- New: "debian" directory holding the paraphernalia needed to create a
Debian/Ubuntu package.
- New: In buildCoriolis, add a Debian packaging method.
- Change: In coriolis2.spec, the build/install procedure now makes uses of
the top-level Makefile.
- Change: In FindBoostrap, detection of the distribution type. Finally not
needed but kept here, just in case. Based on "lsb_release".
- Change: In FindPythonSitePackages, simplificate the detection of the Python
site-package directory. No longer on-the-fly generate a python script.
- New: coriolisEnv.py, little helper script to setup the environment.
- New: Icon & desktop entry for Linux (doesn't work yet).
- Bug: In FindLEFDEF, uses LIB_SUFFIX to find libraries on 64 bits systems.