// -*- C++ -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) UPMC 2012-2015, All Rights Reserved // // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ // | C O R I O L I S | // | K a t a b a t i c - Routing Toolbox | // | | // | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT | // | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./AutoContactVTee.cpp" | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ #include #include #include #include "hurricane/Bug.h" #include "hurricane/Error.h" #include "hurricane/Warning.h" #include "hurricane/Layer.h" #include "hurricane/ViaLayer.h" #include "hurricane/BasicLayer.h" #include "hurricane/Technology.h" #include "hurricane/Net.h" #include "hurricane/Plug.h" #include "hurricane/Vertical.h" #include "hurricane/Horizontal.h" #include "hurricane/DebugSession.h" #include "crlcore/RoutingGauge.h" #include "katabatic/AutoContactVTee.h" #include "katabatic/AutoVertical.h" #include "katabatic/AutoHorizontal.h" #include "katabatic/Session.h" namespace Katabatic { using Hurricane::Bug; using Hurricane::Error; using Hurricane::DebugSession; using Hurricane::ltracein; using Hurricane::ltraceout; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Class : "Katabatic::AutoContactVTee". AutoContactVTee* AutoContactVTee::create ( GCell* gcell, Net* net, const Layer* layer ) { DbU::Unit viaSide = Session::getViaWidth( layer ); Contact* contact = Contact::create( net , layer , gcell->getCenter().getX() , gcell->getCenter().getY() , viaSide , viaSide ); AutoContactVTee* autoContact = new AutoContactVTee( gcell, contact ); autoContact->_postCreate(); autoContact->unsetFlags( CntInCreationStage ); ltrace(90) << "create(net*) " << autoContact << endl; return autoContact; } AutoContactVTee::AutoContactVTee ( GCell* gcell, Contact* contact ) : AutoContact(gcell,contact) , _horizontal1(NULL) , _vertical1 (NULL) , _vertical2 (NULL) { setFlags( CntVTee ); } AutoContactVTee::~AutoContactVTee () { } AutoSegment* AutoContactVTee::getOpposite ( const AutoSegment* from ) const { if (from == _vertical1) return _vertical2; if (from == _vertical2) return _vertical1; return NULL; } AutoSegment* AutoContactVTee::getSegment ( unsigned int index ) const { switch ( index ) { case 0: return _horizontal1; case 2: return _vertical1; case 3: return _vertical2; } return NULL; } void AutoContactVTee::_invalidate ( unsigned int ) { unsigned int flags = KbPropagate; if (_vertical1 and _vertical2) { if (_vertical1->isInvalidated() xor _vertical2->isInvalidated()) flags = KbNoFlags; } if (_vertical1 ) _vertical1 ->invalidate( flags ); if (_vertical2 ) _vertical2 ->invalidate( flags ); if (_horizontal1) _horizontal1->invalidate(); } void AutoContactVTee::cacheDetach ( AutoSegment* segment ) { if (segment == _horizontal1) _horizontal1 = NULL; else if (segment == _vertical1) _vertical1 = NULL; else if (segment == _vertical2) _vertical2 = NULL; else return; setFlags( CntInvalidatedCache ); } void AutoContactVTee::cacheAttach ( AutoSegment* segment ) { if (segment->getDirection() == KbVertical) { if (not _vertical1) _vertical1 = static_cast(segment); else if (not _vertical2) _vertical2 = static_cast(segment); else { cerr << Bug( "%s::cacheAttach() On %s,\n" " v1 & v2 cache have not been cleared first, cancelling." , _getTypeName().c_str(), getString(this).c_str() ) << endl; return; } } else if (segment->getDirection() == KbHorizontal) { if (_horizontal1) { cerr << Bug( "%s::cacheAttach() On %s,\n" " h1 cache has not been cleared first, cancelling." , _getTypeName().c_str(), getString(this).c_str() ) << endl; return; } _horizontal1 = static_cast(segment); } if (_vertical1 and _vertical2 and _horizontal1) unsetFlags( CntInvalidatedCache ); } void AutoContactVTee::updateCache () { DebugSession::open( getNet(), 80 ); ltrace(110) << "AutoContactVTee::updateCache() " << this << endl; ltracein(110); Component* anchor; Horizontal** horizontals = new Horizontal* [3]; Vertical** verticals = new Vertical* [3]; _getTopology ( base(), anchor, horizontals, verticals, 3 ); _horizontal1 = static_cast( Session::lookup(horizontals[0]) ); _vertical1 = static_cast( Session::lookup(verticals [0]) ); _vertical2 = static_cast( Session::lookup(verticals [1]) ); string message; if (verticals [0] == NULL) message = "VTee has less than two vertical segments."; else if (verticals [1] == NULL) message = "VTee has less than two vertical segments."; else if (verticals [2] != NULL) message = "VTee has more than two vertical segments."; else if (horizontals[0] == NULL) message = "VTee is missing mandatory horizontal segment."; else if (horizontals[1] != NULL) message = "VTee has more than one horizontal segment."; else if (_horizontal1 == NULL) message = "AutoSegment lookup failed on horizontal segment."; else if (_vertical1 == NULL) message = "AutoSegment lookup failed on first vertical segment."; else if (_vertical2 == NULL) message = "AutoSegment lookup failed on second vertical segment."; else if ( (not _vertical1->isCreated() and not _vertical2->isCreated()) and (_vertical1->getY() != _vertical2->getY()) ) message = "VTee has misaligned vertical segments"; if (not message.empty() ) { showTopologyError( message ); setFlags( CntBadTopology ); } unsetFlags( CntInvalidatedCache ); ltrace(110) << "h1:" << _horizontal1 << endl; ltrace(110) << "v1:" << _vertical1 << endl; ltrace(110) << "v2:" << _vertical2 << endl; delete [] horizontals; delete [] verticals; ltraceout(110); DebugSession::close(); } void AutoContactVTee::updateGeometry () { DebugSession::open( getNet(), 80 ); ltrace(110) << "AutoContactVTee::updateGeometry() " << this << endl; ltracein(110); if (isInvalidatedCache()) updateCache(); if (isInvalidatedCache()) { cerr << Error( "%s::updateGeometry() %s: Unable to restore cache." , _getTypeName().c_str(), getString(this).c_str() ) << endl; ltraceout(110); return; } base()->invalidate( false ); unsetFlags( CntInvalidated ); if (not hasBadTopology()) { setX( getVertical1 ()->getX() ); setY( getHorizontal1()->getY() ); } ltraceout(110); DebugSession::close(); } void AutoContactVTee::updateTopology () { DebugSession::open ( getNet(), 80 ); ltrace(110) << "AutoContactVTee::updateTopology() " << this << endl; ltracein(110); if (isInvalidatedCache()) updateCache(); if (isInvalidatedCache()) { cerr << Error( "%s::updateGeometry() %s: Unable to restore cache." , _getTypeName().c_str(), getString(this).c_str() ) << endl; ltraceout(110); return; } if (not hasBadTopology()) { RoutingGauge* rg = Session::getRoutingGauge(); size_t depthV1 = rg->getLayerDepth( getVertical1 ()->getLayer() ); size_t depthV2 = rg->getLayerDepth( getVertical2 ()->getLayer() ); size_t depthH1 = rg->getLayerDepth( getHorizontal1()->getLayer() ); size_t minDepth = std::min( depthH1, std::min(depthV1,depthV2) ); size_t maxDepth = std::max( depthH1, std::max(depthV1,depthV2) ); size_t delta = maxDepth - minDepth; ltrace(110) << "minDepth:" << minDepth << endl; ltrace(110) << "maxDepth:" << maxDepth << endl; ltrace(110) << "delta:" << delta << endl; if ( maxDepth - minDepth > 3 ) { showTopologyError( "Sheared VTee, layer delta exceed 3." ); setFlags( CntBadTopology ); } else { if (depthV1 == depthV2) { ltrace(110) << "depthV1 == depthV2 (" << depthV1 << ")" << endl; // Dogleg on the horizontal. switch ( delta ) { case 0: setLayer( rg->getRoutingLayer(minDepth) ); break; case 1: setLayer( rg->getContactLayer(minDepth) ); break; default: ltrace(110) << "Restore connectivity: dogleg on h1." << endl; setLayer( rg->getContactLayer( depthV1 + ((depthV1==minDepth)?0:-1) ) ); _horizontal1 = static_cast( _horizontal1->makeDogleg(this) ); break; } } else { // Dogleg on the vertical with the greater gap (should be equal to +/-2). int deltaV1 = (int)depthV1 - (int)depthH1; int deltaV2 = (int)depthV2 - (int)depthH1; if (std::abs(deltaV1) > std::abs(deltaV2)) { setLayer( rg->getContactLayer( depthV2 + ((depthV2( _vertical1->makeDogleg(this) ); _vertical1->makeDogleg(this); } else { setLayer( rg->getContactLayer( depthV1 + ((depthV1( _vertical2->makeDogleg(this) ); _vertical2->makeDogleg(this); } } } _horizontal1->invalidate( this ); _vertical1 ->invalidate( this ); _vertical2 ->invalidate( this ); } ltraceout(110); DebugSession::close (); } string AutoContactVTee::_getTypeName () const { return "ContactVTee"; } } // Katabatic namespace.