ) { if ( (_routingPads[i]->getSourcePosition().getX() == _routingPads[i]->getTargetPosition().getX()) and (_routingPads[i]->getSourcePosition().getY() == _routingPads[i]->getTargetPosition().getY()) ) { throw Error( "NetBuilder::_doDevice() Some RoutingPads are not set to a component.\n" " On: %s." , getString(_gcell).c_str() ); } } cdebug_log(145,0) << "FromHook: " << _fromHook << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "North : " << north() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "East : " << east() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "South : " << south() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "West : " << west() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "_routingPads.size(): " << _routingPads.size() << endl; RoutingPad* rpNE = NULL; RoutingPad* rpSW = NULL; _southWestContact = NULL; if (_routingPads.size() > 1) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Case _routingPads.size() > 1 "<< endl; for ( RoutingPad* rp : _routingPads ) cdebug_log(145,0) << rp << endl; // #1: Find RoutingPads to use for AutoContacts NE+SW rpNE = _routingPads[0]; rpSW = _routingPads[0]; for ( size_t i=1 ; i<_routingPads.size() ; i++ ) { rpNE = returnNE( _gcell, rpNE, _routingPads[i] ); rpSW = returnSW( _gcell, rpSW, _routingPads[i] ); } cdebug_log(145,0) << "rpNE: " << rpNE << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "rpSW: " << rpSW << endl; } else if (_routingPads.size() == 0) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Case _routingPads.size() = 0 "<< endl; throw Error( "NetBuilder::_doDevice() No RoutingPads found.\n" " On: %s." , getString(_gcell).c_str() ); } else { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Case _routingPads.size() = 1 "<< endl; rpNE = rpSW = _routingPads[0]; } cdebug_log(145,0) << "rp NE: " << rpNE << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "rp SW: " << rpSW << endl; if (rpNE and rpSW) { if (east()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "East" << endl; AutoContact* ac = doRp_AccessAnalog( _gcell, rpNE, NoFlags ); push( east(), ac, SouthWest ); } if (west()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "West" << endl; AutoContact* ac = doRp_AccessAnalog( _gcell, rpSW, NoFlags ); push( west(), ac, SouthWest ); } if (south()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "South" << endl; AutoContact* ac = doRp_AccessAnalog( _gcell, rpSW, NoFlags ); push( south(), ac, SouthWest ); } if (north()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "North" << endl; AutoContact* ac = doRp_AccessAnalog( _gcell, rpNE, NoFlags ); push( north(), ac, SouthWest ); } } cdebug_log(145,0) << "doDevice done" << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return _southWestContact; } AutoContact* NetBuilder::_doHChannel () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "void NetBuilder::_doHChannel() " << _gcell << endl; vector hooks; Hook* firsthhook = NULL; Hook* lasthhook = NULL; AutoContact* targetContact = NULL; // Save segments only cdebug_log(145,0) << "fromHook: " << _fromHook << endl; for ( Hook* toHook : _fromHook->getHooks() ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "toHook: " << toHook << endl; Segment* s = dynamic_cast( toHook->getComponent() ); if (s) { Horizontal* h = dynamic_cast(s); if (h) { if (h->getSource()->getX() <= _gcell->getXMin()) firsthhook = toHook; else if (h->getTarget()->getX() >= _gcell->getXMax()) lasthhook = toHook; else cdebug_log(145,0) << "Error(AutoContact* NetBuilder::_doHChannel ( ForkStack& forks )): This case should not happen " << endl; } else hooks.push_back(toHook); } } cdebug_log(145,0) << "Sorted hooks:" << endl; sortHookByX( hooks, NoFlags ); if (firsthhook) hooks.insert (hooks.begin(), firsthhook); if (lasthhook ) hooks.push_back(lasthhook ); for (vector::iterator it = hooks.begin(); it != hooks.end(); it++){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "toHook: " << (*it) << endl; } size_t i = 0; // More than 2 AutoContacts to create cdebug_log(145,0) << "Number of hooks: " << hooks.size() << endl; if ( hooks.size() > 2 ){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Number of hooks > 2 : " << hooks.size() << endl; vector autoContacts; bool firstH = false; for (vector::iterator it = hooks.begin(); it != hooks.end(); it++){ Horizontal* h = dynamic_cast((*it)->getComponent()); Vertical* v = dynamic_cast ((*it)->getComponent()); AutoContact* ac = NULL; cdebug_log(145,0) << "index: " << i << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "h : " << h << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "v : " << v << endl; if (i == 0){ if (h){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "case i=0, h" << endl; ac = AutoContactHTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(2) ); ac->setX(_gcell->getXMin()); ac->setY(_gcell->getYMin() + _gcell->getHeight()/2); firstH = true; } else if (v){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "case i=0, v" << endl; ac = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); ac->setX(v->getX()); ac->setY(_gcell->getYMin() + _gcell->getHeight()/2); } } else if (i == hooks.size()-1){ if (h){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "case i=last, h" << endl; ac = autoContacts[i-1]; } else if (v){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "case i=last, v" << endl; ac = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); ac->setX(v->getX()); ac->setY(_gcell->getYMin() + _gcell->getHeight()/2); } } else { if ((i == 1)&&(firstH)){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "case i=1, first was H" << endl; ac = autoContacts[i-1]; if (v) ac->setX(v->getX()); else { cerr << Warning( "Something is wrong with the number of globals in this HChannel." , getString(_gcell).c_str() ) << endl; } } else { cdebug_log(145,0) << "case i=1, first was V" << endl; ac = AutoContactHTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(2) ); ac->setX(v->getX()); ac->setY(_gcell->getYMin() + _gcell->getHeight()/2); } } cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << ac << endl; autoContacts.push_back(ac); cdebug_log(145,0) << "FromHook: " << _fromHook << endl; if (_fromHook->getComponent() == (*it)->getComponent()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Found from:" << (*it)->getComponent() << endl; targetContact = ac; } else { push( (*it), ac ); } i++; } cdebug_log(145,0) << "Chain contacts: " << endl; for (size_t j=1; j < autoContacts.size(); j++){ if (autoContacts[j-1] != autoContacts[j]){ AutoSegment* segment = AutoSegment::create( autoContacts[j-1] , autoContacts[j], Flags::Horizontal ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (2)]: " << segment << endl; } } // There are only 2 AutoContacts to create } else if (hooks.size() == 2){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Number of hooks == 2 : " << hooks.size() << endl; Horizontal* h0 = dynamic_cast(hooks[0]->getComponent()); Vertical* v0 = dynamic_cast (hooks[0]->getComponent()); Horizontal* h1 = dynamic_cast(hooks[1]->getComponent()); Vertical* v1 = dynamic_cast (hooks[1]->getComponent()); AutoContact* source = NULL; AutoContact* target = NULL; cdebug_log(145,0) << "h0: " << h0 << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "v0: " << v0 << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "h1: " << h1 << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "v1: " << v1 << endl; if ((v0 != NULL) && (v1 != NULL)){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "case 2V" << endl; source = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); source->setX(v0->getX()); source->setY(_gcell->getYMin() + _gcell->getHeight()/2); target = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); target->setX(v1->getX()); target->setY(_gcell->getYMin() + _gcell->getHeight()/2); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact Source]: " << source << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact Target]: " << target << endl; AutoSegment* globalSegment = AutoSegment::create( source, target, Flags::Horizontal ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (3)]: " << globalSegment << endl; if (_fromHook->getComponent() == hooks[0]->getComponent()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Found from:" << hooks[0]->getComponent() << endl; targetContact = source; push( hooks[1], target ); } else if (_fromHook->getComponent() == hooks[1]->getComponent()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Found from:" << hooks[1]->getComponent() << endl; targetContact = target; push( hooks[0], source ); } } else if (((h0 != NULL) && (v1 != NULL)) || ((v0 != NULL) && (h1 != NULL))){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "case 1V and 1H" << endl; source = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << source << endl; if (h0 && v1){ source->setX(v1->getX()); } else { source->setX(v0->getX()); } source->setY(_gcell->getYMin() + _gcell->getHeight()/2); targetContact = source; if (_fromHook->getComponent() == hooks[0]->getComponent()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Found from:" << hooks[0]->getComponent() << endl; push( hooks[1], source ); } else if (_fromHook->getComponent() == hooks[1]->getComponent()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Found from:" << hooks[1]->getComponent() << endl; push( hooks[0], source ); } } else if ((h0 != NULL) && (h1 != NULL)){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "case 2H" << endl; source = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); source->setX(_gcell->getXMin() + _gcell->getWidth()/2); source->setY(_gcell->getYMin() + _gcell->getHeight()/2); target = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); target->setX(_gcell->getXMin() + _gcell->getWidth()/2); target->setY(_gcell->getYMin() + _gcell->getHeight()/2); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact Source]: " << source << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact Target]: " << target << endl; AutoSegment* globalSegment = AutoSegment::create( source, target, Flags::Vertical ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (4)]: " << globalSegment << endl; if (_fromHook->getComponent() == hooks[0]->getComponent()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Found from:" << hooks[0]->getComponent() << endl; targetContact = source; push( hooks[1], target ); } else if (_fromHook->getComponent() == hooks[1]->getComponent()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Found from:" << hooks[1]->getComponent() << endl; targetContact = target; push( hooks[0], source ); } } } cdebug_log(145,0) << "doHChannel done" << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return targetContact; } AutoContact* NetBuilder::_doVChannel () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "void NetBuilder::_doVChannel ()" << _gcell << endl; vector hooks; Hook* firstvhook = NULL; Hook* lastvhook = NULL; AutoContact* targetContact = NULL; // Save segments only cdebug_log(145,0) << "fromHook: " << _fromHook << endl; for ( Hook* toHook : _fromHook->getHooks() ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "toHook: " << toHook << endl; Segment* s = dynamic_cast( toHook->getComponent() ); if (s) { Vertical* v = dynamic_cast(s); if (v) { if (v->getSource()->getY() <= _gcell->getYMin()) firstvhook = toHook; else if (v->getTarget()->getY() >= _gcell->getYMax()) lastvhook = toHook; else cdebug_log(145,0) << "Error(AutoContact* NetBuilder::_doVChannel()): This case should not happen " << endl; } else hooks.push_back(toHook); } } cdebug_log(145,0) << "Sorted hooks:" << endl; sortHookByY( hooks, NoFlags ); if (firstvhook) hooks.insert (hooks.begin(), firstvhook); if (lastvhook ) hooks.push_back(lastvhook ); for (vector::iterator it = hooks.begin(); it != hooks.end(); it++){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "toHook: " << (*it) << endl; } size_t i = 0; // More than 2 AutoContacts to create cdebug_log(145,0) << "Number of hooks: " << hooks.size() << endl; if ( hooks.size() > 2 ){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Number of hooks > 2 : " << hooks.size() << endl; vector autoContacts; bool firstV = false; for (vector::iterator it = hooks.begin(); it != hooks.end(); it++){ Horizontal* h = dynamic_cast((*it)->getComponent()); Vertical* v = dynamic_cast ((*it)->getComponent()); AutoContact* ac = NULL; cdebug_log(145,0) << "index: " << i << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "h : " << h << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "v : " << v << endl; if (i == 0){ if (v){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "case i=0, v"<< endl; ac = AutoContactVTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); ac->setX(_gcell->getXMin() + _gcell->getWidth()/2); ac->setY(_gcell->getYMin()); firstV = true; } else if (h){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "case i=0, h"<< endl; ac = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); ac->setX(_gcell->getXMin() + _gcell->getWidth()/2); ac->setY(h->getY()); } } else if (i == hooks.size()-1){ if (v){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "case i=last, v"<< endl; ac = autoContacts[i-1]; } else if (h){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "case i=last, h"<< endl; ac = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); ac->setX(_gcell->getXMin() + _gcell->getWidth()/2); ac->setY(h->getY()); } } else { if ((i == 1)&&(firstV)){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "case i=X, first was V"<< endl; ac = autoContacts[i-1]; if (h) ac->setY(h->getY()); else { cerr << Warning( "Something is wrong with the number of globals in this VChannel." , getString(_gcell).c_str() ) << endl; } } else { cdebug_log(145,0) << "case i=X, first was H"<< endl; ac = AutoContactVTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); ac->setX(_gcell->getXMin() + _gcell->getWidth()/2); ac->setY(h->getY()); } } cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << ac << endl; autoContacts.push_back(ac); cdebug_log(145,0) << "FromHook: " << _fromHook << endl << endl; if (_fromHook->getComponent() == (*it)->getComponent()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Found from:" << (*it)->getComponent() << endl; targetContact = ac; } else { push( (*it), ac ); } i++; } cdebug_log(145,0) << "Chain contacts: " << endl; for (size_t j=1; j < autoContacts.size(); j++){ if (autoContacts[j-1] != autoContacts[j]){ AutoSegment* segment = AutoSegment::create( autoContacts[j-1] , autoContacts[j], Flags::Vertical ); if (not segment->isGlobal()) segment->setFlags( AutoSegment::SegLongLocal ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (5)]: " << segment << endl; } } // There are only 2 AutoContacts to create } else if (hooks.size() == 2){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Number of hooks == 2 : " << hooks.size() << endl; Horizontal* h0 = dynamic_cast(hooks[0]->getComponent()); Vertical* v0 = dynamic_cast (hooks[0]->getComponent()); Horizontal* h1 = dynamic_cast(hooks[1]->getComponent()); Vertical* v1 = dynamic_cast (hooks[1]->getComponent()); AutoContact* source = NULL; AutoContact* target = NULL; cdebug_log(145,0) << "h0: " << h0 << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "v0: " << v0 << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "h1: " << h1 << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "v1: " << v1 << endl; if ((h0 != NULL) && (h1 != NULL)){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "case 2H" << endl; source = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); source->setX(_gcell->getXMin() + _gcell->getWidth()/2); source->setY(h0->getY()); target = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); target->setX(_gcell->getXMin() + _gcell->getWidth()/2); target->setY(h1->getY()); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact Source]: " << source << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact Target]: " << target << endl; AutoSegment* globalSegment = AutoSegment::create( source, target, Flags::Vertical ); if (not globalSegment->isGlobal()) globalSegment->setFlags( AutoSegment::SegLongLocal ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (6)]: " << globalSegment << endl; if (_fromHook->getComponent() == hooks[0]->getComponent()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Found from:" << hooks[0]->getComponent() << endl; targetContact = source; push( hooks[1], target ); } else if (_fromHook->getComponent() == hooks[1]->getComponent()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Found from:" << hooks[1]->getComponent() << endl; targetContact = target; push( hooks[0], source ); } } else if (((v0 != NULL) && (h1 != NULL)) || ((h0 != NULL) && (v1 != NULL))){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "case 1V and 1H" << endl; source = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); if (v0 && h1){ source->setY(h1->getY()); } else { source->setY(h0->getY()); } source->setX(_gcell->getXMin() + _gcell->getWidth()/2); targetContact = source; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << source << endl; if (_fromHook->getComponent() == hooks[0]->getComponent()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Found from:" << hooks[0]->getComponent() << endl; push( hooks[1], source ); } else if (_fromHook->getComponent() == hooks[1]->getComponent()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Found from:" << hooks[1]->getComponent() << endl; push( hooks[0], source ); } } else if ((v0 != NULL) && (v1 != NULL)){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "case 2V" << endl; source = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); source->setX(_gcell->getXMin() + _gcell->getWidth()/2); source->setY(_gcell->getYMin() + _gcell->getHeight()/2); target = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); target->setX(_gcell->getXMin() + _gcell->getWidth()/2); target->setY(_gcell->getYMin() + _gcell->getHeight()/2); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact Source]: " << source << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact Target]: " << target << endl; AutoSegment* globalSegment = AutoSegment::create( source, target, Flags::Horizontal ); if (not globalSegment->isGlobal()) globalSegment->setFlags( AutoSegment::SegLongLocal ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (7)]: " << globalSegment << endl; if (_fromHook->getComponent() == hooks[0]->getComponent()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Found from:" << hooks[0]->getComponent() << endl; targetContact = source; push( hooks[1], target ); } else if (_fromHook->getComponent() == hooks[1]->getComponent()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Found from:" << hooks[1]->getComponent() << endl; targetContact = target; push( hooks[0], source ); } } } cdebug_log(145,0) << "doVChannel done" << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return targetContact; } AutoContact* NetBuilder::_doHRail () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "void NetBuilder::_doHRail ()" << _gcell << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "FromHook: " << _fromHook << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "North : " << north() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "East : " << east() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "South : " << south() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "West : " << west() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "_routingPads.size(): " << _routingPads.size() << endl; RoutingPad* rpNE = NULL; RoutingPad* rpSW = NULL; _southWestContact = NULL; if (_routingPads.size() == 1){ rpNE = rpSW = _routingPads[0]; } else { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Case _routingPads.size() != 1 "<< endl; throw Error( "NetBuilder::_doHRail() Unexpected case.\n" " On: %s." , getString(_gcell).c_str() ); } cdebug_log(145,0) << "rp: " << _routingPads[0] << endl; AutoContact* ac = doRp_AccessAnalog( _gcell, rpNE, NoFlags ); if (east()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "East" << endl; push( east(), ac, SouthWest ); } if (west()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "West" << endl; push( west(), ac, SouthWest ); } if (south()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "South" << endl; push( south(), ac, SouthWest ); } if (north()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "North" << endl; push( north(), ac, SouthWest ); } cdebug_log(145,0) << "doHRail done" << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return _southWestContact; } AutoContact* NetBuilder::_doVRail () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "void NetBuilder::_doVRail ()" << _gcell << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "FromHook: " << _fromHook << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "North : " << north() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "East : " << east() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "South : " << south() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "West : " << west() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "_routingPads.size(): " << _routingPads.size() << endl; RoutingPad* rpNE = NULL; RoutingPad* rpSW = NULL; _southWestContact = NULL; if (_routingPads.size() == 1){ rpNE = rpSW = _routingPads[0]; } else { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Case _routingPads.size() != 1 "<< endl; throw Error( "NetBuilder::_doVRail() Unexpected case.\n" " On: %s." , getString(_gcell).c_str() ); } cdebug_log(145,0) << "rp: " << _routingPads[0] << endl; AutoContact* ac = doRp_AccessAnalog( _gcell, rpNE, NoFlags ); if (east()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "East" << endl; push( east(), ac, SouthWest ); } if (west()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "West" << endl; push( west(), ac, SouthWest ); } if (south()) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "South" << endl; push( south(), ac, SouthWest ); } if (north()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "North" << endl; push( north(), ac, SouthWest ); } cdebug_log(145,0) << "doVRail done" << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return _southWestContact; } unsigned int NetBuilder::getNumberGlobals () { unsigned int i = 0; if (north()) i++; if (south()) i++; if (east() ) i++; if (west() ) i++; return i; } unsigned int NetBuilder::getDeviceNeighbourBound() { unsigned int bound = 0; if (north()){ if (_gcell->getNorth()->isDevice()) bound = NorthBound; } else if (south()){ if (_gcell->getSouth()->isDevice()) bound = SouthBound; } else if (east()){ if (_gcell->getEast()->isDevice() ) bound = EastBound; } else if (west()){ if (_gcell->getWest()->isDevice() ) bound = WestBound; } return bound; } AutoContact* NetBuilder::_doStrut () { cdebug_log(145,1) << "void NetBuilder::_doStrut ()" << _gcell << endl; AutoContact* targetContact = NULL; // Contact for fromHook segment cdebug_log(145,0) << "FromHook: " << _fromHook << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "North : " << north() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "East : " << east() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "South : " << south() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "West : " << west() << endl; // Determine NE and SW contacts if ( getNumberGlobals() == 2 ){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Case 2 globals: " << getNumberGlobals() << endl; AutoContact* source = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); targetContact = source; if ( ((north() != NULL) && (west() != NULL)) || ((north() != NULL) && (east() != NULL)) || ((south() != NULL) && (west() != NULL)) || ((south() != NULL) && (east() != NULL)) ){ if ((north() != NULL) && (west() != NULL)) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "North: " << north() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "West : " << west() << endl; source->setX(north()->getComponent()->getX()); source->setY(west()->getComponent ()->getY()); } else if ((north() != NULL) && (east() != NULL)) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "North: " << north() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "East : " << east() << endl; source->setX(north()->getComponent()->getX()); source->setY(east()->getComponent ()->getY()); } else if ((south() != NULL) && (west() != NULL)) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "South: " << south() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "West : " << west() << endl; source->setX(south()->getComponent()->getX()); source->setY(west()->getComponent ()->getY()); } else if ((south() != NULL) && (east() != NULL)) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "South: " << south() << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "East: " << east() << endl; source->setX(south()->getComponent()->getX()); source->setY(east()->getComponent ()->getY()); } cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << source << endl; push( east() , source ); push( west() , source ); push( north(), source ); push( south(), source ); } else if ((north() != NULL) && (south() != NULL)) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Case NS" << endl; AutoContact* target = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); source->setX(north()->getComponent()->getX()); source->setY(_gcell->getYMin() + _gcell->getHeight()/2); target->setX(south()->getComponent()->getX()); target->setY(_gcell->getYMin() + _gcell->getHeight()/2); if (north()->getComponent()->getX() > south()->getComponent()->getX()) { swap( source, target ); if ( north() and (_fromHook != north()) ){ push( north(), target ); } else if ( south() and (_fromHook != south()) ){ push( south(), source ); targetContact = target; } else { cerr << Warning( "Something is wrong with the globals and the fromHook in this Strut 1." , getString(_gcell).c_str() ) << endl; } } else { if ( north() and (_fromHook != north()) ){ push( north(), source ); targetContact = target; } else if ( south() and (_fromHook != south()) ){ push( south(), target ); } else { cerr << Warning( "Something is wrong with the globals and the fromHook in this Strut 2." , getString(_gcell).c_str() ) << endl; } } cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << source << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << target << endl; AutoSegment* globalSegment = AutoSegment::create( source, target, Flags::Horizontal ); if (not globalSegment->isGlobal()) globalSegment->setFlags( AutoSegment::SegLongLocal ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (8)]: " << globalSegment << endl; } else if ((east() != NULL) && (west() != NULL) ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Case EW" << endl; AutoContact* target = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); source->setX(_gcell->getXMin() + _gcell->getWidth()/2); source->setY(east()->getComponent()->getY()); target->setX(_gcell->getXMin() + _gcell->getWidth()/2); target->setY(west()->getComponent()->getY()); cdebug_log(145,0) << "1" << endl; if (east()->getComponent()->getY() > west()->getComponent()->getY()){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "2.1" << endl; swap( source, target ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "3.1" << endl; if ( east() and (_fromHook != east()) ){ push( east(), target ); } else if ( west() and (_fromHook != west()) ){ push( west(), source ); targetContact = target; } else { cerr << Warning( "Something is wrong with the globals and the fromHook in this Strut. 3" , getString(_gcell).c_str() ) << endl; } } else { cdebug_log(145,0) << "2.2" << endl; if ( east() and (_fromHook != east()) ){ push( east(), source ); targetContact = target; } else if ( west() and (_fromHook != west()) ){ push( west(), target ); } else { cerr << Warning( "Something is wrong with the globals and the fromHook in this Strut. 4" , getString(_gcell).c_str() ) << endl; } } cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << source << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << target << endl; AutoSegment* globalSegment = AutoSegment::create( source, target, Flags::Vertical ); if (not globalSegment->isGlobal()) globalSegment->setFlags( AutoSegment::SegLongLocal ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (9)]: " << globalSegment << endl; } else { cerr << Warning( "Something is wrong with the globals in this Strut. 5 " , getString(_gcell).c_str() ) << endl; } } else if ( getNumberGlobals() == 3 ){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Case 3 globals: " << getNumberGlobals() << endl; AutoContact* turn = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoContact* xtee = NULL; //xtee = AutoContactHTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(2) ); if ((north() != NULL) && (south() != NULL) && (east() != NULL)){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Case NSE " << endl; xtee = AutoContactHTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); if (north()->getComponent()->getX() < south()->getComponent()->getX()){ turn->setX(north()->getComponent()->getX()); xtee->setX(south()->getComponent()->getX()); if ( north() and (_fromHook != north()) ) push( north(), turn ); else targetContact = turn; if ( south() and (_fromHook != south()) ) push( south(), xtee ); else targetContact = xtee; } else { turn->setX(south()->getComponent()->getX()); xtee->setX(north()->getComponent()->getX()); if ( north() and (_fromHook != north()) ) push( north(), xtee ); else targetContact = xtee; if ( south() and (_fromHook != south()) ) push( south(), turn ); else targetContact = turn; } turn->setY(east()->getComponent()->getY()); xtee->setY(east()->getComponent()->getY()); if ( east() and (_fromHook != east()) ) push( east(), xtee ); else targetContact = xtee; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << turn << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << xtee << endl; AutoSegment* globalSegment = AutoSegment::create( turn, xtee, Flags::Horizontal ); if (not globalSegment->isGlobal()) globalSegment->setFlags( AutoSegment::SegLongLocal ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (10)]: " << globalSegment << endl; } else if ((north() != NULL) && (south() != NULL) && (west() != NULL)){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Case NSW " << endl; xtee = AutoContactHTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); if (north()->getComponent()->getX() < south()->getComponent()->getX()){ xtee->setX(north()->getComponent()->getX()); turn->setX(south()->getComponent()->getX()); if ( north() and (_fromHook != north()) ) push( north(), xtee ); else targetContact = xtee; if ( south() and (_fromHook != south()) ) push( south(), turn ); else targetContact = turn; } else { xtee->setX(south()->getComponent()->getX()); turn->setX(north()->getComponent()->getX()); if ( north() and (_fromHook != north()) ) push( north(), turn ); else targetContact = turn; if ( south() and (_fromHook != south()) ) push( south(), xtee ); else targetContact = xtee; } turn->setY(west()->getComponent()->getY()); xtee->setY(west()->getComponent()->getY()); if ( west() and (_fromHook != west()) ) push( west(), xtee ); else targetContact = xtee; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << xtee << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << turn << endl; AutoSegment* globalSegment = AutoSegment::create( xtee, turn, Flags::Horizontal ); if (not globalSegment->isGlobal()) globalSegment->setFlags( AutoSegment::SegLongLocal ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (11)]: " << globalSegment << endl; } else if ((east() != NULL) && (north() != NULL) && (west() != NULL)){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Case EWN " << endl; xtee = AutoContactVTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(2) ); if (east()->getComponent()->getY() < west()->getComponent()->getY()){ turn->setY(east()->getComponent()->getY()); xtee->setY(west()->getComponent()->getY()); if ( east() and (_fromHook != east()) ) push( east(), turn ); else targetContact = turn; if ( west() and (_fromHook != west()) ) push( west(), xtee ); else targetContact = xtee; } else { turn->setY(west()->getComponent()->getY()); xtee->setY(east()->getComponent()->getY()); if ( east() and (_fromHook != east()) ) push( east(), xtee ); else targetContact = xtee; if ( west() and (_fromHook != west()) ) push( west(), turn ); else targetContact = turn; } turn->setX(north()->getComponent()->getX()); xtee->setX(north()->getComponent()->getX()); if ( north() and (_fromHook != north()) ) push( north(), xtee ); else targetContact = xtee; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << turn << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << xtee << endl; AutoSegment* globalSegment = AutoSegment::create( turn, xtee, Flags::Vertical ); if (not globalSegment->isGlobal()) globalSegment->setFlags( AutoSegment::SegLongLocal ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (12)]: " << globalSegment << endl; } else if ((east() != NULL) && (south() != NULL) && (west() != NULL)){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Case EWS " << endl; xtee = AutoContactVTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(2) ); if (east()->getComponent()->getY() < west()->getComponent()->getY()){ xtee->setY(east()->getComponent()->getY()); turn->setY(west()->getComponent()->getY()); if ( east() and (_fromHook != east()) ) push( east(), xtee ); else targetContact = xtee; if ( west() and (_fromHook != west()) ) push( west(), turn ); else targetContact = turn; } else { xtee->setY(west()->getComponent()->getY()); turn->setY(east()->getComponent()->getY()); if ( east() and (_fromHook != east()) ) push( east(), turn ); else targetContact = turn; if ( west() and (_fromHook != west()) ) push( west(), xtee ); else targetContact = xtee; } turn->setX(south()->getComponent()->getX()); xtee->setX(south()->getComponent()->getX()); if ( south() and (_fromHook != south()) ) push( south(), xtee ); else targetContact = xtee; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << xtee << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << turn << endl; AutoSegment* globalSegment = AutoSegment::create( xtee, turn, Flags::Vertical ); if (not globalSegment->isGlobal()) globalSegment->setFlags( AutoSegment::SegLongLocal ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (13)]: " << globalSegment << endl; } else { cerr << Warning( "Something is wrong with the globals in this Strut. 6" , getString(_gcell).c_str() ) << endl; } } else if ( getNumberGlobals() == 4 ){ cdebug_log(145,0) << "Case 4 globals: " << getNumberGlobals() << endl; AutoContact* turn = AutoContactTurn::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); AutoContact* hteeh = AutoContactHTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(2) ); AutoContact* vteev = AutoContactVTee::create( _gcell, _net, Session::getContactLayer(1) ); if ( (north()->getComponent()->getX() < south()->getComponent()->getX() ) && (east()->getComponent ()->getY() < west()->getComponent ()->getY() ) ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "(N.X < S.X) & (E.Y < W.Y)" << endl; turn->setX (north()->getComponent()->getX()); turn->setY (east()->getComponent ()->getY()); hteeh->setX(south()->getComponent()->getX()); hteeh->setY(east()->getComponent ()->getY()); vteev->setX(north()->getComponent()->getX()); vteev->setY(west()->getComponent ()->getY()); if ( east() and (_fromHook != east()) ) push( east(), hteeh ); else targetContact = hteeh; if ( west() and (_fromHook != west()) ) push( west(), vteev ); else targetContact = vteev; if ( north() and (_fromHook != north()) ) push( north(), vteev ); else targetContact = vteev; if ( south() and (_fromHook != south()) ) push( south(), hteeh ); else targetContact = hteeh; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << hteeh << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << vteev << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << turn << endl; AutoSegment* globalSegment1 = AutoSegment::create( turn, hteeh, Flags::Horizontal ); AutoSegment* globalSegment2 = AutoSegment::create( turn, hteeh, Flags::Vertical ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (14.1)]: " << globalSegment1 << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (14.2)]: " << globalSegment2 << endl; } else if ( (north()->getComponent()->getX() > south()->getComponent()->getX() ) && (east()->getComponent ()->getY() < west()->getComponent ()->getY() ) ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "(N.X > S.X) & (E.Y < W.Y)" << endl; turn->setX (south()->getComponent()->getX()); turn->setY (west()->getComponent ()->getY()); hteeh->setX(north()->getComponent()->getX()); hteeh->setY(east()->getComponent ()->getY()); vteev->setX(south()->getComponent()->getX()); vteev->setY(east()->getComponent ()->getY()); if ( east() and (_fromHook != east()) ) push( east(), hteeh ); else targetContact = hteeh; if ( west() and (_fromHook != west()) ) push( west(), turn ); else targetContact = turn; if ( north() and (_fromHook != north()) ) push( north(), hteeh ); else targetContact = hteeh; if ( south() and (_fromHook != south()) ) push( south(), vteev ); else targetContact = vteev; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << hteeh << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << vteev << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << turn << endl; AutoSegment* globalSegment1 = AutoSegment::create( vteev, hteeh, Flags::Horizontal ); AutoSegment* globalSegment2 = AutoSegment::create( vteev, turn, Flags::Vertical ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (15.1)]: " << globalSegment1 << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (15.2)]: " << globalSegment2 << endl; } else if ( (north()->getComponent()->getX() < south()->getComponent()->getX() ) && (east()->getComponent ()->getY() > west()->getComponent ()->getY() ) ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "(N.X < S.X) & (E.Y > W.Y)" << endl; turn->setX (north()->getComponent()->getX()); turn->setY (east()->getComponent ()->getY()); hteeh->setX(south()->getComponent()->getX()); hteeh->setY(east()->getComponent ()->getY()); vteev->setX(south()->getComponent()->getX()); vteev->setY(west()->getComponent ()->getY()); if ( east() and (_fromHook != east()) ) push( east(), hteeh ); else targetContact = hteeh; if ( west() and (_fromHook != west()) ) push( west(), vteev ); else targetContact = vteev; if ( north() and (_fromHook != north()) ) push( north(), turn ); else targetContact = turn; if ( south() and (_fromHook != south()) ) push( south(), vteev ); else targetContact = vteev; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << hteeh << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << vteev << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << turn << endl; AutoSegment* globalSegment1 = AutoSegment::create( turn, hteeh, Flags::Horizontal ); AutoSegment* globalSegment2 = AutoSegment::create( vteev, hteeh, Flags::Vertical ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (16.1)]: " << globalSegment1 << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (16.2)]: " << globalSegment2 << endl; } else { cdebug_log(145,0) << "(N.X > S.X) & (E.Y > W.Y)" << endl; turn->setX (south()->getComponent()->getX()); turn->setY (east()->getComponent ()->getY()); hteeh->setX(north()->getComponent()->getX()); hteeh->setY(east()->getComponent ()->getY()); vteev->setX(south()->getComponent()->getX()); vteev->setY(west()->getComponent ()->getY()); if ( east() and (_fromHook != east()) ) push( east(), hteeh ); else targetContact = hteeh; if ( west() and (_fromHook != west()) ) push( west(), vteev ); else targetContact = vteev; if ( north() and (_fromHook != north()) ) push( north(), hteeh ); else targetContact = hteeh; if ( south() and (_fromHook != south()) ) push( south(), vteev ); else targetContact = vteev; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << hteeh << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << vteev << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create AutoContact]: " << turn << endl; AutoSegment* globalSegment1 = AutoSegment::create( turn, hteeh, Flags::Horizontal ); AutoSegment* globalSegment2 = AutoSegment::create( vteev, turn, Flags::Vertical ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (17.1)]: " << globalSegment1 << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "[Create global segment (17.2)]: " << globalSegment2 << endl; } } else { cerr << Warning( "Something is wrong with the number of globals in this Strut. 7" , getString(_gcell).c_str() ) << endl; } cdebug_log(145,0) << "doStrut done" << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return targetContact; } void NetBuilder::_doIoPad () { throw Error( "NetBuilder::_doIoPad() Unimplemented, blame goes to J.-P. Chaput." ); } void NetBuilder::_load ( AnabaticEngine* anabatic, Net* net ) { //DebugSession::open( 145, 150 ); cdebug_log(149,0) << "NetBuilder::load( " << net << " )" << endl; cdebug_tabw(145,1); _anabatic = anabatic; Hook* sourceHook = NULL; AutoContact* sourceContact = NULL; uint64_t sourceFlags = NoFlags; RoutingPads routingPads = net->getRoutingPads(); size_t degree = routingPads.getSize(); if (degree == 0) { if (not net->isBlockage()) { cmess2 << Warning( "Net \"%s\" do not have any RoutingPad (ignored)." , getString(net->getName()).c_str() ) << endl; } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } if (degree < 2) { cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } cdebug_tabw(145,1); Hook* startHook = NULL; GCell* lowestGCell = NULL; size_t unconnecteds = 0; size_t connecteds = 0; setDegree( degree ); cdebug_log(145,0) << "Start RoutingPad Ring" << endl; for ( RoutingPad* startRp : routingPads ) { bool segmentFound = false; cdebug_log(145,0) << "startRp : " << startRp << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "startHook: " << startHook << endl; for ( Hook* hook : startRp->getBodyHook()->getHooks() ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Component " << hook->getComponent() << endl; Segment* segment = dynamic_cast( hook->getComponent() ); if (segment) { ++connecteds; segmentFound = true; setStartHook( anabatic, hook, NULL, NoFlags ); if (getStateG() == 1) { if ( (lowestGCell == NULL) or (*getGCell() < *lowestGCell) ) { cdebug_log(145,0) << "Potential starting GCell " << getGCell() << endl; lowestGCell = getGCell(); startHook = hook; } break; } } } unconnecteds += (segmentFound) ? 0 : 1; if ( (unconnecteds > 10) and (connecteds == 0) ) { cerr << Warning("More than 10 unconnected RoutingPads (%u) on %s, missing global routing?" ,unconnecteds, getString(net->getName()).c_str() ) << endl; NetRoutingExtension::create( net )->setFlags ( NetRoutingState::Excluded ); NetRoutingExtension::create( net )->unsetFlags( NetRoutingState::AutomaticGlobalRoute ); cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } // Uncomment the next line to disable the lowest GCell search. // (takes first GCell with exactly one global). //if (startHook) break; } cdebug_tabw(145,-1); if (startHook == NULL) { setStartHook(anabatic,NULL,NULL,NoFlags).singleGCell(anabatic,net); cdebug_tabw(145,-1); return; } setStartHook( anabatic, startHook, NULL, NoFlags ); cdebug_log(145,0) << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "--------~~~~=={o}==~~~~--------" << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "Start building from:" << getGCell() << endl; construct(); sourceHook = _forks.getFrom (); sourceContact = _forks.getContact(); sourceFlags = _forks.getFlags (); _forks.pop(); while ( sourceHook ) { setStartHook( anabatic, sourceHook, sourceContact, sourceFlags ); construct(); sourceHook = _forks.getFrom (); sourceContact = _forks.getContact(); sourceFlags = _forks.getFlags (); _forks.pop(); cdebug_log(145,0) << "Popping (from) " << sourceHook << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "Popping (to) " << sourceContact << endl; cdebug_log(145,0) << "Popping (flags) " << sourceFlags << endl; } Session::revalidate(); //Breakpoint::stop( 0, "After construct" ); #if THIS_IS_DISABLED set::iterator iover = overconstraineds.begin(); for ( ; iover != overconstraineds.end() ; ++iover ) { (*iover)->makeDogLeg( (*iover)->getAutoSource()->getGCell(), true ); } Session::revalidate(); #endif fixSegments(); Session::revalidate(); cdebug_tabw(145,-1); //DebugSession::close(); } string NetBuilder::getTypeName () const { return "NetBuilder"; } } // Anabatic namespace.