* Change: In Hurricane, in Flags add operator overload for "int" type
and not only "unsigned int". Otherwise the compiler complaints about
ambiguous overload when using enum values which are considered as
Simpler code for the BaseFlags::contains() method.
Added implicit conversion from BaseFlags toward bool type.
* Change: In Hurricane, in Commons, complete replacement of the previous
two trace systems (trace & ltrace) by a stream-based one.
As it is a true object it is much less fragile than the one based
on defines (but maybe a little slower).
Define a reservation table for the trace levels for all the
Coriolis & Chams components.
* Change: All tools, use the new trace system.
* Test: post-receive hook on server should send mail [1].
* New: In VLSISAPD, in Parameter, callback have now a tag, which the
pointer to the caller. This allow for the callback removal when
the caller is destroyed.
* New: In VLSISAPD, in WidgetDescription, when associated to a parameter,
the destructor must remove the associated callback function on
the Parameter.
* New: In Hurricane, added JSON support for Configuration, separated
from vlsisapd, as the support is not available at this point.
JSON support for Configuration, Parameter & LayoutDescription.
* Change: In Hurricane, in JsonStack, the stack of JsonObjects has been
displaced here from HurricaneHandler. This way, all
JsonObject::toData() can access the JsonOjects in the context
of the parser.
* New: In Hurricane, in DBo::toJson() added support for Entity by
reference (ids).
* New: In Hurricane, added JSON support for all Layer sub-class types.
* New: In Hurricane, in Technology, export the Layers, but must be
sorted by increasing mask value.
* New: In Hurricane, in Entity, added support for Entity by reference (ids).
* New: In Hurricane, in DataBase, added technology full support.
* New: In Hurricane, In JsonNet, move the ring rebuild management from
JsonStack to JsonNet.
* New: In Hurricane, added JSON support for NetAlias, NetExternalcomponents
(not cleanly implemented as a Relation).
* New: In Hurricane, new method Cell::fromJson() to load a cell from
a JSON file.
* New: In Hurricane, In Graphics, make it an observable, for when JSON
fully reload the graphic state, it must be able to notify other
objects (namely the Controller).
* New: In Hurricane, in ControllerWidget, observe the Graphics to regenerate
the palette as needed. New method ControllerTab::graphicsUpdated().
* New: In Hurricane, in RawDrawingStyle added a destructor to release the
Qt pen/brush. Added JSON support for HSVr, DrawingStyle, DrawingGroup,
& DisplayStyle.
* New: In Hurricane, in GraphicsWidget, rewrite correctly the readGraphics()
to erase the previous widgets and re-create the new ones.
* New: In Hurricane, in PaletteWidget, correct re-creation of the layout/widgets
in case of Graphics change.
* New: In CRL Core, in System, register the parameters callbacks with
the address of the object, for later deletion.
* New: In CRL Core, in AllianceFramework, make it observable, to notify
library changes. For the AllianceFramework creation, now allow to
completly bypass the Python initialization system, when we expect
to restore it from a full blob. Added methods to sets the default
RoutingGauge & CellGauge.
* New: In CRL Core, added JSON suppport for CellGauge, RoutingLayerGauge
& RoutingGauge.
* New: In CRL Core, in LibraryManager, oberver AllianceFramework, to update
the list of libraries in case of change (for JSON full reload).
* New: In boostrap, in ccb.py, added support for the "support" project
which contains external dependencies. Currently contains only
RapidJSON. Those dependencies must be cloned here manually.
* New: In Hurricane, Initializer class for an ordered static initialization
across different compilation modules.
* Change: In Hurricane, at DataBase level, no longer save the Cells in
the libraries, but create and ordered list of Cell. Deepest cells
(leaf cells) first. To avoid dependency problems.
* New: In Hurricane, JSON support for Property.
* New; In CRL, added JSON support for AllianceFramework, Environement &
Catalog and their associated properties. Adjustment of the
AllianceLibrary creation policy.
When upgrading from doxygen 1.5.x to 1.8.5 the way the documentation
is generated has underwent many changes, particularly in the headers.
* Change: In <header.html>, must include the javascripts <jquery.js>
and <dynsections.js>.
* In <CMakeLists.txt>, as the header is customized, doxygen seems not
copy some files like the javascripts and some images (open.png,
closed.png). So we copy them from doxygen installation and make
the CMakeLists.txt install them. I hope they will not change too
much in the future.
* In <doxyfile>, disable markdown support as it do not interpret
correctly the formating we already adopted (with a left margin
to put command into). Use HTML_EXTRA_STYLESHEET instead of
HTML_STYLESHEET. Enable the index (DISABLE_INDEX=NO), for the
top header. Enable dot for inheritance diagram. Set the
EXAMPLE_PATH=. to include the synthetic hierarchy.
Correct the tag inclusion (faulty path in some places).
* In <SoC.css>, create style for the new header generated by doxygen.
* In the documentation, move the synthetic hierarchy into a module.
- New: Added an id on DBo, SharedName and SharedPath to ensure
database determinism. All the hash key now uses the id instead
of the object's pointer (see _getHashValue()).
- Change: In RoutingPad, position is now only relative to the anchor,
no more (dx,dy). Add a isPlacedOccurrence() to check if all the
occurrence in the path are fixed and thus the position meaningful.
* ./hurricane/doc/hurricane:
- Change: In Cell, added doc about PlacementStatus.
- Change: In Transformation, more detailed explanations about the
orientations. A little beautifying too...
- Change: RoutingPad doc update.
- Change: Entity doc update (for id).
- Change: In HTML header/footer uses the new SoC.css.
- New: In hurricane/doc, added documentation RoutingPad, HyperNet & Query.
- New: In isobar, added support for RoutingPad.
- Change: In PyComponent, getCenter() method moved to it's right place in
the base class.
- Change: In PyPath, added duplicated methods (ApplyOn <-> applyOn and
Invert <-> invert).
- A complete sweep of cleanup to suppress allmost all compiler warnings.
* ./hurricane/doc/hurricane:
- New: Documentation cleanup and update, particularly on the new Layer
derived classes.
* ./hurricane/src/hurricane,
- New: Creation of new methods, more explicit on DbU. Based on a to/from
naming scheme.
- New: Python support extented to include all objects needed to configure
through python scripts.
- Change: Finally understood what's causing the _XOPEN_SOURCE redefinition.
Basically the Python.h must be included first before any other
include. The type-puned problem will remains still (that is a Python
problem, not our own).
- Change: In DisplayStyle, uses shared_ptr for DrawingStyle instead of
custom made reference count.
- Bug: In the various Property sub-types dox file the Hurricane namespace
wasn't closed, resulting in the deseapearance of thoses classes in the
documentation (painful to diagnose).
Still, the doc for the derived Property mostly remains to be written.
- Bug: clearing some remnants of a merge conflict in DataBase.dox.
- Unit evolution to allow Symbolic (lamda) and Real (grid founder) mixing.
All functions related to Unit translations are now grouped under
the "DbU" class (another tribute to OpenAccess). "DbU" contains
only static attributes (constants) and methods. Unit itself becomes
a typedef inside this class, hence the file renaming from Unit.{h,cpp}
to DbU.{h.cpp}. Have to replace all instances of "Unit" by "DbU::Unit".
- Doc will be updated shortly.
- CompositeLayer replaced by 5 kind of symbolic layers :
RegularLayer (1 BasicLayer)
DiffusionLayer (2 or 3 BasicLayers: active+implant,well)
TransistorLayer (3 or 4 BasicLayers: poly+active+implant,well)
ContactLayer (4 or 5 BasicLayers: metal+cut+active+implant,well)
ViaLayer (3 BasicLayers: metal0+cut0+metal1)
- To better follow the OpenAccess semantic, the "obstacle" Material type
is renommed to "blockage".
- NB: doxygen documentation is not up-to-date and issue warnings.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore :
- Migrate from CompositeLayer to the various SymbolicLayers.
- Symbolic rules are now closer to the reality so that a Cell displayed
with Hurricane should look identical to the Graal one.
- Complete rewrite of the AP parser. Much simplificated, do not try to
merge/articulates segments. This ensure a true rendering of the
Cell. Especially do not create contact to anchor diffusion segments,
which leads to very strange randering (DRC error as well).
- Added (empty) directories "html" & "latex". Those directories are
created by doxygen, but as they are used in the CMakeList.txt, they
must be present even before the fisrt run of cmake (otherwise cmake
choke on them).
- Doxygen sets to only generate html & pdf (through LaTeX) documentation.
- All ".dox" files corrected to suit the new function members naming
scheme (some work may remains in code examples).
- Complete include re-organisation.
include/hurricane/*.h : kernel.
include/hurricane/viewer/*.h : hviewer.
include/hurricane/inspector/*.h : hinspector.
Includes have been moved into subdirectories of .cpp files (as in
- Now you must include files like this :
#include <hurricane/Layer.h>
#include <hurricane/viewer/CellViewer.h>
#include <hurricane/inspector/HInspector.h>
- Suppressed viewer specific include path in FindHURRICANE.cmake.
- Re-enabled documentation, with dot disabled as it seems to slow down
* ./crlcore/src/crlcore :
- Adapted to new Hurricane include scheme. Corrected bugs in it's own
include files (noticeably "Utilities.h").