# -*- mode:Python -*-
# This file is part of the Coriolis Software.
# Copyright (c) Sorbonne Université 2012-2021, All Rights Reserved
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ 
# |                   C O R I O L I S                               |
# |          T o o l c h a i n   B u i l d e r                      |
# |                                                                 |
# |  Author      :                    Jean-Paul Chaput              |
# |  E-mail      :            Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr              |
# | =============================================================== |
# |  Python      :   "./builder/AboutWidget.py"                     |
# +-----------------------------------------------------------------+

from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt4.QtGui  import QPalette, QColor, QFont, QWidget,  \
                         QFrame, QLabel, QVBoxLayout, QAction,  \
                         QKeySequence, QApplication

class AboutWidget ( QWidget ):

    def __init__ ( self, parent=None ):
        QWidget.__init__ ( self, parent )
        self.setFixedSize( 500, 400 )
        self.setStyleSheet( 'background-color: #ffffdd;' )

        topLine = QFrame()
        topLine.setFrameShape( QFrame.HLine )
        topLine.setLineWidth ( 2 )
        botLine = QFrame()
        botLine.setFrameShape( QFrame.HLine )
        botLine.setLineWidth ( 2 )

        title = QLabel( 'CCB' )
        title.setAlignment( Qt.AlignCenter )
        font = title.font()
        font.setPointSize( 72 )
        font.setWeight   ( QFont.Bold )
        title.setFont( font )

        subTitle = QLabel( 'Coriolis Toolchain Builder for the Dummies' )
        subTitle.setAlignment( Qt.AlignCenter )
        subTitle.setFont( QFont('Courier',10,QFont.Bold) )
        authors  = QLabel( 'Coriolis CAD System 3.0 . . . . . . . .  ccb 1.0\n'
                           'Copyright (c) 2008-2021 . .  Sorbonne Universite\n'
                           'Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Damien Dupuis\n'
                           '        . . . . . . . . . . . . Jean-Paul Chaput\n'
                           'E-Mail  . . . . . . . . Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr'
        authors.setAlignment( Qt.AlignCenter )
        authors.setFont( QFont('Courier',10,QFont.Bold) )
        vLayout = QVBoxLayout()
        vLayout.addWidget( topLine )
        vLayout.addWidget( title )
        vLayout.addWidget( subTitle )
        vLayout.addWidget( authors )
        vLayout.addWidget( botLine )
        frame = QFrame()
        frame.setFrameShape ( QFrame.Box )
        frame.setFrameShadow( QFrame.Sunken )
        frame.setLayout     ( vLayout )
        frame.setLineWidth  ( 1 )
        vLayout = QVBoxLayout()
        vLayout.addWidget( frame )
        self.setLayout( vLayout )
        self._exitAction = QAction( '&Exit', self )
        self._exitAction.setStatusTip( 'Exit CCB (settings are saved)' )
        self._exitAction.setShortcut ( QKeySequence('CTRL+Q') )
        self._exitAction.triggered.connect( QApplication.closeAllWindows )
        self.addAction( self._exitAction )
        self._closeAction = QAction( '&Close', self )
        self._closeAction.setStatusTip( 'Close the About Window' )
        self._closeAction.setShortcut ( QKeySequence('CTRL+A') )
        self._closeAction.triggered.connect( self.close )
        self.addAction( self._closeAction )