.. -*- Mode: rst -*-

Coriolis User's Guide

:slug:    users-guide
:date:    2019-12-20 16:00
:Authors: Jean-Paul Chaput
:Contact: <Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr>
:Version: June 4, 2019 (jpc)
:status:  hidden

.. role:: raw-html(raw)
   :format: html

.. URLs that changes between the various backends.
.. _Coriolis Tools Documentation:   ../documentation.rst
.. _Stratus Documentation:          ../stratus/Stratus_HTML.rst
.. _Here:                           {filename}/pdfs/UsersGuide.pdf
.. _Coriolis User's Guide:          {filename}/pdfs/UsersGuide.pdf

.. For HTML backend
.. |BigMouse|                       image:: {attach}images/ComputerMouse.png
                                    :width: 30%

.. |ViewerSnapshot_1|               image:: {attach}images/Viewer-1.png
                                    :alt:   Viewer Basic Snapshot
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 80%

.. |ControllerSnapshot_1|           image:: {attach}images/Controller-1.png
                                    :alt:   Controller Basic Snapshot
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 80%

.. |ControllerLook_1|               image:: {attach}images/Controller-Look-1.png
                                    :alt:   Controller Look, Snapshot 1
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 80%

.. |ControllerFilter_1|             image:: {attach}images/Controller-Filter-1.png
                                    :alt:   Controller Basic Snapshot
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 80%

.. |ControllerLayersGos_1|          image:: {attach}images/Controller-LayersGos-1.png
                                    :alt:   Controller Basic Snapshot
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 80%

.. |ControllerNetlist_1|            image:: {attach}images/Controller-Netlist-1.png
                                    :alt:   Controller Basic Snapshot
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 80%

.. |ViewerNetlist_1|                image:: {attach}images/Viewer-Netlist-1.png
                                    :alt:   Controller Basic Snapshot
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 80%

.. |ControllerSelection_1|          image:: {attach}images/Controller-Selection-1.png
                                    :alt:   Controller Basic Snapshot
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 80%

.. |ControllerInspector_1|          image:: {attach}images/Controller-Inspector-1.png
                                    :alt:   Controller Basic Snapshot
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 80%

.. |ControllerInspector_2|          image:: {attach}images/Controller-Inspector-2.png
                                    :alt:   Controller Basic Snapshot
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 80%

.. |ControllerInspector_3|          image:: {attach}images/Controller-Inspector-3.png
                                    :alt:   Controller Basic Snapshot
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 80%

.. |ControllerSettings_1|           image:: {attach}images/Controller-Settings-1.png
                                    :alt:   Controller Basic Snapshot
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 80%

.. |Etesian-1|                      image:: {attach}images/etesian-1.png
                                    :alt:   Etesian Abutment Box
                                    :align: middle
                                    :width: 80%

.. |ChipStructure-1|                image:: {attach}images/chip-structure-1.png
                                    :alt:   Chip Top Structure
                                    :align: middle

Printable Version of this Document

`Coriolis User's Guide`_.

.. contents::
   :depth: 2

.. include:: ../../../etc/definitions.rst
.. include:: Abstract.rst
.. include:: LicenseCredits.rst
.. include:: DesignFlow.rst
.. include:: Installation.rst
.. include:: ViewerTools.rst
.. .. include:: ScriptsPlugins.rst