# The license for this file is included in the `nix` directory next to this file. { description = "Coriolis is a free database, placement tool and routing tool for VLSI design."; # Nixpkgs / NixOS version to use. inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:L-as/nixpkgs?ref=alliance"; # for alliance inputs.alliance-check-toolkit.url = "git+https://gitlab.lip6.fr/vlsi-eda/alliance-check-toolkit.git"; inputs.alliance-check-toolkit.flake = false; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, alliance-check-toolkit }: let # Generate a user-friendly version numer. version = builtins.substring 0 8 self.lastModifiedDate; # System types to support. supportedSystems = [ "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" "aarch64-linux" "aarch64-darwin" ]; # Helper function to generate an attrset '{ x86_64-linux = f "x86_64-linux"; ... }'. forAllSystems = nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs supportedSystems; meta = with nixpkgs.lib; { description = "Coriolis is a free database, placement tool and routing tool for VLSI design."; homepage = "http://coriolis.lip6.fr/"; platforms = platforms.all; }; pythonOverlay = self: super: { python2Packages = super.python2Packages.override { overrides = pself: psuper: { pyqt4 = psuper.pyqt4.overridePythonAttrs (o: rec { version = "4.12.1"; src = super.fetchurl { url = "mirror://sourceforge/pyqt/PyQt4_gpl_x11-${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "RdckRhrliwGbm+lQdsoH4hLrcwhK7JEluyVIJcOgU4M="; }; pythonImportsCheck = [ "PyQt4.QtCore" "PyQt4.QtGui" ]; }); }; }; }; # Nixpkgs instantiated for supported system types. nixpkgsFor = forAllSystems (system: import nixpkgs { inherit system; overlays = [ pythonOverlay self.overlay ]; }); override = drv: drv.overrideAttrs (o: { preConfigure = '' cmakeFlagsArray+=(-DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH="$(sed -e 's|:|/share/cmake/Modules;|g' <<< "$CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH:")") '' + (o.preConfigure or ""); cmakeFlags = [ "-DBUILD_DOC=ON" ] ++ (o.cmakeFlags or []); }); generic = import ./nix/generic.nix { inherit version meta; }; pythonComponents = [ "vlsisapd" "hurricane" "crlcore" "flute" "etesian" "anabatic" "katana" "bora" "katabatic" "kite" "tutorial" "unicorn" "oroshi" "cumulus" ]; components = pythonComponents ++ [ "lefdef" "bootstrap" "coloquinte" "equinox" "knik" "ispd" "karakaze" "nimbus" "metis" "mauka" "solstice" "stratus1" "documentation" "unittests" "alliance-check-toolkit" "combined" ]; commonArgs = { inherit version meta generic; alliance-src = alliance-check-toolkit; }; in rec { overlay = final: prev: builtins.foldl' (acc: elem: acc // { "coriolis-${elem}" = override (final.callPackage ( let f = import (./nix + "/${elem}.nix"); in f (builtins.intersectAttrs (builtins.functionArgs f) commonArgs) ) {}); }) {} components; packages = forAllSystems (system: let pkgs = nixpkgsFor.${system}; in builtins.foldl' (acc: elem: acc // { ${elem} = pkgs.${"coriolis-${elem}"}; }) {} components // { test = pkgs.python2.buildEnv.override { extraLibs = [ pkgs.coriolis-unicorn pkgs.coriolis-cumulus ]; }; } ); defaultPackage = forAllSystems (system: self.packages.${system}.unicorn); devShell = forAllSystems (system: let pkgs = nixpkgsFor.${system}; env = pkgs.python2.buildEnv.override { extraLibs = builtins.map (x: pkgs.${"coriolis-${x}"}) pythonComponents; }; in pkgs.mkShell { buildInputs = [ env ]; } ); #hydraJobs.coriolis = self.defaultPackage; }; }