\subsubsection{Name} Extend -- Extention of nets \subsubsection{Synopsys} \begin{verbatim} extendA = Signal ( "extend_a", 32 ) extendA <= netA.Extend ( 32, 'zero' ) \end{verbatim} \subsubsection{Description} This method creates a net which is an extension of the net which it is applied to. The number given as parameter has to be greater than the arity of the net. \subsubsection{Parameters} \begin{itemize} \item \verb-n- : the number which is the arity of the net \item \verb-type- : the type of the extension \begin{itemize} \item 'zero' : the extension nets are set to zero \item 'one' : the extension nets are set to one \item 'signed' : the extension nets are set thanks to the value of the msb bit \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Example} \begin{verbatim} temp = Signal ( "temp", 5 ) tempExt = Signal ( "temp_ext", 8 ) tempExt <= temp.Extand ( 8, 'one' ) \end{verbatim} \indent The arity of the net \verb-tempExt- is 8 and 3 MSB of the net are "1". \subsubsection{Errors} Some errors may occur : \begin{itemize} \item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] Extend :-\\\verb-the net can not be extended to n bits, it's arity is already m.-\\The number one wants must be greater than the arity of the net. Otherwise, the net can not be extended. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{See Also} \hyperref[ref]{\emph{Introduction}}{}{Introduction}{secintroduction} \hyperref[ref]{\emph{Nets}}{}{Nets}{secnet} \hyperref[ref]{\emph{Alias}}{}{Alias}{secalias} \hyperref[ref]{\emph{Cat}}{}{Cat}{seccat}