Katabatic - Routing Toolbox

1 // -*- C++ -*-
2 //
3 // This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
4 // Copyright (c) UPMC 2008-2018, All Rights Reserved
5 //
6 // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
7 // | C O R I O L I S |
8 // | K a t a b a t i c - Routing Toolbox |
9 // | |
10 // | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT |
11 // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr |
12 // | =============================================================== |
13 // | C++ Header : "./katabatic/GCell.h" |
14 // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
20 #include <set>
21 #include <vector>
22 #include <iostream>
23 #include <functional>
25 #include "hurricane/DbU.h"
26 #include "hurricane/Point.h"
27 #include "hurricane/Box.h"
28 #include "hurricane/Interval.h"
29 #include "hurricane/ExtensionGo.h"
30 namespace Hurricane {
31  class Name;
32  class RoutingPad;
33 }
35 #include "crlcore/RoutingLayerGauge.h"
36 #include "katabatic/Constants.h"
37 #include "katabatic/AutoSegments.h"
40 namespace Katabatic {
43  using std::set;
44  using std::vector;
45  using std::ostream;
46  using std::binary_function;
47  using Hurricane::_TName;
48  using Hurricane::Record;
49  using Hurricane::Name;
50  using Hurricane::DbU;
51  using Hurricane::Point;
52  using Hurricane::Box;
53  using Hurricane::Interval;
54  using Hurricane::ExtensionGo;
57  class GCellGrid;
58  class AutoContact;
59  class AutoSegment;
62  enum GCellFunctionFlags { NoUpdate = 0x00000001 };
65 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
66 // Class : "Katabatic::GCell".
68  enum GCellFlag { GCellInvalidated = 0x00000001
69  , GCellSaturated = 0x00000002
70  , GCellUnderIoPad = 0x00000004
71  };
74  class GCell : public ExtensionGo {
76  public:
77  class CompareByIndex : public binary_function<const GCell*,const GCell*,bool> {
78  public:
79  bool operator() ( const GCell* lhs, const GCell* rhs );
80  };
81  class CompareByDensity : public binary_function<GCell*,GCell*,bool> {
82  public:
83  CompareByDensity ( unsigned int depth );
84  bool operator() ( GCell* lhs, GCell* rhs );
85  private:
86  unsigned int _depth;
87  };
88  class CompareByKey : public binary_function<const GCell*,const GCell*,bool> {
89  public:
90  bool operator() ( const GCell* lhs, const GCell* rhs );
91  };
93  class Key {
94  private:
95  GCell* _gcell;
96  float _density;
97  public:
98  inline Key ( GCell*, unsigned int depth );
99  inline float getDensity () const;
100  inline GCell* getGCell () const;
101  inline void update ( unsigned int depth );
102  friend bool operator< ( const Key&, const Key& );
103  };
104  public:
105  typedef set<GCell*,CompareByIndex> SetIndex;
107  public:
108  // Static Utilities.
109  static bool areDensityConnex ( GCell* a, GCell* b );
110  // Static Accessors.
111  static size_t getAllocateds ();
112  static DbU::Unit getTopRightShrink ();
113  static const Name& getStaticName ();
114  virtual const Name& getName () const;
115  // Accessors.
116  inline bool isSaturated () const;
117  bool isSaturated ( unsigned int depth ) const;
118  inline bool isValid () const;
119  inline bool isUnderIoPad () const;
120  bool isAboveDensity ( float threshold ) const;
121  bool hasFreeTrack ( size_t depth, float reserve ) const;
122  inline GCellGrid* getGCellGrid () const;
123  inline unsigned int getDepth () const;
124  inline unsigned int getIndex () const;
125  unsigned int getRow () const;
126  unsigned int getColumn () const;
127  GCell* getLeft () const;
128  GCell* getRight () const;
129  GCell* getUp () const;
130  GCell* getDown () const;
131  void getDensities ( float* ) const;
132  virtual void translate ( const DbU::Unit&, const DbU::Unit& );
133  virtual Box getBoundingBox () const;
134  inline Point getCenter () const;
135  inline DbU::Unit getX () const;
136  inline DbU::Unit getY () const;
137  inline DbU::Unit getXMax () const;
138  inline DbU::Unit getYMax () const;
139  Interval getSide ( unsigned int ) const;
140  float getHCapacity () const;
141  float getVCapacity () const;
142  float getDensity ( unsigned int flags=0 ) const;
143  float getAverageHVDensity () const;
144  float getMaxHVDensity () const;
145  inline float getCDensity ( unsigned int flags=0 ) const;
146  inline float getWDensity ( unsigned int depth, unsigned int flags=0 ) const;
147  inline DbU::Unit getBlockage ( unsigned int depth ) const;
148  inline float getFragmentation ( unsigned int depth ) const;
149  inline float getFeedthroughs ( unsigned int depth ) const;
150  inline float getGlobalsCount ( unsigned int depth ) const;
151  inline const vector<AutoSegment*>& getHSegments () const;
152  inline const vector<AutoSegment*>& getVSegments () const;
153  inline const vector<AutoContact*>& getContacts () const;
158  inline AutoSegments getStartSegments ( unsigned int direction );
159  inline AutoSegments getStopSegments ( unsigned int direction );
160  size_t getRoutingPads ( set<RoutingPad*>& );
161  inline const Key& getKey () const;
162  size_t checkDensity () const;
163  bool checkEdgeSaturation ( size_t hreserved, size_t vreserved) const;
164  // Modifiers.
165  void addBlockage ( unsigned int depth, DbU::Unit );
166  inline void addHSegment ( AutoSegment* );
167  inline void addVSegment ( AutoSegment* );
168  inline void addContact ( AutoContact* );
169  void removeVSegment ( AutoSegment* );
170  void removeHSegment ( AutoSegment* );
171  void removeContact ( AutoContact* );
172  void updateContacts ();
173  size_t updateDensity ();
174  inline void updateKey ( unsigned int depth );
175  bool stepBalance ( unsigned int depth, SetIndex& invalidateds );
176  void rpDesaturate ( set<Net*>& );
177  bool stepDesaturate ( unsigned int depth
178  , set<Net*>&, AutoSegment*& moved
179  , unsigned int flags=0 );
180  bool stepNetDesaturate ( unsigned int depth
181  , set<Net*>& globalNets
182  , SetIndex& invalidateds );
183  inline void invalidateCt ();
184  inline void setUnderIoPad ();
185  void truncDensities ();
186  // Inspector Management.
187  Record* _getRecord () const;
188  string _getString () const;
189  inline string _getTypeName () const;
190  void _xmlWrite ( ostream& o ) const;
192  private:
193  // Static Attributes.
194  static const Name _goName;
195  static size_t _allocateds;
196  static DbU::Unit _topRightShrink;
197  // Attributes.
198  GCellGrid* _gcellGrid;
199  unsigned int _index;
200  vector<AutoSegment*> _vsegments;
201  vector<AutoSegment*> _hsegments;
202  vector<AutoContact*> _contacts;
203  Box _box;
204  size_t _depth;
205  size_t _pinDepth;
206  DbU::Unit* _blockages;
207  float _cDensity;
208  float* _densities;
209  float* _feedthroughs;
210  float* _fragmentations;
211  float* _globalsCount;
212  unsigned int _flags;
213  Key _key;
215  protected:
216  // Constructors & Destructors.
217  GCell ( GCellGrid* gcellGrid
218  , unsigned int index
219  , const Box& box
220  );
221  inline ~GCell ();
222  inline void _postCreate ();
223  inline void _preDestroy ();
224  static GCell* create ( GCellGrid* gcellGrid
225  , unsigned int index
226  , Box box
227  );
228  private:
229  GCell ( const GCell& );
230  GCell& operator= ( const GCell& );
232  friend class GCellGrid;
233  };
236 // GCell Inline Functions.
237  inline bool GCell::isSaturated () const { return _flags&GCellSaturated; }
238  inline bool GCell::isValid () const { return not (_flags&GCellInvalidated); }
239  inline bool GCell::isUnderIoPad () const { return _flags&GCellUnderIoPad; }
240  inline GCellGrid* GCell::getGCellGrid () const { return _gcellGrid; }
241  inline unsigned int GCell::getDepth () const { return _depth; }
242  inline unsigned int GCell::getIndex () const { return _index; }
243  inline Point GCell::getCenter () const { return _box.getCenter(); }
244  inline DbU::Unit GCell::getX () const { return _box.getXMin(); }
245  inline DbU::Unit GCell::getY () const { return _box.getYMin(); }
246  inline DbU::Unit GCell::getXMax () const { return _box.getXMax(); }
247  inline DbU::Unit GCell::getYMax () const { return _box.getYMax(); }
248  inline const vector<AutoSegment*>& GCell::getVSegments () const { return _vsegments; }
249  inline const vector<AutoSegment*>& GCell::getHSegments () const { return _hsegments; }
250  inline const vector<AutoContact*>& GCell::getContacts () const { return _contacts; }
251  inline string GCell::_getTypeName () const { return _TName("GCell"); }
252  inline void GCell::invalidateCt () { _flags |= GCellInvalidated; }
253  inline void GCell::setUnderIoPad() { _flags |= GCellUnderIoPad; }
254  inline const GCell::Key& GCell::getKey () const { return _key; }
255  inline void GCell::updateKey ( unsigned int depth ) { _key.update(depth); }
257  inline AutoSegments GCell::getStartSegments ( unsigned int direction )
258  { return (direction&KbHorizontal) ? getHStartSegments() : getVStartSegments(); }
260  inline AutoSegments GCell::getStopSegments ( unsigned int direction )
261  { return (direction&KbHorizontal) ? getHStopSegments() : getVStopSegments(); }
263  inline float GCell::getCDensity ( unsigned int flags ) const
264  { if (not isValid() and not(flags & NoUpdate)) const_cast<GCell*>(this)->updateDensity(); return _cDensity; }
266  inline float GCell::getWDensity ( unsigned int depth, unsigned int flags ) const
267  { if (not isValid() and not(flags & NoUpdate)) const_cast<GCell*>(this)->updateDensity(); return _densities[depth]; }
269  inline float GCell::getFragmentation ( unsigned int depth ) const
270  { if (not isValid()) const_cast<GCell*>(this)->updateDensity(); return _fragmentations[depth]; }
272  inline float GCell::getFeedthroughs ( unsigned int depth ) const
273  { if (not isValid()) const_cast<GCell*>(this)->updateDensity(); return _feedthroughs[depth]; }
275  inline float GCell::getGlobalsCount ( unsigned int depth ) const
276  { if (not isValid()) const_cast<GCell*>(this)->updateDensity(); return _globalsCount[depth]; }
278  inline DbU::Unit GCell::getBlockage ( unsigned int depth ) const
279  { return (depth<_depth) ? _blockages[depth] : 0; }
281  inline void GCell::addVSegment ( AutoSegment* segment )
282  { invalidateCt(); _vsegments.push_back(segment); }
284  inline void GCell::addHSegment ( AutoSegment* segment )
285  { invalidateCt(); _hsegments.push_back(segment); }
287  inline void GCell::addContact ( AutoContact* contact )
288  { invalidateCt(); _contacts.push_back(contact); }
291 // GCell::CompareByIndex Inline Functions.
292  inline bool GCell::CompareByIndex::operator() ( const GCell* lhs, const GCell* rhs )
293  { return ( lhs->getIndex() < rhs->getIndex() ); }
296 // GCell::Key Inline Functions.
297  inline GCell::Key::Key ( GCell* owner, unsigned int depth ) : _gcell(owner), _density(owner->getWDensity(depth,NoUpdate)) {}
298  inline float GCell::Key::getDensity () const { return _density; }
299  inline GCell* GCell::Key::getGCell () const { return _gcell; }
300  inline void GCell::Key::update ( unsigned int depth ) { _density=_gcell->getWDensity(depth); }
302  inline bool operator< ( const GCell::Key& lhs, const GCell::Key& rhs )
303  {
304  //float difference = Hurricane::roundfp ( lhs._density - rhs._density );
305  float difference = lhs._density - rhs._density;
306  if (difference != 0.0) return (difference > 0.0);
308  return lhs._gcell->getIndex() < rhs._gcell->getIndex();
309  }
312 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
313 // Class : "GCellDensitySet".
316  public:
317  GCellDensitySet ( unsigned int depth );
318  GCellDensitySet ( unsigned int depth, const std::vector<GCell*>& );
319  ~GCellDensitySet ();
320  inline bool empty () const;
321  inline size_t size () const;
322  inline const std::set<GCell*,GCell::CompareByKey>&
323  getGCells () const;
324  inline void insert ( GCell* );
325  inline void erase ( GCell* );
326  inline void unqueue ( GCell* );
327  void requeue ();
328  private:
329  unsigned int _depth;
330  std::set<GCell*,GCell::CompareByKey> _set;
331  GCell::SetIndex _requests;
332  };
335  inline bool GCellDensitySet::empty () const { return _set.empty(); }
336  inline size_t GCellDensitySet::size () const { return _set.size(); }
337  inline void GCellDensitySet::insert ( GCell* gcell ) { _requests.insert( gcell ); }
338  inline void GCellDensitySet::erase ( GCell* gcell ) { if (not _set.empty()) _set.erase( gcell ); }
339  inline void GCellDensitySet::unqueue ( GCell* gcell ) { insert( gcell ); }
340  inline const std::set<GCell*,GCell::CompareByKey>& GCellDensitySet::getGCells () const { return _set; }
343 // -------------------------------------------------------------------
344 // Utilities.
347  string getVectorString ( float*, size_t );
350  typedef std::vector<GCell*> GCellVector;
353 } // End of Katabatic namespace.
356 INSPECTOR_P_SUPPORT(Katabatic::GCell);
359 #endif // KATABATIC_GCELL_H
float getFeedthroughs(unsigned int depth) const
Definition: GCell.h:272
bool empty() const
Definition: GCell.h:335
GCell Density Comparison Functor.
Definition: GCell.h:81
void addContact(AutoContact *)
Definition: GCell.h:287
void insert(GCell *)
Definition: GCell.h:337
virtual void translate(const DbU::Unit &, const DbU::Unit &)
Definition: GCell.cpp:1272
AutoSegments getHStartSegments()
Definition: GCell.cpp:497
size_t getRoutingPads(set< RoutingPad * > &)
Definition: GCell.cpp:521
float getVCapacity() const
Definition: GCell.cpp:539
CompareByDensity(unsigned int depth)
Definition: GCell.cpp:271
float getWDensity(unsigned int depth, unsigned int flags=0) const
Definition: GCell.h:266
void updateContacts()
Definition: GCell.cpp:742
GCell * getRight() const
Definition: GCell.cpp:473
void rpDesaturate(set< Net * > &)
Definition: GCell.cpp:1102
AutoSegments getVStopSegments()
Definition: GCell.cpp:515
static DbU::Unit getTopRightShrink()
Definition: GCell.cpp:453
unsigned int getDepth() const
Definition: GCell.h:241
const DbU::Unit & getXMin() const
float getCDensity(unsigned int flags=0) const
Definition: GCell.h:263
AutoSegments getStopSegments(unsigned int direction)
Definition: GCell.h:260
void removeVSegment(AutoSegment *)
Definition: GCell.cpp:715
size_t updateDensity()
Definition: GCell.cpp:750
std::int64_t Unit
float getHCapacity() const
Definition: GCell.cpp:533
virtual const Name & getName() const
Definition: GCell.cpp:457
void erase(GCell *)
Definition: GCell.h:338
virtual Box getBoundingBox() const
Definition: GCell.cpp:1266
unsigned int getRow() const
Definition: GCell.cpp:461
GCell Grid.
Definition: GCellGrid.h:42
GCell Index Comparison Functor.
Definition: GCell.h:77
void removeContact(AutoContact *)
Definition: GCell.cpp:657
AutoSegments getStartSegments(unsigned int direction)
Definition: GCell.h:257
Routing Global Cell.
Definition: GCell.h:74
DbU::Unit getY() const
Definition: GCell.h:245
Abstract base class for AutoSegment.
Definition: AutoSegment.h:104
set< GCell *, CompareByIndex > SetIndex
Definition: GCell.h:105
bool checkEdgeSaturation(size_t hreserved, size_t vreserved) const
Definition: GCell.cpp:1034
Interval getSide(unsigned int) const
Definition: GCell.cpp:485
float getFragmentation(unsigned int depth) const
Definition: GCell.h:269
bool hasFreeTrack(size_t depth, float reserve) const
Definition: GCell.cpp:984
DbU::Unit getXMax() const
Definition: GCell.h:246
static const Name & getStaticName()
Definition: GCell.cpp:445
DbU::Unit getYMax() const
Definition: GCell.h:247
bool stepDesaturate(unsigned int depth, set< Net * > &, AutoSegment *&moved, unsigned int flags=0)
Definition: GCell.cpp:1130
AutoSegments getHStopSegments()
Definition: GCell.cpp:509
unsigned int getColumn() const
Definition: GCell.cpp:465
GCell * getDown() const
Definition: GCell.cpp:481
GCell * getUp() const
Definition: GCell.cpp:477
void update(unsigned int depth)
Definition: GCell.h:300
bool isValid() const
Definition: GCell.h:238
const DbU::Unit & getXMax() const
static size_t getAllocateds()
Definition: GCell.cpp:449
Point getCenter() const
const Key & getKey() const
Definition: GCell.h:254
bool isSaturated() const
Definition: GCell.h:237
Definition: Constants.h:27
size_t checkDensity() const
Definition: GCell.cpp:938
size_t size() const
Definition: GCell.h:336
const vector< AutoSegment * > & getHSegments() const
Definition: GCell.h:249
float getDensity() const
Definition: GCell.h:298
unsigned int getIndex() const
Definition: GCell.h:242
const vector< AutoSegment * > & getVSegments() const
Definition: GCell.h:248
Key(GCell *, unsigned int depth)
Definition: GCell.h:297
void updateKey(unsigned int depth)
Definition: GCell.h:255
float getGlobalsCount(unsigned int depth) const
Definition: GCell.h:275
GCell Set, sorted by density.
Definition: GCell.h:315
GCell Key - Density Cache.
Definition: GCell.h:93
const DbU::Unit & getYMin() const
float getDensity(unsigned int flags=0) const
Definition: GCell.cpp:572
Abstract base class for AutoContact.
Definition: AutoContact.h:70
GCell * getLeft() const
Definition: GCell.cpp:469
DbU::Unit getX() const
Definition: GCell.h:244
DbU::Unit getBlockage(unsigned int depth) const
Definition: GCell.h:278
GCell * getGCell() const
Definition: GCell.h:299
const vector< AutoContact * > & getContacts() const
Definition: GCell.h:250
const std::set< GCell *, GCell::CompareByKey > & getGCells() const
Definition: GCell.h:340
GCellGrid * getGCellGrid() const
Definition: GCell.h:240
void unqueue(GCell *)
Definition: GCell.h:339
void addVSegment(AutoSegment *)
Definition: GCell.h:281
bool stepNetDesaturate(unsigned int depth, set< Net * > &globalNets, SetIndex &invalidateds)
Definition: GCell.cpp:1226
void addBlockage(unsigned int depth, DbU::Unit)
Definition: GCell.cpp:631
AutoSegments getVStartSegments()
Definition: GCell.cpp:503
void removeHSegment(AutoSegment *)
Definition: GCell.cpp:688
bool isAboveDensity(float threshold) const
Definition: GCell.cpp:400
void addHSegment(AutoSegment *)
Definition: GCell.h:284
const DbU::Unit & getYMax() const

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Katabatic - Routing Toolbox Copyright © 2008-2016 UPMC. All rights reserved