#include <iostream> using namespace std; #include <QWidget> #include <QPushButton> #include <QGroupBox> #include <QCheckBox> #include <QComboBox> #include <QProgressBar> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QHBoxLayout> #include <QByteArray> #include <QTextEdit> #include <QSettings> #include <QMessageBox> #include <QStringList> #include <QMenu> #include <QAction> #include <QScrollBar> #include "CompilationWidget.h" #include "CompileHighlighter.h" #include "ConfigDialog.h" CompilationWidget::CompilationWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , _cProgram ("") , _sourceRD ("") , _hasHurricane (false) , _hasIo (false) , _hasTest (false) , _hasCrlcore (false) , _hasChams (false) , _hasHurricaneAMS (false) { setStyleSheet("font-weight: normal;"); _hurricane = new QCheckBox ( "hurricane" , this ); _io = new QCheckBox ( "io" , this ); _test = new QCheckBox ( "test" , this ); _crlcore = new QCheckBox ( "crlcore" , this ); _chams = new QCheckBox ( "chams" , this ); _hurricaneAMS = new QCheckBox ( "hurricaneAMS", this ); readSettings(); QVBoxLayout* vBoxOutilsGroup = new QVBoxLayout(); vBoxOutilsGroup->addWidget(_hurricane); vBoxOutilsGroup->addWidget(_io); vBoxOutilsGroup->addWidget(_test); vBoxOutilsGroup->addWidget(_crlcore); vBoxOutilsGroup->addWidget(_chams); vBoxOutilsGroup->addWidget(_hurricaneAMS); if (!_hasHurricane) _hurricane->setVisible(false); if (!_hasIo) _io->setVisible(false); if (!_hasTest) _test->setVisible(false); if (!_hasCrlcore) _crlcore->setVisible(false); if (!_hasChams) _chams->setVisible(false); if (!_hasHurricaneAMS) _hurricaneAMS->setVisible(false); QGroupBox* outilsGroup = new QGroupBox ( "Outils", this ); outilsGroup->setLayout(vBoxOutilsGroup); _mode = new QComboBox (this); QStringList modes; modes << "Release" << "Debug"; _mode->addItems(modes); _static = new QCheckBox ("static", this); _svnUp = new QCheckBox ("svn update", this); _doc = new QCheckBox ("build doc", this); _clean = new QCheckBox ("clean build", this); QVBoxLayout* vBoxOptionsGroup = new QVBoxLayout(); vBoxOptionsGroup->addWidget(_mode); vBoxOptionsGroup->addWidget(_static); vBoxOptionsGroup->addWidget(_doc); vBoxOptionsGroup->addWidget(_svnUp); vBoxOptionsGroup->addWidget(_clean); QGroupBox* optionsGroup = new QGroupBox ( "Options", this ); optionsGroup->setLayout(vBoxOptionsGroup); _compile = new QPushButton ( "Compile !", this ); connect ( _compile, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(compile()) ); _progressBar = new QProgressBar ( this ); _progressBar->setRange(0,100); _progressBar->setTextVisible(true); connect ( this, SIGNAL(progress(int)), _progressBar, SLOT(setValue(int)) ); QVBoxLayout* vBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); vBoxLayout->addWidget(outilsGroup); vBoxLayout->addWidget(optionsGroup); vBoxLayout->addWidget(_compile); vBoxLayout->addWidget(_progressBar); QWidget* menu = new QWidget ( this ); menu->setLayout(vBoxLayout); _console = new QTextEdit(this); _console->setFixedSize(800,400); CompileHighlighter* highlight = new CompileHighlighter(_console->document()); QHBoxLayout* hBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); hBoxLayout->addWidget(menu); hBoxLayout->addWidget(_console); setLayout(hBoxLayout); setWindowTitle("Easy compile for chams"); } void CompilationWidget::compile() { QStringList arguments; _progressBar->reset(); _console->clear(); _myProcess = new QProcess(this); QStringList env = QProcess::systemEnvironment(); //QString currentInstallRD = _installRD; //if (_static->isChecked()) currentInstallRD += "/"+_mode->currentText()+".Static"; //else currentInstallRD += "/"+_mode->currentText()+".Shared"; //cerr << _installRD.toStdString() << endl; //env << "HURRICANE_TOP=" + currentInstallRD; //env << "CHAMS_TOP=" + currentInstallRD; //env << "IO_TOP=" + currentInstallRD; //env << "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=" + currentInstallRD + "/lib"; //_myProcess->setEnvironment(env); connect(_myProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()) , this, SLOT(updateError())); connect(_myProcess, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(updateText())); connect(_myProcess, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(updateExit(int, QProcess::ExitStatus))); //arguments << "-s " + _sourceRD; //arguments << "-i " + currentInstallRD; //arguments << "-b " + _buildRD; arguments << "-p" + _sourceRD; arguments << "-m" + _mode->currentText(); if (_static->isChecked()) arguments << "-s"; if (_svnUp->isChecked()) arguments << "-u"; if (_doc->isChecked()) arguments << "-d"; if (_clean->isChecked()) arguments << "-c"; if (_hurricane->isChecked()) arguments << "-t hurricane"; if (_io->isChecked()) arguments << "-t io"; if (_test->isChecked()) arguments << "-t test"; if (_crlcore->isChecked()) arguments << "-t crlcore"; if (_chams->isChecked()) arguments << "-t chams"; if (_hurricaneAMS->isChecked()) arguments << "-t hurricaneAMS"; //for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); ++i) // cout << arguments.at(i).toLocal8Bit().constData() << endl; _myProcess->start(_cProgram, arguments); } void CompilationWidget::readSettings() { _settings = new QSettings ( "chams", "easyChams" ); if ( !_settings->contains("Compilation program") ) { QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("easyChams"), tr("It seems you do not have configured the application. Let's configure it now."), QMessageBox::Ok, QMessageBox::Ok); runConfigDialog(true); } else { _cProgram = _settings->value("Compilation program").toString(); _sourceRD = _settings->value("Source root").toString(); _hasHurricane = _settings->value("Hurricane").toBool(); _hasIo = _settings->value("Io").toBool(); _hasTest = _settings->value("Test").toBool(); _hasCrlcore = _settings->value("Crlcore").toBool(); _hasChams = _settings->value("Chams").toBool(); _hasHurricaneAMS = _settings->value("HurricaneAMS").toBool(); } } void CompilationWidget::runConfigDialog(bool first) { ConfigDialog* cfg = new ConfigDialog; connect ( cfg, SIGNAL(configDone(QStringList)), this, SLOT(updateConfig(QStringList)) ); if (!first) { cfg->setCompileProgram(_cProgram); cfg->setSourceRootDirectory(_sourceRD); cfg->setHasHurricane(_hasHurricane); cfg->setHasIo(_hasIo); cfg->setHasTest(_hasTest); cfg->setHasCrlcore(_hasCrlcore); cfg->setHasChams(_hasChams); cfg->setHasHurricaneAMS(_hasHurricaneAMS); } cfg->exec(); writeSettings(); } void CompilationWidget::reconfig() { runConfigDialog(false); } void CompilationWidget::writeSettings() { _settings->setValue("Compilation program", _cProgram); _settings->setValue("Source root" , _sourceRD); _settings->setValue("Hurricane" , _hasHurricane); _settings->setValue("Io" , _hasIo); _settings->setValue("Test" , _hasTest); _settings->setValue("Crlcore" , _hasCrlcore); _settings->setValue("Chams" , _hasChams); _settings->setValue("HurricaneAMS" , _hasHurricaneAMS); } void CompilationWidget::updateConfig(QStringList list) { _cProgram = list.value(0); // First value is compilation program _sourceRD = list.value(1); // Second value is source root directory _hasHurricane = (list.value(2) == "ON") ? true : false; // Third value is hasHurricane _hasIo = (list.value(3) == "ON") ? true : false; // Forth value is hasIo _hasTest = (list.value(4) == "ON") ? true : false; // Fifth value is hasTest _hasCrlcore = (list.value(5) == "ON") ? true : false; // Sixth value is hasCrlcore _hasChams = (list.value(6) == "ON") ? true : false; // Seventh value is hasChams _hasHurricaneAMS = (list.value(7) == "ON") ? true : false; // Eight value is hasHurricaneAMS // updates Tools visibility : if (_hasHurricane) { _hurricane->setVisible(true); } else { _hurricane->setVisible(false); _hurricane->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); } if (_hasIo) { _io->setVisible(true); } else { _io->setVisible(false); _io->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); } if (_hasTest) { _test->setVisible(true); } else { _test->setVisible(false); _test->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); } if (_hasCrlcore) { _crlcore->setVisible(true); } else { _crlcore->setVisible(false); _crlcore->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); } if (_hasChams) { _chams->setVisible(true); } else { _chams->setVisible(false); _chams->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); } if (_hasHurricaneAMS) { _hurricaneAMS->setVisible(true); } else { _hurricaneAMS->setVisible(false); _hurricaneAMS->setCheckState(Qt::Unchecked); } } void CompilationWidget::updateError() { QByteArray data = _myProcess->readAllStandardError(); _console->insertPlainText(QString::fromUtf8(data.constData())); int end = _console->verticalScrollBar()->maximum(); _console->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(end); } void CompilationWidget::updateText() { QByteArray data = _myProcess->readAllStandardOutput(); QString str = QString::fromUtf8(data.constData()); QRegExp rx = QRegExp ( "([0-9]+)%" ); if ( str.contains(rx) ) { bool ok; int value = rx.cap(1).toInt ( &ok, 10 ); emit(progress(value)); } _console->insertPlainText(QString(data)); int end = _console->verticalScrollBar()->maximum(); _console->verticalScrollBar()->setValue(end); } void CompilationWidget::updateExit(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus) { if (exitStatus == QProcess::NormalExit) { _console->append("Completed Successfully"); } else { _console->append("Error"); } } void CompilationWidget::about() { QMessageBox::about(this, tr("About easyChams"), tr("<p><h1 align=\"center\">easyChams</h1></p>" "<p>This tool allows every one to easily update and compile chams project's sources.</p>" "<p align=\"center\">Version 0.6<br>29/01/2010<br>by <b>D.Dupuis</b></p>")); }