// -*- C++ -*-

/*! \class      Node
 *! \brief      Node description(\b API)

/*! \var        int Node::R
 *              The Resistor of a point in the circuit / node in the tree.

/*! \var        int Node::Rt
 *              The Resister "total" - the value of resistor that is used 
 *              to compute the Elmore's delay.
/*! \var        int Node::C    
 *              The Capacitor of a point in the circuit / node in the tree.

/*! \var        Node* Node::Np
 *              The parent node of current node

/* \var         std::vector<Node*> Node::Ne
 *              A list of children nodes of current node

/*! \var        int Node::label
 *              The label / Id of current node

/*! \var        int Node::ap
 *              A boolean variable to determine whether the current node
 *              is after or before node i at where we need to compute the
 *              Elmore's delay.

/*! \function   Node::Node();
 *              Default constructor.

/*! \function   Node::~Node();
 *              Default destructor.