- New: In LayerAssignement & GCell, perform layer assignment on whole net
trunk, instead on a segment by segment basis.
- New: In GCell, fragmentation analysis. When a layer change is requested,
it allows to check if the additionnal perpandiculars created to
maintain connexity will not over fragment the layer. This is particu-
larly critical for M3->M5 which create M4 in perpandiculars, and M4
may be subject to very dense configuration.
- New: In AutoSegment & LoadGrByNet, adds a flags telling if the net's
degree equal 2. Has not proven to be useful yet.
- New: In AutoSegment, adds a flag telling if the segment is the perpan-
dicular part of a dogleg. Has not proven useful yet.
- New: ChipTools, regroup all datas and utilities to manage a full-chip
- Change: In LoadGrByNet/GCellConfiguration::_GCell_xG_1Pad(), uses straight
perpandicular wires on top & right pads. The GCells under those connectors
are fully saturated, wires must go out as straight as possible.
- Change: In AutoHorizontal/AutoVertical, update the "terminal" flag after
slackening. This is to avoid global that are no longer connected to
terminals behave as such.
- Change: In AutoSegment::canMoveUp() & canPivotUp(), prevent all local segments
to go up. This is to avoid cluttering upper levels with small segments.
- Change: In GCellConfiguration, for xG_xL3, detect straight vertical topologies
and for them to be fixed (new flag FIXED_GLOBAL set by the topological
builder instead of the constructor). This prevent the router to do
stupid things...
To sets the "Fixed" flag *after* the axis of global segments have been
positionned correctly adds a "_toFixGlobals" static table lookup.
- Change: In GCell::stepDesaturate(), if less than one free track remains in
the upper layer, do not move up the segment. This allows from a minimum
free room for expansion.
- Change: In GCell::_getString(), display indexes and layer names in various
saturation tables.
- Change: In AutoSegment, allow move up of local Segment. ::moveUp() and
::canMoveUp() arguments go from booleans to flags, which are more
- Change: In loadGlobalRouting(), more exlicit message as to why a net is
filtered out the routing set (POWER, GROUND, CLOCK or BLOCKAGE).
- New: ChipTool, module with utilities specific to chip routing. Containing
a function to pre-break wires around a block.
- New: In loadGlobalRouting/GCellConfiguration, adds supports for RoutingPad
connected on chip's pad.
- New: In GCellGrid/GCell, can compute the density in three modes: average,
max of H/V and max of layer. Currently implemented in getMaxHVDensity(),
should be unificated with getDensity(). Used for display purposes.
- Bug: In AutoContact, when splitting a contact, add a specific check for
"one layer span".
- Bug: In AutoSegment::canMoveUp(), do not move up fixed segments.
- Change: In Grid/BaseGrid, add an Abutment Box attribute (to facilitate
segment truncation in Kite::TrackFixedSegment.
- Change: In Grid/BaseGrid::Axis, when computing a row/column index using
the graduation table, if the coordinate is exactly on the last
graduation, return the last GCell instead of "out of bound".
- Change: In GCell::hasFreeTrack(), AutoSegment::canMoveUp() &
AutoSegment::canPivotUp() adds a "reserve" parameter to modify the
amount of wirelength to remains free after the insertion.
- SVN MOVE: Source tree simplification & uniformisation. Now all tools
are at the same level, directly under the root of the repository.
No more "coriolis/src".