#!/usr/bin/env python # # This file is part of the Coriolis Software. # Copyright (c) UPMC 2017-2018, All Rights Reserved # # +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ # | C O R I O L I S | # | T o o l E n g i n e T u t o r i a l | # | | # | Author : Jean-Paul CHAPUT | # | E-mail : Jean-Paul.Chaput@lip6.fr | # | =============================================================== | # | Python : "./plugins/RSavePlugin.py" | # +-----------------------------------------------------------------+ try: import sys import os.path import Cfg import Viewer import CRL import helpers from helpers.io import ErrorMessage from helpers.io import WarningMessage from helpers import showPythonTrace import plugins from Hurricane import DataBase from Hurricane import Breakpoint from Hurricane import UpdateSession from Hurricane import DbU from Hurricane import Box from Hurricane import Contact from Hurricane import Vertical from Hurricane import Horizontal from Hurricane import Net from Hurricane import Cell except ImportError, e: serror = str(e) if serror.startswith('No module named'): module = serror.split()[-1] print '[ERROR] The <%s> python module or symbol cannot be loaded.' % module print ' Please check the integrity of the <coriolis> package.' if serror.find('cannot open shared object file'): library = serror.split(':')[0] print '[ERROR] The <%s> shared library cannot be loaded.' % library print ' Under RHEL 6, you must be under devtoolset-2.' print ' (scl enable devtoolset-2 bash)' sys.exit(1) except Exception, e: print '[ERROR] A strange exception occurred while loading the basic Coriolis/Python' print ' modules. Something may be wrong at Python/C API level.\n' print ' %s' % e sys.exit(2) def runDemo ( cell, editor ): print 'runDemo() Python plugin function has been called.' if cell: print WarningMessage( 'A Cell "%s" is already loaded in the Viewer, cowardly exiting.' % cell.getName() ) return library = CRL.AllianceFramework.get().getLibrary( 0 ) cell = CRL.AllianceFramework.get().getCell( 'demo_cell', CRL.Catalog.State.Views ) if cell: print WarningMessage( '"demo_cell" has already been created, do not run twice.' ) return UpdateSession.open() cell = Cell.create( library, 'demo_cell' ) cell.setAbutmentBox( Box( DbU.fromLambda( 0.0), DbU.fromLambda( 0.0) , DbU.fromLambda(15.0), DbU.fromLambda(50.0) ) ) UpdateSession.close() if editor: editor.setCell( cell ) Breakpoint.stop( 5, 'Abutment box has been drawn.' ) UpdateSession.open() technology = DataBase.getDB().getTechnology() nwell = technology.getLayer( 'NWELL' ) ntrans = technology.getLayer( 'NTRANS' ) ptrans = technology.getLayer( 'PTRANS' ) diffN = technology.getLayer( 'NDIF' ) diffP = technology.getLayer( 'PDIF' ) contDiffN = technology.getLayer( 'CONT_DIF_N' ) contDiffP = technology.getLayer( 'CONT_DIF_P' ) contPoly = technology.getLayer( 'CONT_POLY' ) poly = technology.getLayer( 'POLY' ) metal1 = technology.getLayer( 'METAL1' ) nwellNet = Net.create( cell, 'nwell' ) Horizontal.create( nwellNet, nwell, DbU.fromLambda(39.0), DbU.fromLambda(24.0), DbU.fromLambda(0.0), DbU.fromLambda(15.0) ) vss = Net.create( cell, 'vss' ) vdd = Net.create( cell, 'vdd' ) Horizontal.create( vss, metal1 , DbU.fromLambda(3.0), DbU.fromLambda(6.0), DbU.fromLambda(0.0), DbU.fromLambda(15.0) ) Vertical.create ( vss, diffN , DbU.fromLambda(3.5), DbU.fromLambda(4.0), DbU.fromLambda(4.0), DbU.fromLambda(12.0) ) Contact.create ( vss, contDiffN, DbU.fromLambda(4.0), DbU.fromLambda(5.0) ) Horizontal.create( vdd, metal1 , DbU.fromLambda(47.0), DbU.fromLambda( 6.0), DbU.fromLambda( 0.0), DbU.fromLambda(15.0) ) Vertical.create ( vdd, diffP , DbU.fromLambda( 3.5), DbU.fromLambda( 4.0), DbU.fromLambda(28.0), DbU.fromLambda(46.0) ) Contact.create ( vdd, contDiffP, DbU.fromLambda( 4.0), DbU.fromLambda(45.0) ) UpdateSession.close() Breakpoint.stop( 5, 'Power nets have been drawn.' ) UpdateSession.open() nq = Net.create( cell, 'nq' ) Vertical.create ( nq, diffN , DbU.fromLambda(10.0), DbU.fromLambda( 3.0), DbU.fromLambda( 8.0), DbU.fromLambda(12.0) ) Vertical.create ( nq, diffP , DbU.fromLambda(10.0), DbU.fromLambda( 3.0), DbU.fromLambda(28.0), DbU.fromLambda(37.0) ) Contact.create ( nq, contDiffN, DbU.fromLambda(10.0), DbU.fromLambda(10.0) ) Contact.create ( nq, contDiffP, DbU.fromLambda(10.0), DbU.fromLambda(30.0) ) Contact.create ( nq, contDiffP, DbU.fromLambda(10.0), DbU.fromLambda(35.0) ) Vertical.create ( nq, metal1 , DbU.fromLambda(10.0), DbU.fromLambda( 2.0), DbU.fromLambda(10.0), DbU.fromLambda(40.0) ) UpdateSession.close() Breakpoint.stop( 5, 'Output has been drawn.' ) UpdateSession.open() i = Net.create( cell, 'i' ) Vertical.create ( i, ntrans , DbU.fromLambda( 7.0), DbU.fromLambda( 1.0), DbU.fromLambda( 6.0), DbU.fromLambda(14.0) ) Vertical.create ( i, poly , DbU.fromLambda( 7.0), DbU.fromLambda( 1.0), DbU.fromLambda(14.0), DbU.fromLambda(26.0) ) Vertical.create ( i, ptrans , DbU.fromLambda( 7.0), DbU.fromLambda( 1.0), DbU.fromLambda(26.0), DbU.fromLambda(39.0) ) Horizontal.create( i, poly , DbU.fromLambda(20.0), DbU.fromLambda( 3.0), DbU.fromLambda( 4.0), DbU.fromLambda( 7.0) ) Contact.create ( i, contPoly , DbU.fromLambda( 5.0), DbU.fromLambda(20.0) ) Vertical.create ( i, metal1 , DbU.fromLambda( 5.0), DbU.fromLambda( 2.0), DbU.fromLambda(10.0), DbU.fromLambda(40.0) ) UpdateSession.close() Breakpoint.stop( 5, 'Input has been drawn.' ) return # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plugin hook functions, unicornHook:menus, ScritMain:call def unicornHook ( **kw ): editor = kw['editor'] editor.addMenu( 'tutorials' , 'Tutorials', Viewer.CellViewer.TopMenu ) #editor.addMenu( 'tutorials.plugins', 'Plugins' , Viewer.CellViewer.NoFlags ) plugins.kwUnicornHook( 'tutorials.runDemo' , 'Run Demo (Python flavor)' , 'Launch runDemo() in the Tutorial Python plugin.' , sys.modules[__name__].__file__ , **kw ) return def ScriptMain ( **kw ): try: helpers.staticInitialization( quiet=True ) #helpers.setTraceLevel( 550 ) cell, editor = plugins.kwParseMain( **kw ) runDemo( cell, editor ) except Exception, e: helpers.io.catch( e ) return 0