Commit Graph

3 Commits

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Jean-Paul Chaput 3c9d064fd8 * ./Kite:
- New: In BuildPowerRails, special processing for the power ring segments.
        The "diagonal" of vias at each corner is causing a misbehavior of the
        routing algorithm (due to fully saturated GCells in one direction).
        As a temporary fix, extend the segments so they form a "square corner".
        (problem arise on "d_in_i(22)").
    - New: In RoutingEvent::_processNegociate, disable the "isForcedToHint()"
        feature. No noticeable loss of quality or speed.
    - New: In TrackElement/TrackSegment, wraps the AutoSegment parent's mechanism.
        Allows to gets the DataNegociate of either the segment or it's parent.
    - New: State::solveFullBlockages(), dedicated method to solves the case when
        all the allowed tracks of a segment are blocked, tries to moves up
        local segments and to break-up global ones.
    - New: RoutingEventLoop, a more sophisticated way to detect looping.
        Maintain a dynamic histogram of the last N (default 10) segments routeds,
        with the count of how many times they have occurred. If that count
        exeed 40, we *may* be facing a loop.
    - Change: In State::conflictSolve1, implement new policy. The global segments
        no more can be broken by local ones. The idea behind is that breaking
        a global on the request of a local will only produce more cluttering
        in the GCell. Globals must be keep straigth pass through, especially
        inside near-saturated GCells. Globals breaking however can occurs at
        another global's request.
    - Change: In TrackCost, implement the new policy about locals segments that
        cannot break globals segments. The sorting class now accept flags to
        modulate the sorting function. Two options avalaibles: IgnoreAxisWeigth
        (to uses for strap segments) and DiscardGlobals (to uses with locals).
    - Change: In TrackCost, the "distance to fixed" have now an upper bound of
        50 lambdas (no need to be greater because it means it's outside the
        begin & en GCells). Take account not only of fixed segment, but also
        of placed segments which makes bound.
    - Bug: In Track::_check(), while calling each individual TrackSegment check,
        uses it as the *first* argument of the "or", otherwise it may not be
    - Bug: In ProtectRoutingPad, loop over segment Collections while modificating
        it was producing non-deterministic results. The fact that a collection
        must be not modificated while beeing iterated is becoming a more and more
        painful problem.
2010-12-30 18:42:17 +00:00
Jean-Paul Chaput 23fc3e7b79 * ./kite:
- Change: Propagate renaming "obstacle" -> "blockage".
    - Bug/Change: In Configuration, the value of the extensionCap was too big
        (1.5 lambda), reduce to 0.5 lambda. This is a problem, the extension
        should be coupled to the layer as it is not the same for each METAL.
    - Bug: When using TrackElement, always uses the virtual "->isFixed()" method
        instead of trying to access to "->base()->isFixed()" as the base may be
        NULL in case of blockage/fixed segment.
    - Change: Merge PowerRails & Blockage trans-hierarchical construction (into
        PowerRails). All blockages are groupeds under "blockagenet".
          Allows to remove TrackBlockage & BuildBlockages.
    - Change: In KiteEngine::annotateGloblalGraph(), when routing a full chip,
        ring power segments around the core must completly saturate the edges
        in their segment direction. This is to prevent the global router to
        use paths under the power/ground ring (may generate unsolvable configs).
    - Change: In KiteEngine::annotateGloblalGraph(), when routing a full chip,
        distinguish three areas: the core (65%), the corona (90%) and the pads
        (100%). Capacities on the edges are sets accordingly.
    - Change: In RoutingEvent, introduce an alternative algorithm for
        conflictSolve1, FindPath which try to deduce the breakpoints from a
        truly explorated path. Unfortunatly this gives worst results than the
        Cs1Candidates method. The why should be investigated as it's a critical
        point in the algorithm.
    - Change: In Manipulator::ripupPerpandicular(), when a caged perpandicular
        is encountered, instead of just "stopping", rip it up and change is
        axis hint (actually increase) it's axis hint so it stands a chance to
        go outside the track with an obstacle.
    - Change: In RoutingEvent/State::slackenTopology(), allow move up of local
        segments when they are tightly constrained *and* blocked (cageds).
        Partial modification of functions calls from booleans to flags.
    - Bug: In NegociateWindow::NegociateOverlapCost, check for fixed segments
        before trying to get DataNegociate. The lack of DataNegociate cause the
        TrackElement to be discarted. It's a failsafe behavior, but it leads to
    - Bug: In ProtectRoutingPad, in Pad Cells only, *do not* protect RoutingPad
        to avoid the edge capacity over the pad to decrease to zero. This is
        due to unused RoutingPads being accounted as blockages.
2010-12-04 15:25:48 +00:00
Jean-Paul Chaput 3b11ca116c * ./kite:
- New: In BuilPowerRails & BuildBlockage, specific support for chip-level
        design. The Alliance "top chip" design hierarchical structure is
        hard-coded. Top level POWER/GROUND/CLOCK nets must always have the
        <vsse>, <vdde>, <ck>, <vssi>, <vddi>, <ckc>, <cki> names.
          Specific method to get trans-hierarchical root nets, espcially in
        case of global ones (POWER/GROUND). Clock is *not* global.
          Some correction in the manner obscured tracks are computeds.
    - New: ProtectRoutingPad module that perform a more clean work for protecting
        unused RoutingPad.
    - Bug: In BuildPowerRails, uses stable_sort<> instead of sort<>, which
        causes unexplained core dumps (seems to try to perform a comparison
        using the "end" pseudo element). Already occured in Knik, no explanation
        other than a STL bug.
    - Change: Slight changes in the weights to move up. Now needs a full empty
        track instead of a half one.
2010-11-16 14:00:03 +00:00