
Constant -- Easy way to instantiate constants


netOne  <=  One ( 2 )
net8    <= "8"

These functions simplify the way to instanciate constants.
    \item The functions \verb-One- and\verb-Zero- permits to initialise all the bits of a net to 'one' or 'zero'.
    \item The instanciation of a constant thanks to a string can be done in decimal, hecadecimal or binary.


    \item For \verb-One- and \verb-Zero- :
        \item \verb-n- : the arity of the net
    \item For the instanciation of a constant :
        \item the constant given must be a string representing :
            \item A decimal number
            \item A binary number : the string must begin with "0b"
            \item An hexadecimal number : the string must begin with "0x"

class essai ( Model ) :

  def Interface ( self ) :
    self.Ones   = SignalOut (   "ones", 2 )
    self.Zeros  = SignalOut (  "zeros", 4 )
    self.Eight  = SignalOut (  "eight", 4 )
    self.Twentu = SignalOut ( "twenty", 5 )
    self.Two    = SignalOut (    "two", 5 )

    self.Vdd = VddIn  ( "vdd" )
    self.Vss = VssIn  ( "vss" )
  def Netlist ( self ) :
    self.Ones  <=  One ( 2 )
    self.Zero  <= Zero ( 4 )
    self.Eight   <= "8"
    self.Twenty  <= "0x14"
    self.Two     <= "0b10"
Some errors may occur :
    \item \verb-[Stratus ERROR] Const :-\\\verb-the argument must be a string representing a number in decimal,-\\\verb-binary (0b) or hexa (0x).-\\The string given as argument does not have the right form.


\subsubsection{See Also}

\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a multiplexor}}{}{Multiplexor}{secmux}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a shifter}}{}{Shifter}{secshift}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Instanciation of a register}}{}{Reg}{secreg}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Boolean operations}}{}{Boolean}{secbool}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Arithmetical operations}}{}{Arithmetic}{secarithmetic}
\hyperref[ref]{\emph{Comparison operations}}{}{Comparison}{seccomp}
