// -*- mode: C++; explicit-buffer-name: "Constants.h<kite/doc>" -*- namespace Kite { //! \enum FunctionFlag //! A set of flags to that can be passed to functions/methods througout //! all Kite. //! \var KtLoadGlobalRouting //! Reload the global routing from a preciously saved run (\c .kgr file). //! \var KtBuildGlobalRouting //! Run the global router Knik. //! \var KtAllowDoglegReuse //! Allow sharing of dogleg. //! \var KtDataSelf //! \red{To be documented.} //! \var KtNearest //! Round the position to the nearest track axis. //! \var KtForce //! Force to perform an action ignoring the "up to date" state. //! \var KtResetCount //! Tells to reset a counter. //! \var KtWithPerpands //! Ripup perpandiculars alongside the current segment. //! \var KtWithConstraints //! Force constraints recomputation. }