- Bug: In DebugSession, bad stacking/unstacking of debug levels (unapaired),
and wrong value stacked sometimes.
* All Hurricane/Coriolis tools:
- Change: Simplify the CMakeLists,
- Bug: Bad detection of libraries in HURRICANE_CHECK_LIBRARY macro.
- New feature : add a "selectable" characteric on drawable objects. Allows
to selectively select objects through dragging. Note that it's implemented
in term of BasicLayer & ExtensionGo. If an object (Component) has a Layer
composed of more than one BasicLayer it will become selectable as soon as
one of it's BasicLayer is selectable.
- New feature : first try at a more ergonomic interface. The "Controller",
a simple Tabbed window for managing all settings.
Reorganize the way things are selected (Nets, Area, single), aglomerated
Use a "logical" progression Netlist -> Selection -> Inspector.
- In CellWiddget, new Selection managment mecanism to ensure persistent
Selection across cell modifications.
New signals/slots to manage Cell modification :
a. - cellPreModificated() : must be launched *before* the Cell modification
by the tool about to modify it.
b. - cellPostModificated() : must be lauched *after* the Cell modification
This mecanism may be amended to automatically fit with the UpdateSessions.
- Cleanup (part 1) : more consistent name for widgets, replace the 'H' prefix by
a "Widget" suffix. Objects are modified by not filenames yet (due to svn not
liking file renaming and modications at the same time).
- Improved support for static building in CMakeList.txt.
- Bug : default argument to setWeight() sould be QFont::Normal and not "-1".
Shows in Qt debug mode (catched by an assert).
- Bug : SelectCommand now keep the Selection check button in sync.
- Change : Palette doesn't show at start.
* ./hurricane :
- Now choice between static and dynamic linking. Note that thoses options are
mutually exclusives.
* ./coriolis/src/crlcore :
- New choice between static and dynamic linking.
- New feature : XmlParser optional warning when file not found (default is
to warn).
- New feature : now read environment from user's optional configuration file :
- Potential bug : when loading/parsing file, the XmlReader hangs if the opened
file is a directory, and QFile allows directory opening :-(
- Complete include re-organisation.
include/hurricane/*.h : kernel.
include/hurricane/viewer/*.h : hviewer.
include/hurricane/inspector/*.h : hinspector.
Includes have been moved into subdirectories of .cpp files (as in
- Now you must include files like this :
#include <hurricane/Layer.h>
#include <hurricane/viewer/CellViewer.h>
#include <hurricane/inspector/HInspector.h>
- Suppressed viewer specific include path in FindHURRICANE.cmake.
* ./crlcore/src/crlcore :
- Adapted to new Hurricane include scheme. Corrected bugs in it's own
include files (noticeably "Utilities.h").