* Change, in build.conf: re-added support for the newly migrated Chams
* Bug, in bootstrap/../ the tool by tool compilation was
not working. Now it does (argument "--tool").
* New, in boostrap/../cmake_modules: support for retreiving the Git
hash number (SHA1). Borrowed on the net from (kudos):
Ryan Pavlik <>
Project hierarchy reorganisation:
* With svn, we were doing a tool by tool checkout, suppressing the
whole repository hierarchy level.
* The tools were also grouped, inside one repository, into multiple
projects (<bootstrap>, <vlsisapd>, <coriolis>).
* We do not want to split up each tool into a separate repository,
given their tight integration (except for vlsisapd).
* We choose to simplify, and consider all tools in a svn repository
one project. Due to the way Git clone repositories, the directory
containing the project is now to be seen under "src/".
CMake modifications:
* Now that the <vlsisapd> and <bootstrap> projects are merged into
coriolis, modificate the top CMakeLists.txt of each tool to uses
only Coriolis (and bootstrap hard wired).
CCB compile script modifications:
* Uses the new source tree hierarchy, with the project directory
* Remove (comment) all parts relateds to svn managment.
* Git is sufficiently simple so that we do not want to integrate
command shortcut into the script.
SVN cleanup:
* Remove the obsolete <chamsin> tool, that has become the full fledged
<chams> project long time ago.
- New: Complete rewrite of & merge with easyChams to provide
a graphical interface. Asides to the GUI, when run in graphic mode all
settings are kept from run to run. Meaning that once the initial setup
is done, a user may completly forget where things are... The new tool
is named <ccb> for 'Coriolis & Chams Builder'.
The Builder is now a module, that is split into multiples files.
The old is kept for the time beeing to ensure a smooth
- New: In, in the svnCheckout command, if the source
directory do not exists, create it (recursively).
- Change: In, in the svnCheckout command, take the svn
tag version number in account now...
- Change: In debian/coriolis2.doc-base, small correction on the
documentation files to include.
- Change: In Makefile.package, crlcore & unicorn now generate
- New: Support for tarball directly from the user checkout (--user-tarball).
- New: Full parametrization through a "build.conf" file.
- Change: Uses user-defined exceptions to terminate.
- New: guessOs() now detect FreeBSD 8.
* ./bootstrap/,
- Bug: 'lib64' instead of '64' under Linux.
- New: guessOs() now detect FreeBSD 8.
- Change: Remove support for Coriolis 1. No more --v2 option either, Coriolis2
selected by default. Python paths also set by default.
- Bug: In ./cmake_modules/FindBootstrap.cmake, fix small message display
typos. No 'IN LISTS' in forach call. Force variable lookup in
SEARCH_SETUP_DIR in foreach summarizing the search path.
- Change: For the setup_sysconfdir() boostrap/cmake macro uses the
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to guess where we are being installed.
Should be more reliable than any *_TOP environment variable.
* ./bootstrap:
- Change: In, detect not only when the X_TOP is not
sets but also when it's sets to an empty value. In either case
gives priority of the X_USER_TOP over the X_TOP.
- New: "debian" directory holding the paraphernalia needed to create a
Debian/Ubuntu package.
- New: In buildCoriolis, add a Debian packaging method.
- Change: In coriolis2.spec, the build/install procedure now makes uses of
the top-level Makefile.
- Change: In FindBoostrap, detection of the distribution type. Finally not
needed but kept here, just in case. Based on "lsb_release".
- Change: In FindPythonSitePackages, simplificate the detection of the Python
site-package directory. No longer on-the-fly generate a python script.
- New:, little helper script to setup the environment.
- New: Icon & desktop entry for Linux (doesn't work yet).
- Bug: In FindLEFDEF, uses LIB_SUFFIX to find libraries on 64 bits systems.
- Change: FindLEFDEF moved here from crlcore.
- Change: In FindLEFDEF, when LEF/DEF is not found sets the include and
library pathes to the empty chain "" instead of NOTFOUND which prevents
usage in derived CMakeLists.
- New: In, support for the distribution patch.
The distribution patch do some customizations needed for the distribution.
- Change: In, support for patch, include starter
documentation. Do not prepend %{buildroot} to CORIOLIS_TOP environment
- Change: In, now do a install "in system", that is
under /usr witch configuration in /etc. Create a patch file to
sets up accordingly the pathes in configurations files.
- Change: More accurate detection of the qt version based on distribution
recognition (%{rhel} & %{fedora}).
- Change: adopt a tree layout compliant with the UNIX FHS.
* includes under TOP/include/coriolis2.
* shared datas under TOP/shared/coriolis2.
* docs under TOP/share/doc/coriolis2.
* configuration under TOP/etc/coriolis2
* ./crlcore:
- Change: In Environment, comply to the new tree layout, search configuration
files under TOP/etc/coriolis2/.
* ./knik:
- Change: In flute, comply to the new tree layout, get the "POW*.dat" files
from TOP/share/coriolis2/flute-2.4.
libraries gets installed in "lib64" instead of "lib". sets automatically LIB_SUFFIX for cmake.
coriolis2.spec modificated to uses lib64 on 64 bits.
- New: In, support to build rpm packages (in user's "rpm"
- Added: for rpm building. Install under /opt/coriolis2.
This spec files has the particularity to also buildup a binary tarball
of the compiled & installed files, this avoid a second complete build
stage. The tarball is put into "rpm/SOURCES".
- Change: In the CMakeLists.txt, in all the install commands remove all
the leading "/" as they prevents the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to be took
into account. It was nevertheless working because was
using DESTDIR which is prepended anyway.
* ./goodies:
- Change: In, no longer uses the DESTDIR but instead
- New: In, adds a "--rm-build" option which removes the
tool's build directory before building it. A very crude way to ensure
that nothing obsolete form a previous build will gets in the way...
- Bug: In, when multiple projects where given on the command
line, only the latest was processed. Now all projects are processeds.
(in the order given on the command line so watch out!)
- Bug: In, io tool was both declared as belonging to io
and hurricane project. Removed from Hurricane.
- Bug: In, exctract correctly the return status of a
command to return it to the parent process. See Python documentation
about os.wait() & os.waitpid().
- Change: In, expand the '~' in the root path if needed.
- Bug: Do not stop if the "--no-cache" option is given but the
CMakeCache doesn't exists.
- Change: <PROJECT>_SEARCH_PATH are put back into the *first* tool of
a project.
- Bug: In HURRICANE_CHECK_MACRO(), the quiet flag was not correctly
implemented. User ARGV instead of argv (case sensitivity!).
- Change: New structure for the installation & CMake system.
* Tools are now grouped in "projects". There are three projects:
1. - IO: Standalones parsers/drivers (IO_USER_TOP, IO_TOP).
2. - Coriolis: Base & digital tools (CORIOLIS_USER_TOP, CORIOLIS_TOP).
3. - Chams: Analogic tools (CHAMS_USER_TOP, CHAMS_TOP).
Each *project* has a two "TOP" environement variables, for
example: IO_TOP and IO_USER_TOP. Thoses variables are the only
ones useds to locate the tool (CMake modules, headers & libraries).
The local path always takes precedence over the global one.
The localisation process occurs in each tool top CMakeLists.txt
where the macro SETUP_PROJECT_PATH is to be defined. There is no
way to put it in a shared includes file as it's the macro precisely
used to locates the includes... You have to call the macro once for
each project you wants to uses:
* In FindTOOL.cmake, supress the <TOOL>_DIR_SEARCH and uses the
* modificated according to the new "TOP" scheme.
- an easy way to run pharos
- supports several technologies
- show/hide a console that catch all pharos' outputs
- supports settings to save technologies / directories
PLEASE update your script.
You only have to update the script (no compilation needed) and verify that your easyChams program points to this updated script.