// -*- C++ -*-

 namespace Hurricane {

 /*! \class        DisplayStyle
  *  \brief        A complete set of DrawinStyles to uses with the CellWidget.
  *                For a synthetic explanation, have a look to :
  *                Except in configuration parsers that have to builds them
  *                DisplayStyles shoudn't be manipulated directly but used
  *                through the Graphics methods.

 /*! \name         Constructors & Destructors
 //  \{
 /*! \function     DisplayStyle::DisplayStyle(const Name& name);
  *                Construct a DisplayStyle named \e name. The DisplayStyle
  *                is populated with a minimal sets of DrawingStyles which
  *                allows it to be used straight (in CellWidget) but to the
  *                cost of very ugly rendering.

 /*! \function     DisplayStyle::~DisplayStyle();
  *                The standart destructor.

 //  \}

 /*! \name         Accessors
 //  \{

 /*! \function     const Name& DisplayStyle::getName() const;
  *  \Return       The name of this DisplayStyle.

 /*! \function     const Name& DisplayStyle::getGroup(const Name& key) const;
  *  \Return       The group owning the DrawingStyle of which key is \e key.

 /*! \function     const QColor& DisplayStyle::getColor(const Name& key, int darkening) const;
  *  \Return       The QColor associated to the DrawingStyle \e key darkened by a factor \e darkening.

 /*! \function     const QPen& DisplayStyle::getColor(const Name& key, int darkening) const;
  *  \Return       The QPen associated to the DrawingStyle \e key darkened by a factor \e darkening.

 /*! \function     const QBrush& DisplayStyle::getBrush(const Name& key, int darkening) const;
  *  \Return       The QBrush associated to the DrawingStyle \e key darkened by a factor \e darkening.

 /*! \function     const string& DisplayStyle::getPattern(const Name& key) const;
  *  \Return       The pattern associated to the DrawingStyle \e key.

 /*! \function     const float DisplayStyle::getThreshold(const Name& key) const;
  *  \Return       The display threshold associated to the DrawingStyle \e key.

 /*! \function     const vector<DrawingGroup*>& DisplayStyle::getDrawingGroups() const;
  *  \Return       The vector of groups.

 /*! \function     DrawingStyle* DisplayStyle::find(const Name& key) const;
  *  \Return       The DrawingStyle associated with key \e key. If no DrawingStyle
  *                matches \e key, the \e default DrawingStyle is returned.

 //  \}

 /*! \name         Modifiers
 //  \{

 /*! \function     void  DisplayStyle::inheritFrom(const DisplayStyle* base);
  *                Clone the \e base DisplayStyle into the current one. Any
  *                previous settings are eraseds.

 /*! \function     void DisplayStyle::addDrawingStyle(const Name& groupKey, const Name& key, const string& pattern, int red, int green, int blue, int borderWidth, float threshold);
  *  \param        groupKey     in which group to insert this DrawinStyle.
  *  \param        key          the DrawingStyle's name.
  *  \param        pattern      the stipple pattern (for the brush).
  *  \param        red          the red color component (for Brush & Pen).
  *  \param        green        the green color component (for Brush & Pen).
  *  \param        blue         the blue color component (for Brush & Pen).
  *  \param        borderWidth  the width of the drawing (for Pen).
  *  \param        threshold    the display threshold.
  *                Adds a new DrawingStyle. If any previous DrawingStyle of the same
  *                name was existing it is erased.

 //  \}
