#[tool.poetry] #name = "Coriolis" #version = "0.0.0" #description = "Place and Route for semiconductors" #authors = ["Jean-Paul Chaput "] #readme = "README.rst" ##build = "builder.py" ##packages = [ ## { include = "Coriolis"} ##] #[tool.poetry-dynamic-versioning] #enable = true ##dirty = true #vcs = "git" ##style = "pep440" #metadata = "true" ##pattern = ''' ## (?x) ## ^coriolis-((?P\d+)!)?(?P\d+(\.\d+)*) ## ([-._]?((?P[a-zA-Z]+)[-._]?(?P\d+)?))? ## (\+(?P.+))?$ ##''' #[tool.poetry.dependencies] #python = "^3.8" #find-libpython = "^0.3.0" #[tool.poetry.dev-dependencies] #cmake = ">=3" #ninja = "^1.11.1" #[tool.poetry.scripts] #blif2vst = 'Coriolis:blif2vst' #tutorial = 'Coriolis:tutorial' #unittests = 'Coriolis:unittests' #yosys_coriolis = 'Coriolis:yosys_coriolis' [project] name = "coriolis" version = "2.4.1" #dynamic = ["version"] [build-system] #requires = ["scikit-build-core","poetry-core", "cmake", "ninja", "patchelf", "poetry-dynamic-versioning"] requires = ["scikit-build-core", "cmake", "ninja", "patchelf"] build-backend = "scikit_build_core.build" [tool.scikit-build] # The PEP 517 build hooks will add ninja and/or cmake if the versions on the # system are not at least these versions. Disabled by an empty string. cmake.minimum-version = "3.16" ninja.minimum-version = "1.5" # Fallback on gmake/make if available and ninja is missing (Unix). Will only # fallback on platforms without a known ninja wheel. ninja.make-fallback = true # Extra args for CMake. Pip, unlike build, does not support lists, so semicolon # can be used to separate. Setting this in config or envvar will override the # entire list. See also cmake.define. cmake.args = [] # This activates verbose builds cmake.verbose = false # This controls the CMake build type cmake.build-type = "Release" # Display logs at or above this level. logging.level = "WARNING" # Include and exclude patterns, in gitignore syntax. Include overrides exclude. # Wheels include packages included in the sdist; CMake has the final say. sdist.include = [] sdist.exclude = [] # Make reproducible SDists (Python 3.9+ and UNIX recommended). Respects # SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH when true (the default). sdist.reproducible = true # The root-level packages to include. Special default: if not given, the package # is auto-discovered if it's name matches the main name. wheel.packages = ["coriolis"] # Setting py-api to "cp37" would build ABI3 wheels for Python 3.7+. If CPython # is less than this value, or on PyPy, this will be ignored. Setting the api to # "py3" or "py2.py3" would build wheels that don't depend on Python (ctypes, # etc). wheel.py-api = "" # Setting this to true will expand tags (universal2 will add Intel and Apple # Silicon tags, for pip <21.0.1 compatibility). wheel.expand-macos-universal-tags = false # This allows you to change the install dir, such as to the package name. The # original dir is still at SKBUILD_PLATLIB_DIR (also SKBUILD_DATA_DIR, etc. are # available) wheel.install-dir = "." # The licence file(s) to include in the wheel metadata directory. wheel.license-files = ["LICEN[CS]E*", "COPYING*", "NOTICE*", "AUTHORS*"] # This will backport an internal copy of FindPython if CMake is less than this # value. Set to 0 or the empty string to disable. The default will be kept in # sync with the version of FindPython stored in scikit-build-core. backport.find-python = "" # This is the only editable mode currently editable.mode = "redirect" # Enable auto rebuilds on import (experimental) editable.rebuild = false # Display output on stderr while rebuilding on import editable.verbose = true # Enable experimental features if any are available experimental = false # Strictly validate config options strict-config = true # This provides some backward compatibility if set. Defaults to the latest # scikit-build-core version. minimum-version = "0.2" # current version # Build directory (empty will use a temporary directory). {cache_tag} and # {wheel_tag} are available to provide a unique directory per interpreter. build-dir = "" [tool.scikit-build.cmake.define] # Put CMake defines in this table. [tool.scikit-build.metadata] # List dynamic metadata fields and hook locations in this table [tool.cibuildwheel.linux] skip = ["cp36-*", "cp37-*", "pp*"] build-frontend = "build" before-all = ''' yum -y install epel-release yum repolist yum install -y \ qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-qtsvg-devel \ rapidjson-devel bison flex doxygen bzip2-devel flex-devel \ boost-devel \ boost-python boost-filesystem \ boost-regex boost-wave \ python3-devel libxml2-devel \ qwt-devel ''' build-verbosity=2