Coriolis is a free database, placement tool and routing tool for VLSI designs.


Coriolis provides several tools to perform the layout of VLSI circuits.
Its main components are the Hurricane database, the Etesian placer and the Kite router,
but other tools can use the Hurricane database and the parsers provided.

The user interface cgt is the prefered way to use Coriolis, but all
Coriolis tools are python modules and thus scriptable.


The full documentation is available [online]( and, once built, as documentation/UsersGuide/UsersGuide.html. Basic build instructions are given below.

Building and running Coriolis

To build Coriolis, ensure the prerequisites are met, including cmake, boost, bison, flex, Qt, libxml2 and a C++11 compiler.

Copy the sources or clone the git repository as ~/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis
Then in this directory run the build command:

    ./bootstrap/ --project=coriolis --make="-jN install"

After the build succeeds, to run the graphical interface:

    eval `~/coriolis-2.x/src/coriolis/bootstrap/`
    cgt -V