


%--------------------------------- page style --------------------------------
%---------------------------------- document ---------------------------------
\date   {}
\title  {Stratus User's Manual}
\author {Sophie Belloeil}



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%%  \noindent La version imprimable de ce document est disponible ici~: \\
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%%    \hyperref[hyper]{http://asim.lip6.fr/~jpc/M1-C++/TME/6/TME6.pdf}{}{}
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%%  \end{center}


\section{What's new}

\section{Description of a netlist}
\section{Description of a layout}

\section{Place and Route}

    \subsection{Alimentation rails}
    \subsection{Alimentation connectors}

\section{Instanciation facilities}

    \subsection{Boolean operations}
    \subsection{Arithmetical operations}
    \subsection{Comparison operations}

%\section{Developper's manual}
%    \subsection{Class Model}
%    \label{secmodeldev}
%    \input{man_model_dev}
%    \subsection{Nets}
%    \label{secnetdev}
%    \input{man_net_dev}
%    \subsection{Instances}
%    \label{secinstdev}
%    \input{man_inst_dev}

\section{Virtual library}


\section{Useful links}

    \subsection{DpGen generators}
You can find the documentation of the DPGEN library at :\\

    \subsection{Arithmetic package of stratus}

You can find the documentation of the arithmetic stratus's package at :\\

    \subsection{Arithmetic generators and some stratus packages}

You can find the documentation of the arithmetic library at :\\

    \subsection{Patterns module}
You can find the documentation of the patterns module :\\

