#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import re import os import os.path import time import socket import subprocess import optparse class Project: def __init__ ( self, name, tools, repository ): self._name = name self._tools = tools self._repository = repository self._actives = [] return def getName ( self ): return self._name def getTools ( self ): return self._tools def getRepository ( self ): return self._repository def getActives ( self ): return self._actives def hasTool ( self, tool ): return tool in self._tools def desactivate ( self ): self._active = [] return def activateAll ( self ): self._actives = self._tools return def activate ( self, tools ): # Build the ordered list. for tool in self._tools: if (tool in tools) and not (tool in self._actives): self._actives += [ tool ] # Find the tools not part of the project. rejecteds = [] for tool in tools: if not (tool in self._tools) and (not tool in rejecteds): rejecteds += [ tool ] return rejecteds class ProjectBuilder: def __init__ ( self ): self._projects = [] self._standalones = [] self._svnTag = "x" self._svnMethod = "svn+ssh://coriolis.soc.lip6.fr" self._rootDir = os.path.join ( os.environ["HOME"], "mangrove" ) self._quiet = False self._buildMode = "Release" self._rmBuild = False self._doBuild = True self._noCache = False self._enableShared = "ON" self._enableDoc = "OFF" self._verboseMakefile = "OFF" self._libMode = "Shared" self._makeArguments = [] self._environment = os.environ self._guessOs () self._updateSecondary () return def __setattr__ ( self, attribute, value ): if attribute[0] == "_": self.__dict__[attribute] = value return if attribute == "svnTag": self._svnTag = value elif attribute == "svnMethod": self._svnMethod = value elif attribute == "rootDir": self._rootDir = os.path.expanduser(value) elif attribute == "quiet": self._quiet = value elif attribute == "buildMode": self._buildMode = value elif attribute == "rmBuild": self._rmBuild = value elif attribute == "doBuild": self._doBuild = value elif attribute == "noCache": self._noCache = value elif attribute == "enableShared": self._enableShared = value elif attribute == "enableDoc": self._enableDoc = value elif attribute == "enableShared": self._enableShared = value elif attribute == "verboseMakefile": self._verboseMakefile = value elif attribute == "makeArguments": self._makeArguments = value.split () elif attribute == "libMode": self._libMode = value self._updateSecondary () return def _updateSecondary ( self ): self._rpmbuildDir = os.path.join ( self._rootDir, "rpmbuild" ) self._tmppathDir = os.path.join ( self._rpmbuildDir, "tmp" ) self._tarballDir = os.path.join ( self._rootDir, "tarball" ) self._archiveDir = os.path.join ( self._tarballDir, "mangrove-1.0.%s" % self._svnTag ) self._sourceDir = os.path.join ( self._rootDir, "src" ) self._osDir = os.path.join ( self._rootDir , self._osType , "%s.%s" % (self._buildMode,self._libMode) ) self._buildDir = os.path.join ( self._osDir, "build" ) self._installDir = os.path.join ( self._osDir, "install" ) if self._enableShared == "ON": self._libMode = "Shared" else: self._libMode = "Static" self._specFileIn = os.path.join ( self._sourceDir, "goodies", "mangrove.spec.in" ) self._specFile = os.path.join ( self._sourceDir, "goodies", "mangrove.spec" ) self._sourceTarBz2 = "mangrove-1.0.%s.tar.bz2" % self._svnTag self._binaryTarBz2 = "mangrove-binary-1.0.%s-1.el5_soc.tar.bz2" % self._svnTag self._distribPatch = os.path.join ( self._sourceDir, "goodies", "mangrove-for-distribution.patch" ) return def _guessOs ( self ): self._libSuffix = None self._osSLSoC5x_64 = re.compile (".*Linux.*el5.*x86_64.*") self._osSLSoC5x = re.compile (".*Linux.*(el5|*SoC).*") self._osLinux_64 = re.compile (".*Linux.*x86_64.*") self._osLinux = re.compile (".*Linux.*") self._osDarwin = re.compile (".*Darwin.*") uname = subprocess.Popen ( ["uname", "-srm"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) lines = uname.stdout.readlines() if self._osSLSoC5x_64.match(lines[0]): self._osType = "Linux.SLSoC5x_64" self._libSuffix = "64" elif self._osSLSoC5x .match(lines[0]): self._osType = "Linux.SLSoC5x" elif self._osLinux_64 .match(lines[0]): self._osType = "Linux.x86_64" self._libSuffix = "64" elif self._osLinux .match(lines[0]): self._osType = "Linux.i386" elif self._osDarwin .match(lines[0]): self._osType = "Darwin" else: uname = subprocess.Popen ( ["uname", "-sr"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) self._osType = uname.stdout.readlines()[0][:-1] print "[WARNING] Unrecognized OS: \"%s\"." % lines[0][:-1] print " (using: \"%s\")" % self._osType return def _guessSvnTag ( self, project ): revisionPattern = re.compile ( r"^Revision:\s*(?P<revision>\d+)" ) projectSvnDir = os.path.join ( self._svnMethod+project.getRepository() ) command = [ "svn", "info", projectSvnDir ] svnInfo = subprocess.Popen ( command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE ) for line in svnInfo.stdout.readlines(): m = revisionPattern.match ( line ) if m: self._svnTag = m.group("revision") print "Latest revision of project %s is %s." % (project.getName(),self._svnTag) self._updateSecondary () return print "[WARNING] Cannot guess revision for project \"%s\"." % project.getName() print " (using: \"x\")" return def _doSpec ( self ): fdSpecFileIn = open ( self._specFileIn, "r" ) fdSpecFile = open ( self._specFile , "w" ) for line in fdSpecFileIn.readlines(): stable = False substituted0 = line while not stable: substituted1 = re.sub ( r"@svntag@" , self._svnTag , substituted0 ) substituted1 = re.sub ( r"@mangroveTop@", "/opt/mangrove", substituted1 ) if substituted0 == substituted1: stable = True else: substituted0 = substituted1 fdSpecFile.write ( substituted0 ) fdSpecFileIn.close () fdSpecFile.close () return def _execute ( self, command, error ): sys.stdout.flush () sys.stderr.flush () child = subprocess.Popen ( command, env=self._environment, stdout=None ) (pid,status) = os.waitpid ( child.pid, 0 ) status >>= 8 if status != 0: print "[ERROR] %s (status:%d)." % (error,status) sys.exit ( status ) return def _build ( self, tool ): toolSourceDir = os.path.join ( self._sourceDir, tool ) toolBuildDir = os.path.join ( self._buildDir , tool ) # Supplied directly in the CMakeLists.txt. #cmakeModules = os.path.join ( self._installDir, "share", "cmake", "Modules" ) if not os.path.isdir(toolSourceDir): print "[ERROR] Missing tool source directory: \"%s\" (skipped)." % toolSourceDir return if self._rmBuild: print "Removing tool build directory: \"%s\"." % toolBuildDir command = [ "/bin/rm", "-rf", toolBuildDir ] self._execute ( command, "Removing tool build directory" ) if not os.path.isdir(toolBuildDir): print "Creating tool build directory: \"%s\"." % toolBuildDir os.makedirs ( toolBuildDir ) os.chdir ( toolBuildDir ) command = ["cmake", "-D", "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=%s" % self._buildMode , "-D", "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:STRING=%s" % self._enableShared #, "-D", "CMAKE_MODULE_PATH:STRING=%s" % cmakeModules , toolSourceDir ] self._execute ( command, "First CMake failed" ) os.chdir ( toolBuildDir ) if self._noCache: cmakeCache = os.path.join(toolBuildDir,"CMakeCache.txt") if os.path.isfile ( cmakeCache ): os.unlink ( cmakeCache ) command = ["cmake", "-D", "CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=%s" % self._buildMode , "-D", "BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:STRING=%s" % self._enableShared , "-D", "BUILD_DOC:STRING=%s" % self._enableDoc , "-D", "CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE:STRING=%s" % self._verboseMakefile , "-D", "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:STRING=%s" % self._installDir ] if self._libSuffix: command += [ "-D", "LIB_SUFFIX:STRING=%s" % self._libSuffix ] command += [ toolSourceDir ] self._execute ( command, "Second CMake failed" ) if self._doBuild: command = [ "make" ] #command += [ "DESTDIR=%s" % self._installDir ] if tool == "crlcore" and self._enableDoc == "ON": command += [ "dvi", "safepdf" ] command += self._makeArguments print "Make command:", command sys.stdout.flush () self._execute ( command, "Build failed" ) return def _svnStatus ( self, tool ): toolSourceDir = os.path.join ( self._sourceDir , tool ) if not os.path.isdir(toolSourceDir): if not self._quiet: print "[ERROR] Missing tool source directory: \"%s\" (skipped)." % toolSourceDir return os.chdir ( toolSourceDir ) print "Checking SVN status of tool: ", tool command = [ "svn", "status", "-u", "-q" ] self._execute ( command, "svn status -u -q" ) print return def _svnUpdate ( self, tool ): toolSourceDir = os.path.join ( self._sourceDir , tool ) if not os.path.isdir(toolSourceDir): if not self._quiet: print "[ERROR] Missing tool source directory: \"%s\" (skipped)." % toolSourceDir return os.chdir ( toolSourceDir ) print "Doing a SVN update of tool: ", tool command = [ "svn", "update" ] self._execute ( command, "svn update" ) print return def _svnCheckout ( self, tool ): project = self.getToolProject ( tool ) if not project: print "[ERROR] Tool \"%s\" is not part of any project." % tool print " Cannot guess the SVN repository." return if not project.getRepository (): print "[ERROR] Project \"%s\" isn't associated to a repository." % project.getName() return toolSvnTrunkDir = os.path.join ( self._svnMethod+project.getRepository(), tool, "trunk" ) os.chdir ( self._sourceDir ) print "Doing a SVN checkout of tool: ", tool command = [ "svn", "co", toolSvnTrunkDir, tool ] self._execute ( command, "svn checkout %s" % tool ) print return def _svnExport ( self, tool ): project = self.getToolProject ( tool ) if not project: print "[ERROR] Tool \"%s\" is not part of any project." % tool print " Cannot guess the SVN repository." return if not project.getRepository (): print "[ERROR] Project \"%s\" isn't associated to a repository." % project.getName() return toolSvnTrunkDir = os.path.join ( self._svnMethod+project.getRepository(), tool, "trunk" ) if not os.path.isdir ( self._archiveDir ): os.mkdir ( self._archiveDir ) os.chdir ( self._archiveDir ) toolExportDir = os.path.join ( self._archiveDir, tool ) if os.path.isdir ( toolExportDir ): print "Removing tool export (tarball) directory: \"%s\"." % toolExportDir command = [ "/bin/rm", "-r", toolExportDir ] self._execute ( command, "Removing tool export (tarball) directory" ) print "Doing a SVN export of tool: ", tool command = [ "svn", "export", toolSvnTrunkDir, toolExportDir ] if self._svnTag != "x": command += [ "--revision", self._svnTag ] self._execute ( command, "svn export %s" % toolExportDir ) print return def getProject ( self, name ): for project in self._projects: if project.getName() == name: return project return None def getToolProject ( self, name ): for project in self._projects: if project.hasTool(name): return project return None def register ( self, project ): for registered in self._projects: if registered.getName() == project.getName(): print "[ERROR] Project \"%s\" is already registered (ignored)." return self._projects += [ project ] return def _setEnvironment ( self, variable, userVariable ): if not self._environment.has_key(variable): self._environment[ variable ] = self._installDir #if not self._environment.has_key(userVariable): # self._environment[ userVariable ] = self._installDir if not self._quiet: print "Setting %s = \"%s\"." % (variable ,self._environment[variable]) if self._environment.has_key(userVariable): print "Transmitting %s = \"%s\"." % (userVariable,self._environment[userVariable]) return def _commandTemplate ( self, tools, projects, command ): # Set or guess the various projects TOP environment variables. self._setEnvironment ( "BOOTSTRAP_TOP", "BOOTSTRAP_USER_TOP" ) self._setEnvironment ( "CORIOLIS_TOP" , "CORIOLIS_USER_TOP" ) for project in self._projects: topVariable = "%s_TOP" % project.getName().upper() topUserVariable = "%s_USER_TOP" % project.getName().upper() self._setEnvironment ( topVariable, topUserVariable ) if tools: # Checks if the requested tools are in the various projects. self._standalones = tools for project in self._projects: self._standalones = project.activate ( self._standalones ) for tool in self._standalones: print "[WARNING] Tool \"%s\" is not part of any project." % tool if projects: for projectName in projects: project = self.getProject ( projectName ) if not project: print "[ERROR] No project of name \"%s\"." % projectName sys.exit ( 1 ) project.activateAll() if not tools and not projects: for project in self._projects: project.activateAll () for project in self._projects: for tool in project.getActives(): print "\nProcessing tool: \"%s\"." % tool getattr(self,command) ( tool ) for tool in self._standalones: print "\nProcessing tool: \"%s\"." % tool getattr(self,command) ( tool ) return def build ( self, tools, projects ): self._commandTemplate ( tools, projects, "_build" ) return def svnStatus ( self, tools, projects ): self._commandTemplate ( tools, projects, "_svnStatus" ) return def svnUpdate ( self, tools, projects ): self._commandTemplate ( tools, projects, "_svnUpdate" ) return def svnCheckout ( self, tools, projects ): self._commandTemplate ( tools, projects, "_svnCheckout" ) return def svnExport ( self, tools, projects ): self._commandTemplate ( tools, projects, "_svnExport" ) return def tarball ( self, tools, projects ): if self._svnTag == "x": self._guessSvnTag ( self.getProject(projects[0]) ) self._doSpec () if os.path.isdir(self._tarballDir): print "Removing previous tarball directory: \"%s\"." % self._tarballDir command = [ "/bin/rm", "-r", self._tarballDir ] self._execute ( command, "Removing top export (tarball) directory" ) print "Creating tarball directory: \"%s\"." % self._tarballDir os.makedirs ( self._tarballDir ) self.svnExport ( tools, projects ) removeds = [ os.path.join("vlsisapd","openChams") , os.path.join("vlsisapd","dtr") ] # Remove unpublisheds (yet) tools/files. for item in removeds: command = [ "/bin/rm", "-r", os.path.join(self._archiveDir,item) ] self._execute ( command, "rm of %s failed" % item) os.chdir ( self._archiveDir ) command = [ "/usr/bin/patch", "--remove-empty-files" , "--no-backup-if-mismatch" , "-p0", "-i", self._distribPatch ] self._execute ( command, "patch for distribution command failed" ) os.chdir ( self._tarballDir ) command = [ "/bin/tar", "jcvf", self._sourceTarBz2, os.path.basename(self._archiveDir) ] self._execute ( command, "tar command failed" ) print "Cleanup SVN export tarball archive directory: \"%s\"." % self._archiveDir command = [ "/bin/rm", "-r", self._archiveDir ] self._execute ( command, "Removing archive export (tarball) directory" ) return def doRpm ( self, tools, projects ): self.tarball ( tools, projects ) for rpmDir in [ "SOURCES", "SPECS", "BUILD", "tmp" , "SRPMS", "RPMS/i386", "RPMS/i686", "RPMS/x86_64" ]: rpmFullDir = os.path.join ( self._rpmbuildDir, rpmDir ) if not os.path.isdir(rpmFullDir): os.makedirs ( rpmFullDir ) rpmSpecFile = os.path.join ( self._rpmbuildDir, "SPECS" , "mangrove.spec" ) rpmSourceFile = os.path.join ( self._rpmbuildDir, "SOURCES", self._sourceTarBz2 ) sourceFile = os.path.join ( self._tarballDir, self._sourceTarBz2 ) if os.path.isfile ( rpmSpecFile ): os.unlink ( rpmSpecFile ) os.symlink ( self._specFile , rpmSpecFile ) if not os.path.islink ( rpmSourceFile ): os.symlink ( sourceFile, rpmSourceFile ) os.chdir ( self._rpmbuildDir ) command = [ "/usr/bin/rpmbuild" , "--define", "_topdir %s" % self._rpmbuildDir , "--define", "_tmppath %s" % self._tmppathDir , "--define", "_enable_debug_packages 0" , "-ba", "--with", "binarytar", rpmSpecFile ] self._execute ( command, "Rebuild rpm packages" ) return if __name__ == "__main__": mangrove = Project ( name = "mangrove" , tools =[ "mangrove" ] , repository="/users/outil/mangrove/svn" ) caiman = Project ( name = "caiman" , tools =[ "caiman" ] , repository="/users/outil/caiman/svn" ) parser = optparse.OptionParser () # Build relateds. parser.add_option ( "-q", "--quiet" , action="store_true" , dest="quiet" ) parser.add_option ( "-r", "--release" , action="store_true" , dest="release" ) parser.add_option ( "-d", "--debug" , action="store_true" , dest="debug" ) parser.add_option ( "-s", "--static" , action="store_true" , dest="static" ) parser.add_option ( "--doc" , action="store_true" , dest="doc" ) parser.add_option ( "-v", "--verbose" , action="store_true" , dest="verboseMakefile" ) parser.add_option ( "--root" , action="store" , type="string", dest="rootDir" ) parser.add_option ( "--no-build" , action="store_true" , dest="noBuild" ) parser.add_option ( "--no-cache" , action="store_true" , dest="noCache" ) parser.add_option ( "--rm-build" , action="store_true" , dest="rmBuild" ) parser.add_option ( "--svn-tag" , action="store" , type="string", dest="svnTag" ) parser.add_option ( "--svn-method" , action="store" , type="string", dest="svnMethod") parser.add_option ( "--make" , action="store" , type="string", dest="makeArguments") parser.add_option ( "--project" , action="append" , type="string", dest="projects" ) parser.add_option ( "-t", "--tool" , action="append" , type="string", dest="tools" ) # SVN repository relateds. parser.add_option ( "--svn-status" , action="store_true", dest="svnStatus" ) parser.add_option ( "--svn-update" , action="store_true", dest="svnUpdate" ) parser.add_option ( "--svn-checkout" , action="store_true", dest="svnCheckout" ) # Miscellaneous. parser.add_option ( "--tarball" , action="store_true", dest="tarball" ) parser.add_option ( "--do-rpm" , action="store_true", dest="doRpm" ) ( options, args ) = parser.parse_args () builder = ProjectBuilder () builder.register ( mangrove ) builder.register ( caiman ) if options.quiet: builder.quiet = True if options.release: builder.buildMode = "Release" if options.debug: builder.buildMode = "Debug" if options.static: builder.enableShared = "OFF" if options.doc: builder.enableDoc = "ON" if options.verboseMakefile: builder.verboseMakefile = "ON" if options.rootDir: builder.rootDir = options.rootDir if options.noBuild: builder.doBuild = False if options.noCache: builder.noCache = True if options.rmBuild: builder.rmBuild = True if options.makeArguments: builder.makeArguments = options.makeArguments if options.svnMethod: builder.svnMethod = options.svnMethod if options.svnTag: builder.svnTag = options.svnTag if options.svnStatus: builder.svnStatus ( tools=options.tools, projects=options.projects ) elif options.svnUpdate: builder.svnUpdate ( tools=options.tools, projects=options.projects ) elif options.svnCheckout: builder.svnCheckout ( tools=options.tools, projects=options.projects ) elif options.tarball: builder.tarball ( tools=options.tools, projects=options.projects ) elif options.doRpm: builder.doRpm ( tools=options.tools, projects=options.projects ) else: builder.build ( tools=options.tools, projects=options.projects ) sys.exit ( 0 )