#!/usr/bin/python import sys from math import sqrt, ceil from ..Hurricane import * from ..CRL import * from ..helpers.io import ErrorMessage as Error from ..helpers import staticInitialization, trace from . import getRules from .capacitorunit import CapacitorUnit def toDbU ( l ): return DbU.fromPhysical( l, DbU.UnitPowerMicro ) def toPhy ( l ): return DbU.toPhysical ( l, DbU.UnitPowerMicro ) def doBreak( level, message ): UpdateSession.close() Breakpoint.stop( level, message ) UpdateSession.open() staticInitialization( True ) class NonUnitCapacitor(CapacitorUnit): rules = getRules() def __init__( self, device, capacitorType, direction, capacitance, capacitorUnit, abutmentBoxPosition, capUnitTopPlates_spacing = -1 ): self.device = device self.capacitorType = capacitorType self.direction = direction self.capacitance = capacitance self.capacitorUnit = capacitorUnit self.abutmentBoxPosition = abutmentBoxPosition self.capUnitTopPlates_spacing = capUnitTopPlates_spacing self.unitCapDim = CapacitorUnit.__computeCapDim__( self, capacitorUnit, capacitorType ) if self.__isDirectionOk__(direction): self.nonUnitCapDim = {"width" : self.unitCapDim["width"] , "height" : 0 } if direction == "vertical" else {"width" : 0 , "height" : self.unitCapDim["width"] } self.nonUnitCapDim_sideLimit = 0 self.dummyCapDim = {} return def __isDirectionOk__( self, direction ): state = True if direction in ["horizontal","vertical"] else False if state == False : raise Error(1,'__isDirectionOk__() : The direction must be either "vertical" or "horizontal" : %s.' % direction) return state def setRules( self ): CapacitorUnit.setRules(self) if self.capacitorType == 'MIMCap': self.__setattr__( "minWidth_dummyTopPlate" , CapacitorUnit.rules.minWidth_metcapdum ) elif self.capacitorType == 'PIPCap': self.__setattr__( "minWidth_dummyTopPlate" , CapacitorUnit.rules.minWidth_cpoly ) return def create( self, b, t ) : UpdateSession.open() self.setRules() self.computeDimensions() if self.__isCapacitorOk__() : print('drawing capacitor') activeCapacitor = CapacitorUnit ( self.device, self.capacitorType, self.abutmentBoxPosition, capDim = self.nonUnitCapDim ) activeCapacitor.create( b, t ) side = "height" if self.direction == "vertical" else "width" if self.__isNonUnitCapSideOk__( side ): print("drawing dummy too") # activeCapacitor = CapacitorUnit ( self.device, activeCapacitance, self.capacitorType, self.abutmentBoxPosition ) dummyAbutmentBoxPosition = [ self.abutmentBoxPosition[0], self.abutmentBoxPosition[1] - CapacitorUnit.computeAbutmentBoxDimensions( self, self.dummyCapDim )["height"] ] if self.direction == "vertical" else [ self.abutmentBoxPosition[0] + CapacitorUnit.computeAbutmentBoxDimensions( self, self.nonUnitCapDim )["width"] , self.abutmentBoxPosition[1] ] dummyCapacitor = CapacitorUnit( self.device, self.capacitorType, dummyAbutmentBoxPosition, capDim = self.dummyCapDim ) # activeCapacitor.create( b, t ) dummyCapacitor.create ( b, t ) else : print("not drawing dummy") # abutmentBoxDimensions = self.computeAbutmentBoxDimensions(capDim) # CapacitorUnit.drawAbutmentBox( self ) else : raise Error(1,'create() : Impossible to draw capacitor in the defined geometric limits.') UpdateSession.close() return def __isCapacitorOk__( self ): capacitorMax = self.computeCapacitorMax() print("CMax",capacitorMax) print("self.capacitance",self.capacitance) print("self.capUnitTopPlates_spacing",toPhy(self.capUnitTopPlates_spacing)) return True if self.capacitance < capacitorMax else False def computeDimensions( self ): if self.capUnitTopPlates_spacing == -1 : CapacitorUnit.computeAbutmentBoxDimensions(self, self.unitCapDim ) self.capUnitTopPlates_spacing = 2*(self.minSpacing_botPlate + self.enclosure_botPlate_topPlate) self.nonUnitCapDim_sideLimit = 2*self.unitCapDim["width"] - self.minWidth_dummyTopPlate if self.direction == "vertical": self.nonUnitCapDim["height"] = self.computeNonUnitCapheight() else : self.nonUnitCapDim["width"] = self.computeNonUnitCapheight() print("sideLimit",toPhy(self.nonUnitCapDim_sideLimit)) print("self.capUnitTopPlates_spacing",toPhy(self.capUnitTopPlates_spacing)) print('self.nonUnitCapDim["width"]',toPhy(self.nonUnitCapDim["width"])) print('self.nonUnitCapDim["height"]',toPhy(self.nonUnitCapDim["height"])) nonUnitCapDim_sideMax = 2*self.unitCapDim["width"] + self.capUnitTopPlates_spacing self.dummyCapDim["width" ] = self.unitCapDim["width" ] if self.direction == "vertical" else nonUnitCapDim_sideMax - self.capUnitTopPlates_spacing - self.nonUnitCapDim["width"] self.dummyCapDim["height"] = nonUnitCapDim_sideMax - self.capUnitTopPlates_spacing - self.nonUnitCapDim["height"] if self.direction == "vertical" else self.unitCapDim["width" ] print("self.dummyCapDim",toPhy(self.dummyCapDim["width" ])) print("self.dummyCapDim",toPhy(self.dummyCapDim["height" ])) return def computeCapacitorMax( self ): [ areaCapacitorPerUnit, perimeterCapacitorPerUnit ] = CapacitorUnit.__setCapacitorPerUnit__(self, self.capacitorType) capUnit_width = toPhy( self.unitCapDim["width"] ) topPlates_spacing = toPhy( self.capUnitTopPlates_spacing ) print("[ areaCapacitorPerUnit, perimeterCapacitorPerUnit ]",[ areaCapacitorPerUnit, perimeterCapacitorPerUnit ]) print("width",capUnit_width) CMax = ( 2*capUnit_width + topPlates_spacing )*capUnit_width*areaCapacitorPerUnit + ( 3*capUnit_width + topPlates_spacing )*perimeterCapacitorPerUnit return CMax def computeNonUnitCapheight( self ): [ areaCapacitorPerUnit, perimeterCapacitorPerUnit ] = CapacitorUnit.__setCapacitorPerUnit__(self, self.capacitorType) width = toPhy( self.unitCapDim["width"] ) height = self.capacitance/( (width*areaCapacitorPerUnit + perimeterCapacitorPerUnit) + width*perimeterCapacitorPerUnit ) print("height",height) return toDbU(height) def __isNonUnitCapSideOk__( self, side ): if side in ["width","height"]: state = True if self.nonUnitCapDim[side] < self.nonUnitCapDim_sideLimit else False else : raise Error(1,'__isNonUnitCapSideOk__() : The side must be either "width" or "height" : %s.' % side) return state def scriptMain( **kw ): editor = None if 'editor' in kw and kw['editor']: editor = kw['editor'] UpdateSession.open() device = AllianceFramework.get().createCell( 'nonUnitCapacitor' ) device.setTerminal( True ) bottomPlate_net = Net.create( device, 'b' ) bottomPlate_net.setExternal( True ) b = device.getNet("b") doBreak( 1, 'Done building bottomPlate') topPlate_net = Net.create( device, 't' ) topPlate_net.setExternal( True ) t = device.getNet("t") doBreak( 1, 'Done building tNet') if editor: UpdateSession.close( ) editor.setCell ( device ) editor.fit ( ) UpdateSession.open ( ) nonUnitCapacitor = NonUnitCapacitor ( device, 'PIPCap', 'horizontal', 65, 50, [0,0] ) nonUnitCapacitor.create(b,t) AllianceFramework.get().saveCell( device, Catalog.State.Views ) return True