// -*- C++ -*- // // This file is part of the Coriolis Software. // Copyright (c) UPMC/LIP6 2008-2009, All Rights Reserved // // =================================================================== // // $Id$ // // x-----------------------------------------------------------------x // | | // | C O R I O L I S | // | I s p d G l o b a l r o u t i n g - M a i n G U I | // | | // | Author : Damien Dupuis | // | E-mail : Damien.Dupuis@lip6.fr | // | =============================================================== | // | C++ Module : "./IspdMain.cpp" | // | *************************************************************** | // | U p d a t e s | // | | // x-----------------------------------------------------------------x #include namespace poptions = boost::program_options; #include #include "hurricane/DataBase.h" #include "hurricane/Technology.h" #include "hurricane/Cell.h" #include "hurricane/Warning.h" #include "hurricane/Net.h" #include "hurricane/RoutingPad.h" #include "hurricane/UpdateSession.h" #include "hurricane/Horizontal.h" #include "hurricane/Vertical.h" #include "hurricane/viewer/Graphics.h" #include "hurricane/viewer/HApplication.h" using namespace Hurricane; #include "crlcore/Utilities.h" #include "crlcore/AllianceFramework.h" using namespace CRL; #include "knik/GraphicKnikEngine.h" #include "knik/KnikEngine.h" #include "knik/NetExtension.h" using namespace Knik; #include "katabatic/GraphicKatabaticEngine.h" using namespace Katabatic; #include "IspdGui.h" using namespace Ispd; namespace { // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global variables # define LINE_SIZE 4096 enum ParserState { StateGrid , StateVerti , StateHoriz , StateWidth , StateSpacing , StateVia , StateDim , StateNet , StateObs , StateEOF }; unsigned __congestion__ = 1; unsigned __precongestion__ = 2; float __edge_cost__ = 3.0; Cell* _cell = NULL; DataBase::DataBase* _db = NULL; KnikEngine* _knik = NULL; AllianceFramework* _af = AllianceFramework::create (); string _filePath; int _parserState = StateGrid; size_t _lineNumber = 0; char _rawLine[LINE_SIZE]; unsigned _nbGCellsX; unsigned _nbGCellsY; unsigned _nbLayers; DbU::Unit _lowerLeftX; DbU::Unit _lowerLeftY; DbU::Unit _tileWidth; DbU::Unit _tileHeight; vector _vertiCap; vector _horizCap; vector _minWidth; vector _minSpacing; vector _viaSpacing; unsigned _nbNets; unsigned _nbObs; Layer* _layers[2]; bool _createRings = true; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : "printHelp()". void printHelp () { cout << endl; cout << "Usage: unicorn [-v|--verbose] [-V|--very-verbose] [-D|--core-dump] \\\n" << " [-l|--trace-level ] [-c|--cell ] \\\n" << endl; cout << "Options:\n" << " o [-v|--verbose] : First level of verbosity.\n" << " o [-V|--very-verbose] : Second level of verbosity (very talkative).\n" << " o [-D|--core-dump] : Enable core dumping.\n" << " o [-l|--trace-level ] :\n" << " Sets the level of trace, trace messages with a level superior to\n" << " will be printed on .\n" << " o [-c|--cell ] :\n" << " The name of the Cell to load, without extention.\n" << " o [-k|--knik] : Run the global router : Knik.\n" << " o [-K|--KNIK] : Run the global router : Knik, then analyse routing and unroute overflowed segments.\n" << endl; } void _printWarning ( const char* format, ... ) { static char formatted [ 8192 ]; va_list args; va_start ( args, format ); vsnprintf ( formatted, 8191, format, args ); va_end ( args ); cerr << "[WARNING] GrParser(): " << formatted << "\n" << " (file: " << _filePath << ", line: " << _lineNumber << ")" << endl; } void _printError ( bool interrupt, const char* format, ... ) { static char formatted [ 8192 ]; va_list args; va_start ( args, format ); vsnprintf ( formatted, 8191, format, args ); va_end ( args ); cerr << "[ERROR] GrParser(): " << formatted << "\n" << " (file: " << _filePath << ", line: " << _lineNumber << ")" << endl; if ( interrupt ) throw Error ( "GrParser processed" ); } long _getLong ( const char* s ) { char* end; long value = strtol ( s, &end, 10 ); if ( *end != '\0' ) _printError ( false, "Incomplete string to integer conversion for \"%s\" (%ld).", s, value ); return value; } vector _splitString ( char* s ) { vector fields; fields.push_back ( s ); while ( *s != '\0' ) { unsigned i = 0; if ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) { i++; *s = '\0'; while ( *(s+i) == ' ' || *(s+i) == '\t' ) i++; fields.push_back ( s+i ); s += i; } else s++; } return fields; } vector _splitSegmentString ( char* s ) { vector fields; //fields.push_back ( s ); while ( *s != '\0' ) { unsigned i = 0; if ( *s == '(' || *s == ')' || *s == ',' || *s == '-' ) { i++; *s = '\0'; while ( *(s+i) == '(' || *(s+i) == ')' || *(s+i) == ',' || *(s+i) == '-' ) i++; if ( *(s+i+1) != '\0' ) fields.push_back ( s+i ); s += i; } else s++; } return fields; } void _parseGrid () { if ( strncmp(_rawLine,"grid", 4) ) _printError ( true, "Missing Grid Declaration." ); vector fields =_splitString ( _rawLine+5 ); if ( fields.size() != 3 ) { _printError ( true, "Malformed Grid Line." ); } else { _nbGCellsX = _getLong ( fields[0] ); _nbGCellsY = _getLong ( fields[1] ); _nbLayers = _getLong ( fields[2] ); } if ( _nbLayers != 2 ) _printError ( false, "Global routing only supports two layers right now !" ); } void _parseVerti () { if ( strncmp(_rawLine, "vertical capacity", 17) ) _printError ( true, "Missing Vertical Declaration." ); vector fields = _splitString ( _rawLine+18 ); if ( fields.size() < _nbLayers ) _printError ( true, "Malformed Vertical line." ); else for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _nbLayers ; i++ ) { _vertiCap.push_back ( _getLong ( fields[i] ) ); } } void _parseHoriz () { if ( strncmp(_rawLine, "horizontal capacity", 19) ) _printError ( true, "Missing Horizontal Declaration." ); vector fields = _splitString ( _rawLine+20 ); if ( fields.size() < _nbLayers ) _printError ( true, "Malformed Horizontal line." ); else for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _nbLayers ; i++ ) { _horizCap.push_back ( _getLong ( fields[i] ) ); } } void _parseWidth () { if ( strncmp(_rawLine, "minimum width", 13) ) _printError ( true, "Missing Minimum Width Declaration." ); vector fields = _splitString ( _rawLine+14 ); if ( fields.size() < _nbLayers ) _printError ( true, "Malformed Minimum Width line." ); else for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _nbLayers ; i++ ) { _minWidth.push_back ( _getLong ( fields[i] ) ); } } void _parseSpacing () { if ( strncmp(_rawLine, "minimum spacing", 15) ) _printError ( true, "Missing Minimum Spacing Declaration." ); vector fields = _splitString ( _rawLine+16 ); if ( fields.size() < _nbLayers ) _printError ( true, "Malformed Minimum Spacing line." ); else for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _nbLayers ; i++ ) { _minSpacing.push_back ( _getLong ( fields[i] ) ); } } void _parseVia () { if ( strncmp(_rawLine, "via spacing", 11) ) _printError ( true, "Missing Via Spacing Declaration." ); vector fields = _splitString ( _rawLine+12 ); if ( fields.size() < _nbLayers ) _printError ( true, "Malformed Via Spacing line." ); else for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _nbLayers ; i++ ) { _viaSpacing.push_back ( _getLong ( fields[i] ) ); } } void _parseDim () { vector fields = _splitString ( _rawLine ); if ( fields.size() < 4 ) _printError ( true, "Malformed Dimension line." ); else { _lowerLeftX = DbU::lambda ( _getLong ( fields[0] ) ); _lowerLeftY = DbU::lambda ( _getLong ( fields[1] ) ); _tileWidth = DbU::lambda ( _getLong ( fields[2] ) ); _tileHeight = DbU::lambda ( _getLong ( fields[3] ) ); } DbU::Unit cellWidth = (2*_lowerLeftX)+(_nbGCellsX*_tileWidth); DbU::Unit cellHeight = (2*_lowerLeftY)+(_nbGCellsY*_tileHeight); cmess1 << " o Creating cell ..." << endl << " - " << _nbGCellsX << "x" << _nbGCellsY << " -> " << DbU::getValueString(cellWidth) << "x" << DbU::getValueString(cellHeight) << endl << " - congestion: " << __congestion__ << endl << " - precongestion: " << __precongestion__ << endl << " - edge cost: " << __edge_cost__ << endl; _cell = Cell::create ( _af->getLibrary(0), _filePath ); assert ( _cell ); _cell->setTerminal(0); _cell->setAbutmentBox ( Box ( DbU::lambda(0), DbU::lambda(0), cellWidth, cellHeight ) ); _knik = KnikEngine::get ( _cell ); if ( !_knik ) _knik = KnikEngine::create ( _cell, __congestion__, __precongestion__, true, true, __edge_cost__ ); unsigned hcapacity = 0; for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _horizCap.size() ; i++ ) hcapacity += _horizCap[i]; hcapacity = hcapacity / ( _minWidth[0]+_minSpacing[0] ); unsigned vcapacity = 0; for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _vertiCap.size() ; i++ ) vcapacity += _vertiCap[i]; vcapacity = vcapacity / ( _minWidth[1]+_minSpacing[1] ); // XXX we consider only 2 layers!!! _knik->createRoutingGrid ( _nbGCellsX, _nbGCellsY, _cell->getAbutmentBox(), _tileWidth, _tileHeight, hcapacity, vcapacity ); // for ispd07 reload _knik->createRoutingGraph(); } void _parseNets () { if ( strncmp(_rawLine, "num net", 7) ) _printError ( true, "Missing Number of Nets Declaration." ); cmess1 << " o Parsing nets ..." << endl; vector fields = _splitString ( _rawLine+8 ); if ( fields.size() != 1 ) _printError ( true, "Malformed Number of Nets line." ); else _nbNets = _getLong ( fields[0] ); cmess1 << " - " << _nbNets << " nets found" << endl; } void _parseNet ( Net* &net, unsigned &nbPins) { vector fields = _splitString ( _rawLine ); if ( fields.size() != 4 ) _printError ( true, "Malformed Net Line." ); else { Name netName = Name ( fields[0] ); long netID = _getLong ( fields[1] ); nbPins = _getLong ( fields[2] ); net = Net::create ( _cell, netName ); //net->put ( StandardPrivateProperty::create(netID) ); NetExtension::setId ( net, netID ); } } void _parseNode ( Net* net, RoutingPad* &firstRoutingPad ) { DbU::Unit x,y; long layerID = 0; vector fields = _splitString ( _rawLine ); if ( fields.size() != 3 ) { for (unsigned i = 0 ; i < fields.size(); i ++ ){ cerr << fields[i] << ","; } cerr << endl; _printError ( true, "Malformed Node Line." ); } else { x = DbU::lambda ( _getLong ( fields[0] ) ); y = DbU::lambda ( _getLong ( fields[1] ) ); layerID = _getLong ( fields[2] ) - 1; } //UpdateSession::open(); Contact* contact = Contact::create ( net, _layers[layerID], x, y, DbU::lambda(2), DbU::lambda(2) ); RoutingPad* routingPad = RoutingPad::create ( net, Occurrence ( contact ) ); // Dans le cas d'un chargment de solution, il se peut que le routingPad ne soit pas au centre du vertex -> on crée arbitrairement un contact au centre qu'on attache au vertex if ( !_createRings ) _knik->addRoutingPadToGraph ( routingPad ); if ( _createRings ) { if ( firstRoutingPad ) routingPad->getBodyHook()->attach ( firstRoutingPad->getBodyHook() ); else firstRoutingPad = routingPad; } //UpdateSession::close(); } void _parseObs () { cmess1 << " o Parsing obstacles ..." << endl; vector fields = _splitString ( _rawLine ); if ( fields.size() != 1 ) _printError ( true, "Malformed Number of Obstacles line." ); else _nbObs = _getLong ( fields[0] ); cmess1 << " - " << _nbObs << " obstacles found" << endl; } void _parseObstacle () { unsigned col1, row1, lID1, col2, row2, lID2, cap; vector fields = _splitString ( _rawLine ); if ( fields.size() != 7 ) _printError ( true, "Malformed Obstacle line." ); else { col1 = _getLong ( fields[0] ); row1 = _getLong ( fields[1] ); lID1 = _getLong ( fields[2] ); col2 = _getLong ( fields[3] ); row2 = _getLong ( fields[4] ); lID2 = _getLong ( fields[5] ); cap = _getLong ( fields[6] ); if ( lID1 != lID2 ) _printError( true, "Layers must be the same on Obstacle line." ); cap = cap / (_minWidth[lID1-1]+_minSpacing[lID1-1]); _knik->updateEdgeCapacity ( col1, row1, col2, row2, cap ); } } Cell* loadFromFile() { string fullPath = _filePath; fullPath += ".gr"; cmess1 << " o Loading cell :" << fullPath << endl; IoFile fileStream ( fullPath ); fileStream.open ( "r" ); if ( !fileStream.isOpen() ) { cerr << " [ERROR] Can't find file : " << fullPath << " !" << endl; exit (48); } _db = DataBase::getDB (); _layers[0] = _db->getTechnology()->getLayer ( Name ( "metal1" ) ); _layers[1] = _db->getTechnology()->getLayer ( Name ( "metal2" ) ); _lineNumber = 0; _parserState = StateGrid; try { while ( !fileStream.eof() ) { fileStream.readLine ( _rawLine, LINE_SIZE ); _lineNumber++; if ( _rawLine[0] == '\0' ) { if ( _parserState == StateEOF ) break; continue; } else { if ( _parserState == StateEOF ) _printError ( true, "Garbage after EOF." ); } if ( !strcmp(_rawLine,"EOF") ) { _parserState = StateEOF; continue; } if ( _parserState == StateGrid ) { _parseGrid (); _parserState = StateVerti; continue; } if ( _parserState == StateVerti ) { _parseVerti (); _parserState = StateHoriz; continue; } if ( _parserState == StateHoriz ) { _parseHoriz (); _parserState = StateWidth; continue; } if ( _parserState == StateWidth ) { _parseWidth (); _parserState = StateSpacing; continue; } if ( _parserState == StateSpacing ) { _parseSpacing (); _parserState = StateVia; continue; } if ( _parserState == StateVia ) { _parseVia (); _parserState = StateDim; continue; } if ( _parserState == StateDim ) { _parseDim (); _parserState = StateNet; continue; } if ( _parserState == StateNet ) { _parseNets (); for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _nbNets ; i++ ) { fileStream.readLine ( _rawLine, LINE_SIZE ); _lineNumber++; Net* net = NULL; RoutingPad* firstRoutingPad = NULL; unsigned nbPins = 0; _parseNet( net, nbPins ); for ( unsigned j = 0 ; j < nbPins ; j++ ) { fileStream.readLine ( _rawLine, LINE_SIZE ); _lineNumber++; _parseNode ( net, firstRoutingPad ); } //cmess1 << " ["; //cmess1.width(3); //cmess1 << floor((float)(i*100/(float)(_nbNets))); //cmess1 << "%]\r"; } cmess1 << " [100%] Done." << endl; _knik->initGlobalRouting(); _parserState = StateObs; continue; } if ( _parserState == StateObs ) { _parseObs (); for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < _nbObs ; i++ ) { fileStream.readLine ( _rawLine, LINE_SIZE ); _lineNumber++; _parseObstacle (); //cmess1 << " [" << floor((float)(i*100/(float)(_nbObs))) << "%]\r"; } cmess1 << " [100%] Done." << endl; _parserState = StateEOF; continue; } } } catch ( Error& e ) { if ( e.what() != "[ERROR] GrParser processed" ) cerr << e.what() << endl; } fileStream.close (); return _cell; } void loadSolutionFile() // ******************** { cmess1 << " o Loading solution :" << _filePath << endl; IoFile fileStream ( _filePath ); fileStream.open ( "r" ); if ( !fileStream.isOpen() ) { cerr << " [ERROR] Can't find file : " << _filePath << " !" << endl; exit (48); } _db = DataBase::getDB (); Layer* _gmetalh = _db->getTechnology()->getLayer ( Name ( "gmetalh" ) ); Layer* _gmetalv = _db->getTechnology()->getLayer ( Name ( "gmetalv" ) ); Layer* _gcontact = _db->getTechnology()->getLayer ( Name ( "gcontact" ) ); _lineNumber = 0; unsigned _uselessContact = 0; unsigned _illegalVerti = 0; unsigned _illegalHoriz = 0; unsigned _illegalDiag = 0; unsigned _totalVias = 0; unsigned _validSegments = 0; try { while ( !fileStream.eof() ) { fileStream.readLine ( _rawLine, LINE_SIZE ); _lineNumber++; if ( _rawLine[0] == '\0' ) break; if ( _rawLine[0] == '\n' ) continue; vector fields = _splitString ( _rawLine ); if ( fields.size() != 3 ) _printError ( true, "Malformed Net Line." ); else { Name netName = Name ( fields[0] ); /*long netID =*/ _getLong ( fields[1] ); unsigned nbPins = _getLong ( fields[2] ); Net* net = _cell->getNet ( netName ); if ( !net ) { string message = "Parse solution failed : cannot find net : "; message += getString(netName); _printError ( true , message.c_str() ); } vector segments; for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < nbPins ; i++ ) { fileStream.readLine ( _rawLine, LINE_SIZE ); _lineNumber++; fields = _splitSegmentString ( _rawLine ); if ( fields.size() != 6 ) _printError ( true, "Malformed Net Line." ); else { DbU::Unit xSource = DbU::lambda(_getLong(fields[0])); DbU::Unit ySource = DbU::lambda(_getLong(fields[1])); unsigned zSource = (unsigned)(_getLong(fields[2])); DbU::Unit xTarget = DbU::lambda(_getLong(fields[3])); DbU::Unit yTarget = DbU::lambda(_getLong(fields[4])); unsigned zTarget = (unsigned)(_getLong(fields[5])); if ( xSource == xTarget ) { if ( ySource == yTarget ) { //contact if ( zSource != zTarget ) { //UpdateSession::open(); Contact::create ( net, _gcontact, xSource, ySource ); //UpdateSession::close(); _totalVias++; } else _uselessContact++; } else { // segment vertical if ( zSource != zTarget ) // illegal segment _illegalVerti++; else { //UpdateSession::open(); Vertical* verti = Vertical::create ( net, _gmetalv, xSource ); segments.push_back(verti); if ( ySource < yTarget ) { verti->setDySource ( ySource ); verti->setDyTarget ( yTarget ); } else { verti->setDySource ( yTarget ); verti->setDyTarget ( ySource ); } _knik->insertSegment ( verti ); //UpdateSession::close(); _validSegments++; } } } else { // segment horizontal if ( ySource != yTarget ) _illegalDiag++; else { if ( zSource != zTarget ) _illegalHoriz++; else { //UpdateSession::open(); Horizontal* horiz = Horizontal::create ( net, _gmetalh, ySource ); segments.push_back(horiz); if ( xSource < xTarget ) { horiz->setDxSource ( xSource ); horiz->setDxTarget ( xTarget ); } else { horiz->setDxSource ( xTarget ); horiz->setDxTarget ( xSource ); } _knik->insertSegment ( horiz ); //UpdateSession::close(); _validSegments++; } } } } } fileStream.readLine ( _rawLine, LINE_SIZE ); _lineNumber++; if ( _rawLine[0] != '!' ) throw Error ("gnagnagnagnagna"+getString(_lineNumber)); // on va relier les segments et les contacts : for ( unsigned i = 0 ; i < segments.size() ; i++ ) { Segment* segment = segments[i]; Point sourcePos = segment->getSourcePosition(); Point targetPos = segment->getTargetPosition(); Contact* source = NULL; Contact* target = NULL; forEach ( Contact*, contact, net->getContacts() ) { Point pos = contact->getPosition(); if ( pos == sourcePos ) source = *contact; else if ( pos == targetPos ) target = *contact; if ( source && target ) break; } if ( !source ) { string message = "Cannot find source contact for "; message += getString(segment); throw Error (message); } if ( !target ) { string message = "Cannot find target contact for "; message += getString(segment); throw Error (message); } //UpdateSession::open(); if ( Horizontal* horiz = dynamic_cast(segment) ) { horiz->setDxSource(0); horiz->setDxTarget(0); } else if ( Vertical* verti = dynamic_cast(segment) ) { verti->setDySource(0); verti->setDyTarget(0); } else throw Error ("A segment which is not a Horizontal nor a Vertical !!!"); segment->getSourceHook()->attach(source->getBodyHook()); segment->getTargetHook()->attach(target->getBodyHook()); //UpdateSession::close(); } } } } catch ( Error& e ) { if ( e.what() != "[ERROR] GrParser processed" ) cerr << e.what() << endl; } fileStream.close (); } void printToFile(IspdGui* ispd) // **************************** { float width = DbU::getLambda(_cell->getAbutmentBox().getWidth()); float height = DbU::getLambda(_cell->getAbutmentBox().getHeight()); assert(width); assert(height); float minSize = 800; unsigned wWidth = (unsigned int)((width < height) ? minSize : floor(width*minSize/height)); unsigned wHeight = (unsigned int)((width < height) ? floor(height*minSize/width) : minSize); //unsigned wWidth = floor(width); //unsigned wHeight = floor(height); CellWidget* widget = ispd->getCellWidget(); widget->setFixedSize(wWidth, wHeight); widget->fitToContents(); forEach ( Layer*, layer, DataBase::getDB()->getTechnology()->getLayers() ) widget->setLayerVisible ( layer->getName(), false ); widget->setLayerVisible ( Name("Knik::Edges"), true ); QImage image (wWidth, wHeight+60, QImage::Format_RGB32); widget->copyToImage(&image); string savePath = _filePath; savePath += "_map.png"; image.save(savePath.c_str(),"png"); } } // End of anonymous namespace. // x-----------------------------------------------------------------x // | Fonctions Definitions | // x-----------------------------------------------------------------x // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function : "main()". int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int returnCode = 0; try { unsigned int traceLevel; bool verbose1; bool verbose2; bool coreDump; bool textMode; bool graphicMode; bool knikSimple; bool knikOverflow; bool loadSolution; bool saveSolution; poptions::options_description options ("Command line arguments & options"); options.add_options() ( "help,h" , "Print this help." ) ( "verbose,v" , poptions::bool_switch(&verbose1)->default_value(false) , "First level of verbosity.") ( "very-verbose,V", poptions::bool_switch(&verbose2)->default_value(false) , "Second level of verbosity.") ( "text,t" , poptions::bool_switch(&textMode)->default_value(false) , "Run in pure text mode.") ( "core-dump,D" , poptions::bool_switch(&coreDump)->default_value(false) , "Enable core dumping.") ( "trace-level,l" , poptions::value(&traceLevel)->default_value(1000) , "Set the level of trace, trace messages with a level superior to " " will be printed on ." ) ( "cell,c" , poptions::value() , "The name of the cell to load, without extension." ) ( "knik,k" , poptions::bool_switch(&knikSimple)->default_value(false) , "Perform a simple routing pass.") ( "KNIK,K" , poptions::bool_switch(&knikOverflow)->default_value(false) , "Perform a routing pass, then analyse & re-route overflowed edges.") ( "solution,s" , poptions::bool_switch(&loadSolution)->default_value(true) , "Load a previously generated routing solution.") ( "Save,S" , poptions::bool_switch(&saveSolution)->default_value(false) , "Save the routed design.") ( "editor,e" , poptions::bool_switch(&graphicMode)->default_value(false) , "Launch the graphical editor."); poptions::variables_map arguments; poptions::store ( poptions::parse_command_line(argc,argv,options), arguments ); poptions::notify ( arguments ); if ( arguments.count("help") ) { cout << options << endl; exit ( 0 ); } System::get()->setCatchCore ( not coreDump ); if ( verbose1 ) mstream::enable ( mstream::VerboseLevel1 ); if ( verbose2 ) mstream::enable ( mstream::VerboseLevel2 ); ltracelevel ( traceLevel ); _createRings = not loadSolution; if ( arguments.count("cell") ) { _filePath = arguments["cell"].as(); UpdateSession::open(); _cell = loadFromFile(); UpdateSession::close(); if (!_cell) { cerr << "[ERROR] Cell not found: " << arguments["cell"].as() << endl; exit ( -45 ); } } if ( loadSolution ) { _filePath = arguments["cell"].as(); UpdateSession::open(); loadSolutionFile(); UpdateSession::close(); } if ( not textMode ) { QApplication* qa = new HApplication ( argc, argv ); Graphics::enable (); IspdGui* ispd = IspdGui::create (); cmess1 << ispd->getBanner() << endl;; GraphicKnikEngine* grKnik = Knik::GraphicKnikEngine::grab(); ispd->registerTool ( grKnik ); //ispd->registerTool ( Katabatic::GraphicKatabaticEngine::grab() ); ispd->setCell ( _cell ); ispd->show(); if ( arguments.count("knik") ) { grKnik->route(); grKnik->analyse(); } else if ( arguments.count("KNIK") ) { grKnik->run(); //bool done = grKnik->analyse(); //while ( !done ) { // grKnik->unroute(); // grKnik->reroute(); // done = grKnik->analyse(); //} } else if ( saveSolution ) { //grKnik->analyse(); printToFile(ispd); } if ( not saveSolution or graphicMode ) returnCode = qa->exec(); ispd->destroy(); delete qa; } else { KnikEngine* knik = Knik::KnikEngine::get(_cell); if ( arguments.count("knik") ) { knik->Route(); knik->analyseRouting(); if ( saveSolution ) knik->saveSolution(); } else if ( arguments.count("KNIK") ) { //knik->Route(); //bool done = knik->analyseRouting(); //while ( !done ) { // knik->unrouteOvSegments(); // knik->reroute(); // done = knik->analyseRouting(); //} knik->run(); if ( saveSolution ) knik->saveSolution(); } else if ( loadSolution ) { knik->analyseRouting(); } else cerr << "[ERROR] Using text mode without -k, -K or -s option is useless." << endl; } _af->destroy(); } catch ( Error& e ) { cerr << e.what() << endl; exit ( 1 ); } catch ( ... ) { cout << "[ERROR] Abnormal termination: unmanaged exception.\n" << endl; exit ( 2 ); } return returnCode; }